Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • FanaticArtisan
    FanaticArtisan Member Posts: 3

    Perk: Can I have your autograph? (For all us survivors who secretly adore the killers!)

    Every time a survivor is hooked, you gain a token!

    Once three tokens are saved up, you can activate "Can I have your autograph?"

    When 'Can I Have Your Autograph?' is activated, the killer MUST stop and sign a bit of paper (or perhaps the survivor's hand? Face?) for the survivor, taking up to 3/5/7 seconds, giving your friends the chance to get far away!

    Token count resets after 'CIHYA?' is used.

    But, be careful! You are ALSO stuck in place when your autograph is being signed...I hope that signature is worth the hit you're about to take...

  • charyzard
    charyzard Member Posts: 34

    At the start of the match, all survivors have their repair speed slowed by %/%/%. This effect persists until the killer inflicts injured or dying on a survivor.

    After a survivor is unhooked, they are affected by this perk again for x/x/x amount of seconds.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    A ~150 sec cooldown killer perk allowing you to break an unused (standing) pallet could be an interesting addition.

  • LaVieAuParadis
    LaVieAuParadis Member Posts: 3

    3 perk ideas for a new survivor



    1.All-time Support

    You really are one supportive friend. Even while facing problems you try your best to support your team.

    While on a hook every survivor, who is in a radius of 8/12/16m around you, will be able to see the auras of totems,generators and gates. (Could be limited to a radius, like 64/72/80m around your hook as example)

    (With this perk I wanted to counter Noed Camping by a lot but also just Noed in general, since the playerbase is often very frustrated If Noed ruins their end-game. The range limit could be added to balance the perk quite a bit.)


    2.Mechanical Mastermind

    Using the only things, that help you throughout your trial is your last hope. Luckily you mastered the ability to see these things and take advantage of them.

    You got the ability to upgrade an item 1/2/3-times. Press “E” while holding an item and crouching to begin this process. The process takes 24/22/20secs. and can only be used once per item. If the Items is however holding add-ons, those will be “downgraded”(?).

    (This perk only works on flashlights and toolboxes)

    Yellow-->Green-->Purple (-->Pink)


    3.Not yet

    Bad situations wont stop you from achieving your goals and you have learned how to deal with them.

    You are granted the ability to vault a window 4-times instead of the usual 3-times before it is getting blocked. After you vaulted a window swiftly, you will get a 2%/3%/4% Movementspeedbonus for 3/5/7secs.

    (Time of the Movementspeedbonus could be nerfed to 2/4/6secs. for example but I dont see it really needed)


     You can leave suggestions any time!😀


  • LaVieAuParadis
    LaVieAuParadis Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2021




    Post edited by LaVieAuParadis on
  • Nityartist
    Nityartist Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2021

    Dead end - Dead before escaping

    When there is 1 last generator left all survivors suffers from exposed status effect until that last generator is fully repaired and all the survivor and killer auras will be revealed to each other for 3/6/9 seconds and the repair progression of the last generator will be slowed to 2%/4%/6% but also all the failed skill checks will be silent to you.

    And at the end , all has to Die ~

    {Btw sorry for my bad English...~

    Post edited by Nityartist on
  • LaVieAuParadis
    LaVieAuParadis Member Posts: 3

    It could be something like this maybe?!

    When there is 1 generator left to complete all survivors will suffer from the exposed status effect for aslong as one generator hasnt hit 30%/40%/50%. After this generator is completed all survivors will get the exposed status effect for another 20/25/30secs and they are revealed to you for 3sec. Failed skill checks are not shown while there is one generator left and the repair speed will be slowed by 2%/4%/6%.

    Hope you like it c:

  • Nityartist
    Nityartist Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2021


    Post edited by Nityartist on
  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    (Just for fun/salt)

    Killer Perk:

    Stop That: After a survivor vaults the same window/pallet more than three times in 7/5/3 seconds, the entity slams a barrier into their face the next time they attempt to vault the same space. Survivor bounces backward and gains the Broken status.

    ”Window hopping didn’t help you that time, did it, smartass?”

    Survivor perks:

    Flight of Snails: When knocked into a dying state during a vault, you crawl at 150% speed for 3/5/7 seconds.

    You’re Not Sneaky!: When looking at a killer with a suppressed aura, you point at them, revealing their aura to all survivors for 2/4/6 seconds.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    eh why not

    This is the only perk I have finished for Jou 'Joe' Tazuna so far. I plan on making the rest eventually.

    Ever take a hit for someone only for them to go down shortly after, leaving your efforts wasted? Well no longer!

    Friend to the End

    Your affection for your friends inspires those around you.

    All survivors within 8/12/16 meters of you gain a 7% speed boost for 2 seconds after you take a protection hit.

    “I love ya, Sara! You’re my best friend!” - Jou Tazuna

    btw go play Your Turn to Die, thats where Jou is from. He's not my character.

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439
    edited May 2021

    Killer Perk - Silenced Screams

    "The agonizing scream of your victims drowns out the ears of others and further fuels your twisted machinations."

    • After hooking a survivor, all survivors within a 24/36/48 meter radius will be given the Oblivious status effect for 20 seconds.
    • After a survivor is sacrificed, you become Undetectable for 30 seconds.

    This effect does not reset upon another hook, effectively giving it a 20 second cooldown per use, and 30 seconds per sacrifice.

    Killer Perk - Echolocation

    "Your keen senses leave no sound unheard. There's no place to run or hide."

    • Any Survivor that begins to run within a 16/20/24 meter radius of you will produce a Loud Noise notification and have their auras revealed to you for 3 seconds.

    Echolocation has a cooldown of 20 seconds for each individual survivor and the cooldown does not stack.

    Killer Perk - AmbienT Focus

    "Your ability to listen closely goes rewarded as you stalk your victims relentlessly."

    • All Survivors' Footsteps are 15%/20%/25% louder when running and walking, and 5%/10%/15% louder when crouch walking.
    • This effect is amplified by an additional +3%/4%/5% when standing still.

    Killer Perk - Sadistic Bloodlust

    "Your unrelenting pursuit of the survivor fills you with the warped desire to kill them at all costs."

