Tunneling has to stop... NOW! Something HAS to be done about this.

Tunneling ruins this game for survivors. This is a problem and I don't know why after all this time it is not a reportable offense. When a killer blatantly comes right back to you straight off the hook and tunnels you down until your death hook the game is no longer fun at that point. Its just not worth playing. There is little to nothing survivors can do to counter this unless you have some kinda insanely coordinated SWF group to deal with toxic killers that do this. Tunneling playstyles have to be discouraged and the perks we have for it aren't enough. The action altogether needs to be discouraged and until there is some kind of punishment for doing it then it will never stop. Tunneling survivors down makes for a miserable experience and there is absolutely nothing at all fun about it. If you play killer and you do this please know you're ruining this game for survivors. You may think its fun but for me it really makes me not want to press that ready button again.
You can discourage killers from tunneling you by wasting their time in chase. Tunneling is really only beneficial when the survivor being tunneled is easy to down.
Also killers have no reason to care about your fun when survivors don't care about killers fun.
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I know that tunneling feels bad, especialy if the Killer is more capable than you. I got tunneled by Nurse a few times yesterday and because I am only an avarage survivor I was not able to extend the chase for some time and got downed rather quickly. As always I forgot my Deseicive Strike and Borrow Time was not enough to protect me. I was the weak link in the team and the Killer exposed that weakness.
Now the problem is: Did the Killer do anything wrong? No they did not. Even thou I felt bad afterwards and was a bit salty the Killer did nothing wrong. This Nurse played to win and the most efficient way of winning is to eliminate a player early. This is even more true now that Killers like Nurse can not abuse "Hex: Devour Hope" as easiely because survivors are more bone focused.
However what happens to Killers who play this way? They go up in MMR and get paired against better and better survivors. Remember how I was the weak link in my team? Higher MMR players are never a "weak link" like me and will expose this tunneling fast. Also if the Nurse continues to win she will face even harder opponents.
What does this mean for us? Well, tunneling players go up the ladder, we stay or go down. After a while you will face less and less tunneling players. MMR took care of that issue in a quit subtile way.
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We can't kill the killer (we should be able to though) and the only way they get removed from the match is if we escape or all die. We really can't do that much to interrupt the killer's fun compared to what they can do to us. Also its hard to run from the killer when there are no pallets nearby. I literally had nowhere to go the last time this happened to me and the pallets that could've been there were already used. Besides it doesn't matter when the killer is already right behind you right off the hook. This has to stop and it has to stop now.
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No, it didn't. If you think tunneling is fair play then you're wrong. If it was a reportable offense I strongly think you would see it stop very fast.
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what are you talking about? what is the weak link? you are just the first one who caught his eye
Moreover, Tunneling on a nurse needs to be solved since she can fly to the hook at any time - the decision is to make a radius of 32 m from the hanged man where the ability will not work for some time
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"We really can't do that much to interrupt the killer's fun"
You really think this is true? Yeah, I really disagree about that, I can torture killer way more than survivors, like what is worst that killer can do, let someone bleed out on ground?
Thing is, unless I see a video, I just always consider it wasn't tunneling, because most players I have played so far thought that almost everything was tunneling :D
It's not tunneling when you are not trying to stop it, because killer just doesn't see better option at that time. Why should killer leave him just because that survivor was on hook before?
I have had games where I killed someone with 3 hooks total and I didn't consider that tunneling, he was just unlucky and all other survivors played hide and seek...
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On another post i already said this:
many perks enable tunneling, like Circle of healing, if the totem is up you NEED to tunnel them down or they just heal up.
If you can't extend the chase, try some perks that help you against it
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If you see killer is chasing survivor on dead hook, always try to body-block and get protective hits.
I even let killer down me if needed, unless I am on dead hook too...
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he will not stop tunneling because of this
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They usually do...
It doesn't matter even when they don't stop anyway. It just gives that survivor time to get into another loop and waste more time.
Just because killer doesn't stop doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, it's best way how to deal with tunneling.
I don't actually mind when I am the one being tunneled, I love to chase with killers and I don't care if I die.
