Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,574
    edited October 2021

    Here’s my super convoluted perks:

    Hex: Unaging (Killer)

    “Your impossible familiarity with the various trial grounds has manifested within a Hex, making the trial appear as if nothing ever happened.”

    Whilst Hex: Unaging stands, the following occurs:

    All broken Pallets and Breakable Walls appear as Fake Pallets and Fake Breakable Walls after 25 seconds of being broken;

    Thrown Pallets appear as if standing upright after 25 seconds of not being interacted with;

    Broken Hooks appear as functional hooks, 25 seconds after being broken;

    Chests appear closed 25 seconds after not being interacted with;

    Generator progress cannot be perceived by Survivors after said Generator has not being interacted with for 25 seconds. Fully repaired Generators are unaffected;

    Newly appeared Hex and Boon Totems appear as Dull Totems after 25 seconds of turning into a Hex or Boon Totem;

    Cleansed Totems appear as if still standing after 25 seconds of being cleansed;

    Any item’s depletion cannot be seen, and will always appear as full.

    • Fake Pallets and Fake Breakable Walls appear as regular Pallets and Breakable Walls, but can be passed through by all players. To you, Fake objects have their aura revealed in white when chasing a survivor within 16 meters of them.
    • Additionally, the aura of any Survivor that passes through a Fake Pallet or Fake Breakable Wall is revealed to you for 4/6/8 seconds.

    All other affected objects appear as normal if a Survivor is within 3 meters of them.

    Morbid Curiosity (Survivor)

    “You’ve been exposed to the terrors of the fog in so many ways, the shock you know you should feel has become an almost perverse fascination.”

    Morbid Curiosity gains a token in the following ways (only one token can be gained for each method):

    Completing an action within 6 meters of any Killer belonging;

    Cleansing a Dull Totem;

    Cleansing a Hex Totem;

    Sabotaging a Hook;

    Spending 20 uninterrupted seconds in the basement;

    Opening the basement’s chest;

    Remaining in the Killer’s outer Terror Radius without being chased for 15 uninterrupted seconds;

    Remaining in the Killer’s middle Terror Radius without being chased for 10 uninterrupted seconds;

    Remaining in the Killer’s inner Terror Radius without being chased for 5 uninterrupted seconds;

    Remaining within 2 meters of the Killer without being chased for 2 uninterrupted seconds;

    Looking directly at the killer within 16 meters of them without interacting with them, for 10 uninterrupted seconds;

    Stunning the Killer;

    Escaping the Killer’s grasp;

    Closely dodging a Killer’s attack;

    Being unhooked;

    Unhooking yourself;

    Unhooking another Survivor

    • Each token reveals the aura of a random non-player, non-held item, non killer-specific object, as well as the aura of anyone interacting with the associated object for as long as they interact with it, and for 2/3,5/5 seconds after, wherever it is.
    • If the object loses its aura, or its aura is revealed by another method, another item is revealed instead, removing the permanent reveal (unless it’s the only object not revealed already.)

    “Once you become desentisised to it all, you’ll notice the patterns.”

  • thelegion_fan
    thelegion_fan Member Posts: 49

    Is that a undertale reference? Also i think this was seem by devs becuase one of nemises perks is this but little different

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2021


    Sacrifice / Worthy Sacrifice / Take me, not them!:

    Your selflessness makes your friends' life more important than yours. You unhook survivors 5%/10%/15% faster. After unhooking a survivor, Sacrifice activates, and the next time you get hooked, you can last 30%/60%/90% more time on the hook, and your friends are granted a 3%/5%/7% healing speed. After you are unhooked, you become healthy. And all effects will vanish. With a 180 seconds.

    Killer perk:

    Hook obsessed:

    You want to hook someone as soon as possible. For your first hook, the survivor last 10% less on the hook, and once saved, gain broken and oblivious status effect for 30/60/90 seconds, and gain a 5%/6%/7% speed boost for the rest of the trial

  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 97

    I have a few that I like from my killer concepts. Candyman, Happy Death Day, The Craft, and Pennywise

    Candyman - Sweets to the Sweet:

    "There will be no rest for the wicked."

    For every 40/35/30 seconds that a survivor is not involved in a chase or objective task (healing, generator repairs, unhooking, cleansing, blessing, or opening gates), 1 second will be added to the time required to escape the trial (maximum 10 seconds). This affects the time to exit the trial, not to the time to open the exit gates.

