Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • KillerKiryu47
    KillerKiryu47 Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2020

    Killer Perk: Starving Beast

    Your prey escaping your reach only fuels your temptations. When a survivor escapes from you during a chase, any levels of bloodlust gained during the chase is retained for 10/15/20 seconds or until a survivor is hit. This perk can only activate once every 45 seconds.

    "I always finish what I start, that's not going to change now either."

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited December 2020

    •Steel Yourself: While healing yourself or another survivor, press the activate ability button to activate Steel Yourself. Once activated, the survivor being healed receives the endurance status effect. After the endurance status effect is removed, the survivor is left broken for 60/90/120 seconds. This perk cannot be used on survivors that are broken.

    •Fight or Flight: At the beginning of a chase, Fight or Flight activates. The speed increase from being injured lasts an additional 2 seconds. The killer is stunned for an additional 2 seconds. The effects of Fight or Flight can only be used 1/2/3 times in any given chase.

    •Live On: For each survivor healed a whole health state by you, Live On gains a token, to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. While Live On has tokens, you gain the ability to recover from the dying health state. Doing so will consume one token

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    For survivors, maybe a perk that makes it so that when you stun a killer with a pallet, the pallet immediately breaks, but the killer stun lasts much longer and they gain the knockout tinnitus effect, and maybe even lose the ability to see scratch marks.

    Or, maybe one that allows you to keep a generator self repairing at 50% speed when you leave it for 20-30 seconds, given that you worked on it for x% of its progress. That would probably make a nasty pair with repressed alliance, if it allowed this passive generator progression while blocked. Of course, a huge cooldown is mandatory.

    Maybe if you feel particularly confident in your ability to loop, you could have a perk where you would regain health at 40% speed while in the killer's terror radius.

    To punish killers who just spam m1, you could add a survivor perk that increases the killer's missed m1 cooldown, and maybe restricts their ability to turn while swinging. The activation is the tricky part, though. Determining if the missed swing is aimed at the survivor with the perk would be a difficult task.

    You could make a really nasty head on build if there was a 150% speed exhaustion perk that activates when you fast exit out of a locker. Head On's three second stun is a pretty measly quantity, and I can usually just run after them for a few seconds and whack them. It feels really underwhelming, especially for an exhaustion perk.

    On the killer side, generator regression is the most mind-boggling enigma for me. An easy way to set back generators would be something like having all generators lose 5-10% of their progress when the obsession is hit. Otherwise, you could add a perk where generator are blocked for 10-15 seconds when they explode, making a nasty pairing with surge or other skillcheck screwover perks. Speaking of which, you could have a perk that would give all survivors on a gen three tremendously difficult skillchecks in a row right before they complete it; it could be a cheap form of generator insurance for underperforming and pressureless killers, not to mention a very annoying pairing with the failed skillcheck perk.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Totem hunter: You have a totem counter added to this perk icon. When you cleanse a totem you see the killers aura for 5 seconds.

  • Exar
    Exar Member Posts: 46

    Perk name: Beep-Beep or Sticky-stick-circles

    You have 1/2/3 sticky circles, that u can put on a pallet. It takes 5s.

    After u put them, if u activate them with m2, they will force the pallet to drop down.

    Beep-Beep has a 180s cooldown.

    It can be used only when u are within 8m of sticky circle.

    But if the sticky circle is going to activate, and the pallet is going to drop down, The Time to Break the pallet is reduced from 2.6s to 1.6s. (1s shorter)

  • Doing_gens_wbu
    Doing_gens_wbu Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2021

    Push Comes to Shove

    -Exhaustion perk

    -When running into survivors, obstacles. or the killer your movement becomes 90% however you can move past them (Ex: Dwight/the Killer is in the doorway instead of bodyblocking you can move past him with an animation playing of him squeezing through. With terrain instead of being stopped dead in your track you still move in a direction if possible)

    -After sprinting for 3 seconds you can activate Shove using the spacebar. When used you gain 200% movespeed and become exposed for 1 second. If you run into the killer during this time stun them and then become exhausted for 60 seconds. If you run into a survivor you can move past them. If you run into an obstacle during shove you are stunned instead. Shove can be used once per trail.

    "Get out of the way before I make you"

    Note: You not invincible when using Shove. You cannot vault or drop pallets during Shove. Survivors grunt loudly when moving past each other.

  • Not_Important
    Not_Important Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2021

    Haven't thought of a name

    Fast actions do not alert the killer

    Preforming a fast action grants you the Shaking status effect (cannot stun the killer) for 20 seconds

    I know it's not great but I'd love it

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Vanquished Desire: When a dull totem or hex totem is broken, gain a token. For each token, increase repairing, healing, sabotaging, vaulting, unlocking chests, and opening exit gate speed by 1/1.5/2%.

  • itz___paige___
    itz___paige___ Member Posts: 1

    hello i can’t find where to contact you so i’m jus gonna talk about it on here. Can you guys figure out a way to stop the match making bans if we get disconnected from the game because we don’t mean to leave and can’t control it yet we still get banned. please fix this.

