Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • Purseboy
    Purseboy Member Posts: 6

    Calm and quiet

    Hybrid perk for those that know how to counter screams or not make sound notification to for the killer. To save tokens for when you actually need them.

    You start with 3/4/5 tokens and anything that would have made a sound notification to the killer or make you scream would consume a token.

    Once you run out of tokens the perk is disabled.

    Its a combination of quick and quiet and calm spirit, mainly for those survivors that know when they're about to screen and hide in a locker to prevent it or do slow animations to escape the killer. For that off chance that you are caught with your pants down those few times through the match, this perk will probably save you. The quote could be something like "you start the trail calm and careful" then you start making mistakes or something like that. If you're not careful, then you'll lose tokens really fast.

  • dalegindahouz
    dalegindahouz Member Posts: 7

    A perk called unforgiving grudge

    It's a killer perk that makes survivors leave a glyph on the ground after 60/40/30 seconds of being chased. The killer can walk over the glyph for a 3%/4%/5% speed boost for 5/10/15 seconds while the glyph last for 5/7/10 seconds on the ground. If a survivor walks over the glyph they will scream revealing their location for 3 seconds. It has a cooldown of 90/70/60 seconds aswell

    Also I have a survivor perk idea called panic surge. When a survivor gets hit the perk activates making survivors able to heal 25%/50%/100% faster for 10/15/30 seconds. The perk has a cooldown of 180/120/90 seconds. Please tell me what you think about this I would love a critique or some support on this idea thanks. Sincerely da leg In da house

  • TurkeyDoughnuts
    TurkeyDoughnuts Member Posts: 4

    I like this Preparation perk idea, however, a whole 2+ minutes worth of pallet hunting? I think that may be a bit excessive. Perhaps 30/60/90? More of a rush to get the pallets you can and then go after survivors. This way the killer isn't too far behind in the game or trying to combat gen rushing after pallet hunting.

    CHARMED69TAURUS Member Posts: 34

    Sixth Sense: You know when danger comes, and when it comes, you prepare.

    Upon the killer getting close to the terror radius, see the killer's aura for 3/5/7 seconds. Sixth Sense has a cooldown of 100 seconds.

    Oblivious: Sometimes you forget the true reality of a situation.

    While doing an action that requires a skill check, you gain no skill checks for 5/7/10 seconds. Oblivious can only be used 7 times.

    Survivor Hex: Sacrifice

    You know what you are doing is wrong, but you also know that the sacrifice is worth it.

    While interacting with a dull totem, use the active ability button to ignite a flame at the totem. The totem will then give you a speed reduction for all interactions by 20/15/10 percent for all actions with skill checks. You team will gain a 5/10/15 speed boost for all interactions with skill checks. The killer can locate the totem and break it, and render the perk out of order.

    What do you guys think?

  • keygun
    keygun Member Posts: 311

    Survivor exhaustion perk

    Stop camping

    If the killer is within x meters of hook, you can stun the killer with a dirty kick.

    This causes exhaustion, obviously.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Ambidextrous: Two hands, twice the work.

    +When being healed or healing, a maximum of 2/3/4 survivors can assist with the healing. You gain the ability to heal yourself while being healed to increase healing speed.

    -“There is always room to help, I’ll pitch in as well!”

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Killer perk: Fear Scent

    You can smell their fear. Your prey cannot hide from you.

    Survivors that are injured or are suffering from any negative status effects leave blue scratch marks even when walking or crouching. These scratch marks persist 30/40/50 % longer than scratch marks left by running.

    "The beast took in the air... and slowly grinned."

    Hex: Thorn

    When a dull totem is cleansed the survivor who cleansed it looses one health state. When this hex is cleaned the suvivor who cleansed it is exposed for 10/20/30 seconds and their aura is reveled for 2/3/4 seconds.

    "It was a trap!"

    (Idk about you guys but I really like the idea of more 'trap' Hexes, like Deathslinger's)

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Oh I like that better! I did not think we already had assests for fog/smoke, but come to think of it clown has smoke so yeah there does exist assets that could be used.

  • DerpPotatoes
    DerpPotatoes Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2020

    Survivor Perk: Needlework

    You are apt at sewing with care and precision.

    • You make no noises caused by your Healing.
    • On a failed Healing Skill Check, the following effects happen:
    • The Survivor notification will be prevented.
    • A Regression penalty of 3/2/1 % is applied.