    Happy Death Day - Sweet Treat:

    "Always have a backup plan."

    Each time you hook a survivor all totems are protected by the entity from being cleansed or blessed for 30/45/60 seconds.

    The Craft - Hex: Illusionist

    "Then why are you still bleeding?"

    While the hex is active, all broken breakable doors and broken pallets appear as unbroken. Dropped and broken pallets will appear as un-dropped only. Illusionary broken doors will be able to be passed through by the killer or survivors. Survivors who are within 4 meters of the illusions will leave blood trails even if healthy for 10/12/14 seconds.


  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66

    These Perks are from a Killer concept I came up with a while back, called The Skinwalker. They are.

    Scent of Blood.

    After hitting a Survivor, unlocks the potential in one's Aura reading ability.

    After hitting a Survivor with a Basic or Special Attack, Scent of Blood gains a Token, up to a maximum of 4/5/6, and the Aura of all Injured Survivors is revealed to you in a 12 Meter Radius

    Scent of Blood also gives Bonus Bloodpoints up to a maximum of 100/125/150%.

    Bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded post trial.

    Hex: Oblivion.

    A Hex that plays on the minds of Survivors.

    After cleansing a Dull or Hex Totem, Hex: Oblivion activates, inflicting the Survivor with the Blindness and Oblivious Status effects until Hex: Oblivion is destroyed.

    Fervent Hunter.

    The first few moments are crucial to a hunt.

    At the start of a Trial, Fervent Hunter activates, giving the Killer the Undetectable Status Effect for 8/9/10 seconds. After the time has expired, Fervent Hunter deactivates for the rest of the Trial.

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2021

    A survivor that is a healer.

    Dorian Moore Christ.

    survivor that is a massage therapist whom traveled the world to study the healing arts. Throughout his travels learns energy healing, holistic massage practices, and life sciences like aryuveda and traditional Chinese medicine.

    American (from Florida) with Cuban descent). Has freckles. A beauty mark near right chin, and right temple near outer edge of right eye brow. Has a penciled style mustache and a neatly styled chin strap beard.

    all cosmetic styles are similar with leather jackets, jeans, different hair styles with high fade cuts on the side. Occasional pierced ears or fedora hat or both for head pieces. Cosmetic set styles and named after crystals (ex laboradite, amythyst, moonstone, carnelian, etc.

    perks: Namaste/blessings

    5%/10%/15% faster blessing speed. Once per trial after blessing a hex totem. The first boon totem to be snuffed by killer will bless on another totem in the map (kind of like hex undying)

    “Karma is the real deal; everything has a consequence” -Dorian Christ

    acupressure (anti tunneling/camping perk): after unhooking a survivor within 15/20/25 meters within the killers radius you grant the unhooked survivor 55 seconds of time in which the survivor leaves no scratch marks, trails of blood, or grunts of pain, and you are granted endurance for 15/30/45 seconds.

    ”see this one spot? You’d be surprised what this one pressure point can do”-Dorian Christ

    Boon: Energy Healing/high vibrations.

    when with in the radius of a boon totem, recover from status effects (hindered, exhausted, madness, sickness, torment, marked, etc.) after 100/90/80 seconds.

    “Relax, I swear this isn’t witchcraft...”-Dorian Christ

    Post edited by HEXSLAYER999 on
  • muncher
    muncher Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    My ones are short for so you don't have to read as much.

    Steady Hands: is a perk from a surgeon that is used to seeing injury, so he is able to unhook a survivor without a trigger sound to alert the killer.

    Tactile: is from a soldier that had to watch his every step in battle, meaning that your scratch marks are dimmer by a max of 50% (maybe footsteps are quieter too)

    Killer ones are short too.

    Anonymous Confession: is from a Knight in medieval England. Once put in the dying state, the survivors icon on the left is covered black for the rest of the match so others won't know what state they are in unless they are hooked, and their screams are reduced. Their downed aura doesn't show but pulses every (max) 9 seconds.

    Got You: a perk from an unknown killer :/ that can break an undropped pallet. I ain't sure, but this can be from breaking a max of 6 pallets and then gaining the ability, or have it be on a timer for 180 seconds such as Any Means Necessary but from the beginning of the match.