  • overwarz
    overwarz Member Posts: 7

    BloodBound: Upon Completion of a generator by multiple people BloodBound Activates causing all survivors that helped on the generator to be bound by blood and share a single health state for 30 seconds.

    if the killer hits a survivor inflicted with BloodBound every other inflicted survivor will lose a single health state and share any negative effect applied,

    BloodBound Has A CoolDown Of 90/130/160 seconds and a duration of 15/25/30

    this would be a great perk at discouraging gen rushing

  • overwarz
    overwarz Member Posts: 7

    Stay With Me: Upon Being Hooked Stay With Me Activates causing the killer to hear fake noises at the spot your hooked if you’re not in the killers terror radius every 5 seconds,

    if you remain in the killers terror radius you decrease in hook state at a much slower rate by 15% if you reach struggle state it increases to 25%

    if you remain in the killers terror radius until death the killer is inflicted with 25% movement penalty for 60 seconds

    if your downed within 15 seconds of being unhooked your wiggle meter will be 8% faster and the struggle decrease is slowed by a extra 10% upon being hooked.

    Stay With Me will only work Fully on the first hook and nullifys the penalty towards the killer if your rescued

    if your not downed within 15 seconds of being unhooked stay with me will deactivate for the remainer of the match

    i know this perk sounds overpowered but with some slight balancing changes it would be pretty decent against campers/tunnelers if added

  • overwarz
    overwarz Member Posts: 7

    Price Of Power: Upon Getting Stunned 3 times and having 4 generators or more finished Price Of Power Will be Active Allowing The Killer To Use It Or Not Blocking Off All Windows And Generators and used pallets for 120 seconds granting the killer 4% movement speed and 8% recovery speed for the duration

    for the duration survivors will be inflicted with a silenced debuff that prevents them from hearing any noise in the match including killer terror radius or abilitys

    during the duration any survivor thats been hooked will now be moriable and the obsession will be revealed for the duration inflict them with a Exposed aura that makes any survivor in a radius of 23/34 from the obsession exposed.

    if the obsession is knocked down the aura will end but will release a final burst of energy across map making all survivors suffer a final expose for 25 seconds any survivor hooked during Price Of Power will have a faster decrease hook state and will be inflicted with a reveal aura showing any survivor within a 10 meter radius of the hook.

    Once Price Of Power Ends the killer will be slowed by 15% for The remainer of the match reduced recovery of 6% any exposed status effects from other perks or abilities will be canceled out and have all tokens from any abilities or perks removed for a duration of 35 seconds

    some may say this will be broken but its really made as a last ditch effort to win a match if your getting your ass kicked as the killer type of perk

  • Karen_with_baby
    Karen_with_baby Member Posts: 3

    Killer perk: endgame colapse start when exit gate reach 70/60/50%

    Its counter for 99% exit gate

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    Betrayal - When there are only two survivors left in the trial, with you being one them, this perk becomes active. When healing the other injured survivor, press Active Ability button to put the survivor on the dying state. This survivor will have their aura revealed to the killer for the next 30 seconds. After using this perk, you will start sprinting at 150% of your normal speed and also leave no scratch marks behind for 3/4/5 seconds. If the other survivor is sacrificed, they will gain 100% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Altruism Category.

    I have already posted this perk on another chapter idea, but I really like this design.

  • Feather
    Feather Member Posts: 61

    1.After stunning killer with a pallet u gain 150% speed boost for 2s or 3s. U will get exhausted status effect for 60/50/40s

    2.While beaing healthy Your speed is deacreased (5/4/3%) and you leave no scratch marks.

    3.While chasing for a 60s perk activates. While running and killer is in close range use activation button to stun killer for 3s. Causes exposed status effect for 60/50/40s.

  • StuMacher
    StuMacher Member Posts: 110


    "Friends till the end" - score a hit on a survivor and all party survivors (swf) auras shown for 5 seconds. Useable every 45 seconds.

    "Not so fast"- entity blocks the hatch for 60 seconds if another survivor dies on the hook after all generators are completed. Goes into affect when hatch would normally open.

    "Limp Bizkit- Break stuff" - smash one pallet before being dropped after 4 hooks. (Then go down in hooks for tiers, only usable once.)

    "Toxic Cramp" - once a survivor has crouched too many times in rapid succession, survivor gets a cramp. The become exhausted, cry like the injured state, reveal their location and cannot run for 60 seconds.


    "Crawl before you can walk" - once put in dying state, manage to crawl 48 meters (radial, out from the center not total by going in circles. A substantial distance.) from that location and return to injured state.

    "I think we did a pretty good job so far" - if all survivors are in the dying state at the same time with 5 generators left to complete, all survivors return to the injured state extept the last one to fall. (Anti slug and a restart. I don't like ending the game like that but it happens and sometimes I let the survivors restart but they think it's farm time.)

