Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • Survivor Perk:

    Dying Wish:

    Although you tried your best to keep those around you safe. You have fallen to the hands of the killer, yet your sacrifice isn't in vain.

    After sacrifice; the perk activates. The following will happen for 30/40/50 seconds.

    All totems, hex totems, and generators will be revealed in specific colored auras forthe duration of the perk. Granting survivors a 10% repair/heal/sabotage/etc and haste speed while at it.

    Once the perk wears off, a 15 second lingering affect occurs but for only repairs and haste.

  • LiamEfinNeeson
    LiamEfinNeeson Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2020



    Survivors with this perk have the ability to not have visible auras for 5x seconds whenever not running, not working on a generator, not healing, not unhooking another survivor, not destroying a totem, etc. It is passive, so no need to activate it. Great to combat Barbecue and Chili, Bitter Murmur, etc. But, still weak to A Nurse's Calling, Iron Maiden, etc.

    "Shadow's are your is keeping your trap shut."


    INSIDIOUS Upgrade:

    Use insidious while moving as an active power for 5x seconds whenever you're away from a survivor on a hook by at least 32 meters, and have no other active power currently in use. Cannot be used while in a chase, with any other stealth power, or while carrying a survivor (though that'd be cool).

    "Now you hear me, now you don't...peek a boo!"

  • TheMimic77
    TheMimic77 Member Posts: 24

    Archeologicist's treasure : When opening a Chest you have a X chance of getting 2 items in the chest. pressing the ability button allows you to store one item for the rest of the trial. if you die or escape the stored item escapes with you.

    this perk should help the daily and you can finally get out with 1 or 2 items.. if you die you keep the stored item

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    Hex: Eyes On You

    The beast watches through its totems.

    Each time a Survivor goes within 8 m of a totem, their aura is revealed for 1 second. If a totem is destroyed, the Survivor who destroyed it has their aura revealed for 8 seconds. This can only activate once every 100/80/60 seconds.

    If the Hex Totem holding Hex: Eyes On You is destroyed, the Survivor that destroyed it suffers from the Exposed Status Effect for 45 seconds.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited November 2020

    Just had a really cool idea. I dunno how OP or balanceable this would be but I'd use it. It'd be a laugh and potentially very handy, though could backfire if the killer calls your bluff and goes to the right exit gate so it'd be potentially balanced because of that?

    It'd be like Red Herring only for Exit Gates and it'd be called . . . I dunno,

    "The Two Doors Riddle"

    As soon as you touch any exit gate power switch a loud noise goes off at the other one alerting the killer to your attempt at opening the wrong gate.

    • Tier 1 allows you to do it one time
    • Tier 2 allows two times
    • Tier 3 allows three times

    And the quote would be something like:

    "You find yourself in a strange place guarded by two guards. One of the guard always say truth while other always lies. You don't know the identity of the two. You can ask only one question to go out from there. What should you ask?"

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141


    Effects of aura reading abilities are shared between the player and the obsession without meeting any conditions required.

    You can see the effects of aura reading perks used by the obsessions (without meeting prerequisite, ex: object of obsession-killer will only see the survivor running object of o. Not the survivor who is sharing its benefits.)

    And vice versa (obsession will see the effects of your aura reading abilities without meeting the prerequisites)

    *considerably reduces the chances of becoming the obsession.

    Mind over matter:

    After cleansing a hex totem (must be a hex totem) this ability becomes active. After hiding in a locker for 20/10/05 seconds the survivor will receive an ability action option to teleport. When activated the survivor will teleport to a random locker on the map. If the survivor has high luck survivor will be teleported to a locker that is the farthest on the map from the killer. If survivor has low luck. Survivor will be teleported to a locker that is in or nearest to the killers terror radius. If survivor is able to successfully teleport from a killer while in a chase/killer searching lockers the survivor becomes the obsession.

    Hex: illusion

    At the start of the match 1/2/3 false totems will appear through out the map (completely intractable with full cleansing times)

    Survivors will not get any blood points from cleansing nor any bonus/tokens from cleansing related perks (such as with inner strength).

    This will waste survivors time. And give swf a disadvantage, will make them think that they are done cleansing totems after cleansing 5 (in the case of hex noed) when there might still be active totems throughout the map.