  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66

    Survivor Perk.


    You're as good at getting yourself into places you shouldn't be, as well as getting out.

    Unlocks the ability to unlock the Hatch, even without a key. Doing causes several difficult Skillchecks to appear. Failing these Skillchecks causes a loud noise notification. If you are in possession of a key, Locksmith prevents its loss when using it to open the Hatch, and increases key efficiency by 20/40/60%.

    Killer Perk.

    Memento Mori.

    The Sacrificial Hooks are just one instrument of death in the Entity's Realm. There are others.

    After a Survivor has been hooked twice, Memento Mori activates. After the Killer puts a Survivor in the Dying State, you can kill that Survivor by your own hand.

    Memento Mori has a cooldown of 110/100/90 seconds.

  • Sushi_and_Sax
    Sushi_and_Sax Member Posts: 3

    These are some perks that I designed for my Skinwalker killer concept:


    1. Unwilling Assistant - The entity invades their minds and betrays their allies to you. When unhooked, a survivor will reveal all surrounding survivors within 16m to dark sense for 6/9/12 seconds. --OR-- When a survivor is hooked, they become the obsession until another survivor is hooked. While the obsession, the survivor will reveal any survivors that are completing tasks within 8/10/12 meters around them via dark sense. (These actions include: healing, repairing generators, cleansing totems, and opening gates.) The assistant is not revealed to the killer in this manner.
    2. Territorial Claim - You detest meddling in your domain. You will squash their hopes and reclaim your land. You will receive a visual cue when entering a boon's radius (much like a survivor) and will reveal boons within 8/12/16 meters around you.
    3. Hex: Nature's Resistance - The land holds allegiance to the entity. It will fight for you. The 3 closest generators to the totem will be affected by this hex. Every other skill check made while repairing will be a difficult skill check with only a great success meter. If this skill check is missed, the generator will regress and be tied down by vines from the land, making it unworkable for 30/45/60 seconds.
  • The_Geek
    The_Geek Member Posts: 42
    edited October 2021

    Set the Stage: The killer is able to pull up a pallet themself, but cannot destroy it for a certain amount of time.

    Sorry if something similar already exists.

  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66


    I have a Skinwalker concept of my own, as well. I read yours, it was interesting.

  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66

    Though, the power makes him more of a Changeling. In folklore, Skinwalkers believe that wearing the pelts of animals gave them that animal's traits. They're more like lycanthropes.

  • Not_Social_Joker
    Not_Social_Joker Member Posts: 44

    Survivor Perk


    "Your repeated experiencing of trials has lead to making certain discoveries as to killers tactics, as well as a noisy way to exploit them."

    To put it shortly, it's similar to Leon's flashbang as to how it works, except for the fact that it's a noise maker. This, like the flashbang, is collected from lockers, but can be thrown a small distance. Once thrown, it has a timer of ~3 seconds until it goes off, triggering a notification for the killer. But, something to note is that the noise maker makes, well, noise. Something ranging from a grinding to a screeching noise. Meaning that if anyone, including the killer, is close enough (~20?), they can hear the noise. The means that, if a killer is close enough, (and also uses common sense) they can discern that the notification is nothing but a distraction.

    Can't completely think of a lot of scenarios this would be good for, but it's be a fun one to mess with, since it would basically punish killers for being too curious, meanwhile also somewhat punishing survivors who are a tad bit cocky and mess it up.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    There are so many here, so my apologies if this has been done before, but I've had an idea about a killer perk that may also solve a specific issue:

    Perk: Death Alley

    Description: Escape is not so clear. Whenever the gates are opened, if the survivors are within the gates and a killer does a basic attack, it results in an instant down and Mori combined.

  • galanonim25
    galanonim25 Member Posts: 101

    I created some ideas but if I had to pick one then I would choose this:

    Oil extraction:

    After repairing full one generator this perk activates. Enter a Locker while empty-handed and press the Ability button to craft a bottle of oil. The bottle of oil can be dropped ( like flashbang ), it is always dropped behind the survivor and when dropped leaves a puddle of oil. The bottle of oil cant be dropped during the chase. This puddle gives everybody that comes to contact with it a hindered status effect ( that gives -10% movements speed ) for 6 seconds. The puddle lasts for 10/15/20 seconds and disappears when the killer steps on it. ( In the case where survivor would run flashbang with this perk and both are activated it would be a problem, so I'm thinking that the perk most to the left should be activated first ). Note: the puddle of oil would be big enough to cover an entrance to a door but it shouldn't cover for example a corridor from wall to wall, it should give the killer ability to avoid it in many cases. Edit: ( Bottle of oil cant be dropped during chase because I think it would be too easy for the survivor to slow the killer, and thus this perk could be easily abused. So I was thinking that the survivors should plan ahead use of this item. I'm thinking about increasing puddle time to 25 seconds but the reason why I'm not sure of this decision is the idea that it would last too long).