    Full disclosure, I like keys, I like old moris occasionally, I like the hatch, I like the new ruin over the old. There should be some greater counter to the hatch since grabs are gone. I do hate that ruin and undying feel essential until you get crazy match making sessions. Really limits the game for killer. The thought of a killer dropping a pallet during a stand off is kind of funny.

  • Actions Have Consequences: When a survivor unhooks another survivor or themselves, the aura of all survivors are shown for 3/5/7 seconds.

    "You do this; this happens so will you do it? Or have blood on your hands with a lost comrade?"

  • Betrayed_Talion
    Betrayed_Talion Member Posts: 15

    "Here I come"

    Once a generator is completed all survives in a 5/10/15 meter range suffer from the exposed statues effect for 10/20/30 seconds.

    This would be a great perk for anti gen rush, and would work well with other perks.

  • Floofzy_Kitten
    Floofzy_Kitten Member Posts: 68

    A sort of Anti-Thanatophobia:

    Beacon of Hope

    Knowing you aren't alone in this fills you with hope. Every time a survivor is healed from Injured to Healthy by another survivor a marker appears at their location and gain a 15% action haste to repairing, healing, sabotaging and vaulting for 10/15/20 seconds.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    two ideas

    1) Power Play: gain haste and invincibility for 5/8/10 seconds after completing a gen.

    2) Two-Fer: when repairing a gen another gen is repaired at 10/25/40 rate of success.

  • Mkw30
    Mkw30 Member Posts: 1


    Last chance: to be unable to unhook your self in the 2nd stage of the sacrifice, maybe with a skill check, if you fail the sacrifice just continue. If you succeed you should be unable to heal 120/90/60s

    My reasoning is theres nothing worst when you have done all the work on Gens, and they leave you on the hook, and go on to escape.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Follow Me!: Your foot prints never disappear. Create confusion by leaving footprints which lead the killer on a wild goose chase.

    Killer's Path: See killer's footprints in a similiar fashion to how they see survivors.

  • Raz_cr0w
    Raz_cr0w Member Posts: 77

    Perk: sensitive vision

    You become obsessed with one survivor. When hitting the obsession, all generators who are beeing worked at by survivors will be revealed to you for 5/10/15 seconds. all surviors who actively work on a generator will get a difficult skill check. if they miss the skillcheck the generator will get a regression of 5/10/15%.

  • Gottlos
    Gottlos Member Posts: 106
    edited January 2021


    Each time you are unhooked by a survivor that survivor heals you `x\x\x %` faster for the next 20 seconds with more difficult skill checks. If you are healed during that time you gain MVP status.

    A survivor with MVP status gains the following aura effect for the next 60 seconds, all effects are applied to the MVP and any other survivor working on the same generator.

    • Increases repair speed by x/x/x %
    • Causes skill checks to beslightly/moderately/tremendouslymore difficult and frequent
    • The regression penalty for missing a skill check is increased slightly/moderately/tremendously

    "I stay on top by hanging with the best of the best." - Cocky Survivor


    NOTE: Edited the perk description to be something the survivor has to equip on themselves. Previously it was a status that the unhooking survivor could apply to the hooked survivor. This might still be a valid approach but it seems a bit fairer and has less potential for toxicity if it is a perk chosen by you and not forcibly applied to you.

    Gameplay Impact

    This perk is meant to promote teamwork with the trade-off of more intense repair actions and I could see it scaling based on the number of survivors(skill checks are harder with more survivors). This would potentially give survivors an edge in gen speed but with the risk of zoning in and losing focus on anything else but hitting skill checks and potentially causes more regression than what they gain by missing skill checks.

    If the perk was meta enough the killer perks below would go really well against it and would hopefully stack in some way. If the skill checks were too difficult for the survivor (such as against the doctor) the survivors would then need to wait a few seconds before healing to avoid activating MVP or wait out the 60-second timer.

    Perk Synergy

    Synergizes with other altruism and skill check perks such as Leader, Prove Thyself, Desperate Measures, and We'll Make it and potentially Stake Out, Technician, and This is Not Happening.

    This also promotes the use of skill check and anti-teamwork killer perks such as Discodance, Distressing, Gear Head, Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge, Oppression, and Unnerving. When possible these perk effects would stack on MVP, causing skill checks to be extremely difficult but potentially very rewarding.

    Post edited by Gottlos on
  • PanPan021
    PanPan021 Member Posts: 39

    I don't know if these have been recommended or something similar has been said but here are two of my own perks as well as a rework to Jane's perk Poised

    Survivor Perk:

    Persistence: You keep trying no matter the circumstances. After reaching the second hook stage Persistance activates. Wiggle speed is now increased by 3/5/7% and when you stun a killer the stun lasts 1/2/2 seconds longer

    Poised (rework suggestion): Achieving goals boost your confidence. When you successfully unhook a teammate, heal yourself or a teammate, cleanse a totem, or finish a gen gain a token. Each token grants a 1/2/3% increase speed to those actions (up to a max of 5 tokens). Gain 50/75/100% more blood points in the survival category.

