I couldn't search my friend's username fully
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: "i" then "a" sequence in search resets search PLATFORM: Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I enetered the letter i then letter a and it deleted evey letter before a VIDEO: N/A PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only. I was searching a username
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Blight with blight serum add-on cannot perform any rushes PLATFORM: pc STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: equip blight serum VIDEO: n/a PLAYER LOGS: n/a Player logs are required from PC players only.
Means to an End not Traxking
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Means to an End challenge from Tome 6 does not track PLATFORM: PC (Steam) STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: selected challenge which requires a killer is stunned using a pallet which was reset using the perk Any Means Necessary. Despite doing such multiple times the challenge has not…
Server disconnecting after Hook
Very simple, after hooking a survivor my game freezes for a few seconds and then disconnects me from the server, losing me all the progress I have made on Bloodpoints or tome missions (I've probably lost around 500k BP just from this issue alone) It happens on Steam for me. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE…
Inverted controls after hit by Mastermind
After getting M2'd by The Mastermind, my controls would not function as normal. They felt inverted at the time. I got hit by his power in Greenville Square against the theater seats. Xbox
Dredge Nightfall bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: When nightfall occurs, I go into the Void and leave, causing the nightfall overlay/effect to disappear. I'm not sure if it also works for survivors.
D Sync
Fix the d sync in your game, its atrocious on low settings, we don't want to play on ultra graphics to barely fix it as it still is an issue. You are getting hit from 10ft away at windows and pallets on 30ping against killers on 40-60 ping, it makes no sense. I'm getting so sick, bored and tired of having to deal with game…
Alert + Eyes of Belmont
When using these two perks together, EoB doesn't give Alert the extra 2 second duration like it should be. Since this new update, Alert lasts exactly 5 seconds every time its activated, regardless of killer or map. EoB still works with other perks that reveal killer aura, but not Alert for some reason.
random disconnection
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: the game frequently dc and kick me out when in a trial PLATFORM:PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I load up in a public match, everything work fine for a few minutes, then the game fizzles out and kick me out. it happened constantly lately and right now because of this, my timeout…
Bug with muted sound in matches.
Dear developers! For the second day now, I have often encountered a bug with sound in matches. Everything sounds muffled, as if I stuffed cotton wool into my ears. I have noticed this bug not only in myself, but also in many streamers. It is VERY inconvenient to play with it. You can't hear either killers or survivors.…
Camping Penalty disabled ?
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I‘m not 100% sure this is a bug tbh, maybe the camping penalty is supposed to be disabled during the even, or maybe during the collapse? Anyway, as you can clearly see in the clip, the killer was face camping and the only other surviver was no where near the hook. But there was no count down for me to…
Docs Test subject 1and first Prototype weapon cosmetic bug
PLATFORM: Steam PC The weapon of test subject 1 outfit and the weapon of the first prototype outfit look the same, which should not be the case ?! The original color of the weapon from the subject 1 outfit normally glows a burning yellow. That's why I bought the gun back then. Can you please correct this? is this a visual…
Thalita Lyra skirts are still bugged...
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Like you can see in the picture, Thalita's skirts are still bugged since the UE5 update. It's missing the phisics, and keep sticking to her legs. PLATFORM: pc/xbox
Bardic Inspiration not proccing/actually activating, it just goes on cooldown
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: bardic inspiration never rolled during match and animation did not go off PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I would use the perk and it didn’t roll, the animation would also start but be cancelled immediately VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players…
Game crushes after 1-2 hours of play
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When I play as a killer in db, during the game it breaks with the error code: Fatal error: [File:D:\Jenkins\Fudge_HF1\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp ] [Line: 180] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. I need help because every time I play, my game crashes…
"Copper Cable Tube" weapon for doctor is the wrong color
The weapon skin "Copper Cable Tube" for the Doctor uses the same model as the new rift recolor.
