Slugging For The 4K - An Exaggerated Problem?

Equinox_One Member Posts: 290
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

TL/DR: Better to waste 4 minutes while people bleed out while 1 hides than 20+ minutes because that 1 got someone up/unhooked and now I've got 2 hiding…or even just being annoying while teabagging me from hatch.

Now, slugging sucks. Don't get me wrong. It would be awesome to just send survivors to the hook, but it's not how the game is designed.

Bleeding everyone out to be a jerk shouldn't be a thing and it seems to be on the radar to be fixed, but it's hard to do this in a way that doesn't break the already tenuous balance of the game. A 'bleed out' button would help but also opens yet another avenue to quit penalty free which we don't need.

The contentious point seems to be slugging survivors 'for the 4k', essentially leaving 1-3 people slugged while looking for the last person in order to secure a decisive victory.

Yes, it's a nasty thing to do and not something I'll engage in unless the other side are BM.

However…when I play survivor, I'd say maybe half my annoyance is at the killer and half my annoyance is at that last survivor sitting in a bush somewhere.

Nothing is stopping that last survivor from just conceding up rather than stalemating the game and wasting everyone's time further. At best, you have a slim chance at hatch, while the other survivors sit there and rot. You're just as responsible. Let's all just go next.

I think there's also more pressure on the killer to 'win' than survivors, due to just how much survivors seem to enjoy gloating and rubbing an escape in (there is a reason why 'just leave' is a meme).

So yeah. It's one of those things. If it's between playing a bit mean and not getting gloated at or having my time wasted further, just call me Mr. Mean.

Post edited by Equinox_One on


  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290
  • MikeyMyers666
    MikeyMyers666 Member Posts: 54

    The only time I slug people is towards the end of the game when I have been getting flashlighted all game or when am unable to hook because of a perk that is being used. I still think they need to add a "quick heal" option after 60 seconds that would allow for either a quick heal or quick bleed out (similar to a quick unhook).

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Who says 3K is a win?

    The survivor sitting on hatch teabagging and waiting to leave in front of me?


  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290


    Note: I almost always give hatch or gate. But the whole '3K is a win' isn't official, otherwise nobody would sit on hatch gloating or BM in postgame because they got away.

    In the same vein, hiding for the hatch is unnecessary.

    Killer role is designed to kill. Survivor role is designed to survive. A dumb hiding standoff stalemate is the fault of both parties.

    Again - the fact that people will sit on hatch or in the gates to force the killer watch them leave shows that clearly survivors don't consider 3k a loss - otherwise why gloat?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 855
  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    No. But it does grind my gears a little that killers are given 100% of the blame for 'slug for 4k' scenarios when the hiding survivor is just as responsible for continuing the stalemate.

    I'll also happily admit that people gloating that they got hatch/gate makes me less likely to give other survivors hatch/gate for the rest of the day. I'd rather be whinged at by sore losers than gloated at by a sore winner.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Why not just give up and concede the game though? You know the killer is going to keep looking for you and all you're doing is wasting everyone's time.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Can't really compare survivor giving up to a killer giving up. By the very nature of the game survivors are to be eliminated, the killer is the only one that has to see it through to the end. Killers often get stronger as the match goes on so it makes sense to play at end game and not give up. Survivors get weaker as the match goes on as members are eliminated, pallets are smashed ect. At some point survivors have to realise they have been weakened to the point of no return and they can't win. That's the point where they should concede.

    As for a match being won at 3k, again this is subjective. At best the win for a killer is a scale from 1 to 4 so it's possible to consider 1k a win. A low win but still a win. But each kill increases the level of win. It's up to the individual to determine what a win is for them.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    I've got 1 dead. 1 gen left. I down someone, they crawl under a pallet. I find the other survivor and down them. Third survivor is hiding.

    I then hook the first survivor. Hiding survivor reemerges and pops the other slug up. Now I've got two people playing hide and seek and stalling the game out rather than 1.

    • Hiding survivors use lockers and a few tricks to avoid crows. Aura perks won't work. Neither will spies.
    • If your time is valuable, why not just concede and go to the next game, rather than wasting everyone else's time?
    • If there are three survivors left, the risk is that while I hook one, the other gets up and can then hide indefinitely because I cannot spawn hatch. It's smarter to just slug and wait for the bleedout in that situation. 4 minutes of time wasted as opposed to 20 minutes.
  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    BM from sore losers is better than BM from sore winners, every single time.

  • warp1die
    warp1die Member Posts: 519

    If the survivor side wants their time to be respected and the killers to be satisfied with 3 kills. You have to make a deal. Stop wasting collapse time by immediately running to the gate and giving any survivor you catch as a consolation prize without saving them.

    Otherwise, you can't ask the killers for something you can't give yourself. I'm for an equal exchange. What are you willing to pay so that I don't play for 4 kills? It has to be something worthwhile.

    Another option is to attract more fun killers to the killer side. Since you won't be able to come to an agreement with those who are currently playing as killers. Your value systems are too different.

    Now, when the event is going on, I'm conducting an experiment. You can see how it looks. I play a very nice killer without camping, tunneling, and slugging. In return, I get this. I did nothing wrong, but I can if I want. They still continue to waste my time every time.