    Killer Perk:

    Hex: Increasing Pressure: The longer you stay under the harder it is to breathe. As time progresses through the trial this perk gains a token. Every minute a trial goes on gain a token (up to a max of 10). Each token increases the sounds of healthy and injured survivors by 3%. When this totem is cleansed all pressure is released causing survivors to gasp for air and causes the exhaustion effect for 20/30/40 seconds

    I hope yall enjoy it, and if you have positive, constructive feedback let me know (Trust me I know these perks could use balancing but I'm terrible at it. Just give a little nudge and I can usually get it right on the next try!) Thank you all for taking the time to look at my ideas :)

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Slam Dunk

    In moments of fear and panic, you are prone to giving it your all while leaving yourself winded afterwards.

    Stunning the killer with a pallet will increase the stun duration by 1.5 seconds, and you will receive the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. (Enduring would work to help counteract this perk)

  • InsaneClownGroup
    InsaneClownGroup Member Posts: 5

    Maybe for killer a perk at any point in the match they have am option to use a perk called "autophobia" where if you a survivor is not in the certain radius of another survivor you begin to panic through screaming and or difficult skill checks. (This maybe forces survivors to play together.)

    For Survivors I would say "dead weight " for this the killer has a more difficult time picking the survivor up and or carrying them to a hook.

    Just a quick thought

  • Zombaco
    Zombaco Member Posts: 2

    Clear Vision

    This perk, Clear Vision, removes all visual altering effects from the survivor. This includes vision blindness from Deep Wounds, vomit on the screen from Plague, the torment from Pyramid Head, Clown bottles, Doctor Madness, etc. Note: It doesn't remove the effects of these powers, but it does remove the vision altering aspect. Clown bottle? Still hindered. Plague vomit? Still broken. Doctor's madness? Still see hallucinations. If this was in the game, I'd take off ds for it.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    I call this perk :Decisive strike

    When a survivor is off the hook, they have a 1/2/3 second timer and if the killer picks up within this time, they get a 1 second stun.

    This perk is called: Noed

    After every second of end game collapse, the killer is slowed by 1%.

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294

    Yeah, extremely strong for the first minute but then leaves you with one less perk. It's like a more high risk/reward version of Corrupt Intervention. Great idea.

  • thechikenwing
    thechikenwing Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2021

    Make 'em Count:

    "Strength is a fuel for the beast's pride, and this pride fuels their strength, it is an endless cycle. It is your cycle, your power."

    - The Infinite Cycle, "Ouroboros"


    For killers w/ ranged attacks;

    Successful basic attacks grant 1 token, 2 are granted on a ranged/special attack. A maximum of 5 tokens may be held at once. Missing a ranged/special attack will deduct 1 token at 4 or less tokens, and at 5 will consume all tokens.

    Each token held will give a range increase to your special/ranged attack at 3/4/5% dependent on perk level.


    For killers w/o ranged attacks;

    Successful attacks will grant 1 token, a missed swing will deduct 1 token at 4/3/2 tokens held. Per token held a 2/3/4% increase to swing speed and attack cooldown speed is granted.

    Upon earning 5/4/3 tokens the next missed attack will consume all tokens held, eliminating attack cooldown for that swing. The Killer's walking speeds are slowed by their swing as normal, the duration of this slowed state is reduced accordingly.


    The perk on both range and non-range attack killers have a 60/50/40 second cooldown if all tokens are consumed/lost.

    * Hitting a hooked survivor constitutes a miss if no other survivors are damaged. Perks like dead hard and borrowed time do not constitute a miss if they are active upon a target when hit, as they would otherwise inflict a damage state.

    * Special/Ranged attacks include The Executioner's PotD, The Demogorgon's Shred, The Huntress' Hatchets, The Hillbilly's Chainsaw, and The Blight's Lethal Rush


    Perk Pros:

    - The perk reduces the need for add-ons on certain killers and strengthens their ranged attacks.

    - Killers without ranged attacks gain an increase to attack speed and faster attack cooldown.

    Perk Cons:

    - While a missed attack will not reduce range or attack speed below baseline, it will remove/reduce the perk benefit.

    - The time it takes to plan out each attack gives the survivors much more time to escape.

    - Survivors can bait killers into losing their tokens, preventing a range/speed increase for the next 60/50/40 seconds.

    - At the perk's strongest ie. 5 tokens, killers are at the most risk of losing their improved range and or speed.

    - Special attacks that involve killer movement may cause said killer to lose their target in a chase due to greater range and distance.


