Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • Endivh
    Endivh Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2020

    Here is a survivor perk kit idea I had for a male nurse character.

  • hex_aw_beans
    hex_aw_beans Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2020

    Safety Check

    When another survivor performs a safe hook rescue, gain a 50/75/100% speed boost to repairing generators.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Hawk eye, survivor perk that lets them see killer footprints. Can be useful for certain ones or loops. Simple. Different levels change how long they are visible.

  • Mellodeth
    Mellodeth Member Posts: 1

    Survivor : Leave no scratch marks after taking a protection hit or unhooking 3/5/7 seconds

    Killer gets notified and can listen for pained grunts so I think this perk would be helpful a fair amount of time to where killer may or may not find survivors

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Weak Boarding, survivor can choose one breakable wall to push off it's place and open due to frail construction work.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Show girl (80s?)

    •On Display: When you are in a chase, you do leave scratch marks and your aura is hidden if the killer is within a 11/22/33 meter radius of you.

    •A Little Tease: After stunning or blinding the killer, you leave no scratch marks and instead, they will be left 5/6/7 meters in another direction from your location.

    •Femme Fatale: If you have reached the second stage of sacrifice and you picked up by the killer again, you are given a difficult skill check. If you succeed, you are freed and the killer stunned for 5 seconds. If you fail, the killer gains a notification and the perk remains active for the next time you are picked up.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Knuckle Cracker: After hitting a survivor, the survivor will be unable to use items for 60/80/100 seconds. If they drop or are not holding an item, they are are unable to pick one up. This effect is immediately removed after being put into the dying health state or being hooked.

    •Green Thumb: Unlocks your aura reading abilities. Any survivor in or touching foliage at least 7/9/11 meters away, are revealed to you.

    •Ultimatum: When the exit gates are powered, the aura of any survivor within a 15 meter radius of a gate switch are revealed to you. When a gate is opened, the other gate is permanently locked. If a survivor were to attempt to open it, the other gate will be closed for 30/45/60 seconds.

  • shazamm28
    shazamm28 Member Posts: 2

    KILLER PERK: Body Carrier When holding a survivor you move 15/20/30% faster, and your hits have 25% less cooldown.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Undertaker (survivor and killer)


    •Mortician: For each survivor killed, gain a 3% movement speed and 5% vaulting speed increase. After killing a survivor, gain a 30% increase to breaking or damaging for 20/30/40 seconds; If they were killed by a mori, gain an additional 15% increase to recovery speed from missed attacks for that duration.

    •Botched Autopsy: When a survivor is put into the dying health state by your melee attack, they are broken for 90/120/150 seconds and when put on the hook, while still broken, are left broken until they unhook another survivor.

    •Dire Circumstances: Unlocks your aura reading abilities. When 5/4/3 generators are completed, you are able to see the auras of all healthy survivors and you gain the undetectable status effect until the exit gates are opened.


    •Morbid Curiosity: When a survivor is dying, hooked, or dead, you can see the killer’s aura within a 33/44/55 meter radius. If you are the last survivor remaining, you are undetectable and your sounds are decreased by 100%.

    •Surgical Precision: When healing a dying survivor, all skill checks will count as great skill checks. Failing a healing skill check has a 100% chance of not alerting the killer, instead lose an additional 3/2/1% progress.

    •Preserve: When effected by the deep wound status effect, you no longer need to mend. Instead, after entering and remaining in a locker for at least 5 seconds, you instantly put into the injured health state. Healing progress is not lost when being injured, 80/90/100% is transferred after being damaged. (i.e. If you are injured and beal yourself to 80%, When you are downed, your recovery progress is set at 80% or when your are inflicted with the deep wound status effect, the mending progress is set to 80%).

  • Paintingexpress
    Paintingexpress Member Posts: 13

    So I’ve designed a lot of perks to go with fan made chapters and then just more random perks to throw into the base game. Here they are.

    -Killer perks:

    Autophobia: Your sinister aura frightens all those who have an empathetic heart. When in a chase with a survivor, all other survivors not being chased will suffer a 10/15/20% slower repairing speed.

    Hex: Haunting Images. Your insatiable desire for blood causes you to become reckless and unpredictable, instilling fear in those close to your presence. After a survivor is in your terror radius for 20/17.5/15 seconds, that survivor will scream and reveal their position. Any survivor who hides in a locker for longer than 10 seconds will be immediately pushed out from the locker and unable to enter the locker for 10 seconds.

