We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • Yes and you do any actions at all the effects go away and if you do not use your being useless to your team. If they didnt add that dumb pity Conspicuous actions to it then yeah it was op before now it is not.
    in Distortion Comment by buggybug 6:42PM
  • It is cool that your name shows to your swf if in anonymous mode but its lame it does not if its with random people, as much as I would love to meet and expand more with people, killers with their pathetic ways of stream sniping is the thing. 2 days ago literally sauce this xenomorph for 3 gens who then decide to chase…
  • All killer aura perks should get the token treatment like like pain res did, after 4 uses of aura reading perks we go back to the old fashion strategic way of looking for survivors without the game giving free 24 hour information. All add ons that give aura reading should be reworked.
  • Ok well please tell your fellow killer mains to stop cryng about gen rush. Cause I saw a nerf hyper focus trend.
  • More like stop nerfing and taking away everything from survivors which encourage the rat behavior and stop giving killers free info via all these aura read crutches and add ons and even without distortion and sole survivor people still hide and am sure there still be 50million complaints on hiding, dc, giving up. You guys…
  • Yes shadow step is strong I know cause i like it but the issue is 24 meters is garbage and its useless on outdoor maps and some maps forever have the most awful to find totem spots and it takes just one second for a killer to stomp it, thats time that could have been on a gen and even teamates ( solo q ) will get all edgy…
  • Good guys also win in horror shows because some actually dont run, they whop their predators ass and get justice for their fallen friends and families. Heck as another person suggest in a topic I would love a finisher as survivor 4s means survivors should be able to tag team the killer as a finisher like knights mori or…
  • I think I explain already why those perks are a waste of time but I agree with OOO there is something I like to confirm though when your the obesssion the killer see you as well for every 3 second on 30 second cool down what i want to know if when your lucky and is not the obesssion. I see the perk still work which reveal…
  • Exactly this ^^
  • It still involves hiding in the killer terror radius and with hyper focus lets gens be done fast which killers complains about. So its barely different.
  • Stake out does this same thing so why is stake out ok?
  • Didnt mean to double post weird glitch.
  • Tell me that your right with telling me that your correct. cause yeah me that did a 13 hour stream yesterday of 200 matches 190 of them all with no distortion a rat or two or three doing nothing while am having a 2 to 5 min chase or they opening chests or doing totems.🤭
  • Funny thing is I see it alot in my games, the lobby will even have 0 flashlights and killer still has basekit lightborn equipped and am like in my mind yay flashbang saves only to be light up with OOO that they have it lol. Funny when people say flashbang take no skill but lightborn literally is the same concept of no…
  • Bad as self care is its some what worth it and infinite immediate cause every other healing perk is just as time consuming, too limited or worst than it is, inner strength while good and fast for example requires a totem and some maps have horrible to spot totem locations or strength in shadows while nice is bad because…
  • End game chat filter makes no sense, for one this game is M rated. Also trickster literally swears like hell in the game itself lol. Can simply give a filter option to block bad words if some players do not want to see them.
  • Well yeah whats the use of the perk if you have not been caught and hook? You cant seriously tell me that you have not been a in a match where you have not gotten a value of certain perks. Conspicuous Actions being added to it ruined it.
  • Exactly like being slugged on the floor as the third person to look for fourth and no point in dc because they get a bot now. I much rather give the last person an oppertunity to get a shot at hatch its pathetic and I personally wants bots gone. Bots are just free bp and adepts for killer A 3 v 1 is hard but not impossible…
  • Touch down brother because even with no distortion teams I see tunneling, even the so call bbq chili that is claim to be healthy they use it to tunnel along with anything that reveals aura example a killer chasing a person but see someone with nurses healing (when they just got off the hook)what do they do, down them…
  • Because they getting handhold for soon to be 3 years now ofc its balance in their rule books for survivors.
  • off the record=useless because you got to be hook and if your not its no value period sole survivor=encouraging your team to get killed off(far worst than distortion) shadow step=yes waste 1min+ looking for a totem + then wasting another 15 seconds or so blessing it only for killer to instant snuff it with its itsy bitsy…
  • Did about 200 matches today (13 hour stream) and the amount of people that was hiding was just beyond unbelievable and if they not hiding for some reason they doing chests/totems no gens or if am being chase for a hot 2 to 5 mins(still no gens being done) yeah distortion was the only reasons rat exists indeed(sarcastic).…
  • Amma keep it real simple, 6.1 to this recent patch is the reason. Pretty positive people know what those reasons are. Also for the love of god please stop thinking its only solo que who is suffering, casual swfs also is suffering, one of them major thing is as example use to have 50+ friends to always swf up with but being…
  • I do because if a killer is bad at catching loopers and sadly worst if all 4 survivors know how to loop the gen perks cant do anything at that point, I know this cause sometimes I do get those crack teams who can loop and my 4 gen perks become 0 value, but as a put on weaves + franklins am getting downs easily, specially…
  • Seems you never gotten a billy with lethal before then, they will have you beg to differ..