    - If it hadn't been muted by the roaring generators you could almost hear the beast chuckle, as they landed their blow -

    Post edited by thechikenwing on
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Hex: Machines of death

    When a survivor starts working on a regressing generator they'll get the Exposed status effect for 40/50/50 seconds and their auras are revealed for 5/7/10 seconds. Hex: Machines of death has a cooldown on 60/50/40 seconds

    My turn

    You have a great experience when it comes to combat. You can block a hit from the killer by pressing the Active Ability button. This will cause the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

    If successfully blocking an attack, you'll be pushed back a bit, and the killer will have a slightly longer cooldown on their missed attack.

  • Sethetron23
    Sethetron23 Member Posts: 5

    Decisive Chase: When stunned by a survivor, gain a token. At the use of a token, you can vault a window Twice as fast. (The same speed as Legion in his/her power)

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Got 3 Killer ones for you, thought about them a lot and they are from a post I did earlier.

    3 Killer perks:

    You ever been in a situation where you can't swing a three gen, but pop is just not enough pressure to keep the game rolling? How about a perk that lets you swap progress with another gen?

    After kicking a generator, this perk activates. The kicked gen is immediately put into the corrupt state after five seconds have passed, whatever generator the killer is staring at will have its progress swapped. This does not begin regression on EITHER gen, only swaps the gens. This will not synergize with pop, in order for that to happen you will have to kick the gen a second time. cooldown for perk is 120/105/90 seconds. (that is if we are still even doing tiers at this point expect a similar sentiment for the rest of the perks)

    Kind of lame that only one killer can get hook progress without having to pick the survivor up... lets fix that shall we.

    For every generator repaired, and when the end game collapse begins, the killer receives one stack of this perk. When the required amount of stacks is achieved, they can be consumed to summon a phantom hook on a downed survivor. After channeling for 3 seconds, a phantom hook will be summoned at the location of the survivor to instantly hook them. After a survivor is rescued from the hook, the hook will be destroyed. Survivors being healed cannot be channeled, and a survivor cannot be healed after channeling has begun. Tokens consumed per summon is 4/3/2.

    Totems are lame. Survivors are always breaking my damn totems, but it takes to long to stop them even if I know they are working on it. I feel completely helpless and I certainly don't want to constantly drop chases and lose the game defending my totems. What to do, what to do... I got it, I will do it for them.

    A blue hex totem is spawned and cleansing it does not remove this perk. Every time a survivor cleanses a totem, you gain one stack of this perk. For each stack of this perk the killers movement speed is semi-permanently increased by 1%/1.5%/2% for dull totems. If a hex totem is cleansed, one stack of bloodlust is also gained. Upon a generators completion, 1 stack will be removed.


    The killer can no longer see hex totem auras

    The killer can kick their own totems, doing so to hex totems removes their assigned perks.

    Now I just need names for these...

  • thechikenwing
    thechikenwing Member Posts: 5

    1st perk name: Which Switch

    2nd perk name: Hooks of Despair

    3rd perk name: Hex Walker

  • Atario
    Atario Member Posts: 2

    I'm the one you want

    When you see a survivor in trouble you feel compelled to help,

    When the killer breaks line of sight for 3 seconds from another survivor while you're in it, gain a 10% speed boost for 5/6/7 seconds

    I like the idea of this as it could be good for how I like to play of distracting the killer after an unhook. It would also encourage more save plays in higher ranks but the killer can exploit this as some will get greedy and try and activate it for the sake of a speed boost.

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2021

    Since BBQ was designed to discourage face camping, why not make a perk that discourages tunneling?


    You have a morbid fascination with the blood your prey spills and crave more. You become obsessed with one survivor.

    After landing a basic attack on your obsession, you gain bonus BPs up to a stackable of 8 tokens at 4/8/12 percent increase. Hooking your obsession will cause your obsession to change to another survivor and their aura will be revealed to you for 1/3/5 seconds. Attacking a survivor who is not your obsession will cause you to lose 3/2/1 tokens.

    Idk. I thought of this on a whim but I think something with this basic premise could work nicely if implemented properly. A dedicated killer getting 8 tokens with a 12% increase will get a max total of 96% BP increase in all categories. Pair that with BBQ and an escape cake and you're basically rich though the risk of using on with BBQ is that you won't get to see who's your obsession.

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162

    The survivor perk was designed for a character who has had many medical trials in their life which ultimately granted them a better appreciation of life and a rooted sense of resilience and survival.

    Survivor Perk: The Trials We Face

    You've been through worse.

    If you are Injured, The Trials We Face will activate. Staying Injured for 60/50/40 seconds will grant you a token, with each one granting you a stackable 4% haste status effect permanently. In order to gain another token, you must enter the Healthy state and then re-enter the Injured state to repeat the process.

    • If you leave the Injured state, you will not receive a token and the duration will be reset for when you enter the Injured state again.

    "I was never given a chance at life... so I had to make my own."

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    I would donate my firstborn child and a few kidneys for a perk that helps you escape chase. Maybe obscure the killer's screen with blood for a few seconds after being hit, so you can make a sleazy getaway without them knowing everywhere you go.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    Creative Killer Perk-Hex: Corrupt Quagmire.