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I've had killers say they tunneled and camped because they didn't like the map offering. Its not always them having no better option. They often do it just to be toxic. The point is though it needs to stop and until killer players see a good enough reason not to do it then its going to keep happening. I used to play DBD all the time with my friends. Now we play it maybe once a month because were sick of toxic killers ruining this game. The way many killers play this game really does discourage survivor players from playing it. I know first hand this is true because I have experienced it with people I play the game with. If tunneling was addressed in a way that really made killers stop doing it me and my friends would probably play a lot more often than we do now and I think more people would play too.
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Which is the point: It is not reportable. Just as bodyblocking, basement hooking and other funny things are not reportable.
Think about it this way: How do you want to report tunneling when you get lobbies with 4 survivor who play the same character with the same skin?
We could of course gut this and forbid survivors from bringing the same chracter. However then there is still the case that some survivors just like to throw themself at you, clicking their flashlight, bodyblocking with Borror Time or just getting plain unlucky when Hillbilly is running across the map and runs them over. Wrong place, wrong time.
No. A person who tunnels to win will search for the weakest link. The player who stands unsafe who makes bad desicions and who is generaly easy to abuse. The weak link is the player with no awareness about tiles and how to chain them compared to the other player who chains tiles. The weak link messes up his speed boost upon getting hit while the good player gets to one or more safe tiles to extend the chase.
32 meter of no ability for Nurse? Are you kidding me? That would mean that she has no way to even get away from the hook with her slow floating. She would take 8 seconds just to get away and get her ability back. You could literaly just abuse the survivor on the hook as a safezone marker and finish the generator next to the hook just to punish this...
By the way, Nurse is a problem overall. I am quit willing to admit that. She breaks the games basic rules in a way no other Killer does and against a good Nurse there is nothing you can do. No tricks, no counterplay and no other ideas. There is no Killer in the game like her and who is that busted. Not even Blight who at least plays by the basic rules of the game.
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Considering how many map offerings just lead to really safe maps for survivors, you can't really fault the killer for trying to create their own advantage by trying to remove a survivor early.
This post just sounds like you want killers to always play in a way that is easier for you meanwhile you'll take advantage of playing with friends you can coordinate with it use map offerings. This is exactly what I was saying when I said survivors don't care about killer fun.
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It's also not fun to deal with games that end super fast cause gens got done really quick, It's not fun to see survivors, T-bag and Click, It's not fun to see the same perks over and over again. It's not a only survivors are suffering it's everyone suffering but SWF's. I'm not saying SWF's should be nerfed, I honestly want solo Q and killers to be buffed to a level where they can play against and as equal as a SWF.
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Oh, you used map offering and are surprised killer didn't like it?
I have feeling you faced tunneling not because those killers were toxic, but because you deserved it.
If you don't play nice, why should killer do it?
The way many survivors play this game really does discourage killer players from playing it. I know first hand this is true because I have experienced it while playing as a killer.
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I mean, he just said he was playing SWF using map offering...
I have feeling that was not about "toxic" killers.
How survivors act changes how killer acts, it's that simple.
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Then let this perk be built into the hook on which the survivor (Kindred) hangs !!! This will give information about the campsite from the killer's side.
Answers about the fact that this perk can be put into the build, I will immediately ask the question - Will you put such a trash perk?
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ds,bt,pallets,gens,other survivors.
Its a decent list of counters and all can be used together.
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The killer doesn't need to make sure you're having fun tunneling you can't really take it away no matter what you add in it's gonna stay it's a viable strat for killer that helps them win just like survivors using BNP is great for finishing your objective quicker
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First of all, Kindred is not a trash perk and in fact really good. Second, do you really think survivors need to be even more efficient, so that 1 person always goes for a safe unhook, and 2 others sit on gens? Like current ~5 minutes gen times is not enough, lets make basekit Kindred and go for 4 minutes gens?
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It's unfun for survivor sure, but it's a viable playstyle
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The core Problem here is not the Killer who is tunneling. It's the behavior the survivors have. He did his best to get the kill and it worked. Your mates did the worst of 7nhooking you in an unsafe situation. Even with BT or DS it's not a save from tunneling but it extends the chase. If it wasn't a good spot cause no loops and no pallets, ask why there was none? And even if there were only used pallets but not destroyed you had a good chance.