    • When chasing a Survivor, the time it takes to increase your Bloodlust level is reduced by 3/4/5 seconds per tier and your movement speed bonus is increased by an additional +0.2m/s per tier.

    Killer Perk - Stalker of Tension

    "Your close proximity to survivors terrifies them, making them prone to horrible mistakes if they are not careful enough."

    • Survivors who fall or vault to a lower elevation within your Terror Radius will receive the Hindered status effect for 15/20/25 seconds.
      • Survivors are slowed down by approximately -10% when Hindered.
      • Subsequent vaults or falls will result in the Survivor gaining an additional Mangled status effect until healed.

    The Hindered status effect can be reduced to -7% if the survivor has Balanced Landing.

    "Fear is a concept of peoples' minds. When we fear something, we make mistakes. When we make mistakes, we dare not try what we did before again out of the fear of the same thing happening." -The Overseer, V


    Thank you for your time. I put a lot of time and thought into these and I hope that you enjoy reading this.

  • HowsItHanging
    HowsItHanging Member Posts: 6

    Silent Swipe: Removes the Red Stain while Lunging.

    Your weapon doesn't make a sound when starting a lunge attack

    If you miss a lunge your missed recovery speed is 50% longer.

    A perk designed to help killers M1 Killers like Trapper, Wraith, Clown, Legion, Plague, etc.

  • seraphicwolf87
    seraphicwolf87 Member Posts: 6

    Yeet - Throw your item at the killer to stun them. Using the perk consumes your item.

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    Killer perk: Every time you hook a survivor you gain a token. Once a survivor drops a pallet a token is consumed and that pallet will automatically be destroyed after 20/10/5 seconds.😂😂

  • Joe_le_mama
    Joe_le_mama Member Posts: 1

    Survivor perk- last resort

    After unhooking 4/3/2 survivors or finishing 3/2/1 generators you can charge towards the killer to stun them. Using last resort causes exhausted status for 60/50/40 seconds

  • LuckyV53
    LuckyV53 Member Posts: 8

    Perk 1: Showmanship) Your love for the spotlight fuels you. Every time you are blinded by a flashlight/Flashbang/Trap You gain 15% action speeds to kicking pallets, Hooking survivors and picking up survivors "The lights, It reminds me of home"

  • DerpPotatoes
    DerpPotatoes Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2021

    Survivor Perk: Shadow Step

    Your cautious nature keeps you afoot.

    • Your footsteps make 30/60/90% less noise.
    • Breathing noises are silenced while you are sprinting.
    • When injured by the killer, you make a scratch mark radius of 16 metres and leave no pools of blood for 3 seconds.

    (I like the idea of a perk that deafens the sounds of footsteps. While some perks, like Poised/Off the Record conceal your scratch marks, it does not silence your footsteps. You'd still hear the creaky wooden floors or the bushes rustling while you move. It'd have good synergy with Lightweight/Fixated, while countering something like Stridor/Bloodhound.)


    Survivor Perk: Hyperfocused

    You concentrate hard at the task at hand, sometimes losing track of your surroundings.

    • While completing an action, the chances of being interrupted is reduced by 50/75/100%.
    • Whenever the Killer attempts to read your Aura while completing an action, your Aura will not be shown and you are inflicted with Oblivious for 60/45/30 seconds.
    • Skill Checks chances are increased with the chance of awarding Bonus Skill Checks.
    • Great Skill Checks cannot be performed on Bonus Skill Checks.
    • The time between the Warning sound and Bonus Skill Check is shortened by 50%.

    (Hyperfocused is a high risk high reward perk. While it would prevent you from being interrupted doing a gen/totem from infectious fright or shock therapy, it won't prevent you from screaming. Perks such as BBQ&Chilli would prevent the killer from seeing you, but you are self-inflicting oblivious to work on a gen/totem/healing. The bonus skill checks progress gen-work/healing faster, but increases your chances of failing due to the shortened warning time. While it's an aura-reading/progress-interrupting counter, it doesn't prevent self-inflicting failed skill checks. Self-Inflicting Oblivious would be an interesting addition to counter perks such as Starstruck/Coulrophobia.)


    Survivor Perk: Overdrive

    Your stubbornness fills you with determination to survive.

    After reaching Hook Stage 2, the perk activates:

    • The next time you are put from injured to dying state, you will instead be put into the Deep Wound Status Effect.
    • The survivor has 20 seconds to heal themselves.
    • The survivor sprints at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 4 seconds.
    • Overdrive ignores an existing Exhaustion timer, but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
    • Overdrive deactivates for the remainder of the trial.

    "I've survived up 'till now, and I don't plan on giving up."

    (I wanted a perk somewhere between Decisive Strike/Adrenaline/Mettle of Man. While Overdrive is a one time use perk, it's a desperation perk for staying in the trial longer. It's especially for survivors left on hook until second stage, or as an insurance for making it past the gate when you're injured. While it seems strong, Overdrive won't activate if you instantly go from healthy state to dying state. If combined with MoM, MoM would take priority before Overdrive.)


    Killer Perk: Assault & Battery

    Strong strikes to your victims leave traumatic impressions.

    Wounds inflicted by Basic Attacks cause Survivors to suffer from the Deafened and Oblivious Status Effects:

    • Both Status Effects are removed once the Survivor completes 3/4/5 successful skill checks.

    (Bringing back the deafened status effect, I thought it'd be fun having a perk similar to Sloppy Butcher. While S.B. makes healing harder, Assault & Battery provides a way to disorientate injured survivors. While A&B's status effects seem simple, the survivor has to escape the killer and perform successful skill checks. Sometimes skill checks don't show up at all, which is fitting for how some survivors might recover faster from "trauma" than others.)


    Killer Perk: Herd Isolation

    You become obsessed with one Survivor.

    When you are stunned, blinded, destroy (pallets/gens/breakable walls), successfully hit, grab, hook, or mori a survivor, the obsession is faced with a red skill check:

    • Good Skill Checks result in 5/7/10 % regression.
    • Great Skill Checks grant 10/7/5 % bonus progression.

