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  • If you were working with someone who has Prove Thyself, and another Survivor with Prove Thyself also comes along, what they do is give the perk boost to the individual who is equipt with Prove Thyself working on the gen. You're right that it won't stack with you, but the perk only affects other Survivors and not the one…
  • If the Survivor has a Bubble revealing their location after a scream whilst within the terror radius, it would make the perk bad to use. Matches with The Doctor shows how quickly a Survivor can be traced. The fact Scene Partner can produce multiple screams makes it even worse. The scream already is directional from my…
  • I win a lot more, both as Survivor and Killer. I do well enough in normal mode using fully randomized builds, but in Chaos Shuffle everybody is in the same boat, so it's a decent advantage for me. This is a reason I enjoy Chaos Mode, but I genuinely believe this mode is the best alternative as a more casual mode.
  • It's certainly important to protect someone who is on last hook if you have hooks to spare. I've done that many times with varying degrees of success, but Survivor numbers matter, and an early sacrifice does not bode well for the rest of the game (not impossible, but undoubtably a slog). Each trial throws different…
  • It really is just down to whatever happens in a trial. What may work for me in one trial will not work in every trial. Below are the 3 latest trials where I let someone go, starting with the most recent: Belmont: He was an absolute soldier, taking chases, hits, risking himself for the sake of the team like an absolute…
  • I'd say a selfish player isn't someone doing gens, as that's still contributing. A selfish player barely works towards the goal and just hovers around, doing nothing except blending into the scenery and waiting for that Hatch escape, whilst occasionally being a hindrance. It depends, but as a rule of thumb the more risks…
  • I can only speak from experience, but as a SoloQ player Saboteur has worked a fair few times to help others. It's not a dead perk. It does work better in a SWF, yet nearly every perk also works better in a SWF. My builds are always randomized, so whenever Saboteur appears it's mixed with all sorts of non-coordinated perks.…
  • I think she's an enigma that nobody really understands. It may be two completely unknown or unsuspected Survivors. What I'm really interested in is the mention of Baker! We haven't heard anything from him since The Clown, but it appears he's still about, somewhere! Well, either that or I need to really catch up on the lore!
  • I suppose it depends on how many of that quantity are choosing to play which roles, alongside lobbies, lobby dodging, mmr not being great and so on. As mentioned before, I don't believe these are exactly 100% accurate, but when you consider CoD: Warzone currently has an estimated 14 million players averaging per day and…
  • Sometimes, the most dangerous Killers are Survivors! I've lost probably more trials due to others giving up than because of the Killer's ability or my errors. It's been mentioned before about low-priority lobbies - which I have also advocated for in the past - and note a reason given is the low number of players. Yet DBD…
  • The good thing about Chaos Shuffle is it makes people re-evaluate what they actually know about the game. It's possible to become too reliant on perks and not enough on the base game. It's why I always randomize my builds, because it has made me a better player, having to not always be relying on good perks. I'm not sure…
  • It's not toxic. Frustrating, I can empathise with. Yet all they're doing is distracting you whilst others are on the gens, in order to get as many of them out as possible. That's if they're efficient. If they're all at it, then it's pretty much a BP bonanza with a guaranteed 3-4K, because those Survivors don't have any…
  • Eerie Of Crows can be full of surprises, but I have to agree that if you have a SWF which knows what they're doing, and the Killer doesn't have the mobility, then whoever is that Killer is going to have one hell of an uphill battles (and that's putting it mildly!).
  • As you say, all that does is feed into the cycle. Dodging lobbies just because of worries your survivors may not be as experienced doesn't mean that they won't be any good. I have had many trials with P100s who have been absolutely terrible, and who had hundreds to thousands of hours in-game. Likewise, I've been with less…
  • Don't always put a trap in an obvious place. Hide them in grass. Also, you'll be surprised how many Survivors use the same pathing. Watch this and adapt setting traps to fit in with their movement style. Be unpredictable; It works a real treat. As for Survivor, watch your feet, and when you come across a tile, take time to…
  • That's not guaranteed. In fact, even onw of the mods here have said they have taken onboard the feedback and will not be going ahead with the PTB version of the Mori and Offerings. They have said there will be a change to Mori's, but with luck the feedback may either leave it as is, or keep the Finisher Mori, but all…
  • Elvira as a Survivor makes sense! She was a prominent figure in the horror scene when she was in her prime, and an icon to boot, so she'd fit right in!
  • If I do, it's because I randomize my entire build (the Chaos Shuffle deals with the perks, and I randomize the rest). Should anybody think The Shape sending himself to the Eerie Of Crows is a form of tactical play, I'd love to know why (unless the complete insanity of it scares the crap out of Survivors from the off!).…
  • So, if @Grigerbest is right about what Mandy has said, one easy solution is to make it harder to dodge lobbies. Not necessarily "punish" them with time bans, but maybe either a) once someone enters a lobby, they then have to stay in that lobby, or b) exiting a lobby sends you to the main screen. Personally, I'd prefer the…
  • I know, right??? Who'd have thunk it?!?
