thwack no longer works with special wall or pallet breaks
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: i was playing nemesis and i have fun with a scream build on him just for the fun and i noticed unless i manually break the pallet thwack wasnt working. it worked all the time before the rework to the perk but just doesnt PLATFORM: pc STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: broke pallets…
Jane Romero Cosmetic Bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When equipped, Jane Romero's "Ripped Designer Jeans" cosmetic only shows the cosmetic itself, but her lower body is missing. This might not look obvious with every outfit combination. PLATFORM: PC (Steam) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Simply equipping the cosmetic reveals the…
Bolt & Ooze Cosmetic For DeathSlinger Issues
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Bolt & Ooze Cosmetic for Deathslinger's Blighted Cosmetic Set cover's up a large majority of the screen when using his ADS to fire the Redeemer. Not only does this remove alot of sight compared to the other Redeemer cosmetic options but make's aiming incredibly difficult as you cannot see where or…
8.3.0 Easy Anti-Cheat error showing while loading into a match
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I was trying to load into a match as a survivor with other players and i got an error and it kicked me out. PLATFORM: Steam
Lucky star effect permanent
If you go into a locker with the new lucky star and the killer pulls you out of it, the perk doesn't detect that you left the locker, therefore you permanently have no grunts of pain until you go into a locker and exit it again.
Wraith makes sounds when undetectable
I played against him on Springwood today and I saw his red stain while he was undetectable/invisible and I heard something which I believe was his terror radius when he was near me. PLATFORM: ps5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: No idea was tunneled VIDEO: No video PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required…
Survivor movement feels strange from the Killer's POV
When playing as the Killer, Survivor movements seem to be offseted, they do not rotate correctly and their hitbox is in a different place than it used to be. PC (Steam)
Auto vault
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Chaos Shuffle: I was healing another Surv, they sprinted mid heal and I auto slow vaulted the window next to me. i was in terror radius if that helps. I want to note, I pressed no button at all and it happened instantly, I was touching the window as I didn't walk first PLATFORM: PC Steam STEP BY STEP…
Spirit phase audio bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM:Steam Spirit's husk makes loud noises while in range of spirit, which makes it miserable on small loops because u basically dont hear footsteps and breathing.
Tome 17 Level 3 - Still No rewards
Good morning, After a bug in November 2023 I still haven't got the charm (nor the rift fragments) for the Level 3 of Tome 17. Is it possible to get this charm? If it is possible to also get the rift fragments that i should have got (20 fragments), it would be awesome. Regards
Vecna addon vorpal sword doesnt charge spirit fury
Vecna addon vorpal sword doesnt charge spirit fury, it seems like a bug, when any other killer that uses pallet breaking addons, like legion, the addon does charge spirit fury, but Vecna addon vorpal sword doesnt charge spirit fury
Cold farm torment creek nemesis bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: In Coldwind Farm torment creek it’s in broken silo there is bug in that silo zombies gets stuck on stairs those basement when it there when zombies are trying to get up they gets stuck/tilted so they can’t move out right corner of upper…
ps5 visual bug/ and nemesis bug
In Coldwind Farm torment creek it’s in broken silo close to generator it shows bluesh white light like circle and there wasn’t any map placement on it so i suspect it’s because halloween event coming that place is portal for it but i don’t know i added photo of it and end result of it also there is another bug in that silo…
Mage Hand cancels pallet vault
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Basically the title. I was halfway across a pallet, when Vecna used Mage Hand. It canceled my vault, porter me in front of the Killer and then lifted up the pallet AND blocked it. (my ping was 35ms) PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play Vecna with MH ready, have a…
Pinhead's bug with "Play with food"
Even without bringing "Engineer's Fang," the chain from Pinhead is erroneously considered as an attack, as evident in the video below. I did not have "Engineer's Fang" and when I threw the chain, the Survivor did not take damage, yet the "Play with food" token decreased by 1. Clearly, there's a system error incorrectly…
potential Rift Bundle timer bug - just visual glitch or real?
Timer/date on the rift bundle in the store displays 112 days left on its timer. edit: to clarify, most rifts last 60-70 days. Is this not the norm? Is this timer for real? PC, Steam, if applicable. Picture to show. Not sure if visual bug or something wrong on the back-end of things…
Unable to purchase "From the rift bundle"
Hello. I've unable to purchase "From the rift bundle". I've already have the cosmetics, but I don't have a charm. But the bundle marked as "Owned", and I can't purchase the bundle to get the charm.