    You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    (I wanted to bring back the old Hex: Ruin, but without the red skill checks affecting the whole team. As a slow-down perk, it prevents the obsession from working with other teammates at the risk of reducing gen progress. However, it's a give-and-take similar to Dying Light, so a survivor good at hitting great skill checks, or a survivor with Stake-Out would benefit well from this perk.)


    Killer Perk: Shadow Veil

    You've become attuned to the Entity's dark influence that engulfs you.

    • Hooking a survivor causes all survivors within your terror radius to scream and reveal their current location to you for 2/3/4 seconds.
    • Survivors outside your terror radius are inflicted with the Darkened Status Effect for 45 seconds.
    • Mending survivors are instead inflicted with the Blindness Status Effect for 25 seconds.
    • Shadow Veil can only be triggered once every 60/45/30 seconds.

    "Trend on this land, foolishly unaware of the net of shadows you stand on."

    (Inspired by "Mending", Shadow Veil introduces the "Darkened" Status Effect. The screen for survivors would be darkened and harder to see. However, Mending survivors cannot be inflicted by "Darkened". Mending and Darkened would just make it a black screen at that point. It's a good perk for combining with Barbeque and Chili since auras are revealed away from the hook, while nearby survivors are revealed closer to the hook.)

    Post edited by DerpPotatoes on
  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,856

    Killer perks:

    The Bad Touch: your touch puts a curse on objects. After you perform 1/2/3 basic attacks against a pallet it becomes blocked by the entity for 10 seconds. The bad touch has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

    Demise's Reflection: survivors trying to catch a glimpse of you only see their impending doom. If a survivor would read your aura, your aura is not revealed, you can see the survivors aura for that duration and the survivor screams and reveals their location for 2/3/4 seconds.

    Foul play: to complete your goal you do anything you see fit. You start the trial with 1 token. Consume a token to break one upright pallet. Foul play regains a token everytime a survivor dies by any means. Increases pallet breaking speed by 5/10/15%.

    Psychedelic Trip: your mere presence messes with the senses of survivors. If a survivor has an active aura reading effect, they will see 1/2/3 fake auras (these auras will obviously look like whatever the original aura reading would have revealed and if a killer or survivor was revealed the fake auras would move as well)

    Hex: Deceit: all of your hex totems look like dull totems and survivors will not get the cursed notification. Reveals the auras of all survivors within 1/2/3 meters of an active hex totem.

    Snuff Out The Light: your intense hatred for light incures the curiosity of the entity. After kicking a generator it becomes blocked by the entity for 30/45/60 seconds. Blocked generators can continue regressing. Snuff out the light has a cool down of 120 seconds.

    Sadistic: you know how to hook them for maximum damage. If a survivor is unhooked that survivor suffers from deep wound, haemorrhage and mangled. It takes 15/20/25% longer to unhook a survivor.

    Cheap Trick: you never played fair so why start now. The first survivor you hook instantly loses 20/25/30% of their hook progression and is faced with a tremendously difficult skill check. Failing this skill check immediately puts the survivor into struggle phase. Changes hook struggle skill checks to hard skill checks.

    Simmer Down: your cursing powers grow with the hope of the survivors. Gain a token for every completed generator. Every token results in a stackable 3/4/5% reduction of generator repair, totem cleansing, chest opening and rummaging, healing, unhooking and exit gate opening.

    I know about the power level of some of these but since they will never make it into the game I thought who cares.

  • vLeonGamingv
    vLeonGamingv Member Posts: 2

    This is from my killer idea post I made yesterday.

  • Lord_Sneck
    Lord_Sneck Member Posts: 8


    Hysterical Strength: Being chased by someone trying to kill you is terrifying. When throwing down a pallet, successfully stunning the killer will break the pallet, but the killer is stunned for 50/55/60% longer.

    Autophobia: If you are the last survivor in the trial, this perk activates. If the killer picks you up, the nearest hook breaks, and you wiggle 25/30/35% faster.

    Like A Whisper: When you successfully win a chase, your scratch marks will not be visible and you will run silently for 6/9/12 seconds.


    Hex: Impatience: Whenever you hook a survivor, gain a token. Each token increases the speed you gain bloodlust by 6/8/10%. You can only have a maximum of 4 tokens.

    Sore Loser: Whenever you are in a chase for at least 10 seconds, and lose it, gain a token. The token will give you a 1/2/3% speed boost. Every time you injure or down a survivor, you lose a token.

    Hands Off: Whenever a survivor starts cleansing a dull totem, they receive blindness and oblivious. This effect persists for 10/20/30 more seconds if the survivor successfully cleanses the totem.

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141
    edited July 2021

    Occult inspired survivor perks:

    both characters can be the continuation of the imperiatti lore as 2 more characters from that group the magician following the teachings of his father’s illusion and the witch joining her mother’s coven in order to hone and use their skills to find their parents.

    the male magician (if behavior wants to capitalize on lgbtq representation can make the magician gay. Being that he would’ve also learned stage craft by extension theatre (but not really flamboyant I see him kind of like some representations of dc’s Constantine where he is bi but doesn’t really define himself by it). His attire is a little Victorian gothic. Not to say that future cosmetics can’t be modernized. I’d love his name to be Dorian Obscuris

    the witch can definitely be bi. But I see her as very dainty and feminine, her attire is very dominatrix & Lolita-esc. I’d lover name to Daphne Romani

    male magician survivor:

    Qi flow: you have learned through the power of Qi, how to push your body past it’s natural capabilities.

    you recover from exhaustion 1/2/3 seconds faster

    boon: ventriloquism: you are a master of illusion.

    once every 120/110/100 seconds one boon totem in the trial will create a loud noise notification.

    curtain call: it is time for your final act.

    aura reading ability. When you are the last survivor alive all lockers are revealed to you within a 10/15/20 meter radius. Jumping into a locker will allow you to teleport (one time) to a locker that is farthest across the map from the killer

    female witch character:

    Human voodo doll: your empathy is so powerful, you have learned to use it as an unnatural connection.

    after repairing the equivalent of 2/1.5/1 generator (equivalent of a lone repair), you are granted a token for this perk (you cannot gain a second token until you have used the first. Upon being hit by the killer, the killer is stunned.

    healing aura: the warmth of your inner fire heals all.

    this ability becomes active once a survivor is injured. You are able to press the healing button (and chose character portrait if there are multiple injured survivors) and able to heal any survivor no matter where they are on the map (at a very slightly slow speed/slow speed/regular speed-with no skill checks or healing bonus’; this perks healing speed cannot be increased by stacking healing speed bonus’ from other perks or med kits. This perk cannot be used to heal other survivors if you are injured. This perk can be used to heal yourself at regular self care speed. Regardless of healing yourself or others you’re aura will always be revealed to the killer while using this perk.