    (Basically Technician, but for healing. There has been moments where I'm healing next to the killer but the sound of healing gives me away.)

    Survivor Perk: Spiritual Sight

    You have a sense for things otherworldly.

    • Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading abilities.
    • Each time a gen is completed, or when any totem is cleansed, the gen farthest away from the killer available is highlighted to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

    "Sometimes I hear this voice... Like it's trying to tell me something..."

    (This perk can only be used up to 10 times in each trial. I wanted something in between Dark Sense and Deja-Vu. While it doesn't specifically tell you where the killer is, it shows the current location of 1 gen in the safest area, kinda like a 6th sense.)

    Survivor Perk: Last Resorts

    You will use anything as a last ditch effort to survive.

    When injured and holding an item, this perk becomes active.

    While in a chase, press the Active Ability button while running to throw your item.

    The following effects happen:

    • You automatically turn to face your killer.
    • If the killer is standing in range, the killer is stunned.
    • The item loses all charges and add-ons.
    • Causes the Exhaustion effect for 60/50/40 seconds. You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.
    • Last Resorts can not be used while exhausted.

    (This perk would recycle the throw animation from Diversion. I always thought it was strange that you'd carry something heavy like a toolbox, but you couldn't throw them at the killer. If you have Dead-Hard in addition to Last Resorts, you have to be holding an item to use this perk, otherwise you'd use Dead-Hard. While this perk allows you to stun the killer, you have to go back to where the killer was stunned to retrieve your depleted item. It's a final move for a cornered survivor with no pallets, windows, or lockers. Additionally, this would allow for survivors to save other survivors being carried, if they're being chased while injured.)


    Survivor Perk: Double-Down

    Multitasking has taught how to to be efficient on your own.

    • While injured, repairing a generator without a toolbox also heals you at a 40/45/50 % conversion rate.

    (Solidarity doesn't feel like a very used perk or even a strong perk at that. So by combining Double-Down, you can heal a survivor and repair a generator together, essentially cutting down healing time on yourself to get objectives done.)

    Survivor Perk: Evasive Manuveres

    Running from debt collectors has made you harder to catch.

    • Vaulting speed is increased by 3/4/5%.
    • Every 60/50/40 seconds, you automatically perform a perfect window vault.

    (Inspired by Slippery Meat. While S.M. makes it easier for you to get off a hook, it's only for your first hook. So I wanted something that makes it harder for survivors to catch while also having synergy with other vaulting perks e.g. Spine Chill, Resilience, Lithe, etc. )

    Survivor Perk: Sparkwire

    Repairing machinery has taught you tricks about wiring.

    • Sparkwire becomes active after repairing a Generator for at least 3 seconds. It will be highlighted to you with a yellow Aura. The Generator stays highlighted until it is fully repaired or when you repair a new Generator.
    • Press the active ability button while repairing to Sparkwire the Generator.
    • When the Killer damages the generator, the generator will explode, blinding the killer. The generator regression is delayed for 10 seconds.
    • Sparkwire can only be triggered once every 70/60/50 seconds.

    "Don't try this at home kiddo."

    (The only way you can blind a killer currently is with firecrackers or with a flashlight. So I wanted to introduce blinding a killer with a generator, but only getting a blind on a killer for regressing a gen didn't feel very beneficial so I added a 10 second delay on regression. This would give synergy to Red Herring and Repressed Alliance.)


    Killer Perk: Hunter's Toll

    You have taken more than what others have had to give.

    • When a Survivor uses an item, their Aura is shown to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

    (It's like Alert, but for Killers. Choosing to use an item may help the survivor, but it's at the expense of revealing themselves to the killer.)

    Killer Perk: Hex: Blood Bargain

    A Hex rooting its power on blood.

    • For each survivor injured, hooked, or dying, gain a token.
    • Each time a survivor is healed or sacrificed, lose a token. 
    • At 4/3/2 tokens, all survivors are Deafened and Broken.

    Once this perk activates, this Hex totem unlights itself, taking the appearance of a dull totem.

    "You traded with a beast; and in doing so, condemned us all!"