  • It's the best, most consistent mode they've done for me, with 2v8 a decent second. Since I always randomize everything in every trial in normal mode, it's nice to have everyone on the same footing. It's a lot of fun, a most trials are more relaxed. There are posts claiming Killers tunnel and camp harder, and I don't doubt…
  • I'm not sure a DLC would come of it. Then again, D&D is here, so I may be wrong. Darkest Dungeon feels more like it would be a great cosmetic opportunity! Some considerations on this: Haddie Kaur - Antiquarian Elodie Rakoto - Arbalest Sable Ward - Grave Robber Meg Thomas - Hellion David King - Highwayman Vittorio Toscano -…
  • That comment about not liking win streaks: I am fully onboard with that. The playstyle is often dull, predictable and is really just a joyless way of playing, even for the Killer in some respects! What I would love to watch, which I feel would be the ultimate Killer challenge of 12 hook win streaks. With the caviate of not…
  • A fair trade, considering you're an almost guaranteed 1 hit down (barring perks). However, I could see it being used by people to hide all trial. Not often, mind - just often enough to cause frustration. Stick this with Iron Will and Calm Spirit, and they could be practically invisible!
  • I'd love to see The Magnus Archives as a concept! Plenty of unusual, possible perks, powers, Killers amd Survivors to choose from!
  • I still have trauma from Mario Kart. Bloody Blue Shell! I'm surprised that thing hasn't been taken by The Entity and made a Killer, because that thing would strike the genuine fear of god into anyone who comes across it!
  • Mine is because I'm a 50/50 player, and there are very few (if any) other picture options out there to represent this. It would be nice to have a few more neutral pictures available.
  • And that's not even including subtle cheaters, who many have a permanent 3% buff to their speed or something similar. It's sometimes hard to tell.
  • My opinion has improved, although I was normally more positive of them in the past, even though they did do some missteps. There were certain people on the team who were problematic back then, and I feel the general team is much more positive towards the players, and much more open besides. They do infuriate me when they…
  • Now you mention it, those two wooden crates do seem to be plotting something..
  • The same. I've not seen much difference compared to the vanilla mode regarding tunnelling/camping. The main difference is people meme a bit more on this. It still feels very relaxed, at least from my experience on the UK servers.
  • I have no idea about this game, but I may need to find my wallet round about now.
  • It was close between this and Cry Of Fear but F.E.A.R wins due to it having a more recognisable antagonist. Also, Cry Of Fear had its most memorable antagonist in the form of a Killer that was in many ways similar to The Hillbilly, and I reckon Alma would offer more.
  • I voted anti-cheat as my main choice of focus for BHVR. There were other options I also liked, but defense is the best way to start, so a more robust anti-cheat system to make games more enjoyable to start with would set a nice base to work from. There'll always be catch-up against hackers, but swifter responses, and more…
  • I'm all for this. I do this in my normal games anyway, and it's so fun finding out the benefots certain items give, which are often underestimated by others. Maybe in the next iteration they'll do this.
  • Love this mode and always will. This, along with 2v8 a second (for me), are the two best things BHVR have done. It's a shame the glitch with perks only being selected at Tier 1 came with this, but at least they acknowledged it and are going to switch it. Sorry you're not enjoying it, but my opinion is completely the other…
  • I don't listen to music whilst playing, because it's distracting and hearing is one of my stronger points, so I don't really want music to get in the way of that. However, that doesn't stop songs coming into my head whilst playing! "Run Like Hell" by Pink Floyd was a favourite. "Get To Heaven" by Everything Everything also…
  • I have, and it's brilliant! I admire you sticking to your shtick though! Dedication to the cause is always the way to go.👍
  • Well, I hope your games improve, exaggerations aside.
  • Chaos Shuffle for the win, absolutely! Loving this mode being back, and the 3× BP bonus is also great too, so happy days all around!
  • This is an interesting bait post. A bit too obvious, because with good bait posts there's normally a decent argument to it. This doesn't. However, it has worked a bit, so well done!
  • He's fine balance-wise as he is currently. I've seen him both dominate and get slaughtered. There is counterplay to him.
  • Well, The Doctor has run off with the King and Queen pieces and - since he apparently doesn't want to share - there will be no chess for a while.
  • So, are we looking at thw winner? Because the way BHVR are relaying their message, it seems this entry into a cosmetic competition has a guarantee of appearing in-game; therefore the winner.
  • There isn't much evidence to support nor dismiss your claim. The only proof I can find comes from CoD and Fall Guys which have both done the same thing. CoD clearly is doing really well, and Fall Guys not so much. However, there's no evidence to say the successes or failures are down to this. I still believe it's worth…
  • Yes, there is that and people all have different perspectives. My thinking comes from the fact that the Entity absorbs trillions, and often uses its preys' weaknesses against them. There are real world examples of animals, fungi and plants manipulating their prey using trickery or control, even though they are barely…
  • As much as I dislike people who disconnect over the most immature of things, this isn't the answrr. As one person said earlier, we have just removed Prestiges in pre-game lobbies to reduce lobby-dodging, so bringing in another is problematic. However, what you stated about Killer Instinct having "rage-quit only lobbies" I…
  • In terms of the classics, The Dark Lord definitely would benefit from a classic Dracula outfit, although not sure how licensing works regarding that Dracula and Castlevania's Dracula. I'd love to see more classic. I know The Hag has a Merman outfit and The Blight has similarities to the "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" character, but…
  • My favourites are those which really get the adrenaline pumping. Therefore, my top 10 are: The Oni The Executioner The Shape The Dredge The Unknown The Onryō The Hillbilly The Cannibal The Trapper The Nightmare
  • Firstly, I agree with the sentiment. There are sadly people out there who are too immature for this game; who have an unhealthy need to voice their discontent over any insignificant thing. What I'm happy to say is I come across more people who are nice than not. Likewise, I'll only ever message someone with a compliment.…