    The only counter is detectives hunch and small game. In which perks will not react to false totems


    After aiming at the killer and pressing the active ability button the survivor throws a rock at the killer. The rock has a 5%/25/45% chance of stunning the killer. Survivors can raise the percentage of success by increasing their luck by bringing salt offerings to the trial. Whether the jackpot was successful or not this ability goes onto a cool down of 3 minutes

  • bobby_trippe
    bobby_trippe Member Posts: 8

    "Shut-down and Reboot" or "Lazarus the Possum"

    While in a dying state, activate this perk once per match after being hooked at least once. Activation will put the survivor in a death state; unable to more. The killer will not be able to interact with the survivor. The survivor will then need to be resurrected by a team mate within 30/45/60. Perk can not be used if you are the last survivor or times out as if on final hook.

  • Chinanumawaaan
    Chinanumawaaan Member Posts: 131
    edited November 2020

    Killer perk


    Hitting a survivor from the back causes their vision to become distorted and colourless. If the survivor uses an exhaustion perk while rocked their balance becomes unstable and they drop any items they're carrying (similar effect to killers get while carrying wigglers). While rocked the survivor will need to complete a skill check. Failing the skill check will make the survivor fall over while they recover.

    4/8/12 seconds.

  • HypsterMoses
    HypsterMoses Member Posts: 15

    Survivor Perk

    Desperate Times, Desperate Measures:

    Pressing the action button will put you into the injured state and clear the Exhausted status effect

    You become broken for 40/35/30 seconds

    Yes, I did think this up from when I ran Dead Hard with an infinite tier 3 Myers

  • Survivor perk: While on the hook your teammates gain these effects

    15%/20%/25% repair rate and healing speed, and a 20% increase of the time it takes to go into struggle

    and while in struggle your teammates gain 5% speed and a 25% unhook speed

    after being unhooked, this perk has a 150 second cooldown, and you are afflicted with the broken status effect for 60 seconds

    The repair rate and healing speed are not gained during struggle phase

    Killer perk: Each time a survivor has been hit from healthy to injured gain a stack

    Each stack gives you a 8% increase in vaulting, hooking, and breaking speeds

    loose a stack once you hook a survivor

    you can have up to 4/6/8 stacks at a time

  • Killer_NPC
    Killer_NPC Member Posts: 36

    Killer Perk


    Balanced State


    [ Slighty / Tremendously / Completly ] reduces chance of being matched with premade groups.

  • Shadowfriend
    Shadowfriend Member Posts: 23

    Perk: Moldy parts

    The entity is sick and tired of the old games and pallets left alone. It is time for some fun.

    Dropped pallets will have a 40/50/60% chance of getting inflicted with the mold effect. Pallets that do have this effect will show signs of mold infection. Any interagtion with a moldy pallet will instantly break it. Exeption: The killer still has to break the pallet, tho the time needed is reduced by 30/35/40%.

    (I think it would be funny to see in-game but also...those pallets are laying there for litually ages)

  • goodmuzic
    goodmuzic Member Posts: 3

    Perk: Salty Killer - Survivors are not able to crouch around the exit gates and have exposed status when the gates are open

    Perk: Salty Survivor - Comments after the game actually makes the killer feel bad

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited November 2020

    •Death of a Follower: A leader’s mistake can ruin their followers. A cruel cycle of toxic loyalty.

    +You become obsessed with one survivor. Whenever the obsession rescues a survivor off a hook or from your grasp, this perk gains a token. Each time this perk gains a token, the aura of all survivors are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. At 7 tokens, you gain the ability to kill any survivor besides your obsession. If the obsession dies, this perk deactivates. You can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.

    -“It’s the head that makes the decisions, but the body that pays.”

    •Ballad of the Fallen: Their screams echo, adding to the ever growing symphony that rings through the void.

    +Each time a survivor is hooked, this perk gains a token. For each token, gain a permanent 0.5% increase to movement speed. For 30/45/60 seconds after hooking a survivor, your normal movement speed is set to 125%.

    -“I crave for the music once more, it only takes blood and pain as payment.”

    •Overreached: You can feel yourself jump forward for any attack, but the rush only leaves you exhausted.