  • You forgot Healing builds/stealth builds/anti hook builds/anti tunnel builds/anti slug builds/blind/stun builds come now no slacking!!!!!!!!! :P
  • I have not seen in my matches and i did like 100 of them today but overall no leave it alone, you guys took away distortion from us let us have a chance to enjoy the perk (even though am not interested in it). it only gives endurance to the person down(not the user) and its even on 30 seconds cool down if anything this…
  • tcm also been giving all family members different kill stuff… I havent played it like forever though but I see on psn store they have a kill pack 1 2 and 3.
  • tcm also been giving all family members different kill stuff… I havent played it like forever though but I see on psn store they have a kill pack 1 2 and 3.
  • If killer is so bad why is it that survivor bp incentive is given like 95% of of time? Why when I want to play killer specially early mornings i be waiting 2 to 5mins while survivor is a few seconds? Also I wish people stop saying swf is never affected by things cause we do. Imagine use to having 30 friends to swf up with…
  • Seeing the same animaton actually becomes stale eventually. Its not like MK where every character has about 4 kinds to mix it up.
  • Am always getting underserved hits fine as either side in fact even more, even if a survivor medium and was 2 inches from window already on the opposite side, it still counted as a hit and this has been since they fix female survivors smaller vaults compared to males and now fast vaults are trash for another 10 years.
  • Really baffles me how something we said no to something but it comes back and ofc for the killer its this finisher but survivors cant get base ub. I thought the ebony and green moris only going to be extra blood points only if you kill the last survivor with them but no you can also bring them to kill others.
  • Or as another suĝgest keep only kindred and bbq cause i mean the whole come back from killers oh you want us to run 4 gen slow down is abit stale too, thing with gen regress is while annoying yes its does nothing IF all survivors know how to loop and I admit we do have alot of ways to hammer out gens anyways, survivors who…
  • It occur to me that this seem to be only two things killers run but complain on survivors running only meta. Even some killers you always expect the same perk set up here is a few Artist= always pain res and deadman Pyramid head = am all ears nurses Huntress = lethal bbq iron maiden and a random perk Myers= corropt I tried…
  • I let the entity mori me all the time being crushed liked a bag of is chips funny specially cause calm spirit muffles the initial scream. I wont ever give these killers any satisfication of their mori unless its wesker or trickster.
  • Nope every map is bad now, even ormond is bad. Only map survivor has a chance is the game.
  • I still see it alot in my games but might be just me but its fine to return it if coh or selfcare gets buffed sure sable perk is okish but the time spent finding basement is as much time wasting as selfcare.
  • Pyramid head takes the cake for sure. Every other killer at least have some good ones and plague gets the blessing that all of her add ons are good not a single bad one, hat you can create alot of idea. Funny she and ph are complete opppsite.
  • We actually can agree together on this one. Even my friends who hate trickster(I love him though) said ill take him over her while me I rather take spirit over sm as badly as I despise spirit. I
  • The first time she came out i kinda like it even though it sounded like an over loaded washing machine. Her first rework it change from washing machine to annoying sounds of people hitting drums or barrels. I rather honestly they return it to washing machine so I can provide more quarters.
  • Am all ears the basekit perk for all pyramid heads.
  • I think killers themselves want them gone but I could be wrong which I think its a positive as breakable walls I admit just hinders them more sometimes like one in midwitch by gate with the reception desk they are pretty force to break it. Idk why woo still keeps them shown cause survivors cant interact with them yet…
  • Thanks let us hope for the best.
  • Yes and sorry my phone went bonkers and and let me send out a ton of gibberish xd. Oh maps for Midwitch, Haddon. Dead Saloon and Hawkins for sure then again 90% of the maps now are bad another topic would have to be made.
  • I wish we can just have the ability to use the same inventory so that I am not forced to go itemless in a trial with a survivor example escape as Jonah who I never play as so his inventory is empty. It's probably tricky for killer since they all have different add on and power. Some items really need to go map…
  • Instead of totems I say fences,trees,lockers walls would be better self pick up, imagine a survivor trying to use fragile tiny bones to pick themselves up it be funny lol. All good points in all, I still don't understand why also ub base but only for the last 2 survivors and let them get up after one min which am sure one…
  • This I really wanna stop playing this but everytime I too get suckered by some new rift pass else this patch nearly did made me hit Uninstall. I am really seeking games that will still keep my stream going cause while dbd got me to where am at, am just really done with it coupled with the facts all my dear swfs has moved…
  • Excellent and killers dear ask why we bring distortion. I wonder how comes its fine lightborn to negate a entire blind builds all trail or a plague to counter every healing perk and freely cause give 0 emblem points for altruistic things.