What if Trapper get next Smash bros DLC?
Let's SETTLE IT! In SMASH!!! Spam bear trap
Steam discussions can be funny too
What music do you all listen too and like?
i am a huge metal and rock fan, i listen to bands such as, In this Moment, The Relentless, Marilyn manson Def Leppard, Rob Zombie. Rammstein.
While I'm waiting for DBD to be playable again.
It saddens me, but there's to much crap going on for me to play this game. I could re-list the laundry list of bugs and stuff, but we all know what's happening. So, instead of me spamming these forums daily with inept rage the dev's will ignore, I've found something that let's me replicate the fun I used to have with dbd…
Update F.A.Q. and Rules
In the above link, there's a section called "Posting" that seems to be outdated with the new forum update. @Clyde
Just one question? What Is the devotion purpose?
Please answer my questions thank you people of the fog
Should I install identity V now that it is available for PC?
It seems a massive camping game and lower quality than DBD? maybe fun game anyways? maybe cool feats like survs equip a stun gun or secret rewards in boxes? it seems f2p and less than 2GB of download.... https://idv.163.com/
What kind of Merchandise do you want?
I want a reverse beartrap in livesize. And you?
Mark Hamill is voicing chucky
Luke Skywalker is chucky!!! Perhaps the devs can snatch up this new childs play license too ;)
New Outfits??
We need to have a Janitor out fit for david that is something like the protector outfit he has
Post your favorite song(s) here
Here is mine. Dollhouse-Melanie Martinez
Sally the nurse
I play Skyrim and she’s the main character. Sally is a dark elf who uses archery, sneak, pickpocket and restoration. She has a dagger just in case she needs it though.
Funny meme's from Discord's.
I figured we could have a funny meme's we've seen on discord channels thread, the only thing is it needs to be kept clean. I just saw this one.
Do you use SCRUM methodology, or another Agile-based framework?
The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs
Just a friendly reminder that his weekly double-header show starts tonight at 9pm ET (6pm PT) on Shudder. Growing up with him as a weekend guiding light and host of many of history's greatest (and worst) horror and schlock films, I'm so glad to have him back. We broke their servers during the original The Last Drive-In…
I've never seen a tree spawn here
Guys need to partner with NECA
Saw the PAX Merch stuff. Glad to see merch is finally coming, none of it is my cup of tea. More of an Action figure collector guy. Think you'd really benefit with partnering with NECA. I'd buy all of your figures from them if you made any!
a picture of me logging into DBD thinking I'm going to have a reasonable queue time
DBD Stream
Come by if you want to its good in my opinion :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6M3VUXd09s
Until anything happens to this game
I am taking a hiatus, Generator speed is still way too fast even with ruin and with the actual existence of generator perks, it makes this game almost unplayable, ThanatoPhobia is still ######### from drop, most likely it will be until Gen speed or Thanato gets buffed but its ######### disgusting how fast generators are -Your…
Pitch for some new Dead by Daylight merchandise.
We have so many maps in Dead by Daylight that we could actually release a Dead by Daylight version of the popular property trading board game: Monopoly. Monopoly and Dead by Daylight can both have drawn-out games where players are obsessed with profits so they are a perfect fit. I imagine that if the community works…
survivors who call me homophobic slurs after losing: a thread
The wayback machine
Just a reminder We should snapshot the forum every now and then, sooner or later when the game fades out of memory it will close, just to keep track of what happened on it https://archive.org/web/
What horror game is your favorite? And which one is the most scariest to play with jump scares?
The only horror games I have soo far is alien isolation and monstrum. I'm looking for another one but one that is very difficult and has alot of jump scares. THX....
I swear!
I think i found a hacker
So i was playing DBD when i died horribly. When spectating, i watched someone get hooked but then, something weird happened. Her camera started to fly around, and started breaking gens. She then got saved, and her camera came back. For proof, i captured it on my Xbox profile. My name is JumpierRhino060
Legion Icon
Small world problem but OH MY GOD FIX IT. PUT HIM IN THE MIDDLE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's 3 am I'm sorry and every time I see the Legion forum icon I can't help but get like WHY isn't it in the MIDDLE!? SDAIOJADOSIJADSI
Anyway me and my friends were playing kyf
Okay so basically we had an argument because i said you can't bring in a mori . And my friend ran tombstone Myers, and killed everyone. And then they said "You said you can't bring in a mori" then i replied "Yeah, i banned Mori, not Tombstone". Long story short they said Tombstone was the exact same thing as a mori.
