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  • by nerfing on-hook reduction to 1%, they essentially deleted his infection mechanic making it never come into play. the problem isn't 4%, it is the fact you can't activate -4% at any point in time.
  • BVHR already has base-kit anti-tunnel mechanic. the mechanic is called borrow time. it grants 10% haste and endurence for 10 seconds. All they need to do is buff it to 60 seconds of haste and 60 seconds of endurance like Light out. You'll see a lot less tunneling. they also have AFC which will be renamed to AC which only…
  • you can't kill survivors if the game is over 5-6 minutes vs efficient teams. killer need to be rewarded for kicking gens and downing survivors. Old ruin used to be 200% regression. changing c/s back to 200% soft-revert ruin without changing anything about the perks. Jolt is 8% regression and it spends 1 regression event.…
  • because killer ALSO got nerfed by having 8 regression limit for these changes which does in fact come into play because 3 gen was one of strongest strategy for killer to prologue game+ it also comes many nerf that occured to perks like overcharge and call of brine as well as wide variety of other gen defence perk nerfs.…
  • well of course, i am not going by popular opinion. this is my opinion. wesker can't use his power on jagged rock wall loops either. he often needs straight type loop where he can slide over to perform his hug tech. He doesn't end up bloodlusting the loop but he is at best 115% m/s on said loop which isn't very much better.…
  • yeah but for some killer the add-on is like iri, like iridescent stone for trapper. the thing is, depending on player, different people have different opinion for what they want base-kit in said killer because different player uses different add-on for killer. ] that's like saying solo Q survivors need a medkit with addons…
  • i think you should lose a health-state on initially grab if your infected fully. so if you hit an object, you lose 1 from regular hit and 1 from object you got slammed into but that is like QOL change for him. Overall i still wish wesker didn't go on cooldown after vaulting a pallet or a window. he should also be able to…
  • well in my opinion, SM didn't need any changes. that is a lot of other killer mains opinion as well. even those that play survivor agree that skull merchant is not an issue but survivor complain enough to get her nerfed just like all these other killers. the good news is that unlike these other killers that have no…
  • because those 10% of matches are actual matches that both sides survivor and killer are playing well. if your losing specific on the 10% of the matches more often than winning then you'd see those 10% matches as imbalanced. the 90% of matches killer are winning are matches where the survivor is playing poorly with many…
  • ask freddy. i just miss the old thana for -4% healing %. i feel like thana could be revert have anti-heal back since mangled only lasts a short period of time.
  • in my opinion, incap needs to go back and eruption is considered fairely weak in current state. i still use it because there is not much else in term of game-delay perks left or impact perks for killer for that matter.
  • his penalty is only towards exit gates, healing and generator repair. in the rework version, they removed exit gates. it is not global penalty to all actions. if it was, it would make freddy super strong at protecting totems like with thrill of the hunt and he'd have base-kit anti-sabotage. Doctor+Pig is probably the…
  • next set of killers are really interesting. leatherface, pig, freddy, clown for 2vs8. my vote is for pig but i definitely would not mind a freddy as an ally.
  • hopefully with freddy. Maybe freddy in 2vs8 mode will be really good. He grants oblivious to entire team.
  • At least skull merchant allows you to stay at the loop for a trapping killer. Trapper and Hag when they have a trap in a loop is near guaranteed hit or down. skull merchant rework will just revert her nerfs. probably. to what extend remains to be seen. toon in 6 months or whenever this rework is scheduled.
  • that is worthless function. my impression is that this perk is suppose prevent survivors from suffering over-time regression. its current form does that by giving information on the regressing generators but it is wildly time inefficient for survivor to stop regression. that is why i said my version would turbo buff the…
  • I suspect they'll nerf them further. Like i bet the iri add-on that gives you a corrupt puke on gen completion will be 1 fountain filled automatically on gen completion and idk what they'll nerf for black incense. probably make it that it only gives aura reading when you are NOT fully infected.
  • underrated? it doesn't do its job well. you could legit buff this perk to stop over-time regression globally across entire map as active ability with 40/30/20 seconds when you work on a gen. this would be an extremely over-tuned version of rookie spirit and people still wouldn't use it. It is niche counter-pick perk to…
  • Freddy rework got nerfed for same reason. "Forever freddy is unfun, killer is stacking anti-heal+game delay, nerf please". Old freddy had forever build as his base-kit. I suspect the entire reason why freddy is still unchanged is because they don't want to buff his "unfun" play-style perceived by survivors. every part of…
  • they're even nerfing twins further by increasing cooldown for getting kicked. old twins had like 8 second kick punishment or something. like one of the reason why twins is unpopular is because she is extremely anti-newbie friendly. new killer player have no chance to pick up twins as killer because she is way hard. No…
  • eh bloodlust kinda deletes that problem for huntress. admittedly she is prone to pre-running. She has no strong 1v1 as her anti-loop is outdated I don't agree. good survivors wreck wesker a lot harder then Huntress. Huntress usually has this problem. She wrecks every survivor in the chase but loses to gen speed. if i lose…
  • her 1vs1 is vastly superior to wesker. Wesker's infection means nothing when you can go to the start of the game to a chest and hold a infection spray for entire match. you won't get infected and the slowdown his spray has is minimal when it is done at the start of the match.
  • the dev make it scattered for what rarity the killer's good add-on are. You'll have killers where their best add-on is purple rarity like Medusa's hair on dracula or Clown's Cigar box and than you'll have add-on like Rat poison for chucky that does something similar as cigar box at green rarity. I don't think it is fair to…
  • they'll never make him 115% m/s before buffing his gun. Maybe as iri add-on.
