My character fall off from the map
Bug Report - MacMillan Issue
Platform: Xbox series s Name: Aerrbear Game Mode: 2v8 I was playing on a variation of MacMillian estate and the cages would sporadically spawn inside of the hook. Once that happened, you can’t save or be saved. This map also had invisible platforms we kept getting stuck on. It was incredibly rough.
Spawn spot for cage is unresponsive and unsaveable
This happened during 2v8 mode. Two people tried to save me but couldn’t, so I just dc’ed. Happened on Groaning Storehouse. Happened on Xbox Series X I have a clip of it but it won’t let me upload it.
hooks spawn on macmillan 2v8
Red Teleporting square in match
During a 2v8 there was a random giant red square in the game. When anyone ran in it they would fall through the map and teleport to the middle. If injured they would be healed.
2v8 cages spawning on hooks - no uncage option
On Mcmillan Estate cages were spawning on Hooks and there was no way to un-cage people from that cage so people were forced to die or DC.
Bug report 2v8
Went into the dying state and got in a cage. When unhooked, I was stuck in the POV of the cage and couldn't get out or interact with anything. Also made me immortal and the killers couldn't hit me/down me. Traps didn't work either. (Killers thought I was hacking, just wanted to see if this is anything anyone else has…
Hooks Spawn inside Map geometry, and make players Unable to unhook survivors
2v8 flying in areas
Playing on PS5, randomly started floating in the air mid game at this area of Autoheaven map, chest was also floating the whole match.
PC - Hole in Fence in map Autohaven Wreckers - Gas Heaven
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Survivor in a public match (4 + 1) Step 3 : In-game, survivor pointed at a hole in the fence / brick wall. Step 4 : Stepped outside the game map through the opening with a survivor and the killer. Took some print screens for You. Forgot to copy log files (sorry). Additional…
Bug report on 2v8
Iron Works of Misery map on 2v8 game mode has a few glitches that ruin the game for survivors; firstly the cages that spawn after downing a survivor are glitched, at least three plays in our game were stuck in a cage behind a hook, when this happens you are unable to save the survivor. Said survivor on the hook is stuck in…
2V8 gamemode cage
So Its not that big of a problem as the cages reappear elsewhere but I had a bit of an issue. So my cage has been put in a hook and 5 players tried to take me out but they couldn't. So I assume it was becuause I was on a hook. But it could be a problem if its your last chance and they can't take you off.
PC (most likely platform independent) - 2v8 mode cage spawns inside of hook
On Shelter Woods, me and my teammate were put in cages that spawned inside a hook, making it impossible to get the 'Unhook' action when close to it. See attached images. This has occured on Shelter Woods, Suffocation Pit, and as LizFrizzle in the comments said, on Groaning Storehouse. Maybe an issue with the MacMillan…
Decimated borgo map bug
i have recorded a vid but its too heavy, i will include a link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iWFIVxL7XvJwSe5epxaRsF83gr-yJ1Yz/view?usp=drive_link
Missing walls and out of place hooks on Autohaven Wreckers - Azarov's Resting Place
On one entrace an entire wall is replaced by an hook with red ground, which is making it possible to go behind the exit gate and out of bounds. There is another loavtion at which this happens. played dwight with 3 max players in the party Map was chosen through offering
Yun-Jin Lee: Celestial Cats Torso (FIXED IN 8.1.1)
(FIXED IN 8.1.1)
2v8 Missing Wall, Red Floor
I don't know what caused it, but in a public 2v8 match I was playing as survivor on I think MacMillan or Azarov, I found a chunk with a red bubbly looking floor along the map border wall, and the wall for that chunk was missing, I could run right through it, and wrap around to find the exit gate. I think you might be able…
this macmillan map has serious geometry issues around shack, invisible floors/objects
idk if you can tell from this screenshot, but the floor raises you higher, theres also invisible objects blocking you. the shack on this map is a death trap as its impossible to run around it without getting stuck in weird collision
Knight cosmetic/skin bug
I noticed that if you put on a custom Knight cosmetic/skin ( anything other than the default) and summon a guard in game and look at yourself, it doesn't show you wearing your custom cosmetic/skin. It just shows you wearing the default cosmetic/skin. Put on any Kight cosmetic/skin other than the default Join game Summon a…
Out of Bounds Bug
I've played 3 different matches today and had this bug happen, I don't know what's causing it. I took a clip of the last game I played and its really bad because if 2 survivors get stuck where I did and the gens aren't done the killer cant end the game without DCing.