    Maniacal Arrogance: Your persistence and arrogance through continual loss strains you to reap your rewards. After chasing a survivor for 20 seconds, that survivor becomes your obsession. The obsession will become exposed for 15 seconds when a generator is finished.

    Survivor Perks:

    Groundhog’s Shadow: The slightest chance to see the next day fills you with hope, and if you fail, you’ll try again. Once per match, after fully healing a survivor, you are able to instantly heal yourself from the dying state by pressing the active ability button while recovering. After the use of this ability, you remain broken until entering the dying state again.

    Party Animal: Your natural aggressiveness makes you harder to catch. Whenever you stun a killer with a pallet, the killer is affected by the stun an extra 25/30/35% worth of time of their stun duration.

    Soft Steps: In an area where anything could be heard, you have taken precautions to reduce your noise. Every 30/25/20 seconds, while sprinting, all noise you emit will be muted for 6 seconds. The timer restarts after the 6 seconds are exhausted.

    Find Her: Even in pressing times, you are able to work through your pain and continue. After taking a protection hit, the perk activates. The next time you are injured from being healthy will cause to leave no blood trail, make no scream, cause no grunts of pain, and lose scratch marks for 6/7/8 seconds. Taking a protection hit causes you to become the obsession.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Ballerina

    •1st Position: This perk has 15/20/25 charges. When you start running, at the cost of one charge per second, your movement speed is increased by 10%. Charges can only be refilled by standing still (1 charge per 7 seconds without moving), with no charges your running movement speed is decreased by 5% and your breathing is 25% louder.

    •Prima Donna: While rush vaulting or falling, you have a short period of invincibility, and 60 seconds of a 7% haste effect. After, you are exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds. You do not receive a haste effect while exhausted.

    •Pirouette: When the killer near misses you with their attack, this perk gains a token (to a maximum of 5 tokens). When 5 tokens are reached, you can press the active ability button and stun the killer if they are within a 3/4/5 meter radius of you. This perk loses all its tokens if you are hooked, if it has not reached its maximum yet. (i.e. If you have less than 5 stacks when hooked, you lose it all.)

  • Nightsin
    Nightsin Member Posts: 10


    Constructor: One time during the trial, the surviver can change a breakable wall into a vault (window or pallet, idk :)) in ?/?/? seconds.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Dissociative Identity Disorder


    Remorse: Every 20/15/10 seconds spent of out of chase, this perk gains a token up to a maximum of 6 tokens. For each token gain a 10% movement speed increase. When entering a chase, lose all tokens. If a survivor is sacrificed, this perk goes into a cool down period of 25 seconds; in which, tokens cannot be gathered and movement speed is reset to normal.

    Aggression: For each survivor still alive, gain a 25% decrease to the cool down of missed attacks. When entering a chase, the aura of all other survivors outside a 45/30/25 meter radius are revealed to you.

    Relish: When a survivor takes a protection hit for another survivor, your attack cool down is removed for an additional attack. Gain 15/20/25% more blood points for the brutality category.


    Attached: When there is an obsession that is not you, this perk activates. As long as the obsession is alive, gain a 8% movement speed increase. If the obsession is in a chase, you are able to see the aura of the killer. This effect will persist for 3/4/5 seconds after the chase has ended.

    Confrontational: After lasting in a chase for 50/40/30 seconds, this perk activates. When you are picked up start with wiggle progress set to 50%. If you are pulled off an action, you automatically begin wiggling at 33% progress.

    Excited: For each generator completed, increase the size of success zones by 10% and great zones by 20%. After a generator is completed, receive a 25% action speed increase towards repairing, healing, sabotaging, unhooking, searching, unlocking, and opening exit gates for 6/8/10 seconds.

  • Arqueus
    Arqueus Member Posts: 45
    edited January 2021

    New Killer Perk: Hex: Hypothermia

    A hex that takes a toll on those who settle their labor in one place.

    Whenever a survivor starts repairing a generator, the next time they stop touching it The Entity will be summoned to hold their hands on the generator for 3/4/5 seconds; this will cause the survivor to remain unable to move and scream revealing their location to the killer (Like the screaming bubbles of The Doctor), and the killer will be able to hit the survivor while they are stuck in position. Once the effect fades or the survivor is hit, the survivor will be able to move freely

    Post edited by Arqueus on
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,252
    edited October 2020

    Killer perk:

    Mortal Wound:

    You become Obsessed with one survivor

    Every time a non-obsession heals from injured to healthy, earn one token.

    Each token reduces the survivor's sprint burst by 0.25 seconds(12.5%) up to 2/3/4 tokens upon successfully hitting an healthy survivor with a basic attack.