    Book of Shadows: This book has been passed down many generations.

    The icon for this perk looks kind of like auto didact (open book) on the load out screen is a closed book but once in match it can change into one of three pictures

    If playing a match with hex totems the perk picture changes into an open book with a skull symbol on the page: grants the ability to harvest the essence of the entity (walk up to a sacrificial hook and press the ability button in order to harvest) to gain a max of 3 tokens. Gaining a token through this action btw has progression just like clearing a totem and you can only collect up to three tokens once. Each harvest makes a loud noise notification at the end.

    if the three tokens are all harvested from the same hook, the hook becomes permanently unusable.

    a token is consumed every time you are downed by the killer after being unhooked; the entity blocks you from the killer for 20/30/40 seconds.

    if there is a boon totem on the map the perk changes into a book with the obsession symbol on the page:

    once every 120/110/100 seconds receive the ability to clear specific status effects from yourself or others (like torment, madness, sickness, blind, oblivious, incapacitated)

    if there aren’t any hex or boon totems in the trial the icon changes into a book with the aura (eye) on the page.

    every time you are within 10/15/20 meters of a dull totem the killers aura is revealed to you and your aura cannot be revealed to killer regardless of whatever aura reading perk or add on they have.

    killer abilities that I made in order to counter some of the survivor abilities:

    Hex: parasitic bond: the real evil was inside all along.

    one random hex perk attaches attaches itself to a boon/dull totem. That hex can only be cleansed if the boon or dull totem is attached to is cleansed. If hex parasitic bond is cleansed first the hex that was attached to the boon/dull totem eliminates/takes over as the dominant totem (therefore if it’s a boon totem changes from blue to red)

    Hex: telepathy: reading minds is not just some simple parlor trick.

    the perk icon is interchangeable if their aren’t any boon totems in match the icon is a closed eye lid.

    once every 50/40/30 seconds a random survivors’ aura reading ability is canceled. This includes the aura of downed and hooked survivors.

    if their are boon totems in trial the perk icon changes into an open eye. Every 140/130/120 seconds the killer sees a random survivors’ aura.

    perversion: to diminish something pure.

    if a hex totem is cleansed and the killer finds a boon totem. The killer is able to change the boon totem into the hex totem that was cleansed.

    idol worship: may the offerings to the entity be smiled upon and received well.

    once per match the killer can mark a hex totem they want to move, and then mark a spot any where during the trial, to teleport the hex totem to. If the hex totem has not been cleansed by the time the killer marks a new spot; the hex totem is teleported.

    Post edited by HEXSLAYER999 on
  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021


    As long as you are the obsession

    Survivor Healing Action will start off by x / x / x %

    Post edited by cobalt22 on
  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Motivated Motive

    When performing a co op action negative status effects on survivors will decrease by

    x / x / x %

    Post edited by cobalt22 on
  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Lethal Usage

    When a survivor depletes an item Lethal Usage activates:

    Survivors will suffer exposed status effect for x / x / x seconds as soon an item reaches its depletion point.

    Aura of the exposed survivor will be revealed as long he/she is exposed. Killer will see exposed status on survivor hud

    Post edited by cobalt22 on
  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Entity's Locker

    When a survivor enter's a locker Entity's Locker activates

    Survivors are able to teleport from one locker to another

    x/x/x sec for survivor to teleport when inside the locker

    Entity's Locker has a cooldown of 80 sec for next activation

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Hex: Entity's Right Hand

    When reaching the last generator survivors negative status effects will be paused

    survivors will also suffer exposed status effect.

    The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem

    is standing.

    Post edited by cobalt22 on
  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Right Behind Me

    When 1 survivor exits through the gates the remaining survivors gain haste status effect

    for about x / x / x sec during trial.

    Post edited by cobalt22 on
  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Exit Wounds

    When Exit Gates open, Exit Wounds activates.

    Grunts of pain from injury will be reduced to x / x / x %

    Gain 2% haste as soon as the exit gates are open.

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Hex: Treasure Hunter

    Auras of survivors will be revealed when

    within x meters of a chest ( open or closed )

    sounds of chest opening is increased by x / x / x %

    The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Bad Timing

    Survivors that are working on a generator will suffer Bad Timing

    Missed Skill Checks will put a decrease on progression speed by x / x / x %

    the next good skill check zone will be reduced by x / x / x% when missing previous skill checks

    Post edited by cobalt22 on
  • DerpPotatoes
    DerpPotatoes Member Posts: 18

    Survivor Perk: Meticulous

    You keep in mind the small details when making your next move.

    • You slow vault 30/40/50% faster.
    • You make no noises cleansing totems.
    • Falling grunts are silenced.

    (Meticulous is a perk for sneakily making choices, like slow-vaulting away from the killer or cleansing a totem right next to them. If you noticed the killer and need to drop down without them noticing you, Meticulous is a good way to plan ahead. While there isn't always a fall location, there's always going to be totems.) 


    Survivor Perk: Butterfly Effect

    Just a small step is the first step for a big change.

    • Each time a generator is repaired, gain a 1/2/3% increase in skill checks.
    • Each Good Skill Check will add 1 Token.
    • Each Token grants an additional Progression bonus of 1%
    • You lose all Tokens when you miss a Good Skill Check.

    (Butterfly Effect is a perk for gradually increasing progression. Like rhythm games, you can combo good skill checks over and over, building up more progress. But the moment you miss a good skill check, you have start all over.)


    Survivor Perk: Fake-Out

    When all eyes are on you, you know how to quickly disappear.