What I read in your post is someone who was outplayed. No offense here we all had something like this happen to us. But tunneling is a part of the game. Like bodyblock (on both sides), flashlight saves or NOED.
And before somebody means to say Main Killer or main survivor I play both but more survivor and I learned how to get away from tunneling or I extend the chase so my mates can do the other stuff. Do I die? Hell yes! Do I complain no cause he got most of the time only 1k.
So all I can say is find a way to play better then the Killer. If you die, do better the next game.
It's the same for the Killer.
Learn and get better.
But nearly everyone just complains that the other side have it easier.
In some regards it's true and in other regards it's just BS.
So get better with your game and don't take, cause of your frustration, the game from others.
Cause I love to get tunneled cause I extend the chases so long that my team finished everything.
Is it my fault the Killer didn't get me? Or is the Killer at fault he didn't stop the chase and swaped target?
The answer seems easy but ask the Killer it's my fault, if you ask the other survivors it's his.
If you ask me I had a good chase and if I die I don't care.
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Tell us about your Survivor build?
I bet there isn't this trash perk
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As someone who has played this game back in 2016. When Michael Myers came out. Both Camping and Tunneling has been, always has been a serious issue. Though camping you can report. (unless on Consoles such as Ps4 or Xbox, that sort of thing). Tunneling has always been a huge issue. It removes the fun from everyone. I used to have a lot of friends who enjoyed playing this game. Some always getting to rank one. It does not matter whether you are a top rank or not. You will get killers who tunnel players because they believe it is fun. Though it truly is not. It ruins the game for everyone. There are a lot of different bugs that can be fixed. Though I personally, someone who plays as Killer, and Survivor both believe that Killers are way too over powered. Extremely so. But there are things too with Survivors that are overpowered. For example, playing today I have been tunneled over 5 times. And I can name every single killer who did it But you normally see it with nurses, Hillbilly, and Pyramid head. Before it was mainly with those first two I mentioned though since new killers have come out, new tunnelers have figured out what they tunnel the best with and run with it. There have been many times I've wished to report someone for tunneling. I do not care if someone is 'playing the game'. Games are supposed to be fun. Not rage inducing to the point of quitting. As most of my friends have done so. Getting tired of the BS toxic killers do. Being tired of nothing done about it. The only games that I seem to find appropriate to rage within is getting over it and any other type of rage like games. Games made for actual raging. Not these type of games where you get on to have fun with other people. It would be perfectly fine if it happened every now and again and was actually reportable. As that's one in maybe hundred or fifty. But either way, people wouldn't want to quit over it. While right now it happens every other game. If I wanted to be upset after playing this game then I would play any sort of rage type inducing game.
As much as I love this game. Having played it throughout my Highschool years and into my adult years now. This game is always fun to play nostalgic wise. But what isn't fun is when there are glitches. The time system for when a door opens. Etc, Etc. I'm not even going to list the reasons that those are problematic. Short example, Today while playing I downed a pallet on a killer who had a survivor but instead of dropping the survivor like its supposed it it just moved them instead. Or Whilst working on a generator it randomly pops. Which ended up resulting in my death as this killer camped the crap out of them. The time system has more then once proven extremely problematic with players body blocking others as they leave and don't allow one survivor or two to pass. I understand Body blocking is as well a reportable offense but it still happens. And not always by the killers. I see how some people could call this, 'playing the game'. But as I see it, these things haven't been fixed for years. Which is rather discouraging and down right awful. To me personally it seems as if they lean more in the Killers favor then the survivors. At least make the struggle shorter, or give us an ability to keep the killers in a lock, (flash lights do not count.). Give us a advantage to either combat these different things that happen. Sure some will argue to use certain builds and certain items. But you wont always have those items and when you move on and prestige you lose every perk you once had. Even if you were a Rank 1 or such. Lets face it if a group of rank 1's got in with a greyed out lvl 4 killer who tunneled they wouldnt survive. Not every single group of lvl 1's will be speaking to each other or be in groups. People expect this to just work out. I'd prefer to die to a killer who was not tunneling and not being a person who did terrible things such as that. In response to people who say that its not fair for the killer to go after someone else if the person who was taken off the hook is in front of you. I don't care. I've done that many times. Going after someone else and guess what, Still managed to get 2-4 kills. You take turns. You dont just bleed out one person and make them have a terrible ass time because you wanted to ,'get points'. You can ruin other peoples days who could've already had a bad day and just wanted to play a game and have fun in it. This is a really fun game when you get nice killers that you can play the game with and have a fair playing field.