    (I wanted a hex that required survivors to be injured but alive. In exchange for the blood of survivors, you gain a strong perk. However, this perk can easily be taken out. So as a survivor, you still play a part in the "deal", granted that you take the totem out before paying the blood price. Interestingly, this perk would bring back "Deafened", as it is only in the Hag's Disfigured Ear Add-on.)

    Killer Perk: Ravenous Maul

    Inflicting heavy wounds has made excess movement painful.

    • Any injured survivor that performs a vault will yell and reveal their location to the killer for 4 seconds.
    • The survivor is then inflicted with hindered for 1/2/3 seconds and the deep wound status effect.
    • The Survivors has then 20 seconds to Mend themselves.
    • If the Survivor takes any damage while affected by Deep Wound or if the Deep Wound timer ends, they will immediately be put into the Dying State.

    (A counter to vaulting, aka Evasive Manuveres, it forces survivors to be mindful of vaulting recklessly. Back-to-Back vaulting and sneaky slow vaults will make it harder for survivors to loop or hide.)

    Post edited by DerpPotatoes on
    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    The killer one is. Odd due to not bei g able to move your pov as a killer when searching lockers (at least this is the case with console version of game). Unless you mean that auras are shown to the killer after searching lockers.

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    Fear scent sounds like a nice idea as part of a new killer's ability rather then perk.

    Most killers that cause negative status effects, the status effect work towards tracking survivors already (vomiting sounds and green smoke clouds on interactables for plague, trail of barbed wire for pyramid head). So it seems like a waste of a perk slot.

    The only killers this would kind of make since for but it makes them EXTREMELY OP is dr and freddy. Drs status effect does already reveal survivor location, PLENTY OF TIMES THROUGHOUT THE MATCH. Freddys status effect has no way of being removed from extended periods of time due to survivors always falling asleep (pyramids tormented can be removed by being freed/freeing someone from cot, plague sickness can be cleansed at a fountain. Alternatively if this perk is supposed to work outside of a terror radius then it makes game uber unbalanced (its much more fair to run nurses calling on these killers because tracking would be situational [survivor needs to be healing themselves outside of terror radius]).

  • Clyxxy
    Clyxxy Member Posts: 13

    Name: Whatever It Takes

    Survivor perk

    While sprinting in chase, you can barge through and destroy a breakable door. After doing this you are left with the hemmorage status effect for 80/70/60 seconds.

    (pls no hate for misspelling)

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    THAT would interesting! I havn't really played long enough to know if that would be unbalanced but I like the twist of a suvivor being able to break a wall!

  • cooksey
    cooksey Member Posts: 3

    Here's a basic killer perk that could be killer (haha) with certain killers:

    Increase basic attack fatigue 10%. Special attack fatigue reduced 25% on successful hits.

    Another one that could use some tweaking:

    Hitting a survivor with a successful attack gives the survivor broken status until the interact with a generator. When that survivor interacts with a generator, reveal their aura for 5 seconds.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Lucky Shot: Take a chance, maybe you’ll make it.

    +After cleansing a hex totem, Lucky Shot activates. If you are grabbed, complete a tremendously difficult skill check. If successful, you are freed from the killer’s grasp and the killer is stunned for 3/4/5 seconds.

    *If succeed or failed, Lucky Shot deactivates.

    -“A strength of one man can be the strength of another. It is all about how you use it.”

    •Thrasher: Kick and scream, you’re not going down without a fight.

    +You wiggle 25/50/75% faster. Decreases wiggle timer by 12%.

    -“Nothing can hold me down!”

    •Recall: With all the chaos that happens, you can still take the time to remember.

    +When a survivor dies, Recall gains a token. For each token, you are gain a permanent 3% haste effect. If you die, all remaining survivors gain a 15% haste effect for 6/8/10 seconds.

    -“Let’s get this over with, mourning is for later.”

  • Survivor Perks:

    Camouflage - When crouching, you are 20/40/60% harder to see. (only works if you aren't moving while crouched)

    Scream - Triggers a loud noise notification at your current location. Useful for distracting the killer.

    Let There Be Light - Instantly blind the killer when you aim a flashlight at their face. Blindness duration is decreased by 3 seconds. Let There Be Light has a cooldown of 120/90/60 seconds.

    Killer Perks:

    Know Your Prey - The auras of any survivors within your terror radius are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. Decreases terror radius by 8 meters.

    Night Vision - Bloodstains are 30/45/60% easier to see.