    Every time the Obsesssion is healed, Lose 2 tokens. You can no longer gain Tokens If your Obsesssion is sacrficed or killed.

    You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    Survivor perk:


    Grants 20/30/40% increased totem cleansing speed. Every time a totem is cleansed, gain 1 token.

    Each token Increases Skill Check odds by 3% and 0.5% great skillcheck progression for the remainder of the trial.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • ACube7
    ACube7 Member Posts: 13

    murderous design

    you have your ways to make machinery induce pain

    when you down a survivor the next time you damage a generator a survivor attempting to repair that generator must make a difficult skill check failing will make them injured or downed if they were already injured

    this effect will stay on the generator for 45/60/75 seconds.

  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28

    Sealed Fate: Once you reach bloodlust tier one, you gain the ability to see any survivor auras in lockers when within 16, 24, 32 metres

    "My job is to put people in the grave, to keep them there, and I'll be DAMNED if you take that from me!" - The Harvester

    Hocus Pocus: When you hit a survivor with a basic attack, apply a status effect chosen at random for 15 seconds. When you hook a survivor, each healthy survivor will receive a status effect chosen at random for 40, 50, 60 seconds.

    "Hocus Pocus! Deadly focus! Magic bat! Dragon's eye! Cast your chants; roll the die!" - The Magician

    Released Insanity: Every 1 20, 100, 80 seconds, when there are at least two survivors in the trial, the furthest survivor will scream, revealing their location for 3 seconds.

    "I found you..." - The Crypt Keeper

    Recurring Depression: If the killer opens the exit gates, Recurring Depression activates. The two generators farthest from each other instantly go to 90%, 85%, 80% completion. These generators can't regress pass these points. Both exit gates will open and be blocked by the entity until one of these generators are completed. The generators are highlighted for all players. The end game timer is paused until a generator is completed.I

    "Somehow, someway, this thing will see to it that everything we know, what we have come to expect... Will be turned on it's head." - Research log 17 on 'The Shadow'

    Hit and Run: Start the trial with three tokens. Each time you stun the killer with a pallet, consume a token. Each time a token is consumed, gain 150% haste status effect for three seconds, leave no scratch marks for 3 seconds, and gain the exhaustion status effect for 60, 50, 40 seconds. Hit and Run cannot be used while exhausted.

    "You learn in life that you can either take the punishment, or avoid it. There is only one real option for me." - Metias Brayden, ' The Thief'

    Overcome: Whenever you miss a skill check, overcome activates for 8, 9, 10 seconds. During this time, you perform all channeled actions at 100% speed. Overcome has an 80 second cooldown.

    "I take my #########-ups and make the most out of them. It got me this far in life." - Gloden Blazenben, 'The Prosthetist'

    Close Call: Encountering horrors has prepared you for close encounters. For you, the kiiller's red stain is 30%, 40%, 50% longer. You hear the killer's terror radius at an additional 8 metres.

    "I'm planning on living today, thank-you very much!" Mariah Brayden, ' The Reporter'

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Puzzler: When running, your scratch marks are moderately/considerably/dramatically (30/40/50%) more spread out. Your scratch marks and blood trail is moderately (75%) less noticeable.

    Battle-Broken: After escaping a chase while injured, you are broken for 60/45/30 seconds. However, for 120 seconds, you are undetectable and produce no sound. While healthy, you breathe 25% louder.

    In Distress: When you or another survivor is hooked, all survivors receive a 15/20/25% increase to healing and the unhooking speeds. You gain an additional 25% increase to healing speed when another survivor is hooked. The effect of In Distress does not stack.

  • Hamburgerlar
    Hamburgerlar Member Posts: 58
    edited October 2020

    I call it one and done. This will take the place of a mori. It's a perk that allows you to kill the first survivor that you hook. This would eliminate the add-on and just change it to a perk

    I was going to say if there was a disconnect then it resets. If that first person quits.

    Post edited by Hamburgerlar on
  • Mushy_Peas
    Mushy_Peas Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2020

    These may be lost in the endless sea of comments, but what the hell. Two perks!

    I have more stored away, but they're not quite as cool as these ones.

    Uninvited Guests

    At the beginning of the Trial, Survivors become cursed by Uninvited Guests. While Cursed, Survivor’s Repair, Heal, Search, Sabotage and Cleansing speeds are reduced by 12/16/20%.

    Once a Survivor has been put into the Dying state or a Generator has been repaired, Uninvited Guests deactivates.