Aftercare is Permanent
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Aftercare does not disappear as it should upon being hooked, making it the strongest survivor Aura Read in the game as you're bound to heal/unhook (or be healed/unhooked) every survivor atleast once in a match, and it does not go away for whatever reason upon being hooked yourself.
Bardic inspiration not working at all!
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: now when you try to play bardic inspiration you character moves slightly and then nothing happens and the perk goes on cooldown PLATFORM: PC/Epic games STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Pressed E with perk equipped
skilled huntress/ outta nowhere steam achievements
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Both of these achievements wont update after multiple matches where i should have got progress and finished the achievements. PLATFORM: PC/STEAM STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: skilled huntress i did ab 5 matches specifically going for this achievement. For outta nowhere, i used…
Can't play dbd
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I haven't been able to play for a while now, ive tries everything from Uninstalling, restarting, changing DNS, restarting router, shutting it off and back on and it always says "Could not connect to RTM server. I'm really annoyed and upset by this because it has stopped me from completing the rift…
Disconected from host.
Играю на PS5. Через несколько сыгранных матчей вылетает ошибка "Disconnected from host". Каждый день. У меня уже 48 часов бана
Nemesis Vaccine Softlock
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: It is possible to soft-lock a teammate until they either disconnect and eat a DC penalty or until the Killer downs them and they bleed out after 4 minutes. PLATFORM: PC STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURRED: Enable "Run to Cancel" in the Survivor options menu. Grab a Vaccine from a…
Ghost face stalk unbreakable on some of the tiles in the swamps.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: On the maze tile sets that have a log pillars on the end ghost face can stalk someone looking at the the pillar edge he is on without triggering the stalk break. PLATFORM: All STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Was fixing a gen looking at the edge of the wall with a pillar he was…
Haddonfield Pick Up Bug
I just played a game of Huntress on haddonfield and everything was fine i got a couple of hooks and the survivors got gens done. It got to 1 generator left and i downed a survivor on the street. She was lying half on the sidewalk and half on the road. I went to pick her up and the animation just got stuck and froze all of…
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Opened the game, pressed play, killer, loadout and was unable to choose my perks. It was acting as if I opened the chaos shuffle game mode. When I tried the same for survivor, I didn’t have the issue PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Unknown. I never had this issue in…
Stuck In Locker
You can get stuck in a locker permanently if you enter a locker and get damaged by a guard from The Knight
Nea Tomboy Trends Heads Bugged
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Black Cap White Cap, Lobsters and Pineapples, and Billboard Blue Cap heads for Nea no longer have the hair physics they previously had. PLATFORM: PS4 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Step 1: Launch the application. Step 2 : Go to Nea's wardrobe/customize section via the Survivor…
Adrenaline didnt activate after getting off the hook.
I was hooked by the killer then the last gen went off i got unhooked and adrenaline didn't activate at all. Xbox Series X I Got hooked at last gen then while I was on the hook last gen got finished then I got saved and adrenaline didn't activate. I was also playing on Chaos Shuffle Gamemode VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs…
Dracula Hellfire instadown
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: playing as survivor at full health, hit by Draculas Hellfire instantly put me into dying state PLATFORM: PS5 Unaware if this is due to the bugged add ons others are reporting
Technical problems with the game
Dear developers. Please explain to me why maniacs hit through walls and hit, shoot through walls and hit, have swings that are a kilometer long. I'm tired of dying just because I'm killed through walls. Please correct this misunderstanding so that my gameplay becomes more or less normal, so that I don't freak out every…
Visual Bugs w/ Map Lighting or No Fog
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: copied from Steam discussions: been playing a lot of Sadako all at once recently and noticed on every single match i've played the first TV i tele to the entire map either goes fullbright or pitch black darkness for the rest of the match. was curious if this is just on my end or if others are having…
Dracula: Using both Hellfire reduction addons still increases Hellfire CD instead of decreasing it
Hi, It was reported since Dracula came out that using both Ruby Circlet (decreases Hellfire CD by 10%) and Sylph Feather (decreases Hellfire CD by 5% for every broken pallet to a maximum of 25%) actually increases Hellfire CD to an almost double instead of decreasing it. Using both addons individually works well, but if…
Halloween Collection and Nicolas Cage Collection Missing from Store
Not sure if it's a bug or been forgotten about, but in the store where you can shortcut to all the different collections. The Halloween Collection and the Nicolas Cage Collection are missing from the tabs. They might be others as well but these are the two I've noticed.# Only current way to get Nicolas Cage Cosmetics or…
Knight guards locker bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: i had a survivor trapped in a locker unable to be picked up by me(aka the killer) because my guard as knight hit him in the locker. The survivor was unable to be grabbed by any means and ended up being healed in the locker and escaping due to this. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE…
kicked out of server ??