    While next to a vaulting location, press the active ability button to:

    • Make a loud noise notification.
    • Make scratch marks on the other side of the vault.
    • Break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
    • Fake-Out causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
    • Fake-Out cannot be used when Exhausted.

    (A mix between Deception and Lithe, Fake-Out tricks the killer to believing you vaulted a location, allowing you time to run away in the other direction. It's perfect for mind games, or when a loop gets too dangerous to keep looping.)


    Killer Perk: Hex: Barricade 

    A Hex that hinders the meek.

    Those who hide will be cornered.

    • After hooking a Survivor, 1/2/3 Lockers will randomly be blocked by the Entity.
    • When a Survivor exits a Locker, the Locker will be blocked by the Entity.
    • A Locker will not be blocked if there is a Survivor inside.
    • The Hex effect persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

    (The Entity can block pallets, windows, and exit gates, so it'd be interesting if lockers could be blocked too. While hooking survivors gradually limits the amount of lockers left, survivors will have to use lockers sparingly. It'd have good synergy with Barbeque and Chili and Iron Maiden.)


    Killer Perk: Conflagration Hex

    A touch of the Entity has been imbued in the hex flames.

    • At the start of the Trial, all Hex Totems become Taboo Totems for 80/100/120 seconds.
    • Taboo Totems cannot be cleansed and their auras will not be shown to survivors.
    • Taboo Totems are 20% louder.

    (While the Entity can block generators at the start of the game, it'd be interesting to force survivors to tough out Hexes for at least 2 minutes. While Hex Totems have red flames and Boon Totems have blue flames, Taboo Totems have black flames (representing the Entity's touch). This perk is for killers who have their hex perks cleansed at the start of the Trial. Similar to how you can hear the Entity on blocked generators, you hear Taboo Totems louder. Since their auras can't be shown, survivors will have to remember where the totem is located after 2 minutes. It can be countered by totem/cleansing perks, but perks such as Haunted Grounds/Thrill of the Hunt can be used to flip the tables.)


    Killer Perk: Vile Misery

    Treating never-ending pain is slowly chipping away at your victims' morale.

    • You become obsessed with one Survivor.
    • When your obsession is healed to a full healthy state, they will scream and reveal their location.
    • The first survivor that healed your obsession will suffer the incapacitated status effect for 20/25/30 seconds.
    • They become the obsession and their aura is revealed to you for 4 seconds.

    (A mix between Nemesis and Deathbound, Vile Misery passes the obsession status to the unfortunate victim who heals the obsession. While the scream points the killer to the direction of where it came, the aura reading provides the silhouette of the next target. If the obsession heals themselves, they will instead reveal themselves, (countered by Calm Spirit). It provides a way to track a victim without having to hunt for one. It's a miserable choice of standing out or selling out your teammate.)

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
    edited July 2021

    Hex: Ravager

    You bind the life of survivors to one.

    Whenever the Obsession is inflicted with a status effect, it applies to all survivors for equal duration.

    Rare: Applies to all survivors for an additional fifteen seconds.

    Very Rare: Applies to all survivors an additional twenty seconds.



    Whenever you create a loud sound notification, you dealy the notification for the killer for 3/4/5 seconds.

  • PlagueSupremacy
    PlagueSupremacy Member Posts: 1

    (Name is relevant to a killer concept I've been working on)


    You've seen what people rely on, and how they scramble to get it back when in danger.

    Whenever a survivor enters the dying state, the last generator they worked on is blocked off by the Entity for 10/20/30 seconds. The chosen generator resets upon the correlating survivor being unhooked.

    FILE NOT FOUND has a cooldown of 60 seconds

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    Eternal Fury

    Make your obstacle less painful and let fortune be on your side

    Eternal Fury is active a random dropped pallet will be destroyed by the entity.

    Eternal Fury has a cool down of x/x/x seconds.

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2021

    Fatal Fall

    Whenever a survivor enters a dying state Fatal Fall activates:

    Survivors in Dying state will have their bleed timer paused for

    x / x / x seconds

    The perk is used once per trial

    Post edited by cobalt22 on
  • DontleaveSayorihangi
    DontleaveSayorihangi Member Posts: 13

    Survivor Perk - Easy Way Out

    You see the aura of the generator closest to completion for 5 seconds every 40/35/30 seconds.

    Survivor Perk - Against All Odds

    For every hook state you reach gain a 3/4/5% increase to healing, repair and cleansing speed

    Survivor Perk - Tell No Tales

    For every dead survivor gain a stack to a maximum of 1/2/3. For every stack gain 1% extra movement speed.


    Killer Perk - Hex: Eye In The Sky

    You see the aura of all survivors within 4/5/6 meters of generators and exit gate switches.

    Killer Perk - Curtain Call

    For each unique survivor hooked gain a stack to a maximum of 2/3/4. For each stack gain 1% extra movement speed.

    Killer Perk - Property Loss

    You can destroy an undropped pallet. Once used goes on a 3/2.5/2 minute cooldown.

    Killer Perk - Supernatural Suppression

    For every completed generator your terror radius gets smaller by 8/9/10% of its original size.

    Killer Perk - Take The L

    For every hook state achieved all generators instantly regress by 4/5/6% (4/4.8/5.6 seconds).

  • lethargicsauce
    lethargicsauce Member Posts: 87

    From a killer idea that I edited today:

    Luck of the Draw: Spawns the player at a random generator on the map, but also spawns the killer at a generator. (It can end up being the same generator). The tiers of this perk affects the chance of you spawning next to the killer, decreasing that chance by 3%/6%/9% respectively. When this perk is active, the killer spawns with the undetectable status effect for 8 seconds.

    Second perk I've ever made or thought of, the first being absolutely horrible, so I won't put that one here.

  • OrionQc24
    OrionQc24 Member Posts: 283

    Mote of light

    When the survivor is chased they charge up a "light gauge" (same as a flashlight) taking 40s to fully charge. Allow a survivor to creat a beam of light emanating from their right palm. Take 20s to deplete and cannot be recharge unless it has been fully depleted.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    PERK: Price of Sacrifice - Once every hook, all totems on the field lose 10-15-20% durability.