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“Tunneling” is a made up complaint by survivors upset they were downed in favor of someone else. From every angle there’s no world where it’s unfair or a reportable offense.
- As a killer if I see an injured survivor and a healthy survivor, obviously I’ll target the injured one. I can down them but not the other. Breaking off from an injured survivor because a healthy one is trying ti distract me is terrible play.
- If I have the choice of downing and hooking someone two times in a row versus hooking two different people one at a time, obviously the better choice is hooking the one person twice because it gets them out of the game more quickly. Again, intentionally killing one person at a time and spreading hooks is bad play.
- If I think I can down someone in a reasonable timeframe then why would I not try and do it? Why break off chase if it looks like I’ll get them down soon? So again, chasing someone makes sense versus breaking off assuming I’m actually able to hit them and down them
- Finally since survivors can heal each other relatively quickly, if I can get a down in a reasonable timeframe then I should versus getting injuries on two people, since injuring two people is significantly effective than downing one person.
I’m not saying toxic behavior doesn’t exist on the killer side. Standing around hitting survivors on hooks or intentionally making all the survivors bleed out for five minutes or however long it takes at the end of the match is obviously obnoxious and unnecessary. But “tunneling”, i,e, trying to down someone you think you can down, is definitely not toxic, let alone close to being reportable,
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Tunneling is a good strat. Always has been but now its even more common. This is because of how the game is becoming more frustrating on killers. The easiest way to have a good game is to get 1 person out asap. Usually the weakest link.
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Loop or stealth, if you don't want the killer to focus on your elimination.
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I still don't get how Survivors can complain about the Killer playing efficiently. Aren't Killer allowed to win or something?
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ya seem like bait
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Let's make a game where it takes two hits to down a survivor unless they just got off a hook in which case it takes one. And then be surprised when killers prioritize that survivor over the person with full health? Personally I'd prefer if suvivors didn't finish gens so fast and "gave me a chance", that would make the game much more fun for me.
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Well survivors tunneling gens all the time. When will they do something about that? Come on it's silly to think killing survivors fast should not be allowed when doing gens fast is allowed.
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No, but waiting a long time for a match isn't fun either so its probably in the interest of killer mains to show a little respect and have some honor when they play. Pissing off survivors so much that they don't feel like playing anymore is just going to hurt the game. Its one thing if its end game and you haven't got a kill yet but early in the match with 4-5 gens up? Its totally unacceptable. And many killers do it for such petty reasons too. As I said, I've had them do it simply because they didn't like the map offering. I mean come on... you're going to tunnel down survivors because you had to play on a map you didn't like? You have map offerings too you know.
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No it was a genuine reply to the topic being discussed to which you replied with nothing of substantive value. So unless you have something of interest to say on the matter then please move along.
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I've had plenty of matches where the killer did not tunnel, camp or play in any kind of toxic matter but still got 3 or 4k. They even go out of their way not to tunnel when they very well could have and gotten an easy kill. Its matches like this that are usually very fun despite the fact most or all the survivors died. Survivor mains really do appreciate killers who play fair and don't resort to toxic strategies to win. They are the ones who make the game fun to play and prove you don't have to tunnel survivors down or be a jerk to them to win. Fun matters more than winning in this game in my opinion and you can have fun whether you live or die in the match as a survivor. It all depends on how the killer decides to play against you. I've had matches against the pig where they could have easily downed me while I was trying to remove the trap but go right past me to begin a chase with another survivor. They didn't have to, but the fact they did shows that killer players can be fair and have some honor in the match.
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Survivors should come off the hook in full health state. It may not fully stop tunneling but I think it would discourage it. Also if you're having trouble keeping survivors off gens to give you more time to find them then I don't know what to tell you. You can literally see the location of all the generators. I don't play killer, but even I can play the trapper with no addons and keep survivors off gens simply by holding W. If you're in a chase, then don't chase them for very long and go back to checking gens. You can keep survivors moving pretty easily.