  • starcreator101
    starcreator101 Member Posts: 5

    The abyss stares back

    Anytime your aura is revealed to a survivor they scream and are exposed for 30 seconds while having their aura revealed for 1/2/3 seconds

    And survivor withing your terror radius for the next 60/70/80 seconds have their auras revealed too for 1/2/3 seconds

  • AstroLive8333
    AstroLive8333 Member Posts: 160

    my perk allows me to instantly finish a cooldown.

    Hurry Up! is a teachable perk from Astroboy that allows you to instantly finish a cooldown but lets the killer see your aura for 45/30/15 seconds and gives the killer a loud sound notification at your location. Hurry Up! cannot be used if you're in the dying state or if you have the deep wound status effect. Pushing the Action Trigger (or Secondary Action Trigger if you have another perk that has the action trigger) in a locker allows for you to switch modes. Hurry Up! in the second form allows you to finish any progress bar instantly, revealing your aura to the killer for 60/30/15 seconds and gives the killer a quiet sound notification at your location.

    Hurry Up! is teachable at Astroboy level 45

  • AstroLive8333
    AstroLive8333 Member Posts: 160

    Just the second one is too overpowered. I think that the killer shouldn't see the aura but get a notification every time they enter it.

  • AstroLive8333
    AstroLive8333 Member Posts: 160

    holy sh!t!!! that is so good!!! I would pay for the devs to add this

  • AstroLive8333
    AstroLive8333 Member Posts: 160

    block their picture for 256/128/64 seconds not the entire game

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Only if survivors want to waste time hanging around, rather than making an escape.

  • AstroLive8333
    AstroLive8333 Member Posts: 160

    true, but if I'm simply just running to the gates, then I have no chance at getting through her

  • that_lich
    that_lich Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2021

    Feast Upon Hubris

    Do not taunt death. When a survivor remains within the exit zone for longer than 20/1510 seconds after the gate has been opened, they are marked by the Entity. The Survivor cannot see this mark, and the killer receives a loud noise notification. (If the exit gate is blocked, this perk does not activate until the Gate is unblocked.) If the survivor leaves the exit zone for 10/15/20 seconds, the mark fades.

    When a marked survivor attempts to escape through the exit gate, a dark wind blasts them from the exit zone and they are exposed for 10/15/20 seconds.

    "It is your Pride that will be your undoing. Go ahead. Door's open."

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    There are 2 gates though, so if you see them guarding 1, you can either make a decision to charge through that or take the other gate. The killer cannot guard both, and they will have to make a commitment to one if they want to use it.

    A possible change could be that this effect only applies to 1 gate exit. That would make the 2nd open gate a safer option. EGC won't start until the first is opened so it gives plenty of time.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Another perk idea:

    Killer perk: Flyin' Solo

    Description: The Entity has unusually high faith in you. For each survivor you hook, the distance and brightness of the red stain reduces by 20%. Once all 4 survivors have been hooked at least once, the red stain vanishes completely for 30/60/90 seconds, before returning to a permanently reduced brightness and distance of 80%.

    If all survivors are hooked twice before any are sacrificed, the red stains is removed completely for the rest of the trial.

  • PCZóide
    PCZóide Member Posts: 41

    PS.: They can leave, they just can get inside the map until the gate is closed. :)

  • PCZóide
    PCZóide Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2022

    Everyone want to confuse the killer in a Two-Wall.

  • PCZóide
    PCZóide Member Posts: 41

    Live from the brazilian FdeAquino. The ping makes a moan be in a place where a survivor aren't. He be confused and i think in this perk.

  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2022

    KILLER PERK (Just in case there are any confusions)

    Brittle Wood] The Entity couldn’t be bothered to make a few pallets, so you did your worst.

