We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • He didn't complain about players who "ignore everything else, bring specific perks and items and stop healing to push out gens as fast as possible" or any other concretely defined and specific version of gen rushing, though, he complained about "gens get done too fast." If you truly oppose Us vs Them to the extent you…
  • repeat after me. Flashbangs ONLY make it harder for killer to hook a survivor, they don't auto-blind on pick ups. Basic gameplay counters to flashbangs are situational awareness and knowing there aren't any survivors within 6 meters. Seriously. Flashbang delay is 2 seconds, survivor pick up animation is 3 seconds.…
  • Yeah that seems fair enough. 30 seconds seems very punishing for people who were solo/healthy on a gen and might not have anything else to do, but that's a "might be" and not unreasonably so. If they rework it I think that's a good starting value and they tweak it from there.
  • Holy moly I'm being accused of killer-sided bias! [The bad place] truly has frozen over! I'm saying this as someone who mostly played survivor in 5.x.x patches - Eruption did not feel oppressive at all prior to 6.1. I leave some room for doubt just because I think it was so overshadowed by other regression, that its…
  • Yeah, I basically forgot about that definition and then I phrased my response poorly and sounded more condescending than I meant to - I wanted to communicate that I still disagreed while acknowledging that's a fair use of the term "lose-lose" but I don't think I got that fully across. I did acknowledge that in another…
  • I certainly hope I haven't ever gotten flashbanged through a wall, walls are supposed to block flashbangs. If a survivor ever dropped a flashbang on one side of a wall and i got blinded on the other side, I would imagine that would be classified as a bug.
  • You're right and you should say it. Reduce the incapacitated effect to 16, 12 or even 10 seconds, but it was mostly fine before the 6.1 update and only underappreciated due to other regression effects being even more broken
  • Wasn't trying to correct you, just wanted to make sure I understood what you meant, as I was used to one definition of "lose-lose." Your way of using it makes sense too now that you explained it. I was maybe a little condescending by accident in explaining why I was confused, my bad.
  • Ah my bad, I thought knowing what 3/4 of someone's perks are and knowing exactly where they are on the map, that they'll be out of commission for the next 30 seconds, and knowing the fact they're spening far more time than was necessary getting healed to full, was advantageous for the killer. Glad I've got far more…
  • It's not a free reset though, it's a reset that costs at minimum 1, and in your scenario 3 perk slots, and takes more time than either a med kit or an altruistic heal. IMO the strongest part of this combo is the "- mental" debuff against players whose win con is to deny gameplay to their opponents
  • having to bring perk B to counter perk A because there is no basic gameplay counter to perk A literally means perk A is problematic and needs to be tweaked. you don't have to bring lightborn to counter flashbang, it's just the most extreme example of an obvious counter to this situation you claimed is an auto-lose for…
  • Flashbang: killer brings lightborn, now survivor had a dead perk slot and wasted time following the killer for a flashbang Plot Twist + DS: ignore the unhooked survivor and suddenly they have 1 dead perk slot and 1 perk slot to do something they could do faster with a med kit and no perk slot wasted. Old FTP + BU: it was…
  • Usually when people say "lose-lose" they mean "a scenario where everyone involved is forced into a result that is bad for them personally" When you say "lose-lose" do you mean "uncounterable," as in no matter what you do you will "lose" because you fail to counter the perk? Neither of those perks are uncounterable either.
  • TBH the real lose-lose is choosing to queue up for a game of DBD. You lose because you have to play DBD, and your opponent loses because they have to play DBD. that's a real lose-lose right there
  • The difference is that the survivor complaints are about play styles where people engage in the minimum possible number of gameplay mechanics and the killer complaints are that survivors are not choosing to completely ignore their win con, hope this helps.
  • Personally I think complaining about gens getting done (in the abstract) is far more Us vs Them than anything I said
  • "Good matches of Dead by Daylight" You see there's your problem
  • Survivor definition of unfun: killer plays in a way that everyone, killers and survivors, gets the minimum total possible amount of gameplay interactions imaginable Killer definition of unfun: survivor plays in a way
  • it's not a "false equivalency[sic]" it's literally just how boring I personally find the hook-camping playstyle, from the perspective of the killer; i would genuinely rather watch paint dry as i would find it more productive and as fun. the devs have frequently described the game as a horror-themed tag game, so, sorry you…
  • i play killer to chase survivors not to stare at them. if i wanted to play like you're defending i would follow around an interior designer and watch paint dry instead that way i can do the same thing (stare for prolonged periods at something that isn't moving) be useful to someone and tell them when it's time to apply a…
  • if you think staring at something that is hanging 16 meters away from you for about a minute is fun go to the lourve and visit the mona lisa instead of playing a multiplayer video game and flat out denying one player 75% of the gameplay mechanics
  • please compare my username to the following: i am not the person who made this thread. i am just a random bystander who is tired of the "AFC != Anti-camp" argument because it always misses the point of what people are actually complaining about every time. i am also currently already taking an extended break from DBD, one…
  • There are defo some killer aura perks I think need nerfed too tbh, I just got tired of teammates who would hide with distortion all game & i think new Distortion is still viable. If Distortion is at 1 charge per 15 seconds chase time, that still costs multiple killer perks to partially counteract one survivor perk.