    +All of your attacks reach slightly (0.5 meters) more. However, you recover 35/30/25% slower from these attacks.

    -“The pain is only for the moment, it is the thrill of my torturous cuts that make it all worth it.”

  • an_aussie_gamer
    an_aussie_gamer Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2020

    Survivor: Chance Escape: When you get picked up by the killer, there is a %20 chance of wiggling off instantly. If the survivor wiggles off, they then get a %20 increased speed buff for 1/2/3 seconds but suffers the Exhaustion effect for 60/45/30 seconds. Can only be used once per trial.

    Killer: Smooth Criminal: When one generator remains, all survivors are punished with the Oblivious effect for 60/75/90 seconds.

    Both perks are really useful in specific situations!

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Accused: It is your turn to inflict the suffering of those wrongfully convicted.

    +This perk gains 3/4/5 tokens. When a survivor is broken, their aura is shown to you. You are able to completely remove the broken status effect and heal them fully at the cost of a token.

    -“Death and dishonor are two sides of the same coin, but I must determine which is mine.”

    •Plaintiff: You’re going to bring justice, at any cost.

    +When a survivor is killed, you can see the aura of the killer for 30/45/60 seconds. If another survivor is put into the dying health state during that period, all survivors can permanently see the killer’s aura.

    -“You can’t hide from justice!”

    •Underhanded: Sometimes you need to subvert the law for the best outcomes.

    +When two or more survivors are hooked, the remain survivors are given a 20% haste effect that persists for 20/30/40 seconds after the requirements are no longer met.

    -“It’s unfair, but it’s necessary if we’re to survive.”

  • Atllas
    Atllas Member Posts: 4
  • Tris_wuz_h3r3
    Tris_wuz_h3r3 Member Posts: 12

    Killer Perk: Spine Chilling

    All survivors are under the influence of the cold weather. Once the players maxouts the bar (similar to the mend bar), they will be affected by the Spine Chilling status effect making progress on healing, working, sabotaging, etc...

    Only way to remove this effect is by standing near a campfire (like barrels) around the map to warm up.

  • NaturalHurdle70
    NaturalHurdle70 Member Posts: 41

    That’s why they have any means necessary, bring it you can lift them up!

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Hunter/Survivalist

    •Woodland Guise: You are skilled with sneaking around unseen especially to capture what once had been prey.

    +When sneaking while healthy, you are able to run and move at 100% movement speed. However, your scratch marks are 30/25/20% closer together and you are unable to rush vault.

    -“A crouched run is much more clumsy than one would think but it is about the lack of visibility that makes it special.”

    •Tracking: The remnants of your predators lead a sure path to safety.

    +You are able to see a trail of scratch marks left by the killer in blue. These marks disappear 50/40/30% faster than normal scratch marks made by survivors.

    -“We leave trails of pain and fear, while the beasts carve paths of blood and torment.”

    •Unpracticed: Experiment techniques at best. You always try to apply them in any scenario.

    +While healthy, you are 15/20/25% faster at healing, unhooking, sabotaging, cleansing, unlocking chests, and opening exit gates. However, increases the frequency of skill checks during skilled actions by 33%.

    -“This may work but it isn’t going to be easy to do.”

  • BumpEmOff99
    BumpEmOff99 Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2020

    Killer Perk: Slow Exit, Show Stopper, End Of The Show

    You have a way of making your presence known, even at the end of the show.

    When a exit gate is within your terror radius and left unattended, regress any exit gate progress by 5%/10%/15%

    Activates when exit gates are powered.

    "I always had a way of stealing the show"


    "It's not over till the fat lady sings"

    Post edited by BumpEmOff99 on
  • BumpEmOff99
    BumpEmOff99 Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2020

    Survivor Perk: Chameleon

    Clarity and understanding of your surroundings equips you with the skill needed to hide.

    Grants the ability to blend into objects when crouching

    Cool down 80/70/60 seconds

    Activate by pressing the secondary action button while crouching.

    "You can run, but you can HIDE"


    "Now you see me, now you don't"

  • BumpEmOff99
    BumpEmOff99 Member Posts: 52

    Survivor Perk: Daredevil

    You always had a taste for danger.

    Grants the ability to interrupt a chase by jumping out at the killer. Stuns the killer for 3/5/7 seconds.