    The entity becomes is angered when its victims work to escape its grasp. When a generator is completed all survivors in the trial lose 10% movement speed for 10/15/20 seconds. Any survivor that cleanses the totem will suffer from Exposed for 50/55/60 seconds.

    This is what I believe would make a good Hex perk that isn't overpowered and what I believe all Hex perks should be. A game altering state for the survivor if left up too long but with a risk if it is cleansed since it removes 1 perk from the killer for the remainder of the trial.

    Creative Survivor Perk-Fortune's Favorite

    You have always felt that you have a bit more luck than others. You start the trial with 3 tokens. When a hit would put you into the dying state you have a 40/45/50 percent chance to get the Endurance status effect. One token is consumed with activation of Endurance status effect through perk activation. If a survivor is on their second hook state they will have a 50% chance to fight off the Entity and escape the hook. Escape during second hook state will consume all remaining tokens.

    A solid perk for survivors that can interact with the second hook state since usually happens except pressing buttons to fight off the Entity, teammate saving you or dying in your eventual defeat by the Entity.

  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 379
    edited January 2021

    OMG! I love making perks! I have a ton of Survivor (and a few Killer) OCs! Hope yall don't mind if I share some? Some of them are older and a bit outdated, but still...

    (Below the Spoiler! I only posted the three Unique perks of two of my characters.)

    These belong to Essi Haldis, a Finnish woman:

    Perk 1: (Skittish Luck)

    While your hands are empty and you are Healthy, there is a 10/20/30% chance that a Killer’s attack will not damage you (but still provide the speed boost to get away).

     ’There for a moment, gone in a blink.’

    Perk 2: (Ghostly)

    Activates in Chases only.

    Fast vaulting a window (and continuing to sprint) during a Chase will cause your scratch marks to triple, sending two randomized paths of marks in other directions from yours. They will stop after x/x/x distance and fade like normal scratch marks.

     ‘Pale as a ghost, she ran.’

    (NOTE: This perk is 'incomplete', since I didn't decide on a good distance... I'm also terrible at measuring.)

    Perk 3: (Tracks of the Past)

    While Healthy or Injured, the perk can be activated. You will see light-colored footsteps where your fellow Survivors have recently passed, regardless of movement speed. The shadows last for 10/15/20 seconds after perk activation, and the shadows will show steps from as long as 30/60/90 seconds ago..

    ’There’s no snow, but you can still sense what passed through here.’


    and these are from Paola "Pepper" Namid, a Nigerian party planner:

    Perk 1: (Hype)

    After healing another Survivor one full Health State, you and the healed Survivor gain a 2/4/6% speed boost for 2/4/6 seconds.

     ’I’ve got you; keep with me!’

    (NOTE: I know this is similar to Blood Bond. Again, this perk was made long before that.)

    Perk 2: (Lightshow)

    After repairing 4/3/2 generators, combine whatever spare parts fell away into a makeshift sparkler. Works like a normal Firecracker. Use the Ability button to craft the item, once your hands are empty.

    The Item cannot be taken out of the Trial. It will fall apart once used, killed, or escaped.

    ‘Let’s go! Dance-off! Cue the lights!’

    Perk 3: (Drop the Beat)

    Once the last generator is complete, all Survivors gain a speed boost of 6% for 8/12/16 seconds, and can see the Killer’s Aura for 2/4/6 seconds. Your speed boost is double the time. All Survivors repairing your generator have their Auras hidden for the duration of their boost; overrides Rancor.

    ’We’re in overtime, people. Nobody stop now, we’ve got this!’

    I have a bunch of other Survivors I like, but their perks aren't complete...

    (Sorry for all the edits, fixing numerical values and typos!)

    Post edited by crystalkitti on
  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    Killer Perk:

    After hooking all but 1 remaining survivors, that survivor becomes the obsession and their aura is revealed to you. After you hook that survivor, this effect transfers to the survivor that hasn't been on a hook for the longest time. This perk deactivates, when only 3/2/1 survivors are alife.

    good for getting that last bbq stack or finding the blendette that keeps hiding

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    Survivor perk:

    After being crouched and motionless for 4/3/2 seconds you see the killers aura in a 8m range.

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    I've made some perks for a Killer OC of mine, including one I really wish was in the game.

    EYE FOR AN EYE: You punish those who put others in harm's way for their own gain. If a Survivor unhooks another Survivor within 14 metres of you and inside of your Terror Radius, the rescuer becomes Exposed for 10/15/20 seconds. The rescued Survivor sprints 20% faster for this duration.

    It could be good against Borrowed Time, but most importantly, it'd stop Survivors from farming their teammates. I hate when someone unhooks their teammate right in front of me and just leaves them to die. It would sort of work like a reverse Make Your Choice. Making the "rescuer" Exposed is very powerful, but I feel like the speed boost balances it, allowing the rescued Survivor to make a quick getaway. I also added "inside of your Terror Radius", so Killers using stealth-based Powers or Perks can't just camp the hook and instantly down the rescuer.