    Hex: Photophobia - Each time you are blinded, a token is added. Once there are 5 tokens, survivors are exposed for 30/45/60 seconds. Afterwards, the tokens are reset. (gotta teach those toxic SWFs a lesson, am i right?)

  • AstroNot
    AstroNot Member Posts: 2

    Killer Perk name: Regret

    If survivors have decided to leave a survivor behind, you as the killer have the option, once a game, to unhook the hooked survivor. This can be used to farm points by keeping a chase up, or being a nice killer if you felt the one survivor has been left behind.

    Survivor Perk name: Another Chance

    You gain a second chance if you are dead on hook. If you are unhooked after the entity is summoned, the next time on hook, you will continue where you left off with the progress of the sacrifice.

    Survivor Perk name: Camouflage

    With a full 4/3/2 minute cool down, you are able to camouflage within grassy areas, near trees. You pull a camouflage blanket over you that disguises you perfectly (but does not get rid of your hit box). You can not have an item in your hand while doing this, as the blanket is an item only available with the perk.

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199

    Blind Man's Buff:

    You sense noise, not advanced vision.

    Cancel all of your aura reading abilities for the entire trial.(yep even gens)

    -Survivor's grunts of pain, breathing, walking.... sounds are %150 louder.

    -Get a loud noise notification only with sound (without the visual effect) every time a survivor starts or leaves repairing a gen.

    -Also disable any visual effect like gen finished, loud noise notification exploded etc. Only hear sounds directionally and %100 louder.

    -You see scratch marks, blood, anything like that.

    It's so different. What do you think?

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Lucky shot is meant to be niche and counterable. The thought process is if the stars align (ie. The killer brings a hex and you get grabbed from something; be it a gen or locker) you get a second chance.

    Thrasher is mean for wiggle speed. I just made the opposite of Iron grasp and got lazy with the balancing.

    Recall is similar to left behind and sole survivor in the fact that they require the death of one’s own teammates, making it not viable as a team perk that helps everyone escape, unless the person who has it dies. At the end stages (with 2 or more survivors dead) the extra speed is meant to aid in the race to hatch or rush to an exit gate. If the hatch is closed, this perk only delays the inevitable. During the match, however, it is a different story. It helps in chases and traveling.

  • mrnolikey
    mrnolikey Member Posts: 7

    Blood draws out your inner power when a survivor is injured the killer will gain a small buff to their pallet destroying speed and vault speed however if a killer is stunned in any way the stackable bonus is lost and the perk goes into cool down

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Lucky Shot: Yep, usually only used once per trial excluding the far outliers (ruin/undying, undying in general, full hex builds, teammates that don’t cleanse hexes as soon as they see them). In the right hands it can be annoying to deal with but completely avoidable through circumstance and choice.

    Recall: It rewards the user for out surviving their teammates. Each member is a precious resource that can make or break a game, losing them is never favorable for survivors as a whole. This perk just makes the loss less damaging to the survivors. It is very passive though and can be utilize by anyone with little to no skill.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •False Alarm: The threat of death alone brings terror, even in those who cannot hear it.

    +If your basic attack injures a survivor without putting them into the dying health state, all other survivors outside your terror radius will scream, revealing their location for 5 seconds. This perk has a 120/90/60 second cool down.

    -“Maggots that writhe with no purpose. Squirm for me and scream at nothing.”

    •Quick Release: They can’t go far.

    +When a survivor is saved from your grasp from a pallet or a flashlight, you recover from the stun 11/22/33% faster.

    -“A vain attempt of freedom.”

    •Mishap: It’s the little mistakes that will lead to their downfall.

    +When a survivor drops a pallet that does not stun the killer, that survivor is exposed for 15/20/25 seconds.

    -“A waste. But a wonderful opportunity.”

  • JSL18
    JSL18 Member Posts: 9

    Bangers & Mash: Once you hook a survivor any generator outside of your terror radius will become red hot for 10/20/30 seconds, injuring any survivors that interact with it. This perk has a cool down of 40 seconds 

    Snatched: Start the trial with 5 tokens. You may call upon the entity to trap pallets and Lockers. Whenever you walk up to a pallet or locker you may press the action ability to trap it. If a survivor runs through that pallet or enters a locker the entity will trap the in place for 10/12/15 seconds. 