Bug on Autoheaven Wreckers map
This is on PC / Steam - see the two screenshots. I was playing as Singularity - and I believe the Box did cause the wall and ground to vanish. You could easily walk off the map.
floating invisible obstacle or something next to fire, water tower, coal tower
some kind of invisible bump next to this fire in a barrel. it was located next to the water tower on the coal tower 1 variant
PC - Out of bounds on Forgotten Ruins
This problem appears very rarely, but I have encountered it with several different killers using completely different perks, so I don't think the killers or perks are related to the problem. This time I was playing without any perks as Wraith. Two players exploited a map glitch. They fell under the map into a location that…
Random invisible objects, getting stuck in them
I was playing as spirit when I noticed that the map had invisible objects that we (me and the survivors) kept bumping in. Video linked. https://youtu.be/e_t_HCxGn8M?si=FyFBWDJnPgTXXtC_
Invisible wall on Garden of Joy
PC invisible wall in front of main building walk next to front of main building on Garden of Joy map every game here is a clip of the bug: https://www.twitch.tv/gloomieghoul/clip/SpineyCuriousBubbleteaGrammarKing-t4EdJPJTwVrnv-Z0
Coughing bug against Nemesis
PC non-stop coughing once infected against Nemesis Get infected by Nemesis, cough starts and doesnt stop. This is like a nonstop cough, not the normal cough. occurs once infected by Nemesis here is a clip of the issue https://www.twitch.tv/gloomieghoul/clip/BovineBombasticClipsmomFreakinStinkin-5xFMlHrXjJGAKNm5
Outta nowhere achievement bugged
Steam The "Outta nowhere" achievement doesn't gain progress. this bug was reported as early as March, I saw that the excuse for it not being fixed is a lack of feedback for the bug. Ridiculous.
forgotten ruins has a bud
map does not spawn carrectly
Wreckers map is broken
PC Wreckers map has game breaking wrong wall tiles and missing tiles Go to wreckers map, walk perimeter of the map, see tiles that are wrong or missing walls allowing players to walk out of the map and teleport Every game on wreckers map here is clip of the issue:…
map geniration glitch
we were just playing aginst a myers when my friend found a red section of the map and it let you get out of the map a yesterday their is invisable walls and infisable floors that made that plalliet and area unplayable
invisible textures on Macmillan Estate
Video attached Steam invisible textures on Macmillan Estate
Map Bug
Flash bang drops item
Step 1 : start game Step 2 : build up flash bang and make one step 3: notice the flash light is now on the ground inside the locker Character played: Leon Perks played: Flash Bang, Empathy, Light Footed, Background Player Map: map 1 RPD. didn't notice till the end of the game as I didn't use it until then. when hovering…
Female cough audio broken
I was playing as Sable against a Nemesis and once I got infected the couching audio started playing several of the same cough audios all layered together as if at least 3 people were coughing at the same time. The Yun-Jin and Feng in my lobby had the same issue but the Jonah was fine-just coughing normally.