Nemesis game connection
every time I play the nemesis on a public match after a few minutes and hooking one survivor the game freezes and then disconnects from host and this only happens with nemesis PLATFORM:Ps5/ps4 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: the game freezes for a few seconds and the game disconnects from the host…
Drop or Chop Challenge Bugged
I don't know if this is bugged for killer yet, but the Drop or Chop challenge seems to be bugged for survivors in the Haunted by Daylight 2024 event tome. I've done two games back to back with Mikaela, both of which I dropped over two pallets in each of my chases, and none of them registered toward the challenge.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE:initialization error PLATFORM: ps4 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: VIDEO: dead by daylight PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
[3DMODEL] Yun-Jin is winking just one eye in the Store
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The Yun-Jin's model is winking just one eye in the Store. No idea if it is the same thing in game… PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Navigate in the Store > Survivor > select a cosmetic for Yun-Jin VIDEO: Yun-Jin winking just one eye
Genetic Limits doesn't counter Overcome.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Survivors still get speedboost from Overcome PLATFORM: PC steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Hit survivor with overcome with equiped Genetic Limits. VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
PERK BUG : Eyes of Belmont
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The following perk does not extend the duration of the aura: Extends the duration of all instances of the Killer's Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds. PLATFORM: PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I combined "Eyes of Belmont" with Feng Min's "Alert" and Lara Croft's…
Anti-Camp Bar not appearing/working
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The anti-camp bardid not appear when being face camped PLATFORM: X-Box STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I was hooked with 1 Gen left. Killer (Demogorgon) soft camped me until 2nd stage, and then face camped to where the terror radius was in full view of me. The killer was right next…
Haunted by Daylight Tome Bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: when I go to the tome for the Haunted by Daylight event the main tome won't allow me to select a challenge for the gameplay. And have tried to restart the game fresh and restart my Xbox. PLATFORM: Xbox STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Was going to start doing the tome and get more…
Last Update - killers can do mori if u are the last survivor
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: hello behavior i come here to say Im very sad with the last update, were the killers can do a mori if u are the last survivor, even if the killer do not have mory ofering, its almost every match, this starts to became TOXIC, i play Dead by daylight since release but guys this is just not ok pls fix if…
Game crashing in haunted by daylight event
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Game crash in new Dead by daylight event. Never got DBD crashes before PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: So, i was playing as a killer and got crashed first time after i've hit a survivor. Second time after i've start breaking a pallet. That was 2 crashes in a row.…
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: WHAT WITH my ping after update(it has become higher by 10-20 ms)? WHAT with DESYNC in the game? AFTER UPDATE i can't try to dodge axes of huntress, chainsaw of hillbilly, dashes of blight, pillars of fire of dracula and the most annoying thing hits in palets and windows. The situation on the killer is…
Constant 200+ ping on the new Event.
PC, Epic games, Steam. Having a constant 200+ping (red bar) each time I enter the lobby both survivors and killers. It seems like it's happening all the time - checked my internet connection - everything is fine. Seems like a server issue, multiple players also have 200+ ping in the lobby.
Coal tower main building top floor seems to have a bug where all breakable walls spawn
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: In the main building on coal tower, there seems to be a bug where all doorways on the top floor have breakable walls spawn. If this is not a bug or repost I sincerely apologise PLATFORM: pc STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Load up into a game on coal tower and see if all breakable…
Artist and Void Bug
Most killers from what I've seen work in the void like advertised, and technically so does the Artist, however the void won't keep the actual crows they will fizzle out and use up a token anyways
Memory Leak, Max RAM usage
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After playing a few hours my RAM will max out to 99% and start causing stuttering sound and getting like 6fps. I opened task manager which took a while since my whole system was lagging so bad. The second I closed DBD it went back to 15% usage and the system went back to normal. PLATFORM: Steam
Coal Tower top of main totally blocked
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The upstairs of the Tower had all 3 breakable walls up, meaning the only way down was the stair case, Haunted Halloween event. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play and see VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
Not getting any halloween items on P100 sable bloodweb.
Summary of the issue: Not geting any items (toolbox/medkit/flashlight) on p100 character (sable) on lower level characters they are popping up in the bloodweb Extra info : All the addons are spawning in my bloodwebs and also mystery boxes but i have not seen any medkits, toolboxes or flashlights. The moment i level a a non…
No scretch marks on toba landing during haunted by daylight
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: During a game with nemesis on toba landing in the new event "haunted by daylight" it happened that the survivors did not produce any scratch marks. At first I thought it was because of "shadow steps" but the absence of scratch marks was all over the map. Also at the end of the game I could notice that…
Blight Serum Broken on Blight
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When using the Blight Serum addon from the event on the blight, your power becomes completely unusable. PLATFORM: PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Use the "Blight Serum" add-on on while playing Blight. Try to use your power.