  • God forbid Survivors get to play the game seriously, complaining about "devs won't take away Killer agency" in response to a a complaint that the current state of the game can allow a killer to deny a survivor all agency and force them to hold a hook for 140 seconds? reads as someone who thinks survivor players exist as…
  • All ears only activates once every 30 seconds, enough to recharge both stacks, and that assumes absolute worst case scenario for survivors tbh if you're dropping pallets fast enough to chew through distortion stacks at 15 second recharge, good, getting aura read will make you go down and stop wasting pallets so someone who…
  • "It's not anti camp it's anti face camp" It's not a complaint about the mechanics not doing what it says it'll do, it's a complaint about how the mechanic fails to prevent unfun gameplay. Nobody cares "it's anti face camp" get out of here with that nonsense
  • You're supposed to not hear it around corners, makes mid chase flashbacks viable
  • because it is in terms of kill rate and result distribution. killers have a 57:43 kill to escape ratio, a 51:36 win to lose ratio, and a 57.5% adjusted winrate. all the numbers are in their favor. i personally think it's good for the game to be killer sided, but right now it's killer sided in a way that's miserable for…
  • Actually this deserves its own thread, will update in a bit when I have a break at work
  • Here's an alternative idea: disable the offering and remove it from blood webs, but keep it in inventories Investigate a way of letting people refund offerings for a fraction of the BP Once you figure out how to do that, auto-refund everyone's yellow moris for the full amount of their value and then some Release a feature…
  • You should try running a full area build on someone like Huntess. Bring a map like Dead Dawg, hit some juicy cross-maps, it's fun
  • Did they say they were removing the cage mechanic & going back to regular hooks or something?
  • He's solid imo. If you're performing well as him, it's probably a combination of you being good and some people misjudging his strength. A decent number of people on these forums want to be able to play super relaxed and not worry about complex mechanics, and Dracula's design inherently isn't that. Some people misinterpret…
  • Sure am glad I decided to take an extended break recently, if people are experiencing no-hook gameplay to this extent. I guess I'm gonna have to eat my words. I've been very vocal about thinking people won't switch to slug-only gameplay in reaction to hook changes, but it seems like a significant portion of the killer…
  • Tunneling is fine I enjoy getting tunneled Slugging is generally fine unless it's ego-slugging (slugging to intentionally bleed out or to secure a 4k despite not knowing where the 4th survivor is). there are plenty of situations where slugging is the only option
  • What was her problem?
  • For evey player with [4 useless perks] going against [4 OP perks], there is a player with [4 OP perks] going against [4 useless perks]
  • i win plenty of games as m1 killer, sounds like a skill issue tbh
  • Quick Gambit deactivates for a full minute upon being injured
  • How do people keep making this argument? Unhooking immediately is almost always the better option and waiting until last second is even worse now. That's 10 more seconds of a survivor doing nothing sitting on a hook
  • Come on, man, you're smarter than this. I know you're smart enough to realize "terrible if you can't hit great skill checks" does not mean "terrible always under every circumstance"
  • Because survivor mechanics and survivor characters are completely decoupled. The only differences between survivors is aesthetics, so people play as characters that match what they aesthetically like. The moment survivors start having abilities that can be complimented by perks, the same way killers can pick perks that…
  • Survivors have 4 main ways of winning the game: Making the gens go faster Extending their chases to give more time for the gens to get done Doing altruistic saves to prevent hook states being taken (similar to extending chases, but distinct enough to be separate) Frequent resets to whittle away at generators The 3rd and…
  • There's no such thing as "killers who make no mistakes," just "killers who haven't realized what their mistakes were," at least as far as human players go. Same thing with survivors, there's no such thing as "survivor teams who make no mistakes," just "survivor teams whose mistakes you failed to identify"
  • nightlight and BHVR stats are a heck of a lot better than anecdotal "well I figure" arguments when it comes to directly discussing kill rates. I have my own problems with the site but it's better than anecdote and it's certainly better than nothing
  • I feel like the 15 seconds stat is actually surprisingly low, given that it's for the whole length of the game combined Attack cooldowns are 2.7 seconds, so for a survivor that's been knocked down 3 times that's already 8.1 seconds of total slug time just from the wipe animation. A lot of killers will want to take…
  • It's because they're cowards. Hag is one of my favorite killers to face (although I only get to do so like once every 2-3 months at absolute best 🙁)
  • I don't have to worry about that because I never play stuff that is commonly agreed upon as as OP or annoying to go against. Guess I'm just built different