    (This is meant to be an alternative to Corrupt Intervention, and a slight take on the concept/request of an Early Game Slowdown mechanic)

    Silent Echoes

    While a Survivor is hooked, all Survivors are Oblivious while they are more than 40/32/24 meters away from the hooked Survivor.

    (I'm just proud of this one. Rewards objective play with a cool buff, gives stealth to killers who don't already have it, and encourages Survivors to approach the hook which can be dangerous for them)

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited October 2020

    Theme: Preacher

    •Revelation: When a survivor can be killed by the killer, from any source (perks, addons, and offerings), you can see their aura. When you take a protection hit for anyone highlighted by this perk, both of your movement speed are increased to 150% for 8/9/10 seconds. This effect will not apply if you are put into the dying health state.

    •Masse: When in the presence (30 meter radius) of at least 2/2/1 survivor(s) that are injured, your healing and unhooking speed are increased by 100%. When under the effect of Masse, your aura is revealed to everyone including the killer when within a 50/40/30 meter radius.

    •Self-Righteous: While all survivors alive (including yourself) are healthy, all of your action speeds are increased by 25/30/35%. If any survivor injured, dying, or hooked, you are undetectable and lose any bonus from this perk to action speeds.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    It was an old bill teachable(i don't remember its name) but they reworked it since noone repairs gens in 1v1

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Carpenter

    •Wood Work: When in or near an applicable opening, you have the option to erect a wooden barrier that will block off the opening they are place at. This action will take 8 seconds to complete and will force the killer to spend 3/4/5 seconds if they wish to break these obstacles. Their aura are shown to all survivors and any survivor is able to remove these barriers in only 1 second. This perk has a 60 second cool down.

    •Skillful Carving: When near a breakable wall or a wooden barrier at a doorway/applicable opening, you are able to spend 4 seconds make a temporary vault point. The aura of these vaults are revealed to all survivors. However, this (50/30/10%) considerably/ moderately/slightly decrease the amount of time required to break them. This perk has a 30 second cool down.

    •Dexterous: When performing a skilled action (repairing, healing, etc), Skill check success zones are increased 40%. After achieving a good skill check, for your next skill check, the great skill check zone is increased by 10/20/30%.

  • Alextheflykat
    Alextheflykat Member Posts: 21

    Dead End:

    After 6 successful hooks, Dead End activates. When the last generator is repaired, the entity will block the exit panels for 20/25/30 seconds.

  • KuroTheOwl
    KuroTheOwl Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2020

    I made an entire set of perks.

    Hex: All seeing

    As long as Hex: All seeing is active, any totem being touched will notify you of its location and show you the hex perk it contains. This has a cooldown of 50 seconds. However, it also allows survivors to cleanse totems 30/25/20% faster for as long as Hex: All seeing remains active.

    Hex: Hellfire

    Two trapped hex totems will spawn on the map. When a survivor cleanses a Hellfire totem, they will bleed and start wining as if they were injured (they aren't though). Cleansing one of the trapped totems will also add one token to any perk that uses them. After the first cleanse, the second totem will remain active until cleansed aswell. (Yes, the downside is that we'd need 6 totems bc of haunted grounds)


    You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time you hit your obsession, gain one token up to a maximum of 5/4/3 (yes, 3 max totems on the max level). When you have the maximum amount of tokens, the next survivor that comes within 4m of the obsession will be stabbed by the entity, applying the deep wound status effect to healthy survivors and downing injured ones. It also causes the hit survivor to scream, revealing their location. This consumes all of your tokens. Traitor will not activate if the obsession is hooked.

    Now, the killer for these perks could be like an Entity monster... It's child perhaps.. You could actually call it *The Child*, or *The Legacy*

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Defilement (name pending)

    The taste for blood awakens the hooks, making them longing for more. When a survivor is hooked, the hook becomes Defiled. Each time a survivor is hooked on a Defiled hook they receive a penalty to action speed for a duration proportional to the time left to the next stage, up to 60s.

    The idea of this perk is to give incentives to non-camping and non-tunneling killers.

  • BigCooper7652
    BigCooper7652 Member Posts: 4

    Killer: Hex: Grim Tidings

    As light floods the trial, so too does your shadow.

    This hex activates once the exit gates are powered.

    When the exit gates are powered, all remaining dull totems will be affected with this hex.

    While the hex is active, for each toem still standing, gain a token.

    For each token, see the auras of survivors within 6/7/8m of you.

    This hex overrides any other hex that would activate.

    This hex does not override any hex already in effect.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Fake Out: After a few hits, you’re sure that they will be a little confused. Surely, something you can take advantage of.