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When I do SWF, we never do map offerings and hardly ever coordinate anything. In fact we often laugh and make jokes about each other's misfortune with the killer just to goof off and try to have fun. Most of our matches usually end with 2 or more of us dying but its Ok as long as we're having fun, which has become an increasingly harder thing to do because of sweaty killers.
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In high mmr, playing nicely will lose you the game
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And what percentage of the player base do you suppose is in that high mmr you mentioned? How many do you suppose just like logging on from time to time with friends and playing a scary game for fun? Also playing nicely and fairly are 2 different things. The killer can be fair and still get the 4k. Like I said, I've had matches where the killer could've easily went after me in what would've been a hopeless situation for me but chose not to and yet still won the match. At the end of it they often even mention how they don't like tunneling or playing in a toxic way because they know how crappy it is for survivors to deal with it. It all depends on the person.
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"We really can't do that much to interrupt the killer's fun compared to what they can do to us."
You're kidding, right? Have you ever played killer? Try playing a low tier killer for a day, see how much fun that is. Losing ruin in the first minute, 2 gens popping at the same time, flashlight saves and clicking, 4 decisive strikes, body blocking, god loops and pallets, brand-new parts, instaheals, keys, gens being physically too far apart to defend properly, T-bagging at the exit gate. Much fun.
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"It's probably in the interest of the killer mains to show a little respect and have some honor when they play."
Talk about an entitled survivor. As if killers get any "respect". The game can't work without killers either.
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I still don't get what you're complaining about, let players play how they want. If the Killer wants to play nice, he can but he doesn't have to. Someone shouldn't play how YOU want because you don't find it fun and it shouldn't get changed because you don't like it
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"Efficiently" lmao.
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Tunneling is more efficient than 2 hooking everyone
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"You may think its fun"
I do. The survivors I play against are toxic little t-bagging losers, I am happy to make your experience as unfun as possible.
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Tunneling is a legitimate style of play no matter how much it frustrates you. As a killer main I tend to go out of my way not to tunnel (unless you're toxic and teabag at every vault or pallet). When I play survivor I understand it though. I'm not the best looper but I know killer mindset.
Anecdotal but last night vs a Michaelhe struggled to chase a teammate to down multiple times. I flashlight saved 2 times, he gave up chase with the good runner, downed me rather quickly and I just flexed on hook in front of him while 3 gens got popped. Teammate runs in with BT he chases me for the remaining 2 gens and puts me on hook, stands in my face for a camp. Good runner came back again with BT got me off, took a hit and we 4E on him.
Tunneling doesn't always bear fruit.
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If you have all or even half that happening to you in a single match you're probably doing something wrong. Killers have way more control over the map than survivors do.
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But the fact that it is frustrating and super unfair is a problem. It doesn't matter if you or whoever considers it a "legitimate style of play." If that style of play is literally pushing survivor mains away from the game then that is a problem. I know I only speak for myself and those I know when I say tunneling killers discourage us from playing as often, but if its happening to us then how many more people feel this way too? Unless you're super prepared to deal with a tunneling killer the chances are its going to lead to the tunneled survivor eliminated from the match very fast.
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I am so sick and tired of these stop camping and tunnelling threads.
The aim of the game is to kill survivors, this is by any means. Whether the killer wants to play the game and spread the hooks, take one survivor out and then just worry about the rest, load up with perks, or camp the hook, then that is how the killer wants to play. If you don't like it then move to another game.
The only time camping is bad is when they actually facecamp, but then again, if the survivors want to be saviours then so the killer will camp. There are enough post on here telling people how to counter that.
How about all the survivors stand around one gen, so the killer can kill them evenly. No, so the survivors don't want to be told how to play, when survivors all go in with flashlights, or put totems all round. Survivors play how they play and killers will play how they play.
Stop the crying.
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Somehow i allways end up tunneling 4 different survivors in the same game in end game chat
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Just git gud so the killer won't bother chasing you during the match and you get one hooked at the end after they've tunneled your team to death