Rip PH
Fun to play As would mean getting rid of the flashing HERE! HE IS AIMING HERE! PRESS D SO YOU DON'T GET HIT! lines that shoot out before the attack launches. Telegraphing a slow attack with sound, time, and vision is bad design and makes the attack literally useless against GOOD survivors.
Instead they slow him down even more and will probably give survivors time to jump the window or get a second loop in.
I don't care if they get rid of pallet hits but they need to make the power fun to use and actually require skill on the survivors side or a bad read by the killer to dodge.
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I have 25 ping so my gameplay would be different to yours. If these dev's are balancing with ping in mind then i need to get a VPN and play at 100 ping all the time.
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I played a game with huntress late at night and the game put me on a server with 100 ping. it was the easiest game i have ever played with her.
Survivor vaulted and moved out of sight? still got the hit. Throw where the survivor is instead of where they will be? get the hit... It was stupid.
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Sorry, but whate the devs say and what they actually do are two, completely unrelated, things. Just look at Billy: that stupid cooldown system was allegedly "not intended as a nerf," and yet good luck not overheating against a decent team.
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I 100% believe the devs would nerf a killer who isn’t great (see the multitude of pig nerfs). They don’t know their game.
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You're forgetting that his turning on POTD is very limited, so if he chases you to the vault he has to stop a few meters before reaching the pallet to aim, that's the only time PH has an actual 50/50.
Anyway, I really hope they get rid of the trails, making his power based on reads rather than based on zoning would make it so much more fun imo.
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It's funny because Pyramid Head got absolutely trashed in Hexy's Tournament.
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To be fair, the first iteration of the overheat mechanic meant that he basically couldn't use his chainsaw at all. I do think it's fair now, however.
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Yeah, that's very true! The Ghostface PTB was the first ever instance that gave me hope for the dev team; how they took on the feedback to make him actually playable.
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Yea because killers aren't going to complain about being able to get hit's against survivors, are they? lmao
You know what they did complain about? Not being able to use POTD during chase because it slows you down too much when used, guess what they changed? :O
It's almost as if they addressed a complaint from both sides and didn't lie.
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I would write an entire essay on why this is actually a step in the right direction for PH, but I've already done that several times, so..
Just hit Punishment shots 4head.
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And yet there are many here saying the cooldown was the least of his issues?
People wanted a better attack where they could use skill, not just “oh its a short cooldown now so I’ll spam it over and over again until I get the hit”
Have you not seen that there are plenty of people saying they’re going in the wrong direction?
but of course PH op.
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Ignorant PHeads malding over a change that the devs themselves admit was not how he was intended to be abused
I've explained plenty of times how this is a positive change but the "survivor bad" logic will never stop, so instead, stay mad
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So you think they should have just changed his power completely? What kind of stellar ideas do you have that wouldn't take away from the theme of the chapter or be similar to something we already have?
and issues pertaining to characters are subjective, someone could have easily thought that cooldown was a major issue to their enjoyment of PH, you don't get to tell them this isn't an issue worth addressing because there are other issues.
and there are plenty of people who think this is the right direction, what exactly are you trying to prove here? That you think your opinion, and the opinion of a select few are more important than other opinions? cool.
"but of course PH op"... yep, that's... definitely what I said, good job buddy.
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I bet you use the pussy build, like adrenalin, decisive strike, deadhard and borrowed time all toped off with either a flashlight or toolbox with a brand-new part
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Nobody is saying change it completely we’re saying change it in other ways too.
I see more voices here calling for other improvements rather than cooldown. People that play survivor dont really care as long as the m2-m1 phase lasts longer. So what are all our opinions meant to be disregarded because a few say otherwise? Works both ways.
You play Spirit so I don’t even know where this is going. She’s way more lethal in a chase than PH ever was.
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Please do tell me all the other ways they should change it to make it balanced.
"other improvements" you can't just have it all, changing a killers power and giving it all positive buffs is not a way to balance the game, and no, I didn't even come close to saying disregard what other people say, you're the one saying that a cooldown isn't an answer to what people want, not me.
Also, what do you mean I play spirit? I barely even touch her, her and hag are probably my least played killer, I mostly play Huntress/Pig/Plague, and even if I did play spirit, what point would that even make? Oh yaaaa, I forgot people like to try and dismiss others based on how they play the game, sounds like a weak attempt to invalidate what someone is saying, good one champ, keep it up.
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Nobody said positive buffs only. Changing the M2-m1 transition, but improving either the turning, travel speed, hitbox, or even killer instinct effect. There is a number of things that could have been tinkered with. Not saying ALL of them but maybe just one.
You used to play spirit then. It’s not to invalidate you its just saying that its nerfing something that isn’t necessarily the most powerful thing that could be nerfed.
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No, I have never been a spirit main, I have no idea why you think I play spirit or have ever played spirit a lot, I've played less than 50 matches with her.
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If they listened to the survivor community, they'd have acknowledged one of our many posts complaining about the bug where you're working on a gen and then randomly afflicted with torment, which PH then abuses to either cage or mori. Too bad if he can't bait. People were tired of the lose/lose situations. Your threat to just mori isn't much, considering you probably do that anyway, and moris are going to be re-worked in teh future too. That's already a done deal. If you're so upset over this change, then perhaps you should try playing a different killer, because you sound like you only play PH. Not to mention, you were literally just handed all these incredible new killer meta perks with Blight, Billy's nerf was anything butt, because you guys complained, and, as a result, Bubba needed a bigger buff so that people wouldn't continue to ignore him because billy was obviously still better. So much for killer-sided. Why? Because they didn't nerf Decisive Strike again?
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Actually I don't, my main build is Dead Hard, Iron Will, Spince Chill, and Resilience. I also don't see why my build has to do with playing against Pyramid Head being a complete guessing game for survivor.
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Lets be real thats a pretty strong chase build for survivor. Extremely powerful against the low tier killers.
Hell iron will creates a guessing game for killer too.
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True as that may be, I wouldn't describe it as a "pussy build" as the lovely kyle put it. I would say it takes some skill to use and some skill to beat. All in all, I just don't appreciate people making assumptions about me just because I think that faking your power as some killers feels cheap to play against as survivor.
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On mobile so can’t make a new discussion..
changes confirmed, cooldown gone from 2.75s to 2.25s EXACTLY AS I CALLED IT!
After cancelling M2, 1 second of 110% movement speed and 1 second delay to M1
So a 1 second delay to his hit for 0.5s off his cooldown
”wE tOtAlLy DoNt mEan To nUrf hIm Guyz”
Sure you didn’t, sure you didn’t. We all saw this coming a mile off. This update was done for survivors and nobody else.
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Pathetic update literally shameful that it took 8 months.
We need new or more balance devs.
Nothing but nerfs with fake useless "buffs"
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time to say. "byeeee pyramed head devs thaks for killing him"
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actually your wrong it buffs players that didn't use cheap tactics
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They haven’t killed him yet. This is just the first blow.
Check these forums and Otzdarva’s chat. They’re going for the jugular on this one. No mercy until he’s unrecognizable.
Dear survivors please, I’m begging you...