    +After stunning the killer 4/3/2 times, this perk actives. When the killer approaches a hook (4 meter radius), you will be given a tremendously difficult skill check. If succeeded, the killer is stunned for 5 seconds and you are freed. If failed, this perk deactivates until the conditions are met again.

    -“That must have given them a concussion of some sort! Come at me again!”

    •Undeterred: With each obstacle, you grow stronger and learn to use it for your own benefit.

    +When exposed by any source, this perk gains a token. For each token, you gain 5/6/7% increase to repair speed.

    -“It’s only a temporary setback!”

    •Judgement: The world has its eyes on you and a moment of weakness will not stop you.

    +When exposed by any source, this perk gains a token. When hooked, all tokens are consumed and the sacrificed process is halted for 5 seconds per token consumed. If you are unhooked while this perk is still in effect, you retain 1/2/3 token(s).

    -“I feel it, but I refuse to stop now.”

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Gardener/Druid/Wild Beast

    •Gardens of Eve: Nature coos and writhes in your embrace, remembering its mother and master.

    +When you attack a survivor, they are given a random negative status effect for 5/10/15 seconds. After hooking a survivor, any other survivor that is within a 10 meter radius is exposed; it will persist for 5 seconds after they leave the area.

    -“The oils are not chosen by logic, but fate has a twisted sense of humor, nevertheless.”

    •Nature’s Call:

    +When a survivor is hooked, all other survivors are blinded and oblivious for 30/45/60 seconds. If the survivor is unhooked before this effect is over, you gain a 5% haste effect until you put another survivor into the dying health state.

    -“The roars of all creatures deafen those who are prey, and the hunt should never be interrupted.”

    •Sore Joints: When you are in a chase, all other survivors outside this chase receive a 8/9/10% hindered effect for the duration of the chase or if they enter a chase with you. Any survivor you hit is exhausted for 20 seconds.

    -“The dread of what might sneak up on you is only tiring you out, come close and submit.”

  • graveyard_7777
    graveyard_7777 Member Posts: 269

    Harmful Practice - Any survivor with deep wound working on a gen will have their aura revealed to the killer for 7 seconds.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Jester/Self-Destuctive

    •Made a Fool: Will it be you or them?

    +When you enter a chase, the killer is blinded when line of sight of you is broken. After leaving a chase, the killer left enraged for 60/45/30 seconds.

    -“Well isn’t that unfortunate...”

    •Jingle Jangle: You’re both annoying and noticeable, that definitely won’t come back to bite you.

    +When running, you’re breathing and grunts are 50% louder. If the killer is within a 10/12/14 meter radius while you are running, they are unable to hear anything else besides your sounds.

    -“The tunnel vision is far to much.”

    •Tactical Suicide: Strangely, while you’re threatened with death, the beasts seem weakened or tired. You must of did a number beforehand.

    +While you are hooked, the killer is blinded and hinder by 7%. If you are sacrificed, the effect persists for 30/35/40 seconds. When you are killed via another method, gain an additional 50% bloodpoints of all categories.

    -“My death will only hinder you, there isn’t room for two beasts here.”

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Musician

    •Acoustics: The world resonates with their screams of pain, you can use that to your advantage.

    +When a survivor is hooked, the aura of all survivors hidden in lockers are revealed. For each hooked survivor, you gain a 15% attack cool down and fatigue duration reduction.

    •Encore: Even without an appreciative audience, you still give them another show.

    +After putting a survivor into the dying health, all survivors within your terror radius are exposed for 10/15/20 seconds or another survivor is put into the dying health state. This perk will not activate for exposed attacks.

    •Broken Bones: Even if they steel themselves for you, they won’t be fully prepared.

    +When a survivor has the endurance status effect and they take a protection hit while you are in a chase with another survivor, the effect is ignored and the survivor with the effect is put into the dying health state.

  • GoldDoge456
    GoldDoge456 Member Posts: 1

    Since survivors have Object of Obsession to be cocky with, why not an Object of Obsession for killers. Where all survivors can see them at all times.

    GOATYGOAT2330 Member Posts: 3

    rusty blade

    After landing 6 successful hits on a survivor, the next survivor at full health you hit will go down instantly. After you have done this the next survivor you hit will be granted another hit (2/3 depending on the health state of the survivor)

    You could probably incorporate faster successful hit recuperation's

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Hope this one is good. I took a lot of time to design it lol.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited October 2020

    Theme: Royalty/Nobility

    •Coup: You will bring change to this land.