    My question is why should I respect your time in the opposite situation? After all, if the slug is the killer's choice, the survivor's choice is at the gate. According to the law of balance, when you take away someone's time, you must give that time back.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    People who teabag on hatch after a normal 3k are sore losers though. We already established that a 3k is a loss and survivor BM for a 3k is the "I went 0-2, it was close tho" of dbd

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    They crawled under a pallet. I know one of the other two has BGP.

    I don't think the game works quite like that. If I recall, the closest BHVR has come to defining a win state for killers is 'the game is 4 1v1s' or something to that effect.

    3k being a win is something…I think Otz came up with, or some other community member. It's not official.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Not sure if you even read the post.

    Both are at fault for causing a stalemate, but from the killer's POV it's either waste people's time slugging while looking for the last hider or risk that hider getting someone up, now resulting in two people hiding forever as now hatch won't spawn.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    It's not just to prevent hatch.


    • To prevent getting BM'd/gloated at.
    • To prevent that last survivor getting a slug up and then 2 survivors griefing or attempting to get the killer to DC by hiding and taking the game hostage. Again, it's 4 minutes of wasted time versus way longer as at least if people bleed out, I can close hatch and start the collapse.

    I don't BM, but I will 100% play ruthlessly if that's what it takes. Slugging isn't much fun for the killer either, but it's way less annoying than two survivors playing hide and seek forever.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290
    edited December 2024


    I'm not 'affected', just irritated. Nobody likes being gloated at. But there is a difference between playing mean/sweaty and taking the game hostage (two survivors hiding forever, and no - nobody has ever been banned for that, whatever that post from 2020 claims).

    I don't, as a rule, slug for the 4k unless it's a BM team. But again - I've had this exact situation occur, probably 2-3 times a week. Game is mine, so last few survivors decide to play hide and seek forever, while avoiding AFK crows, to waste my time in the hopes that I quit.

    Again - 4 minutes of bleeding out is preferable to 20+ minutes of survivors hiding in a locker somewhere. I wonder how many of these 'I'm slugging while I hunt for the hider' is to prevent this exact situation?

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Again, what is the killer supposed to do?

    Let's say I've got 3 survivors left. I slug one, then chase the person waiting to pallet save and slug them too.

    If I hook one, the third survivor who's probably hiding in a bush or a locker nearby gets the other up and now they're both hiding. A game that would have been over in 4 minutes max is now going to last until it times out.

    I think a lot of killers would also be much more willing to give hatch/gate if survivors would just leave and not sit there to teabag.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    I see it pretty often. Definitely multiple times a week. No idea about my MMR. Why should I risk having way more of my time wasted?

    Why is this on the killer? Can't the hiding survivor respect everyone's time?

    Also - that's spurious and you know it. Are you really twisting a blurb into it being okay to take a match hostage for the better part of an hour?

    You cannot always prevent the unhook unless you're in basement or something. And now all that happens is the QQ shifts from 'omg killer slugged for 4k' to 'omg killer proxy camps'.

    But okay then.

    Let's say I've got 1 on hook, 2 roaming.

    They could be doing the last gen, but they could decide to just hide indefinitely, either waiting for me to find one so the other can get hatch, but more likely to BM or try to get me to leave the match.

    You've literally got people in this thread defending this because 'DbD is actually hide and seek bruh'.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Pretty poor advertising and very misleading lol. Hide and seek would imply people would win if they hide long enough. Shame all survivors don't use this as a basis to justify hiding, maybe gens wouldn't get done so quick then. If people want others to respect thier time it needs to work both ways. Don't want killers to waste time in a match they won by slugging? Then survivors shouldn't waste time in a match they have lost by hiding waiting for server to end.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    For 4min max. Games dragged out longer because killer just has to have the 4k? True but you neglect to mention it's also due to survivors unwilling to heal team mates and just hiding out because they just have to get the hatch.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290
    edited December 2024

    You are. I'm not.

    Slugging 1 person while you look for the other is kind of nasty, but again - whenever I give hatch, maybe half the time I get a survivor sitting on it or in the gate waiting for me so they can teabag and BM.

    Ever consider that maybe, if instead the survivor would be mannered and maybe a bit appreciative killers would be less reluctant to be mannered in turn?

    However you try to couch it, 4 minutes is better than the entire match duration until the server closes.

    Killers have been asking for some way to stop people hiding like that and whenever they do - well, just go look at those threads yourself. 'Game is hide and seek bruh, its not a big deal killers need to stop crying hur hur lololol'. We've got some in this thread already.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Well, in playing devils advocate, when the slug for the 4k happens usually the killer aint all that far from said slug~

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    The issue is that slugs can't do anything, that's the complaint I see very very often. Healing eachother gives BP and allows the other player to do something again and unless survivors have got themselves a 3 gen situation then then 2 survivors can complete a last gen if they are spread out. It prolongs that match because the match is still in play, not over yet.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710
    edited December 2024
  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    The point of slugging for the 4k is that the killer has time to search the map for last survivor. No point slugging for 4k if they remain by the slugged player and don't even try looking for the last one, might as well just hook and kill them if killers are waiting it out like that because when they bleed out hatch is in play which is what the killer is trying to avoid.