    3/4/5 Pallets are changed into Brittle Pallets, which will be indicated to you by a white aura. Brittle Pallets instantly break when pulled down, but have a larger stun radius when they are pulled down. Survivors that pull down Brittle Pallets will be afflicted with the Haemorrhage status effect for 5 seconds. (2 of which the Killer will be stunned for.)

    Brittle Pallets will be easier to spot than normal Pallets by them having bright green and yellow painted planks, and they will also have gaps to show how brittle they are.

    Brittle Pallets would also not be counted as normal Pallets, so perks that interact directly with Pallets will be denied, such as being stunned by one for Spirit Fury or injuring a Survivor to block Pallets with Hex : Blood Favour

    Post edited by RDQ_TheRedFox on
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Killer Perk: Auric Synapse

    Description: You see the patterns and, most importantly, the links that hold the realms' realities together.

    Auric Synapse activates once the final gen is done. Each time a survivor is put into the injured state by a basic attack after the final gen pops, any survivor who is on death hook and healthy at the time also becomes injured. This has a cooldown of 90/75/60 seconds.

    Survivor Perk: Sightjack

    Description: The Red Water still flows through you.

    Press the Secondary Action button to activate. Pressing this allows you to see through the eyes of the killer. You have the ability to use this for a total of 20/25/30 seconds throughout the trial. You cannot move whilst Sightjack is active.

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    Spell perks are perks that can only be accessed by scavenging for the "spell ingredients". one spell "ingredient" is gained by cleansing a totem. the second ingredient is gained by siphoning the energy of the entity by siphoning a sacrificial hook. siphoning takes 2.5 seconds the equivalent of saboing a hook. if you siphon 2.5 seconds of one hook, the hook breaks. if you siphon 1.5 instead, the hook will break only after unhooking a survivor from that exact hook. Siphoning a hook will always alert the killer of that survivors location at the start of the siphoning action. The reason for this could be that the entity does not like having it's energy siphoned.

    Spell: Phoenix) after cleansing a totem and siphoning the equivalent of a hook, gain a token. The next boon totem snuffed by the killer will consume the token and cause the blue flame of the totem to combust. this combustion will blind the killer but also destroy the boon totem in the process. the boon then reanimates on the spot of an already destroyed totem.

    spell: wraith) after cleansing a totem and siphoning the equivalent of a hook, gain a token. Upon pressing the action button on your desired location you will draw a sigil on the ground. this sigil, creates the illusion of a crouching survivor at that location that is only visible to the killer when the killer is farther than 20 meters away. at 15-20 meters the illusion begins to look transparent. within 15 meters the illusion disappears entirely. the aura of this illusion will also be shown to the killer if using aura reading perks. if a killer walks up to the sigil, the killer can wipe the sigil in order to destroy the illusion. Upon destroying the illusion the perk goes on cool down for 150/125/100 seconds. this perk cannot be used again until the cool down from the first token in complete.

    Boon: channeling) performing the following actions rewards the following stackable bonus to all bloodpoint gains:

    -blessing a dull totem= 5%

    -blessing a hexed totem=10%

    -cleaning a dull totem=20%

    -cleansing a hexed totem=25%

    after all totems have been cleansed you see the aura of all destroyed totems, when within 16/20/24 meter range of the destroyed totem, you gain the use of all boon perks brought to the trial (including the ones brought by other survivors. the destroyed totem range will covered in a dark fog only visible to the survivor using this perk.

  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60

    Scourge Hook : Shared Pain] I can't think of ANY flavour text, I'm sorry.

    4 random hooks are converted into Scourge Hooks, adopting any Scourge Hook perk effects. Hooking a Survivor on a Scourge Hook will trap their rescue. When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from a Scourge Hook, they will be inflicted with the Deep Wound status effect. Tier 1 if they are Healthy, Tier 2 if they are Injured.

    Tier 1 Deep Wound will force the Survivor into Injured from the Healthy state after 10 seconds of standing still.

  • Deadly mistake: (killer perk)

    If you make any mistakes blood will follow. - jeff

    When a survivor fails a skill check while repairing a generator they will get inflicted with mangled and become injured and start regressing by 5/7/10 seconds unless touched by the obsession

  • Lord_Xylum
    Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 106

    [Fire With Fire] Killer

    As your prey enhances themselves with new abilities, The Entity offers you its own blessing.