    +Whenever an object within a 20 meter radius is blocked by the entity, this perk gains a token. When this perk reaches 6/5/4 tokens, this perk actives. For 60 seconds, you are unaffected by the entity blocking objects and can act as if it were not there. The aura of blocked objects are revealed to you.

    -“Omnipotence does not stop me from getting what I want!”

    •Finery: You know only the best and highest quality treatment, even if it is in this death game.

    +When using an item of at least ultra rare/very rare/rare rarity or above, your item efficiency and action speed for said item is increased by 30%. When using an item below that rarity, your item efficiency and action speed for said item is decreased by 20%.

    -“What is this? Only commoners use such barbaric utilities!”

    •Royal Grandeur: Everything must be done to the upmost care. Even lowly and menial tasks.

    +After completing a skillful or lengthy action, you receive a 7% haste effect for 20/30/40 seconds.

    -“It really was nothing much. Only what I’m naturally capable of doing.”

  • Nox_Atra09
    Nox_Atra09 Member Posts: 3

    Oh I'm just on the way to create mine... :D I want a wendigoo as a killer and I make myself as a survivor. :P

  • wolfhunter
    wolfhunter Member Posts: 8

    I have dream. I dream about a perk call toreador. this prek is a dash like dead hard but whit some specifique effect.

    First the survivor must be not injured for use the perk. If the perk is use the survivor is effect by exhausted for 60/50/40 second.

    If the survivor hit the killer during the dash the killer is stun for 5 second but the survivor is hurt whit the broken status effect fort 30/20/10 second. You become the obsession

    The perk can be use for dash and have some distance during chase or safe a survivor from the graps of the killer. The perk is high risk high reward. you safe a survivor but you are in difficulte situation.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246
    edited October 2020

    These are some concepts for an alien monster/The Thing perks that I had bouncing around my brain. I like the idea of Biomass, but I definitely want to tweak that one. Just the idea of a killer that grows stronger/larger the more survivors they kill/absorb is super horrifying to me.

    Assimilation: Survivors you attack are infected by your alien anatomy, survivors hit by your basic attack are revealed for 15/20/25 seconds by the part of you they carry within them.

    Biomass: The Cells of other creatures add to your horrifying physique, walking through survivor's blood trails increases your speed.

    Horrifying Presence: Your hideous and inhuman form inspires terror in your prey. The first time a survivor sees you after suffering from the Oblivious effect, they scream. This effect can only occur every 60/55/50 seconds.

  • A_Nub_At_Life
    A_Nub_At_Life Member Posts: 1

    Perk: Safe Save

    "So what the killer is staring at you"

    If the killer is in a 3/5/7 meter radius of a hooked survivor for 15/12/9 seconds the player with the perk gains the endurance effect until the killer leaves the radius in which it persists for 3 more seconds.

    Hex: entity's feast

    This hex totem convinces the entity to help you sacrifice, every hook now becomes infused with the entities power making the hooks take 4/6/8 seconds longer to sabotage and the sacrifice process is 4/5/6% faster.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Alchemist

    •Unequal Exchange: Even with your lesser knowledge, you can make it work.

    +If you are being healed or healing and the action is interrupted or ends prematurely while in the killer’s terror radius, the person being healed is given the endurance status effect for 7/9/11 seconds. This perk does not activate if you are dying or the person being healed is dying.

    •Alchemical Brews: The last of your mixes saved for the most crucial moment.

    +When a survivor is hooked, all survivors (including yourself) within a 8/9/10 meter radius is given a random positive status effect for 60 seconds.

    •Iron Flesh: A freak accident that left your skin quite resilient and tough.

    +When the killer hits you, the cool down for the attack is increased by 20/25/30%. You cannot bleed while injured and are immune to the hemorrhage status effect.

  • Ember_Hydra
    Ember_Hydra Member Posts: 26

    I have a few for your game Dead by daylight, Since I have seen you grow since the beginning and the first night in the fog:

    Killer perks:

    "All in" after hooking every survivor once, your next basic attack will apply hindred (not sure how much % in hindred is balanced), hemorage, blindness, mangle (The idea is to apply as many status effects one this one empowered attack) for 1/3/5 seconds

    "Grudge" After hitting survivors for 40/35/20 times your next attack will have expose status effect on it.