i was normally playing after then suddenly kicked out??
Three Pig Visual bugs?
Hey I've been playing pig for a bit now and Pig has been bugged for a bit yet hasn't been touched up? For one her store bought weapons don't move anymore which is odd and sucks because I paid for funny spinny drill Second her wrist is absolutely snapped when she moves sometimes Finally she doesn't have her reverse beartrap…
EAC Auth timing out alot
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Basically sometimes when i load into a game i get kicked the error code says "You have been kicked from the Server because of a failure to validate your account through easy anti cheat (error code 3) Additional info: Authentication timed out (1/2)" PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE…
Loud Phase-walk sound/Spirit POV
Before the 8.3.0 version of the game, The whoosh sound from Spirit’s POV was relatively silent making it easier to track seeing as survivors are invisible to her, however, with the recent update that’s releasing next week, there is a high chance that this may become noticeably louder like it was back in Spirit’s Original…
Chucky can do hug techs
He can lick walls while using his power and get survivors with no counterplay PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP: Use m2 looking straight at the wall your power will still continue to work without stopping you and allowing you to get the survivor who is already behind the texture which is totally broken, survivors died at 5 gens…
Sole Survivor gains stacks when it shouldnt
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Sole Survivor gains a stack when an escaped survivor disconnects. You dont gain it when they escape, which is probably intended. But the moment they disconnect/return to lobby you gain the stack of sole survivor. PLATFORM: PC (Steam) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: A player escaped…
Xbox Series X Stuttering during matches
Most maps in certain locations cause stuttering issues on Xbox, a friend on PC went to the same spots with me and they experienced no stuttering. Some examples are in the room with the chair on Forgotten Ruins in the dungeon, in the house basement on Haddonfield, and inside main building on Toba Landing. PLATFORM: Xbox…
Survived without being downed, did not receive iridescent medal
playing Chaos Shuffle, escaped trial without being downed, did not receive iridescent medal
Bardic Inspiration only lasts 15 seconds, since July 16 2024
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The paid-for perk Bardic Inspiration has a duration bug, consistently only lasts for 15 seconds instead of the full 90. It has been this way for 2.5 months and going. Multiple tickets have been raised for this before. At this point, please escalate this beyond the support staff to a manager - this…
incorrect number of offerings/items/addons
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: was using cobbler offerings, when i entered a match i had 23 of them, after the match it showed that there were only 21, but then after another match it was still 21, sometimes happens with items as well PLATFORM: steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Equip an offering/item/addon…
Hardened Scene Partner issue
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When fulfilling the conditions of Hardened, Scene Partner doesn't trigger Hardened correctly PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Fulfill the conditions of Hardened. have clear line of sight of the killer. do not scream from Scene Partner nor receive aura reading from…
Maps lights go out when using teleporting abilities
Map visual bugs when teleporting: PLATFORM: PC When playing killers that have a teleporting the ability, specifically unknown and pinhead, when you are in the basement and then use your teleport while standing in the basement, when you get to the other side of the teleport the maps brightness will be turned down…
Rain Outfit Lobby Music Not Working
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Wearing the Rain outfit on Ellen Ripley no longer plays the Alien Survivor lobby music and instead plays the default survivor music. This was previously not the case.
demo cant look down :(
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: i was playing cahos shuffle and we got a demogoran and he said in endgame he codlnt look down while charging his shred. idk if common but it should be fixed. PLATFORM: pc STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: idk
Anti-Cheat not letting me to connect to matches
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Can't play survivor in either mode due to anti-cheat kicking me out. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURRED: I was playing regular matches as killer just fine. Switched to survivor and went into chaos mode and then anti-cheat wouldn't met me connect, switched back to survivor…