    When the Killer snuffs out a Boon Totem, call upon The Entity to block all Dull and Hex Totems for 20/30/40 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

    "Boons? You poor soul...the whispers say no more to that." -Unknown

  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2022

    I can't decide if this perk should be a Survivor or Killer perk, so I made two variations of it. (Namewise, their effects are completely different.)


    Scourge Hook : Damned Soul] Nobody can escape the clutches of the Entity for long.

    At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks are converted into Scourge Hooks, which adopt all Scourge Hook perk effects. When a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, they suffer from the Deep Wound status effect for 25/20/15 seconds and you are granted the Undetectable status effect for 10 seconds.


    Damned Soul] Being lucky has a tendency to curse your future.

    While afflicted with the Cursed status effect your self-unhook chance is increased to 45/50/55%. After successfully unhooking yourself and still afflicted with the Cursed status effect, you are automatically healed 1 health state and your aura is revealed to the killer for 15 seconds.

    -- Slippery Meat and Luck status effects stack, but your base 4% is over-written, thus the combination is DmnS + all increases.

    -- Doing a lot of math with effect stacks: There is a 0.4% chance that you will remain on the hook even with DmnS + Slippery Meat.

    Post edited by RDQ_TheRedFox on
  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited March 2022

    key to success (Tier I/II/III/teachable)

    After a long hard work, peace comes.

    description: The first chest you open grants you a key. You can open the hatch with any kind of key rarity and even fully depleted. During the match, you can see the killer's aura at 32/64/128 meters for 3 seconds once the killer closes the hatch.

    "Please let me out. Freedom." - Future unknown survivor

    Post edited by randonly on
  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 97

    Survivor perk: Martyr

    "You're death will not be in vain."

    When ever you are hooked on a sacrificial hook and are currently within 32 meters of the killer, all other survivors gain the following effects:

    For up to 40/50/60 seconds when active survivor repair speeds, healing speeds and unhooking speeds are increased by 20% and a 7% haste status is applied.

    If unhooked you become the Obsession. If any other survivor is using this perk and is hooked later their perk's effects are halved and then reduced to zero the third time. The survivors will still become the Obsession.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Silent as the Grave (Killer)

    You have learned to move silently.

    Breaking a Wall, a Generator or a Pallet is completely silent.

    From the Ashes (Survivor)

    Even if something is broken, you can always create something new with it.

    You start the Trial with 1/2/3 tokens. Press and hold the Active Ability button to consume a token and reconstruct a broken Wall or Pallet. A broken object can only be reconstructed once per trial.

    You see the Aura of broken objects in a 96m radius around you.

    (note: this perk does not stack with other survivors, so it can't be abused by swf. in short: if your mate reconstructs shack pallet, you can't do it again.)

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    survivor: Check the record: (the survivor with this perk would be a lawyer) you know how important it is to have the facts. Upon the start of the trial, check the record activates. For 10 seconds the icon of the killer's power will be placed at the bottom of your screen along with up to 0/1/2 add ons used by the killer if applicable.

    Killer: Hex: Overextended. It would be a shame if someone were to pull a muscle... The duration of time that a survivor hit by your basic attack gets a speed boost is reduced by 20/25/30%. If an affected survivor is restored to the healthy state they can then see the arua of this totem within 16 meters. Healthy survivors affected by Hex: Overextend make grunts of pain but 50% quieter and can be heard at half the normal distance.

  • ChilleBean
    ChilleBean Member Posts: 22

    Breach: You have a tendency to pinpoint weak spots. While within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor, Breach activates for 20 seconds:

    • Reduce the sacrifice speed by 10/15/20%.
    • If you unhook a Survivor within the Killer's Terror Radius, the unhooked Survivor gains the Endurance Status Effect for 2/3/4 seconds.

    (This is solely to punish killers that would camp.)

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555
    edited April 2022


    Título do benefício: Acordo benevolente

    A entidade parece querer que você trabalhe para ela sem morrer tão cedo.

    -No início do Trial, o perk ficará ativo por 50/60/70 segundos, durante este tempo, se um sobrevivente for colocado no "estado de morte", a entidade irá capitá-lo antes do assassino, e colocá-lo dentro uma gaiola em algum lugar no mapa (algo semelhante à gaiola de cabeça de pirâmide).