    "Beyond the veil" After hooking a survivor, show all the gens progression via intensity of their aura. For 2/3/4 seconds

    "Lights out" After all gens are done, show the aura of surviors near the exit gate (2/4/6 meters) for 10/15/20 seconds. After closing the hatch gain haste status effect (2%/3%/4%) and show your aura for all the surviors and reveal the surviors aura for the killer for 2/3/4 seconds

    "Nights terror" While surviors are working on generator inside of the killers terror radius. Slow the progression for 2/4/6% to healing, sabotaging, cleansing,reparing

    "Eye for an eye" at the start of the game reveal the killers aura for all survivors for 6/12/18 seconds, after that reveal surviors aura for 6/8/10 seconds. Triggers only once

    "On the prowl" Get obssed with one survivor. After hooking the obession reveal the auras of all the other survivors for 3/6/9 and increase the killers terror radius by 10%/15%/20% while in a chase until the obsession has been unhooked. Gain haste 0/0/1% after hooking you obession for 6/9/12 seconds

    "Deadly obession" whenever you gain a new obssesion, make all gens in a 20/24/28 meter radius explode and regress 2%.

    "Tragedy" Make one obession, if the obession dies.Cause all of the surviors to have the killer terror radius and redstain for 20/25/30 seconds. The next pallet that stuns you will break the pallet (Like spirit furry)

    "Burning ground" After hooking 5 surviors. Increase the repair/heal/sabotage speed for survivors by 5%/10%/15%. Increase the killers movement speed by 0%/1%/2% for 120 seconds

    "Despair" Hooking survivors in the basement will grant your next hooked surviors progression to increase by 4%/8%/12%. 100 seconds cooldown.

    "Unholy alliance" Get obseed with one survivor. For each token you gain (just like play with your food) 1/2/3 tokens. Each tokens decay after 20 seconds. Causes your obession to see the killers aura for 3/6/9 seconds. When the killer kicks a generator, 8/12/16 meters around the damaged generator causes hemorage, blindness, oblivious to survivors inside the raidus for 10/15/20 seconds

    "Bloodpact" As long as the four survivors are alive bloodpact will be active. After downing a survior, the obession (if none exist, it will make one) suffers from hemorage, mangle. At tier 3, causes the obession to go from healthy to injured, If the obession is injured do nothing but give mangle and hemorage.

    "Mechanical hands" Allows the killers grasp to reach futher then before, your catching raidus is increased by 1/1/2 meters. This is meant to have an easier time to catch survivors.

    "Wrath" After getting stunned by a pallet, gain 5%/10%/15% increased breakingspeed on that pallet for 10 secounds. "Wrath" also increased the breaking speed of breakable walls 10%/15%/20% (does not stack)

    Survivor perks:

    "Gotem" After cleansing all(Can also be 3/4/5 for balance sake) totems, reveal the closest genrator to all surviors and gain 1/2/5% (or 3% at max) increase repair speed on that highlighted generator

    "Dread" After staying in the killers terror radius without being in a chase for 175/200/225 reveal one hex totem for the remaing of the trail (personal)

    "Dirty hands" Make one dull totem(if no dull totems exist, than this will be deactive for the game) into a hex totem. When that totem is cleanse heal one state from injured (lvl 1) / heal on state from dying(lvl 2) / heal two state from dying to healthy (lvl 3) for the obessions. If there's no obession give all surviors exposed 30/35/40 "Dirty hands" does not trigger any hex killer perks and can not be detected by other hex totems or revived by other hex totems.

    "Rival" Increases the chance of being the obession. If you're the obession, whenever you're outside of the killers terror radius increase your movement speed with 0%/0%/1% and increase the healing,unhooking speed by 5%/10%/15% when inside of the killers terror radius.

    If you're not the obession you will get a less powerfull "Rival" you will gain no movementspeed but you healing,unhooking speed will get increased by 2%/4%/6%

    "Vendetta" After getting hook once or reaching the struggle phase, the next time you get picked up the hookes will be blocked by the entity in a radius around you. 3/6/9 meters (note sure if the are the correct measurement, but it's intended to block the nearby hooks around where you get picked up)

    "Backup" While cleansing a totem reveal your aura for the other survivors in a radius around you 20/25/30 meters for 4/6/8 seconds and reveal your aura for the killer for 4/3/2

    "Second chance" You chance of being the obession is increased. If you're the obession and after unhooking a survivor safely or being hooked this perk will be active (have to be obession and get a safe hook) while injured you gain the option to press E (the activate button) and you will gain endurance status effect but all the nearby generators,pallets,windows will be blocked by the entity (If you're on a gen it will explode and force you to entity block it) in a 35/40/45 radius around you. Level 1 will only increase your chance of being the obession, level 2 will let you activate this after you unhook someone safely. Level 3 will let you have the activation buttons and can be active after you get unhooked aswell