    PERK: Birdfeed - Pass 5/4/3 groups of crows without disturbing them to turn a token. Each token allows you to throw bird feed at the killer. Killer is swarmed with crows, distracting them from grunts of pain and sounds of healing.

    PERK: Nimble - Fast faults are 15-20-25% faster. Sounds of breathing are 20% lower.

    PERK: Coffin Seller - After spending ____ time in chase, the killer's final hit doesn't hit you as hard as they think. Pressing action button immediately raises you from a FAKE dying state without scratchmarks for 3/5/7 seconds.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122


    IT'S ME

    You're arrogant and prideful, enjoying torturing your victims before ending it swiftly.

    • You become Obsessed with 1 Survivor
    • After chasing your Obsession for 60/50/40s, It's Me activates.
    • When active, the Obsession becomes Exposed while in chase.
    • When the Obsession is put into the Dying State, It's Me goes onto a 60s cooldown before it can be 'recharged'.


    You've been taken to the brink of death and brought back several times- a little damage just annoys you now.

    • Being stunned activates I Always Come Back for 30s. While active, increase your action speeds for hooking, picking up, checking lockers, vaulting windows, and breaking actions by 20/25/30%, as well as decreasing your successful and missed attack cooldowns by 20/25/30%.


    A Hex that grows in power as the night comes to an end. Time to get serious.

    • Every time a Generator is completed, gain a Token, up to a max of 5 Tokens.
    • Every time a Generator is completed, the following effects are activated:
      • Gain a 1/2/3% Haste Status Effect for 15s. for each Token on this Hex
      • 3+ Tokens: Gain the Undetectable Status Effect for 2/3/4s. for each Token on this Hex
      • 5 Tokens: Survivors suffer from the Oblivious and Exhausted Status Effects.


    You don’t mind giving them what they want- you don’t intend on letting them win anyway.

    • When a Generator reaches 25%, 50%, and 75% progress, Survivors working on the Generator will be faced with a difficult skill check. If they succeed, the Generator gains 5% progression. If they miss, the Generator will be blocked for 5/7/9 seconds for each of the number of Survivors working on the Generator at the time.
      • Note: This means that the lockdown time is multiplicative, so one Survivor missing the skill check will induce the total regression for all Survivors.
      • 2 Survivors: 10/14/18s, 3 Survivors: 15/21/27s, 4 Survivors: 20/28/36s.


    Your traps take their toll on those who dare to escape.

    • At the beginning of the Trial, 4 Hooks will be randomly selected to be Scourge Hooks. You see their Auras in white.
    • When a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, they suffer from the Hindered and Exhausted Status effects for 10/15/20s (Hindered: -15%) as well as the Broken status effect for 60s.


    A Hex powered by the suffering of your past victims. They help trick and lure your next target into your grasp.

    • While this Hex is still standing, Survivors within 16/20/24m of a Dull Totem will hear a fake distant Terror Radius. If they cleanse the Dull Totem(s) or Hex: Ghost Souls, the Survivor who cleansed it will be Exposed for 30s.


    Living off the land has taught you how to survive on the bare minimum, as well as how to best approach your prey.

    • When you hit a Survivor, gain a Token, up to 5 Tokens.
    • Each Token decreases your Terror Radius by 5/7.5/10%. After hooking a Survivor, lose 2 Tokens.


    You were once human and know how humans should sound, so luring them into your grasp is as easy as playing pretend.

    • When a healthy Survivor enters your Terror Radius, they hear injured and moaning Survivor sounds coming from your location instead. This perk goes on cooldown for 90/75/60s after injuring a Survivor.


    Anyone who dares take your trophies will pay for their greed.

    • At the start of the Trial, 4 Hooks are selected to be Scourge Hooks. Their Auras are shown in white.
    • When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from a Scourge Hook, they become injured. If they are already injured, they suffer from a Deep Wound. After rescuing the Survivor, their Aura is revealed for 6s.


    You fill your victims with horror as they near the end.

    • When the Exit Gates are powered, see the Auras of Survivors that interact with them.
    • Exit Gate Progression regresses at 5/7.5/10% of its maximum charges per second when not being used by a Survivor.


    You are the ultimate lifeform, enjoying the helplessness of your prey as they try and fail to run.

    • After hitting a Survivor, gain a Token, up to 8 Tokens. Each time a Survivor is healed or picked up, lose a Token. When a Survivor is fully Sacrificed, lose half of your Tokens.
    • For each Token on Terror Incarnate, gain a 3/3.5/4% Action Speed bonus to picking up and dropping Survivors, breaking Pallets and Breakable Walls, damaging Generators, checking Lockers and vaulting Windows.


    You always get the last laugh, cause it’s just too funny to see them suffer.

    • At the start of the Trial, 4 Hooks are selected to be Scourge Hook. You see their Auras in white.
    • Survivors who unhook a Survivor from a Scourge Hook, or Survivors who are unhooked from a Scourge Hook, cannot obtain the Endurance status effect for 8/12/16s.
    • For 8/12/16s after a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, the Killer receives the Unstoppable status effect.
      • NEW STATUS EFFECT: UNSTOPPABLE. While under this effect, the Killer cannot be stunned or blinded.
  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122



    A curious jade Stone with a circular hole in it. Looking through it dispels illusion and reveals the truth.

    • The first Chest you search will contain an Adder Stone (Item: 30 charges)
    • Channeling the Adder Stone will allow you to see the Aura(s) of whatever you interacted with last. (Survivors, Pallets, Killer, Generators, vault locations, etc.) (1 Charge per second).
      • You cannot bring the Adder Stone with you outside of the Trial. Only 1 Adder Stone can be used per Survivor.


    When in the face of danger, you don’t back down and take the initiative.

    • When you take a Protection Hit for another Survivor, gain the Endurance Status effect for 5/7/9s. This perk can only be used once every 60s.


    Someone’s always got your back, even if you don’t really know their intentions.

    • When the Killer is within 16/20/24m of you, Deuteragonist activates. Hear ghostly, benign whispers that get louder and more agitated the closer the Killer is. While active, gain a 15% increase to vaulting speed and opening Exit Gates.