    -Se o assassino se aproximar da jaula ele irá para outro lugar,

    -gaiolas desse tipo no primeiro estágio permitem que o sobrevivente escape com 4% de chance, assim como os ganchos, eles marcam o assassino como se tivessem fisgado ou sacrificado os sobreviventes

    -Ser salvo nesta gaiola ativa as vantagens que você está usando como ganchos normais, os sobreviventes salvos nesta gaiola não alertam o assassino


    Scourge Hook: Road to the Hell

    You like things at the best speed:

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

    Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

    -For 25/30/35 seconds you will have blood lust at level 1 , the increase in blood lust at level 2 and 3 will work normally, however while the perk effect lasts, whenever an action causes you to lose blood lust, it will just return to the level 1

    Post edited by JoaoVanBlizzard on
  • Hendo
    Hendo Member Posts: 94

    Survivor Perk:

    • Persistence: Seeing your colleagues in trouble motivates you to do your absolute best. When another survivor is either hooked or in the dying state, you gain a 3/6/9% speed increase in healing, sabotage, cleansing, repair, and gate opening until the survivor is either rescued or dies.

    Killer Perk:

    • Faulted: As soon as the final generator is active, our killer has left a creative surprise on the exit gates to increase your fear. Survivors now gain difficult skill checks as they head to unlock the gates - if they fail a skill check, the gate will lose the additional progress of 4/5/6% per missed skill check.

    These 2 perks were ones I created a year or so ago with my Evil Within 2 DLC idea. I hope you like them!

  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60

    Boon : Photophobia - Survivor Perk

    Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem. Soft, and dark, chimes ring out in a 24 meter radius around the totem. When a Killer snuffs this totem, the totem embers flare very bright, blinding them for 1/2/3 seconds. If this perk is triggered, it is disabled for 90 seconds.

    That's it. That's the perk. A simple trap for the Killer. And the cooldown timer is there to make it significantly less annoying to go up against. After all, most blinds only last 2 seconds, even if you can increase it to a maximum of 3.8 for a Flashlight. (Blast Mine is 4 seconds, and Flashbang blinds the Killer for 2.5 by what I can tell, so they're still useful perks.)

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    Here we go again.

    Survivor perk: Finishing Touch

    When chased by the Killer for 30 seconds, Finishing Touch activates.

    Stunning the killer with a pallet will increase the stun duration by 100%

    Has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    No Rest For The Wicked: Those who would do you harm, deserve damnation. Any survivor who stuns or blinds you gain the Exhausted status effect for 10/20/30 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 15 seconds while not in chase.

    Last Leg: Surviving until your last breath isn't easy, but not impossible. Gain a 1%/2%/3% stacking boost in generator repair speed, healing speed, and vaulting speed while inflicted with the Blindness, Broken, Cursed, Exhausted, Exposed, Hemmorage, Hindered, Incapacitated, Mangled, or Oblivious status effects.

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    Here are some survivor perks themed around the original three killers and vice-versa


    Not Yet: You are a dead man, but you refuse to let others fall into the entity's grasp.

    When you are downed, you stay moving for an extra second before collapsing. However, you can't escape from the gates or the hatch or recover for 10 seconds afterwards and have your aura revealed. This time is extended by 5 seconds if you took a protection hit for someone. When moving, being hit again sends you straight into the dying state.

    Get out of here, NOW! - Evan Macmillan

    Unwilling Witness: You have seen things you were not meant to see, and refuse to let the truth die with you.

    Any aura revealed to you is revealed to other survivors within a 24 meter radius. Any time an aura reading perk is activated by either you or the killer, you gain a token. Each token increases the radius of Unwilling Witness by 1 meter up to 32 meters and increases unhook speed by 1% per token up to 25%

    People mistake me being quiet for me being ignorant. I wish that were true. - Philip Ojomo

    Gears and Grease: Working with machines is dirty work, but you would not have it any other way.

    When on a generator, you will face constant skill checks at all times with both the penalty of failure and the benefits of success being reduced by half.

    Completing a Gen gives you 20% healing progress.

    You leave a trail of oil behind you.

    Look Miss, my job is to get this tractor here working, not look good doing it. - Max Thompson Jr.