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    Crocodile Tears: Remove skill checks for other players that attempt to heal you. Additionally be healed 15%/30%/50% faster (Does not work with self healing perks/items) "Those are just crocodile tears, you'll be fine!"

    Salt the Wound: After hitting a survivor, start a 10 second timer, at the end of the timer force a difficult skill check that if failed will cause the survivor to scream. 60/50/40 second cooldown. "Strip the flesh, salt the wound."

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    On a less serious note.

    You Dirty Ape!: In the event you are grabbed mid vault/jump, escape and stun the killer for 3/4/5 seconds once per game. "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!"

    Honk if you're hooked: Every time you hook a survivor gain 1 token. Use 1 token to pull out a small clown horn and honk it, twice. This pleases the entity greatly.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Hex: Nightfall

    +The power of the waning day fuels this hex. A shroud of mist and darkness falls upon the land causing deceit and misdirection. For as long as this hex remains only 2 generators can be repaired at once. If this limit is exceeded, all generators are blocked by the entity for 40 seconds and lose 20% progress. If cleansed, all generators naturally regress 150/175/200% faster than normal, this effect stacks.

    -“Splitting up in this place will only leave you vulnerable. Come by nightfall and unsee the lucidity of reality.”

    •Perception: You can increase the range of your senses to track your prey.

    +Moderately/Considerably/Significantly (+8m/+12m/+16m) increases the range of your aura reading abilities

    •Unencumbered: You can reach further for more decisive blows.

    +You lunge 10/15/20% further. Considerably (+2 meters) increased the range to perform a grab.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Talk about an OP perk. Man, you might aswell just ask the devs to instantly kill survivors at the start of a match.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868
    edited November 2020

    Surv perk: Telekinesic: Press active button to see with the eyes of a random surv for 5 secs. It has a cooldown of 60 secs.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Another surv perk: Hex survivor: While there's an hex totem uncleased you can see the aura of every survivor and you heal/unhook 5% faster

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Killer perks:

    Hex silent: While the hex totem is active survs can't hear noises 5m from them.

    Hex alone: While the hex totem is active you see the aura of survivors that are together in a 5 meters radio. It has a cooldown of 60 secs.

  • ZXo_Pixel
    ZXo_Pixel Member Posts: 14

    Survivor perk

    Hero: the thought of doing the right thing pushes you to prevail

    When in a chase near another survivor you gain a 10/15/20% speed increase and once per trial after going down by taking a protection hit you will be able to immediately break free from the killers grasp

    Killer perk

    (Hex) first strike: the first strike always sets the tempo

    Once per trial The first hit on a healthy survivor will immediately put them in the dying state

  • foxboi440
    foxboi440 Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2020

    Hex:Suffering Curse

    2 trapped hex totems will spawn in the trial

    Once one of the totems are destroyed generators, windows, pallets in a 12/24/36 meters radius will be blocked by the Entity for 15/20/30 seconds

    The remaining Hex totem in the trial will become a dull totem


    The killer becomes obsessed with one survivor

    When the killer pick up a dying survivor press the active button to pull the survivor out of the killers grasp

    Killer will be stun for 3/4/5 seconds

    The following effects on you will be: become broken, become the obsession, you will granted haste for 5 seconds at 50% faster than your regular speed this will also effect to the survivor you saved

    If you are the obsession this perk will be deactivated

    Decrease chonce of being the obsession

  • David_Plague
    David_Plague Member Posts: 6

    "Fight back -You don't even know how long you've been here but you've gotten tired of it and you're ready to fight back" works similar to Adam Francis' Diversion perk except it stuns the killer like a pallet does. Now of course it couldn't be like a small pebble it should be like some sand or dirt.

  • Somna
    Somna Member Posts: 130

    Killer Perk

    "Into the Labyrinth"

    Gain a 1% movement speed increase for every 5 seconds you move. (Stacks) You must turn (without strafing) at some point during the movement between each check. This resets if you stop moving or fail to meet the turning requirement.