    Activates while in a chase or if a teammate is being chased within a 10meter range. Must be within a 3 meter range of the killer to successfully stun the killer.

    One use only, once used deactivates for the rest of the match.

    "The rush is worth the risk"

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Acupuncturist

    •Revitalized: Every success is much more rewarding.

    +After being freed from the killer’s grasp, this perk activates. After successfully surviving 60/45/30 seconds, you are healed to the healthy health state. However, if you are put into the dying health state, this perk deactivates until the conditions are met again.

    •Pins and Needles: You can weaken the hold of anyone, even the beasts of the fog.

    +Increases your wiggling efforts by 25%. Decrease the time required to wiggle free by 8/10/12%.

    •Alternative Medicine: It may not be supported by science but it works.

    +While healing your self or others, good skill checks are replaced with great skill checks. Decreases the size of skill checks while healing by 35/30/25%.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    These are actually really good I just expected a bunch of ######### posts

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Full Moon: The Entity has allowed the moon to aid in your hunt. If a survivor has been running for 60/45/30 seconds, their aura is revealed for 15 seconds. This perk then goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.

    Lingering Hatred: The frustration of your prey slipping away makes your hatred grow for the others. If a survivor escapes from a chase, all other survivors receive the Oblivious status effect for 60 seconds and the Exposed status effect for 5/10/15 seconds.

    Chilling Howls: Your screams of pain only terrify your prey more. Each time a survivor stuns you (pallet, locker, flashlight, etc.) this perk gains a token. For each token, all survivors receive a 5% generator repair speed reduction. This perk can have a maximum of 1/2/3 tokens. All tokens are depleted once a survivor is put into the dying state.

  • Antagon
    Antagon Member Posts: 1

    Idea: to get more "unique" characters, with this it might happen!

    Be Unique!

    Survivor Perk

    Grants 1/2/3 % increased Repairing, Healing, Sabotage, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Gate Opening, and Chest Unlocking speed for every unique perk, you are using.

    Additionally gain a stackable bonus of 3/6/9 % bonus to all bloodpoint gains for every unique perk used.

    Be Unique!

    Killer Perk

    All Survivors receive a stack-able penalty of 1/2/3 % to their Repairing, Sabotage, Cleansing, Gate Opening, and Chest Unlocking speed for every unique perk, you are using.

    Additionally gain a stackable bonus of 3/6/9 % bonus to all bloodpoint gains for every unique perk used.

  • skeptyc
    skeptyc Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2020

    Perk: Painkiller

    You become obssesed with one survivor.

    You start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens.

    Any damage dealt to obssesion will cause them to suffer from Oblivious status effect and emit terror radius for 15/20/25 seconds.

    All other survivors are Exposed as long as obssesion is cursed.

    Consumes a token on use.


  • QnQ
    QnQ Member Posts: 4

    This is one from a chapter concept I'm working on (

    Survivor perk:

    Blank Canvas (the survivor is a hipster artist, who loves to paint)

    • After unhooking a survivor Blank Canvas activates. Once Blank Canvas is activated press the active ability button while running to create a trail of scratch marks and blood trails too if you're injured, in the direction you're looking at, the trail travels 8/10/12 meters from you, within 3 seconds. When this is activated you leave no scratch marks and blood trails until the illusionary trail reaches its maximum distance.

    (Also gonna include one killer perk from the same concept cause why not 😋)

    Killer perk:

    Hex: Evil Takes Root (killers theme is a parasitic plant monster)

    • The root of all evil bears bittersweet fruit. Whenever a survivor finishes repairing a generator the next time they begin repairing a generator the entity will block the generator for 40/50/60 seconds and survivors near the generator have their aura revealed for 10 seconds.
    • Every time this effect triggers all other generators in the trial instantly lose 15% of their progress.
    • When the exit gates switches are powered the entity blocks them for 40/50/60 seconds.

  • DudelPumaAce
    DudelPumaAce Member Posts: 305
    edited November 2020

    Perk Changes:

    Coulrophobia: when the surviver heals in your TR have a penalty by 30% and when they heal outside the TR they have a penality by 15%

    Cruel Limits: when a gen finished, all windows and gens that are 32m away from you are blocked for 30sec

    Leader: this effect also applies to yourself, nerf the effect down to 20%

    Any Means Necessary: effect can used with breakable walls any idea...