  • i think the problem with wesker's infection is that it has no middle ground. it is 0 or 1 value. there is no middle ground to infection helping wesker inside chase. In my opinion, i would change hindered to apply in set increments. first 25% → 2% 50% infection → 4% 75% infection → 5% 100% infection → instant down.…
  • but the issue with pre-running on indoor maps is that you regularly don't know where the killer is The problem is that swf knows where killer is. especially due to TR. even soloq, i am able to pre-run hallways fairely effectively. if you don't actually have basically an entire corridor's worth of distance on killers like…
  • i think it needs a different negative that relates to making user bleed out faster if they spam use unbreakable effect.
  • The guard bug that has turned into a feature has made his power absolutely useless in mid or high SBMM. It's where you can fake a vault so your guard goes there first, meaning that the guard prioritize the pallet or window than running straight to the survivor. Completely abusable The worst part is that knight on release…
  • surely, they want killer to play Scratch mirror Myer's on Badham preschool. current mode isn't hard enough.
  • isn't being ranged killer downside. i always find matches with huntress with first down to be very tedious. you move at 4.4 m/s making shift-w pre-running a total chore. The problem is likely even worse for deathslinger. In my experience killer that excel on this map tend to be killer that counter pre-running shift-w, like…
  • nurse is geared towards tunneling. Hard-tunneling. Tunnelling off-hook. In practice, Nurse is ultimate tunneler. second only to wesker but wesker got nerfed for "tunneling" since his passive doesn't work anymore. The killer that are geared towards slugging are killer that Have a strong version base-kit Machine gun Have…
  • I mean they could buff eruption to be 20% regression +12 seconds of incapacitate. we'll be back in eruption meta in no time.
  • Gens being longer does nothing with Hyperfocus Stakeout etc. if people want to gen rushm they will co-ordinate a way that is not what i am talking about. the perk have nothing to do with 3 survivors being efficiently on generator entire game. So you agree smaller maps are making the game more imbalanced then, that's what…
  • Zoning I do not like this aspect of him as a Survivor, nor as the Killer. Currently if you want to zone you just tap m2 and slow down a tiny bit. This was the main reason why he got nerfed in the first place, yet even with the nerf, he's still a zoning machine to this day. Exiting the ADS will now slow you down heavily for…
  • 3 times? more like 10 times, deadline increases odds of skill-checks by 10%. if you hit all 10 for example, that is 10% progression. it is high skill type perk. being injured happens all the time. I am not saying that this is good perk but in comparison, the killer perk is near blank perk slot. Most killer perks have…
  • some killers rely on add-on to have an effective kit.
  • Gens taking longer did make camping stronger, that's why the hook timers were increased as one mistake was very unforgiving, and that change has helped ease up the pressure a little, why do you think reassurance is so good….? Gen taking longer makes gen-rushing less effective. Like i said in my post, the map being smaller…
  • yes… because deadlock is one of the more viable killer perks. it is like saying, a survivor won't complain when they get lithe. Excuse me? How is Scene Partner a positive? How is that Alan Wake perk that gives you Doctor-flashbacks a positive? How is OoO not a negative in the vast majority of cases? scene partner is free…
  • You can‘t balance around weak and slow killers and leave the strong and fast ones untouched. the thing is, it doesn't matter that a map is smaller for fast killers because the killer that are fast cross the map regardless of what size is. Like billy doesn't care that eyrie of crow or rotten fields became smaller. Making…
  • i think removing cooldown would be a start.
  • easier /= better. a killer that efficiently hook 2 survivors 3 times is still better than a killer that slugs. 6 hooks to win is fastest way to win but it is also not that easy to do because you need track hooks, understand survivor positions and than there is always stealth survivor to deal with. I think that is why in…
  • chaos shuffle means that dev get a ton of stats on terrible perks. at the same time, the perk that were bad 7 years ago are still bad to this day. so i don't really have any faith for much improvement.
  • maybe if they buff aura reading duration to like 25 seconds, I could see a use case for survivors bodyblocking with health-states to wall-hack the killer at loops like shack. current wall-hack duration is too low.
  • maps being smaller is their solution to immobile killers. if maps are big, killer will 3 gen because map is too big to patrol. it also means that every gen that is too far away is free gen for survivor. big maps are also grant free wins for survivor if killer doesn't 3 gen and the last 2 gens are spread out. a skilled…
  • i almost don't feel ever perkless with survivor in the mode. yes you'll occasionally get stuff like Sprint burst+Dead hard with some dead perk here and there but you almost always get something that works or does something. i think it is mostly killer perk that end up being not very good. at least is that is my experience…
  • that is because killers add-on constantly received nerfs like Pinky finger, Entire blight add-on list, Spirit add-on list, Nurses add-on list, etc. In fact, i can't even remember last time killer have received a decent high impact add-on on a killer. Like i can't remember last time killer got a add-on that was "Pinky…
  • OR if all survivors are either dead, hooked or in the dying state, all survivors bleed out 300% faster Toxic slugging in very end game should definitely be looked into. awhile back, they had a system called finisher mori that ended the match when all 4 survivor were slugged. the system was a bit too aggressive because it…
  • cenobite can camp right now with engineer fang. you can injure someone from very long range actually, recover and m1. downed from heathy to injured. face-camp/proxy camping cenobite is very dangerous if he has engineer fang. it completely delete his actual 1vs1 chase potencial but camping is surely there. original pain…
  • why? if every map is greenville squire, you have plenty of pallets to chain into one another making zoning less effective. if there very few pallets and the map is mostly open like Rotten field where it is giant dead-zone with super strong pallets on each corner, then zoning killer rain supreme because they only zone…