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    survivor: gymnast

    allows you to fast vault much easier and quicker over windows and pallets

    able to fast vault windows when coming from a 50 /60 /70 degree angle, instead of straight-on, and performs a 10/ 25/ 40 percent increased fast vault if performing a Straight-on vault

    killer: spirit-breaker

    when an obsession change occurs, the new obsession's scratch marks are narrowed and remain visible for 1/ 2/ 3 seconds longer then normal for 45/ 60/ 75 seconds. the old obsession with receive the exposed status for 30/ 45/ 60 seconds, or until the next obsession change

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Impaled: The effects of an unsanitary hook does more to the body than one would think.

    +After being rescued from a hook, the unhooked survivor receives the mangled status effect that makes healing both themselves and others 20/25/30% slower.

    -“The rusty really makes the blood curdle.”

    •Torn: The injuries made by a hook are quite long-lasting.

    +After a survivor is unhooked, they are unable to repair or sabotage until healed. It takes 10/14/18% longer to full heal.

    -“A hole is much harder to patch than a scratch.”

    •Scorched: Your hits burn like fire.

    +Your basic attacks inflicted the burning status effect. While burning, a survivor has 30 seconds to put themselves out before they are put into the dying health state. Any survivor that attempts to put out a burning survivor but fails begin burning as well. Survivors still burn while in chase.

    -“A magmatic touch that seers all that it rests upon.”

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2020

    Survivor perk>

    Fake it till you make it: Press E to fake being injured (changing your Icon to injured as well If there is no one injured in the party). If you are already injured you can pretend getting hit (timing and invulnerability same way as dead heard, but without any dash. The hit connects, but you are still only injured faking on the ground). Pressing E again makes you start walking again and you have exhaustion. There is no exhaustion, but a cooldown of 25s for faking being injured. Different tiers of the perk change both exhaustion as dead hard and cooldown time.

    Post edited by Chekita on
  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    My idea for killer and it’s cool.

    “It’s time for blood to spill.”

    Hex: Gorefest: Every 40/35/30 seconds your next basic attack will apply Deep Wound if they are healthy or if they would be downed by there hit they can’t recover while in the dying state.

    This is a fear driven perk. If a team is not careful around the killer a swing could cause time to waste or even leave him or herself helpless while the killer begins it’s bloodbath. This counters all survivor dying state perks. This perk seems a bit strong so I made it have a bit of a Cooldown and it’s a hex. Thoughts?

  • Killer Perk:

    Hex: Threatening Truth

    When a survivor gets within a 12 meter radius from another survivor, the survivors will scream and will show their aura for 4 seconds. The survivors will get injured by one health state for 20 seconds, after the timer runs out the survivors will get into his normal health state.

    The survivors won’t be able to interact with pallets or windows during that time and their speed will be reduced by 2%.

    ~ No matter how much you try, she will always find a way to make you scream… ~ ???

    Survivor Perk:

    Whine of Luck:

    If you start a chase with the killer, the first window you vault won't be able to block and will remain unblocked for 40 seconds.

    During that time your vault speed will be 3% faster. However, if the time tuns out, the window will be blocked for all your teammates and you for 60 seconds.

    You'll be able to activate the perk again when the blocker timer runs out.

    ~ I’ve always been a lucky girl, can't say the same about others. ~ ???

  • Don't know if this has been done before, but here is mine:

    Obsessive love: Though it may be some dark, perverted and twisted form, You are deeply in love and anyone who dares impede your love will face harsh judgement. You become obsessed with a survivor. Anytime that survivor is being healed, you see their and the healers aura. When the healer finishes a heal on the obsession, they become exposed and oblivious for 30/50/70 seconds.

    I feel this perk would make teammates discouraged from touching the obsession lest they face the consequences.

  • pewdiepiemerchandise
    pewdiepiemerchandise Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020

    The thrill of hunting your prey fills you with determination. See the Aura of All Survivors for 3/5/7 seconds at the beginning of the trial.


  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184

    Killer perk>

    Merry Chrismas: Everytime someone starts opening a chest you get undetectable status and the person gets exposed for 10s after opening (not interacting and not oblivious status for a single surv), but you give a moderate percentage of better items for every chest in the map, that stacks with other offerings and perks. Levels of the perk change the amount of time for exposed effect 2s/5s/10s.

  • samuka004
    samuka004 Member Posts: 2

    Hex: Vruuuuum (car noise)

    After get bloodlust 3/2/1 you next attack put a survivor immediately in the dying state.