    You keep the stories and lessons you’ve grown up with close to heart. They’ve aided you in warding off evil.

    • While cleansing a Dull Totem, press the Active Ability button to Sanctify it, turning it into a Boon Totem. Only 1 Boon Totem perk can be equipped at a time.
      • NOTE: When under the effects of a Boon Totem, Killers suffer from the Blessed status effect. This status effect serves as an opposite to the Cursed status effect, notifying the Killer that a Boon Totem is active.
    • When this Boon Totem is active, Survivors recover from status effects 40/45/50% more quickly. Survivors can recover from the Exhausted status effect while running at 25/50/75% of the normal recovery speed.
    • The Killer can perform the Dismantle action (10s) on a Boon Totem to destroy it.


    Until your last breath, you make it hell for your enemies to put you down.

    • At the start of the Trial, you become the Obsession. Only one Survivor can be the Obsession at a time.
    • Every time you stun or blind the Killer, gain a Token, up to 5 Tokens. You can only gain/lose Tokens when you are the Obsession. When you are unhooked, lose all of your Tokens.
    • For each Token on this perk, gain a 3/4/5% bonus to wiggling speed while being carried by the Killer.


    You’re not just fighting for yourself- you need to get back to them, whatever it takes.

    • Every time a Generator is completed, gain a Token, up to 5 Tokens.
    • For each Token on this perk, gain a 3/4/5% bonus to Vaulting, Unhooking, Healing, Sabotaging, Exit Gate Opening, Unlocking and Cleansing.
    • These effects do not stack with other perks.


    You are a leader who stepped up to bring the evil down, uniting all under a common cause.

    • Your Aura is always shown to all Survivors.
    • When performing a cooperative action with another Survivor, increase your repairing, healing and/or Killer Item interaction speed (EX: Portals) by 3/5/7% for each Survivor performing cooperative actions.


    You’ve kicked and pushed around your entire life, the only way to stop it is to fight back.

    • At the start of the Trial, one Survivor becomes the Obsession. There can only be one Obsession at a time.
    • If you are the Obsession, approach the Killer and press the Active Ability button while within range to Blitz them.
    • After Blitzing a Killer, they become stunned for 5s. You receive the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40s and become Incapacitated for 60/50/40s.
    • You can only use Time To End It once every 120s while not Exhausted.


    The willpower and cunning of you and your team is stronger than any monster.

    • While cleansing a Dull Totem, press the Active Ability button to Sanctify it, turning it into a Boon Totem. Only 1 Boon Totem perk can be equipped at a time.
      • NOTE: When under the effects of a Boon Totem, Killers suffer from the Blessed status effect. This status effect serves as an opposite to the Cursed status effect, notifying the Killer that a Boon Totem is active.
    • While this Boon Totem is active, it gains a Token for each Survivor that is still in the Trial. For each Token on this Totem, the Killer’s Power usage speed is reduced by 3/5/7%.
      • Power Usage refers to the activation/setting/speed that a Killer uses their Power.
    • The Killer can perform the Dismantle action (10s) on a Boon Totem to destroy it.
  • AnAussie
    AnAussie Member Posts: 5

    Just some Misc. Perk Ideas I had

    Killer Perks

    Scourge Hook: Where Are You Going: You won't let your senpais escape.

    At the start of the trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. The auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

    If a survivor is unhooked or unhooks themselves from a Scourge Hook, their Aura is revealed to you for 8/11/14 seconds.

    Threat of Death: If they fall out of line, they are to be executed immediately.

    Whenever you're stunned by a survivor, the survivor become exposed for 35/40/45 seconds. Threat of Death has a cooldown of 80 seconds.

    Survivor Perks

    Obsessive Pervert: You look out for your friends cause you care for them and have lewd thoughts about them

    If you are not the Obsession, then you can see the Obsession’s aura when within 40 meters of them, and you can see the Killer’s aura when they’re within 6/8/10 meters of the Obsession. This perk deactivates when you become the Obsession. Reduces the chance of becoming the Obsession.

    Bittersweet Ending: After creating so many stories, you know that not everyone will make it out alive.

    Whenever a survivor other than you is sacrificed or killed, all survivors leave no scratch marks for 16/20/24 seconds.

    Multiple instances of Bittersweet Ending do not stack.

  • RakNieborakYT
    RakNieborakYT Member Posts: 306

    I have three whole chapter here, well, the most important things

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439


    The power of your brutal strikes against environmental objects knows no bounds.

    Destroying a dropped Pallet or Breakable Wall by any means within 4/5/6 meters of a Survivor will deal 1 Health State of damage to them.

    Shatter has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

  • WiffleBizkit
    WiffleBizkit Member Posts: 3

    Power In Numbers :

    When sticking together is all you have, you try to gain from it. is When any survivors are within 16 meters of you gain a 7/8/9% haste status effect for each survivor within range. This effect persist for 15 seconds.

    Helping Hand :

    You try to always help those in need. Gain a 15% increase to healing and unhooking. While healing yourself or an other survivor see all remaining survivors aura during the action and 8/9/10 seconds afterwards.

    “Come on we are a team, we got this!” - Gavin The Lost Tapes

    “Hey it’s gonna be alright. ######### he tore you up pretty good, don’t worry you’re in good hands.” - Alexa The Lost Tapes

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    this will probably help new survivors.

    perk: messages from the archives:

    once at the start of each match one of the killers perks is revealed to the the survivor using this perk. Tier 1 reveals the icon, tier 2 icon and name, tier 3 icon name and summarized description; example of summarized description hex ruin: all generators will continuously regress until this hexed totem is cleansed.

    there is a priority system

    with a hex perk having more priority to be revealed then scourge hook perk; and a courage hook perk having more priority then a regular perk.

    and within each category there is another priority system with haunted ground having most priority (because it’s a trap) and undying having less/no priority because it’s a supportive hex.

    it gives new survivors a little more intel for 1) perk.

    if it’s a hex perk, they know a totem needs to be cleansed

    scourge hook perk; avoided or saboed

    Regular perks countered. Ex: if killer does not have any hex or scourge hook perks but has bbq; small description: killer will see your aura after every hook.