    Autodidact: you have only progress, little bit but not more minus

    and and and...

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    behind enemy lines

    Being at war has taught you a thing about getting inside your enemy's head.

    While crouching and motionless, press the active ability button to go prone, while prone, the killers arura is revealed to you in a x/x/x meter range. release crouch to get back up

    while prone, you act as if you are in the dying state, and can be picked up by the killer, seen with deerstalker, move faster with tenacity, etc.

  • DrewpyCheekz
    DrewpyCheekz Member Posts: 27

    For Killers: They're Getting Away!

    Despite your best efforts to please the Entity, it has found you lacking. Against it's better judgement, it intervenes.

    When 4 generators have been completed, and you have performed 4 hook actions this trial, yet no survivors have been sacrificed yet, this perk activates.

    The Entity is called to block the remaining generators for 40/50/60 seconds. The Obsessions aura is then revealed to you for 5/6/7 seconds.

    The Entity's grasp on a generator can be dispelled with a flashlight, however the survivor performing this action will become the Obsession, and their aura will be revealed to you for 5/6/7 seconds.

    For Survivors: Haymaker

    Physical pain fills you with an unprecedented anger. Upon being injured, press the active ability button.

    When being injured, press the active ability button to sacrifice your on-hit speed boost. Perform an about-face and strike the Killer back, stunning them for 4/5/6 seconds.

    Causes the Exhausted status for 60/50/40 seconds.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited November 2020

    Theme: Seer/Fortune Teller

    •Last Stand: Despite your failings, you can turn this around.

    +When the exit gates are powered, this perk activates. For each existing totem left in the trial, this perk gains one token. When activated, the exit gate switches are blocked by the entity for 40/50/60 seconds. If this perk has at least 3 tokens, all survivors are exposed.

    •Hex: Oculus Imperium

    +The auras of all survivors within a 30 meter radius of the killer are revealed. When a survivor is outside this radius, they receive a 5/6/7% decrease in repairing, healing, sabotaging, cleansing, and vaulting.

    •Shattered Bonds

    +While a survivor is hooked or dying, all survivors are blinded and oblivious. For 40/50/60 seconds after unhooking a survivor, all survivors are 10% slower at repairing, healing, and cleansing.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905
    edited November 2020

    Rabbit's Foot- gain a token for a max of 3 tokens each time you safely unhook a survivor, or fully heal another survivor. The token will give you a buffer toward injury if at full health against basic attacks during the killer exposed status. Being hit by a basic attack while exposed will put your survivor in the mending state. Survivors touched by luck will have a green glow about their aura when being struck. You will not be able to heal for a total of 100/80/60 seconds after mending.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Prophet/Cultist

    •Reverent: The people will be your strength.

    +For each survivor alive, gain a 5% increase to repairing, healing, sabotaging, cleansing, and unlocking chests speeds. When a survivor dies, your aura is revealed to everyone for 30/25/20 seconds.

    •Holy Guidance: You can bring hope to those who are around you.

    +You are 15/17.5/20% faster at healing, recovering, and cleansing. Any survivor within a 5 meter radius also receives these benefits and it will persist for 20 seconds after leaving.

    •Purge: You are determined to remove the vile marks of the beasts.

    +For each totem you cleanse, this perk gains a token up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. For each token, you efforts towards wiggling are increased by 7% each.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I, unfortunately, have an obsession with coming up with new perks. I have over 50 ideas written down in a Word document!

    But I don't want to bore you - so here's one for the Killer, and one for Survivor!


    ·        Hex: Self Doubt

                           While this totem is active, all dull totems emit light as if they were Hex totems and make audio cues

                           when cleansed. Every time a totem is cleansed, all other totems appear as Dull totems for 30/45/60



    ·        Meddler

                           Cleansing a Dull Totem disables Hex Totems for 30 seconds. During this time, survivor's auras are

                           concealed from the killer.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Smuggler

    •Cashe: What your predecessors leave behind, you can find great use from.