Garden of Joy collision
See clip, there's an unexpected collision in front of the house on Garden of Joy. Not much else to say about it I guess 😂 https://medal.tv/games/dead-by-daylight/clips/il4lWSdd7jUL46-_3/d13373iWyeRM?invite=cr-MSxaVGMsMTM0NzE3MjM5LA
Broken Player model while chased by Wesker
Platform: PC Hi, there is a bug with Wesker. When He uses his ability and slams a player into a wall the player model bugs out and looks really funny. Vittorio looks like he is nearly laying on the ground, Yui looks like she has broken spine. This occured every time when: Wesker slams a player on a wall → player takes…
Strange place on the map
I don't know if it was a bug or a cheater but some strange place appear in my game
Mapborders gone
I am Playing on Steam Computer Platform. Recently i played a Game on Autohaven Wreckers and i saw that Survivors where running out of the Map. Confused but curious i checkt the Borders of the Map and at one Point there was Gap the floor Red and No Mapborders anymore. I have seen it only once yet, but i know that this kinda…
Hook spawned outside of the map in Autohaven
Hook spawned outside of the map in Autohaven. I don't remember the name of the variant, its the one with the gas station. It opened up the borders of the map Video of the game (the relevant part): https://youtu.be/Vn7bZmziM2k
Item loss in lockers
Ive lost at least 6 rainbow maps now after finally figuring out that when I'm creating flash bangs in the locker, my character is dropping the map inside the locker. I can clearly see part of the map sticking out of the locker at the base but I'm not able to interact with it effectively losing it... I'm pissed.…
Xbox - Hooks not breaking on death
Platform: Xbox - Crossplay Survivor: Sable Ward Map: Backwater Swamp Killer: The Good Guy In the game I just played the hooks did not break on death. Three survivors were sacrificed on the same hook.
Cheat or glitch?!
Autohaven Wreckers - Azarovs Resting Place Map Bug
Spawned in on Autohaven Wreckers - Azarov's Resting Place against a wesker, the far corners of the map are glitched and open where you can run out of bounds. Not sure what exactly caused it. I am playing on pc but other players were on console. Only played one match and noticed it, haven't gonna the map again.
Accidental Added Assets of Azarov's Resting Place
Since the new patch of 07/25/24, in Custom Games, on Azarov's Resting Place there are two opposite corners of the map that have no trial walls and are replaced with a bright red square for the ground as well as a hook and a totem, I assume these are assets for the 2v8 mode set to release in a few hours, just letting you…
Invisible barriers on map.
Playing on Playstation 5 Was playing on Ironworks Of Misery map and came across multiple invisible barriers. some consisted of the ground seeming raised, making the character appear floating, as well as an invisible wall in the middle of running area. This caused inconvenience while in a chase because of the random invis…
PC - Edge Tile in Forgotten Ruins did not Generate
There are no steps as this happened on match start. I've attached a video showing the issue. I was playing Freddy, no map offering was used by either side and this bug allowed everyone to fall off the map and be teleported back to where they spawned. The link to the video (it was too big to directly attach it here):…
Openings to out of bounds
Hello there, while playing a game, I was brought to Autohaven Wreckers map before finding right next to the exit gates an open section of the map leading to out of bounds. There was a large red square with a hook in the middle of it. It allowed players to get out of the map and even become unreachable. So far during that…
Autohaven Map Bug
There's a corner of the map that is missing - survivors can exploit it during endgame (when doors are powered or hatch is shut). They can walk out of bounds, around the perimeter of map and escape without touching a exit gate. I am the streamer, screen shot provided by community while in match.
PC/Cross platform (XBOX) - Invisible Collisions/Obstacles on MacMillan Maps
Recreate Bug: Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer/survivor in a custom match Step 3: Only play on MacMillan Map Step 4: In-game, killer and survivors encounter invisible collisions and obstacles that prevented vaults, chases, hooks/unhooking and allow both to levitate above the ground Cheryl Mason (Level 3)…
Autoheaven Map Bug (Red Flooring)
I was playing as a knight on the autoheaven map and I came across this bug on the map. A part of the edge of the map was open with a red floor with a hook on it. You could fall off the map, and this hole opened places that players shouldn't be able to reach. Here are some screenshots that I took.