    "Lookout" When the killer is nearby you in a 2/4/6 radius around you, reveal their aura to 1/2/3 survivors

    "Determination" In the most intense and stressfull moments, you have learn to give it your all regardless of the outcome while the killer is looking in your direction (15 meters, not sure what's ideal, but it's to be in killers terror radisu while also being close and looking at your like "Spine chill") increase the chances of skillschecks and gives the haste (1%/2%/4%) status effect if the generator is finished in the terror radius of the killer for 3/5/7 seconds

    I tried to make the perks as intressing, balanced and fun as possible for both side. But also the kind of perks I would like to see in this game one day before I die and join the entity as a killer or survivor in the fog. I hope these perks inspired something, by name or effects. I also hope you enjoyed the ideas I have been stashing away for so long😀

  • Ember_Hydra
    Ember_Hydra Member Posts: 26

    So hard to see Blendettes on the lower settings as well

  • Jorasly
    Jorasly Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2020

    All or nothing (survivor perk)

    Gain the following effects:

    -Stun duration effects on the killer are increased by 10%/20%/30%

    -Crouching is permanently disabled

    "There are those who run, and those who fight."


    The Worlds Smallest Violin

    You feel the slightest amount of sympathy for your victims.

    Upon landing a successful hit on each individual survivor, gain a sympathy token.

    -Tokens grant the following effects-

    1 Token: Your terror radius is replaced with a saddeningly tragic melody.

    2 Tokens: Survivors cannot help but to cry over your musicianship. Survivors Grunts cannot be muffled, and are heard at all times as though they are in the injured state.

    3 Tokens: Survivors are your biggest fans. Survivors within your terror radius will occasionally scream out in joy over your beautiful music, revealing their location briefly.

    "Sympathy is no weakness."

  • bobby_trippe
    bobby_trippe Member Posts: 8

    "Anchor" - When one of your team mates is inactive for 2 minutes (no healing, rescuing, cleansing, etc) they are applied with exposed, mangled, hemorrhage, hindered, madness, infected, intoxicated, deep wound their aura is revealed to all, crows circle, a new status called "shamed" is applied where the event is posted to their social media accounts detailing their cowardness and letter is sent home to their parents in red ink.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Electrician

    •Wire Up: You can make sure that these gates are opened in time.

    +Once per trial, before the exit gates are powered, you are able to perform the “rewire” action on an exit gate switch. Doing so will take 30/25/20 seconds without any interruption to complete. While performing the “rewire” action, you will occasionally receive normal skill checks; of which if you were to fail, you lose one health state and scream, revealing your location for 10 seconds. After finishing the action, that specific door will take 0.5 seconds to open by any survivor. The killer cannot open doors that have been rewired.

    •Charged Up: These feeble generators are nothing until you come along.

    +Any generator you repair that is not completed, takes 30/40/50% longer to damage. Any damaged generator you begin repairing, will remain sparking for 10 seconds.

    •Shocking Discovery: You can set special traps for the most prolific vandals.

    +After repairing a generator for 5 seconds, this perk activates. If you were to leave the generator before completion and the killer damages it within a 30/45/60 second time period after you stopped, the killer is stunned for 5 seconds. This will, however, regress the generator an additional 5%. Only one generator can be affected by this perk at once.

  • One of the many ideas I've had for the game is a survivor that is a criminal of some kind, or at least not all good as some of the others are. To reflect this, the perks involved with the survivor could be considered 'selfish' and are meant to help the single survivor while the others are in danger. One example perk is:

    Not My Problem:

    While another survivor is being chased, your generator repair speeds are increased by 3/4/5% for as long as they're being chased.

    "Time's a ticking."

    Numbers are changeable but something to this effect would be interesting.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Made these puppies a while back.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Thief/Pickpocket

    •Snatch: At any opportunity, you’ll try to secure yourself resources.

    +When a survivor is hooked or dying and holding an item, you can press the active ability button while nearby them to take the item that they are currently carrying. If a survivor is without an item and you’re currently carrying one, you can press the active ability button while nearby and quickly give that person your item. Any item given or taken by this perk gives the holder a 50% item efficiency increase for that item for as long as it has charges and remains within their hand.

    •Snag: Little additions to the killer’s weapon might do you some good, and especially them some headaches.

    +When you stun the killer, they are unable to use their ability for 30 seconds. Your aura is revealed to everyone while this effect is active. This perk has a 60/50/40 second cool down.

    •One of Many Faces: You blend in too well especially with others.

    +The sound of your steps and landing are decreased by 50/75/100%. When in the killer’s terror radius, you are completely silent.