    +An additional chest will spawn at the start of the trial. The aura of this additional chest and whatever item it gives is revealed to you within a 10/15/20 meter radius. If you search the chest added by this perk, you are guaranteed an ultra rare item or an item with two addons.

    -“They left gifts and momentos. If only they knew what they sacrificed.”

    •Greedy: You’d rather have more than less.

    +While holding an item, you are able to pick up another one. To switch between items, press the active ability button. These two items will leave the trial with you if you escape. While carrying two items, you are 35/30/25% slower out of chase.

    -“Sharing will not get me out of here!”

    •Sliver Lining: Despite the bad happenings, you try to stay positive.

    +If you enter a chase with the killer and become injured, your damaged speed boost is extended for 4/5/6 seconds. After you are left exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds.

    -“Make the most of what we have and stay sharp.”

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    As above so below: (Survivor perk)

    If the killer is above you in X amount of radius, you can see the killer's aura. Likewise, if the killer is below you, the same effect takes place, except the killer can see your aura instead. However, in this particular case, gain a momentary sprint burst to exit the aura radius before the killer can reach you.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Early Warning: Danger has always shown itself to you in the most opportune moments.

    +When the killer becomes undetectable, receive a loud notification of the killer’s location before becoming undetectable. When the killer is no longer undetectable, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

    •Hyperawareness: You are quick to react to the smallest movements.

    +While healthy, the aura of the killer, when moving, is revealed to you within a 15 meter radius. This effect persists for 2/3/4 seconds after either leaving the effected area or remaining still.

    •Incognito: You can hide better when leaving safe spaces.

    +Your aura is hidden for 30 seconds after exiting a locker, however, this perk will be placed in a 60 second cool down.

    •Quick Escape: No where can trap you for long.

    +Rush exiting a locker will remove your scratch marks for 3/4/5 seconds, however, this perk will be placed in a 60 second cool down.

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40

    Killer perk


    You do not tolerate cowardice, even from your enemies.

    Survivors crouching in your terror radius expierence the Oblivious status effect and it will linger for 8/9/10 seconds after standing up.

    "If you're going to act like a worm, you'll die like one!"

    Survivor Perk


    Your fear of being discovered makes you take extra steps to avoid detection.

    While crouched, hold the ACTIVE ABILITY to cover your mouth. The following effects apply:

    -While healthy, your sounds of breathing is muted.

    -While injured your grunts of pain are reduced by 30%/40%/50%.

    -You don't create a notification when screaming.

    -You cannot move while activated.

    You also make no noise inside lockers.


  • _GargiuloJr_
    _GargiuloJr_ Member Posts: 1

    I'd like a perk that allows 2 or more downed survivors to recover themselves from the dying state to the injured state when near to each other. It'd be pretty good!!

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Survivor Perk:

    Good Eye: You know just where to look to find what you need. While searching a chest you can choose between a flashlight, a medkit, a toolbox, or a map. You cannot choose the rarity of the item. You search chests 10/15/20% faster.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited November 2020

    •Persistence: Even in a state of helplessness, you find the strength to help others.

    +While in the dying health state, you are able to help other survivors recover. When near another survivor that is in the dying health state, your option to recover is replaced with the prompt to heal. You are able to heal a survivor by one health state into the injured health state. You heal and recover 50/37.5/25% slower while in the dying health state.

    -“Make sure to return the favor.”

    Something like this?

  • xX_DeoxRc_Xx
    xX_DeoxRc_Xx Member Posts: 61

    Oh, I actually made my OCs for the game a while ago, I'll share my fav perk.

    Survivor perk: KILLER INSTINCT (Yes I know the game already has a mechanic with this name)

    If the killer has the Undetectable status effect within a 24 meters radius, you see his aura for 3/4/5 seconds. Killer instinct has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341
    edited November 2020


    When injured during a chase, for the next 20/25/30 seconds, increase the stun time applied by yourself to the killer by 50%

    "Oh, you're gonna' regret that..."

  • Ritual117
    Ritual117 Member Posts: 2

    Killer perk: Dance till Death- "Dance I tell you, Dance! You can stop when you drop dead."

    After hooking a survivor or kicking a generator, this perk activates, and once you hit a survivor, they gain the exhaust status for 20/30/40 secs, with a cool down of 30 secs.