  • Rumple92
    Rumple92 Member Posts: 2

    I came up with a killer idea “The Yeti” but here’s his perks I made for him

  • Stridor
    Stridor Member Posts: 28
    edited October 2021

    So I was excited to see some of my other suggestions from over a year ago being implemented in game as fun new functions in game. So I figured, why not give out some more ideas to the Devs! I like to think I have a similar mindset to the Devs when making perks, so let's see!

    A Year’s Worth of Perks II


    1.) Breaking Focus

    When interrupted during any action, the nearest hook automatically becomes sabotaged and will respawn after XX amount of seconds.


    Shifting Focus

    When interrupted during any action, your wiggle meter will automatically fill XX%.

    2.) Boon: Third Eye

    When a killer is XX meters away from a boon totem, their aura is revealed to you.

    3.) Sanguine Bond

    While healing or being healed, the location of any survivors  involved in the healing will have their aura revealed to all other survivors while the healing action is taking place as well as XX seconds after the action is complete.

    4.) Spare Tools

    Searches through Chests are XX% faster and the noises they cause along with their hearing distances are reduced by X metres. Toolshed guarantees an Engineer’s Toolbox  on your first completed Chest search. If paired with Pharmacy, Pharmacy will activate upon searching the first box and Tool Shed will activate for the second Chest. Using Appraisal on any opened chest will not activate Tool Shed.

    5.) Boon: Kicking & Screaming

    Whenever you are downed, all hooks within xx meters of a boon totem become sabotaged and your wiggle speed is increased by XX%. 

    6.) Boon: Soothing Presence

    When a survivor enters XX meters of a boon totem, recover from negative status effects faster by XX%.

    7.) Headstrong

    You start the trial with X tokens, each time you are challenged with a skill check while outside of the Killer’s terror radius, a token is spent on a Failed Skill Check to a Good Skill Check, a Good check to a Great check, and doubles the progression bonus of a Great Skill Check. Once the tokens are depleted, the perk deactivates.

    8.) Just a Little Further

    Once the Hatch has been opened, you gain the haste status effect and the sound of the hatch is increased by XX%  for XX seconds.

    9.) Exchanging Power

    Once per match a survivor may take a fuse item out of a generator,fully regressing the generator. They can then install the fuse in any generator, providing XX% of the stored power inside of the fuse. The power inside the fuse quickly deteriorates over time, so the longer you hold onto it, the less energy you can transfer.

    10.) You and Me, Pal

    You see the auras of the last couple of survivors you’ve completed a generator with after working together for more than XX seconds. The effects are lost if either party is put into the dying state.

    11.) Reinforced Barrier

    Every XX seconds you are standing within the Killer's Terror Radius without being chased, Reinforced Wood gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of X Tokens. You may spend these tokens on downed pallets and breakable walls, taking XX seconds to give them the reinforced status effect. The killer’s first attempt to destroy the reinforced pallet or wall will instead result in a stun, then on the second attempt the wall or pallet will break normally. If the killer does not kick the pallet or wall after XX seconds, the reinforced effect goes away and the token is simply wasted. The Reinforced Pallet or Wall's aura will be shown to all survivors.

    12.) Better Me Than You

    Better Me Than You increases your chance of becoming the obsession.

    If you are put into the dying state as a result of a protection hit, Better Me Than You activates. If the killer hooks you within XX seconds, you will be met with a difficult skill check. Succeeding will cause your hook progression to pause for XX seconds.


    1.) Overruled

    The killer starts the trial with x amount of tokens, a killer can spend a token to block off any totem from being worked on for xx seconds. Once all tokens are used, the perk deactivates.

    2.) Consequences

    When a survivor sabotages a hook, the killer will become undetectable, with the terror radius being transferred to the sabotaging survivor for xx seconds.

    3.) One Man's Trash

    Picking up an item will cause the exposed status effect for XX seconds. Any survivor who picks up an item empty of charges, will begin screaming every XX seconds as long as they hold the empty item.

    4.) Run, Don't Hide

    While within a Killer's terror radius, survivors will give off a loud noise notification when medium or slow vaulting, Hide & Seek has a cool down of XX seconds.

    5.) The End is Neigh

    Once all generators are powered, the amount of time it takes for a survivor to be sacrificed on hook is decreased by x%, escape attempts are increased by x%, and penalty to failing to escape is increased by x%.

    6.) Scourge Hook: Seeds of Distrust

    When a survivor is hooked on a scourge hook, all survivors performing cooperative actions reveal their locations. When the survivor is unhooked, all survivors performing the repair action reveal their location and become exposed for XX seconds.

    7.) Scourge Hook: Imprisonment

    After a survivor rescues a fellow survivor off of a scourge hook, each window and pallet they vault over will become blocked for XX seconds or until any survivor takes damage.

    8.) Splintered Pallet

    After you are stunned by a Pallet, the pallet receives the Splintered status effect. When a survivor vaults over the pallet, they will become hindered and oblivious status effect for XX seconds. The killer is notified whenever any player interacts with a Splintered Pallet (Slow, medium, or fast vault). A Splintered Pallet appears as a normal pallet with Entity tendrils covering it to show all players it is Splintered. 

    9.) Aggravation

    Each time a survivor escapes your grasp, you gain a token. For each token, all stun and blind times are decreased by XX% and kicked generators have an increased regression rate of XX% 

    10.) Vultures

    Failing any skill check will cause a stillness crow to appear over the survivor's head, circling it and crowing loudly for XX seconds. This is stackable up to 3 crows.



    Upon healing a survivor for 1 health state, all survivors involved in the heal create an Unholy Bond. This would retroactively make Deathbound an Unholy Bond perk.

    11.) Unholy Bond: Autophobia

    When an Unholy Bound survivor is hit with a basic attack, their bound survivor will suffer from a Deep Wound with a short timer of X seconds. Upon mending they will return to their previous health state.

    12.) Unholy Bond: Locked in Terror

    When an Unholy Bound survivor is hooked, their bound survivor will be unable to save their bound partner for xx seconds.