  • Sniper_Era
    Sniper_Era Member Posts: 19

    My perk would be:


    While others feel helpless in a critical situation, you’re willing to test your luck in order to escape.

    When hooked for 25/20/15 seconds Rampart activates. Pressing the action trigger while the killer is close enough to your hook, you will perform a sweeping kick and will stun the killer for 5 seconds and grant a 50% unhooking chance.

    When unhooking yourself or being unhooked, you become the new obsession.

    When unhooking yourself, being unhooked, or entering second phase, Rampart deactivates.

    Your aura is revealed to the killer for 6/5/4 seconds.

  • Kreggy_Frueder910
    Kreggy_Frueder910 Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2021

    I'm currently working on a pitch for an "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" themed chapter. I'm having trouble thinking of good perk ideas for the Gatherer, but I came up with these 3 perks for Daniel:


    When you cleanse a totem, the aura of another random totem will be revealed to you for 20/25/30 seconds.


    Carry On activates on your first hook state.

    If you are unhooked within 8/10/12 seconds after the start of your Struggle Phase, the next time your are hooked will be considered your second hook state.

    If you are unhooked before your Struggle Phase begins, Carry On will be deactivated for the rest of the Trial.


    Unlocks the ability to open the Hatch without a Key as long as you are the last Survivor remaining in the Trial.

    If you are within a range of 4/8/12 meters of the Hatch, the Aura of the Hatch will be revealed to you and all remaining Survivors.

  • captainlongshlong
    captainlongshlong Member Posts: 87

    Sell Out

    You value your own life more than your fellow survivors. You must survive.

    Whilst in chase, pressing the Active Ability button silences your footsteps/grunts of pain and removes any scratch marks for 10/15/20 seconds.

    When Sell Out activates, all other survivors have their positions revealed to the killer and suffer from the Exposed status effect for 10/15/20 seconds.

    Cool down 120 seconds.


    Ridiculous perk but I'd enjoy ****ing my friends over with it.

  • AvinaR
    AvinaR Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2021

    Hello there! Small pack of Survivors' perks:



    When you unhook a Survivor, notification for Killer will be delayed by 4/6/8 seconds.


    THE Martyr

    While you are on the Hook in the Struggle Phase, for each 2 seconds of your Struggle, Increases the other Survivors' Repairing speed by 1% up to a maximum of 25%.

    This effect persists on other Survivors for 10/15/20 seconds after your death.


    Quick Hands

    When grabbed by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to secretly damage the Killer’s weapon.

    The next Killer’s successful basic attack will be ignored by any Survivor.

    Cool-down of this attack will be increased by 100%/150%/200%.


    Crawling Help

    Increases your crawl speed by 15%/20%/25% for each another dying or hooked Survivor.

    While in the Dying State, grants the ability to sabotage Hooks without a Toolbox, including Hooks with a Survivors (rescuing them by this way).

    The Sabotage action has a cool-down of 180/160/140 seconds.


    At The Last Second

    Once per trial If a Survivor, who has reached second phase previously, is hooked within 8 meters – his death will be delayed by 3 seconds, in which he can be rescued.

    Unhooked survivor will receive the Broken Status Effect for the remainder of the Trial.

    You will become Injured and receive the Broken Status Effect for 90/75/60 seconds.

    Only players with this perk can rescue Survivors affected by At The Last Second.


    Three-card Trick

    Three-card Trick becomes active and usable if two other dying Survivors are within 12 metres range:

    • Recovery speed of Survivors within range is increased by 15%/25%/35%.

    • When healing a dying Survivor, your healing speed is increased by 15%/25%/35%.

    • Once per Trial, press the Active Ability button while healing dying Survivor to put you into the dying state (from any Health State), imitating taken hit.

    If you will not be grabbed in the next 10 seconds – gain back your previous Health State.

    If you will be grabbed in the next 10 seconds – you will be faced with a tremendously difficult Skill Check at 50% of your wiggle progression. Succeed to automatically escape the Killer's grasp (gaining back your previous Health State) and stun them for 5 seconds.


    Just Luck. No Skill.

    You have a 12% chance to ignore Killer’s basic attack.

    Increases your chances by 12% for each your empty Perk-slot up to a maximum of 48%.

    After successful activation goes on cool-down for 150/130/110 seconds.


    Cup Of Coffee

    You start the Trial with a 40% Repair speed bonus.

    Each time you are hooked or a Generator is repaired by any Survivor, you receive a stack-able penalty of -18% to your Repair speed up to a maximum of -72%.


  • MoreRago
    MoreRago Member Posts: 9

    Hex Devour Animations. Once cleansed, PTB 4.5.0 is deleted and forgotten forever.

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    Hex: Hired Help

    At the start of the trial, one survivor who opts in to be affected by this perk is selected and cannot be or become your Obsession.