    Hex Vruuuuum have a X sec cool down

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501


    After a unsafe unhook , you can block u'r mate a hook it :D

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    Cold Ease

    like a dumbbell meeting it's match

    re-picking up the survivor will regress struggle time to:


  • Kiridus
    Kiridus Member Posts: 48


    You know a thing or two about deceiving people.

    All generators you damage regress slight/moderately/considerably faster and will emit no sparks while regressing.

  • thelastcouatl
    thelastcouatl Member Posts: 6

    This was a concept I had for an original character a while ago. (link to character concept: I recommend reading at least some of the backstory, since the perks figure into it a little bit with their title/quotes at the end.

    The perks I've made so far:

    Light Within:

    Careful training has allowed you to channel your light and renew your and others’ vigour.

    While you are performing a Healing, Sabotage, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Gate Opening, or Chest Searching action, press the Active Ability button to activate Light Within. While Light Within is active, you perform your action 30% faster. Once you stop performing that action or once you have spent 30 seconds with Light Within active, you are given the Exhausted status effect for 100%/90%/80% of the action’s original duration and the Blindness status effect for 55%/50%/45% of the action’s original duration.

    Light Within cannot be used while Exhausted. You do not recover from Exhaustion when running.

    “In the presence of the Sacred Flame, all are renewed, just as Mithral was when she emerged from its first seeds and created the Second World.” -The Sacred Book, Halamina 3:12


    Helping others brings out your inner light in force.

    After Healing another Survivor for one Health State, Beacon activates. Once Beacon is active, press the Active Ability button while standing still to begin emitting an aura of bright light for the next 40/45/50 seconds. This light affects the light level around you. If the killer looks directly at you while this perk is active from under 4/5/6 meters away, they will be blinded as if blinded by a flashlight. If they are blinded in this way, you will become the Obsession. While Beacon is active, you suffer from the Blindness status effect for its duration and the Broken status effect for half its duration. 

    Beacon has a 60/50/40 second cooldown.

    Reduces the odds of being the Obsession.

    The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    “Once more, the Light of Aethar will shine forth, blinding the unworthy and scorching the infidels.” -The Sacred Book, Aethar 5:22

    Aethar's Aura:

    You’ve learned to passively channel light to help others.

    While standing under 6/8/10 meters away from other Survivors, you passively heal them at 45%/50%/55% of normal healing speed. Once you heal a Survivor one health state, you suffer from the Hindered and Exhausted status effects for 30/20/15 seconds.

    Aethar’s Aura is paused while Exhausted. You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.

    “Hark! The announcement of Aethar’s return heals the worthy and brings humanity together to help all, even the Misguided Ones who still do not believe.” -The Sacred Book, Aethar II 10:19

    I haven't done the Killer perks yet, suggestions are welcome :)

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Counter Balance: You shift the scale to balance things towards your favor.

    +Each time a survivor successfully heals by one health state outside your terror radius, Counter Balance gains a token; to a maximum of 10/15/20 tokens. For each token, your attack cool down is decreased by 2%.

    •Outstretched: An opening can be your opportunity.

    +If a grab action is interrupted, the survivor that was to be grabbed is exposed for 7/9/11 seconds. This perk has a 80 second cool down.

    •Hex: Sloth: This hex roots its power in the desire to rest and give up, compelling its victims to abandon their hope.

    +While injured, all survivors are unable to perform rushed actions. When at least 3/2/1 survivor(s) are/is injured, all survivors are revealed repairing, sabotaging, and cleansing. This hex’s effects persist as long as its related totem stands.

  • Babatom
    Babatom Member Posts: 23

    Survivor Perk

    Easy does it - Your assistance is reassuring and calms others, even those in pain. Unhooking a survivor does not alert the killer until 3/4/5 seconds after the action.

  • AlightBULLDOG
    AlightBULLDOG Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2020


    Tri-Athlet: years of healthy eating and physical routine have molded a strong resilient body tuned to perfection. You permanently gain a 3% speed increase to all actions and movement speed, and recover from afflictions 3% quicker.

    Your resilience to being cought drastically increases chance of killers obsession, and bloodlust accumulates 25% faster when being chased.

    Effects everything but searching chests, cleansing totems, healing, or repairing generators.


    Playing with your food

    You find hunting down your prey to be too easy and so you find a sickening delight in toying with them as they scurry around. 25% increase to all bloodpoint earned throughout the match.