    Hurdles: At the end of the day, all those around you are just in the way of your goal, hurdles to be jumped over.

    You can now cancel your missed swing animation with the vault animation or the pallet breaking animation. This suppresses your red light for 3 seconds. Hurdles has a cool-down of 30 seconds.

    I would say I am sorry for this, but I need to win. - Meg Thomas

    Hex: Overgrowth: Vines and their ability to strangle the life out of other plants become a source of inspiration.

    Every time a survivor heals, gain one stack of Overgrowth. Once you reach 10 stacks of Overgrowth, Two Hexes is created and the tokens are consumed.

    These hexes' aura is revealed to all survivors. As long as the hex is active, the following effects apply:

    • Survivors cannot fast vault
    • Vaulting is 10% slower
    • Survivors repair, open gate, and sabotage 50% slower

    Cleansing one hex removes the effect, but Overgrowth can activate multiple times in a trial. If there is only one totem left in the match when Overgrowth activates, then there is not repair penalty.

    You have to admit, the parasitic nature of this plant is fascinating, especially on humans. - Claudette Morel

    Modern Times: Morality is thing of the old world, all that matters now is numbers and profit.

    Modern Times gains a stack anytime you hook a survivor you have not hooked before.

    Once you gain 3 stacks, the stacks are consumed and every survivor that you hooked gains a hook state. Modern Times now reveals itself to all survivors and they gain a 20% increase in gen speeds. During this time, every time you hook a survivor you gain a stack.

    Once you gain 5 stacks, every survivor becomes exposed and can be killed when downed.

    I know from your perspective, this is all madness. But this madness is very, very profitable. - Dwight Fairfield

    Off-Putting: Your presence can only be described as off, like something just slightly inhuman.

    Your Terror Radius is no longer centered on you but rather centered on were you were 3 seconds ago.

    "I think there is someone wrong with your child."

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    Survivor perks: Doctors Orders

    Plenty of rest is the cure to all!

    While walking, automatically heal from injured to healthy, up to 10%/15%/20%.

    “Look at that…It’s time for bed already.” - Embry

    Delightful Departure

    One must stay brave, even in times of distress.

    While injured, scratch marks disappear 30%/45%/50% sooner. Does not stack. 

    “Of course we have to go down! That’s the whole point, isn’t it?” - Dr. D. Light

    Apple a Day

    The best medicine is prevention.

    Everytime you heal a survivor, gain a token. Press the active ability button while in chase to gain a 1%/2%/3% speed boost for 15 seconds. Does not stack.

    “I will do my best to assist!” - Dr. D. Light

  • orangegoblin
    orangegoblin Member Posts: 120
    edited April 2022

    These are all killer perks.

    Medieval Justice!: If a survivor rescues another survivor within 16 meters of the killer, the rescued survivor is granted sprint burst for 5s. The Survivor that rescued the other Survivor is hindered for 10s, and has their aura is shown for 10/15/20s. Any friendly effects on the rescuer will not trigger during this time. This effect trumps all friendly perks.

    Concussive Strikes!: Survivors that are given Deepwounds, or who are hit while suffering from Hemorrhage, or Mangled status effects are blinded for .2, .3, .5 seconds.

    Swift Death!: The killer moves 2/3/5% faster when looking in the direction of a survivor whose aura is revealed.

    Joke perk... or is it? HEX: BEWARE THE DOOT!: A Hex rooting its power in spook! Anytime a generator is completed, all survivors hear an *UNHOLY DOOT* After 2 generators are completed the hex activates! Any generator completed once the perk is active summons 3 little skeletons from the ground at all currently lit generator locations. They will find and attack Survivors for 1 health state, Survivors cannot be downed by the skeletons. The skeletons last for 60 seconds each, before being called back to the fog by the entities own Much Louder DOOT. When a survivor vaults a window, the skeletons collide with the window, exploding, blinding all within a 5 meter radius for 2 seconds! Skeletons will crawl over and under pallets, to continue chase! Survivors unlucky enough to be hit by the bones, suffer from hemorrhage and mangled status effects. A map-wide terror radius will appear during this time or until all skeletons are destroyed via colliding with windows or being kicked. Hex effect remain active until the related totem is destroyed.(these skeletons move at 100% speed) (maximum of 15 total skeletons will be summoned when the last generator is complete!).

    Post edited by orangegoblin on