Dead by daylight hunger games
I made a dead by daylight hunger games simulation. It doesn’t have all the characters because there wasn’t enough space. Say what what happened in yours below
Plague in a nutshell When you see a paid cosmetic you want Stealthy survivors creep around like How it feels to vault a window that's bugged That spooky feeling you get before realizing it's a friendly killer Still feeling a bit sick Jane in a nutshell How it feels to use Head On Everyone now deranking like Dat Evil Dead…
Ever since
I started using this as my psn pic people stopped messaging me to call me a f*ggot, now it’s just the generic tunneler, camper, etc.
i know this is not about the game but.
what other online games are there that i should buy? im looking for another horror game,or some war games that have a good amount of players on them playing. im looking at nations at war but i dont know if its worth it or not. or some fun online games?
Doing a 24hr live stream, help!
If you guys would like check me out could need people to push me forward Here's the link V V V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta-zVn2-F64
LGBT people !
Well it seems there are a lot of LGBT people in the fog - maybe more with the ones that doesnt came out of the ... locker ! *badum tss* So i wondered why ? I mean i never met any of them on different online games communities such as GTA, Red Dead, Call of... or at least 1 or 2. But i made friends with a lot on DBD, boys…
Doing A 24 Hour Livestream
Hey im doing a DBD livestream join if you would like UwU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdMX1zgGIzE
Cosplayers Needed for DBD Panel!
Hello people of the fog! I'm hosting a Dead By Daylight cosplay Q&A panel at Fanime (San Jose) and we need killers/survivors to make it a success! If you're interested please contact me! Characters taken: The Shape The Nurse The Huntress Legion (On hold) The Pig Laurie Strode
Scooby Dooby Doo, Where are you?
We got some work to do now Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? We need some help from you now [Continue it pls 😶]
A video explaining why I’m leaving the forums
Similar Games
Anyone have any recommendations for similar games to DbD? Does not have to be horror. My wife and I used to really enjoy playing together, as did both my sons. But they have all quit for many reasons mentioned in the main forums. I've noticed a major shift in DbD match making that is obliterating the fun (high ping every…
Friday the 13th the films.
OMG, i forgot how bad these films were, i am onto number 7 and i want to cry! to cry with the house lost re watching these films....i have been going through a horror session with films recently and wow, Jason series? it's like watching the very first one over and over again, the films are basically identical same plot,…
Metal & Rock - Post your favourite or freshly discovered tunes!
The other thread seems to be bugged, which is a real shame as I always enjoyed going through the song recommendations of you guys. So, why don't we start a new one? I'll start with two metalcore songs/bands that I just discovered recently but they happen to exist since years... dEMOTIONAL - Alive Dagoba - The Thing Within
they did it bois/girls, l4d3 has been announced, Back 4 blood is its name and its gonna be beautiful
Dead by Daylight Cakes and other Horror Cakes
Just a few cakes to share and post, some are awesome.
The survivor/killer character portraits
You know about the pictures like this On some people character portrait as this type of art, well using GIMP 2.0 I modified this to my liking I want to start making things like this again, so if any of you on here want a picture like this lemme know your mains and I will do something like this with them (This is Feng and…
We remember the fallen.
Just me?? (Food topic)
I’m a man for my corn dogs, but like...Am I the only one who puts maple syrup on them? Please don’t tell me I’m alone. ;0
If you go into the kyf lobby and look at the perks
When i go into the Kyf lobby and looks at the perks I can see two new survivor perk. The name of the survivor is Ashely J. William. Is that just me?
Adept Plague achievement doesn't work
The title says it all, PS4
funny dbd compilation!
Look out!!!
I think Moto Moto LIKES you!!! https://youtu.be/NUpKaG9qtWo