    This Traitor gains 75% fewer Bloodpoints for Altruism, Boldness, or Survival.

    The Traitor gains new score events called Collaboration, Betrayal, and Selfishness.

    Traitors cannot be harmed by the killer until this hex is cleansed, when it is, the Traitor may choose to remain the Traitor or become a survivor.

    At the end of the trial, the Traitor is sacrificed by the entity and takes 25% of the Bloodpoints earned by the killer. Post-trial, their Bloodpoints earned during the trial are increased by 300% if they ended the trial as a Traitor.

    Blood Fueled:

    The more the tease you, the harder you'll try.

    - Bloodlust increases are reduced to +2% (+0.08 m/s) per level but can stack indefinitely.

    - Bloodlust tiers up every 14/12/10 seconds that you are in a chase. (+10% at 50 seconds vs +15% at 45 seconds)

    - Only half of your bloodlust tiers are lost on completed break action or a successful hit. (Rounded up.)

    - Outside of a chase, bloodlust degrades by 1 tier every 15 seconds, bloodlust no longer degrades after the FINAL generator is started. 

    Outta my way!:

    Press the perk activation key to perform a straight forward dash with 50/100/150% speed for 0.5 seconds.

    Survivors that would block your path are knocked to the side.

    Dropped pallets are knocked back into their upright position.

    If your speed during the dash exceeds 280% the dash instead will break walls and pallets you collide with.

    This perk has a 60 second cooldown, +10 seconds per survivor knocked aside and +5 seconds if a pallet is knocked up or a wall/pallet is destroyed. Up to a 100-second cooldown.

    Heavyweight - You know how to use your weight and momentum to your advantage.

    While airborne your all damaging attacks deal double damage. You fall 10%/15%/20% slower and retain full movement control while in the air unless movement is restricted by power, perk, or addon.

    Iridescent Sight - For 15 / 20 / 25 seconds after the chase ends, you see a white aura of objects and survivors the chased survivor has interacted with.

    Hex: Counter Intel - While this Hex remains, if a survivor sees your aura, you see theirs for; the same duration / the duration +3 seconds / the duration +5 seconds, if the survivor would see your aura but are Blind, this perk still applies to their attempt to read your aura.

    "You want me to come to you? Fine, here I come!"

    “Notice Me” - You become obsessed with one Survivor.

    You gain 100% more Bloodpoints in all categories if scored against any survivor except your obsession. If your obsession is dead at the end of a trial gain 50% more post-trial Bloodpoints

    If your obsession is alive you gain 10% bonus movement speed. 

    If your obsession escapes the trial, you lose 50% total Bloodpoints earned in the trial, applied after other Bloodpoint modifiers.

    "Everything has a cost, even loving you." ~ #1 Fan

    Paint Dye - You’re basic attacks cause the survivors to bleed a random specific color, yellow, light blue, pink, & lime green, once a survivor is bleeding a specific color, only their blood will be that color for the rest of the match. Affected survivors perform ALL actions 1/2/3% slower.

    “Look at those pretty colors, I know who’s here” ~ Funny Man Jones

    Feigned Gate - You and they, both know that this will never end. Your overpowering connection to this place distorts it to your liking. Up to 2 additional Fake exit gates are added when the trial is generated. The Fake exit gate switches are tracked as usually by survivors who can track their auras. When the exit gates are powered the Fake exit gate switch auras are shown to you in red. Opening a Fake Exit Gate does not start the End Game Collapse. 

    If the trial area cannot support the additional gates, skill checks are added to the exit gate switches, failing a skill check removes 10/15/20% unlocking progress if there is 1 Fake Gate, if there are no Fake Gates the failed skill checks remove 20/25/30% instead.

    “Trapped, without purpose, doing something else’s bidding. Not if I can help it.” ~ A demon or somthing

    Reverse Roulette:

    You hear the Hatch Echo 12/24/36 meters Further.

    The trial starts with 1 additional Hatch spawn, The Trapped Hatch.

    The Trapped Hatch will sacrifice any survivors who enter it and The Hatch will let the survivors out as normal.

    The status of survivors who enter either hatch is Unknown to the survivors remaining in the trial.

    “That Vigo fellow traded his secrets for his freedom. He held up his end, now to find us a way out of this place.” ~Voice from the void.

    Seek and Sacrifice - Understanding how to appease the entity can make this easier.

    When you hook a survivor gain a token, for each token you have you gain 1/2/3 meters of aura reading around you. If a survivor dies in any other way, you lose all earned tokens.

    Hex: Desperation - Power-based on your fear of failure, once the exit gates are power and a Dull or Hex totem remains, this perk will either light a Dull totem or share a Hex totem with another Hex perk.

    Other Hex perks gain priority and are lit before this perk is applied to the Hex totem.

    Per survivor remaining in the trial gain an additional 5/10/15% vault speed and hit/miss recovery speed increase. 

    Also, your movement speed is increased by 10%.