Zarina's void skin has a different skin tone
As the title states, Zarina's void skin makes her whiter than normally. This creates a very visible and distracting seam when you match parts of the skin with other skins.
Chucky has outdated power description
You can no longer use Scamper alone while in Hidey-Ho Mode. I suggesst to just rewrite that portion to something like: SPECIAL ABILITY: SCAMPER During Slice & Dice, Chucky can perform a Scamper through windows or under downed pallets, which replenishes his Slice & Dice duration and allows him to close on his unsuspecting…
8.3.1 Means To An End Challenge From Tome 6 Unable to be Completed
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I tried stunning the killer with a reset pallet during multiple matches and was never given credit for the challenge. PLATFORM: PC/Steam
grapics bug
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: had part of the small boat dissipear mid match on stream PLATFORM: pc STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: was just downed VIDEO: PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are required from PC players only.
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: survivor's stuck in lockers PLATFORM:PC STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: playing as the killer, 2 surv's were stuck in lockers in the shack of Azarovs' resting place. even other survs can enter the lockers the stuck survs were left inside and even as the killer cannot pick-up/ grab…
Felix Cosmetics clipping issues
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Felix's Distressed Jeans from the Inspiration Seeker set has a major clipping issue with multiple torso cosmetics for months now. The main clipping issue is the front waistband of the black underwear clipping through various cosmetics. Biggest Offender: Open Shirt (Elegant Pyjamas) This one has…
More Breakable walls on Crotus Prenn Asylum
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: There are more Brekable Walls on Crotus Prenn Asylum than before. This was not mentioned in the patch notes, therefore it seems to be a bug. PLATFORM: Any STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Play a Game on the Map Crotus Prenn Asylum Notice there are more breakable walls than before.
Outta Nowhere Achievement Bugged for All Platforms
It has been constantly notified that on all systems through every possible manner of obtaining a hit while undetectable be it from a perk or a killer, there is 0 progress that gets tracked for this achievement. I am posting this cause as is usual with a bugged achievement, there is literally no evidence of a fix coming any…
Searchbar in Charms overlay covered by previev image
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: The searchbar in the Charms overlay is covered by the previev image (especially the "Charm" Headline). This happens to every survivor and killer i've tested so far. The searchbar is still usable (as you can see on the cursor) but it is't visible. You can't see what you are currently searching either.…
Please create a user friendly bug report page
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I have been experiencing loads of bugs and cannot freaking report them. Cannot search for my issue and do not know if my bug has been reported or not (no ctrl+f function). Why not do what league of legends and other games do - a one-click button to report bugs or other issues? STEP BY STEP…
has anyone at least addressed the desync issue?
Letters in chat are reversed
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: PLATFORM: PC /Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: while chatting after the match, i cant wrote anymore. The letters entered are reversed, like "good game" turns into "emag doog" VIDEO: - PLAYER LOGS:
Vecna's Flight of the Damned ignores Endurance Status Effect
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Vecna's Flight of the Damned ignores Endurance Status Effect given by Off the Record, possibly by other perks too. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: Off the Record perk was activated after unhooking and was not deactivated, the survivor stayed injured. In about 20-30 seconds Flight…
cypress menento mori shows up in inventory
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: i don’t know if this is bug but cypress memento mori is showed in inventory in normal i thought it should been removed or disappeared , i added photo of it , i can see it all killers PLATFORM:PS5 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: It doesn’t matter what you do
Game Crash After Selecting "Bardic Inspiration" Perk
Environment: Device: PC Platform: Steam (Geforce Now) Operating System: Windows 10 App/Software Version: 8.3.0 Description: When selecting the "Bardic Inspiration" perk, regardless of the character chosen, the game crashes either immediately or after a short loading period. This issue occurs consistently, often with no…