Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Tunneling has to stop... NOW! Something HAS to be done about this.



  • Member Posts: 25

    I'm completely fine with the game being balanced around survivors having full health after being unhooked. But people will probably still camp/patrol hooks. Because chases are long, exhausting, and annoying, and the survivor will deliberately lead you away from all meaningful objectives, and a hook is a guaranteed position where at least 2 out of the 4 survivors will definitely be and it's also a guaranteed hit.

    You'd have to eliminate the hook mechanic completely if the goal is to fully incentivize a killer pursue a different survivor each time. A hook is just a logical position on the map to control. Pyramid Head is interesting because you can effectively hook while not really gaining any map control from that action. So there's still the basic gameplay of depleting a suvivor's "extra lives" until they're completely dead, but it also eliminates saving a survivor as a component of the gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 901

    Play during the late morning to the full afternoon that's when Survivor ques are instant all day and killer ques are long.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Well you say if we don't like tunneling then move to another game, well I can say the same for you. If you don't like us complaining about it and wanting it to change then you can do the same too. Perhaps DBD needs less killer mains that play like this.

  • Tunneling is the killers most effective response to the Boon Totem Meta. It's the same reason medkits are the strongest survivor items bar none, except boons never run out of charges.

    Infinite fast self healing = killers can no longer reliably pressure the entire team via injury states.

    Think about it from their perspective: As killer, you're in a chase, you get a hit, but now you are getting looped. What do you do?

    You should drop the chase so you can pressure the other survivors off gens, but if you drop the chase, unless you've gotten rid of multiple strong pallets, thanks to CoH you will have wasted 100% of that time and now have to try and find other survivors anew.

    So your hands are tied. You're forced to commit to the chase. Commit to the down. If the survivor team is any good, 2 or 3 gens should pop off before they come rescue you. As killer, what do you do then? You have 4 people in the trial, gens are flying by with only 2 left, even if you tag people with injury states to try and build up some sort of momentum it doesn't work since they can just heal up to full again as soon as you drop the chase. Even if someone like legion tags all 4 survivors, and starts chasing the last one they hit from their power, the other 3 can all mend and fully heal one another before the 4th person goes down.

    Because of boons, the killer cannot pressure the entire team anymore. Forget about snowballing.

    The only way they have left to pressure the entire team, is to get one of them out of the game asap, and then try to force the remaining 3 survivors into the cycle of 1 hooked, 1 going for the rescue, 1 being chased = 0 working on gens.

    I don't like it either, but you have to understand why it's being done.

    Survivors running boon totems essentially bring this on themselves, tl;dr Run DS.

  • Member Posts: 858

    The game isn't fun for killers anymore, because the game has been made as easy as possible for new survivors. SWF can exploit those built-in advantages for an easy win. Solo queue suffers as a result of this because they're not nearly as strong as SWF.

    Over the course of the map reworks the the loop strength has been increased, pallet quantity has increased, and tile distribution has been optimized in favor of survivors, creating a lot of strong loops. Because of this, survivors don't need to do much themselves, and when they screw up, they just use a second chance perk to reset the chase. Against good survivors it feels like you're playing against the game's design and not other players because there are times where you simply cannot catch people.

    What's a solution to that? Weaken the team. Find the weakest looper, tunnel them til dead. Even then, a 3v1 against good players with a base movement speed killer can still be challenging.

    Overall though, it's just boring. So much of playing killer now is running around obstacles until a pallet is dropped, then rinse and repeat. Granted, with Blight/Nurse/Billy that's not entirely true. I would include Plague in that, but she really isn't that good without Prayer Tablet Fragment.

  • Member Posts: 858

    My survivor matches are made instantly. My killer matches take 3-5min to form, so I don't know what ya mean.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The point was that if both sides can simply agree to play fairly (killers particularly) and not resort to toxic tactics then you'll have more people willing to play more often, like me and my friends.

  • Member Posts: 237

    What, you want to cry because a killer plays the game. Then you come on here because you cant play the game and blame the killer.

    You do know it's a competitive game. Maybe you would be better off playing Animal Crossing, where you can all be friendly together.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Yet the game literally forces you to resort to toxic playstyles because how unfair it is.

    Have you seen the state of the game at red ranks? Killers getting looped for 2 minutes and already 2-3 Gens are done!

    You get your first hook and there is only 1 gen left...

    Like how is that fair for a Killer? I'm all down to playing respectfully and not tunnel/camp anyone and infact I hate that myself because I know how annoying it can be.

    And it's even more annoying when you play a Killer and get Survivor Friends that literally wanna make you uninstall the game completely.

    I'm not saying I tunnel, because at higher ranks everyone in their mother runs DS or Borrowed Time or Insta med-kits, so again the game favors Survivors more and helps Survivors find ways to avoid getting tunneled to some degree.

    I got called out by one survivor after I 4k'd them that me running Thanatophobia was the most scummy and un-fun thing, but as soon as I don't run it. 3 Gens get done after I get one lousy hook.

  • Member Posts: 530

    spoil the game for others because of this

    just be a stuffy person

  • Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2021

    B.h.V.R. need to do the mechanics of punishing the killer for tunneling and camping

    If he decides to attack the same player in a row, then for each blow, 1 generator is automatically repaired

    For camping, the repair speed is doubled

    After 5 seconds at the hook, deduct 1,000 blood points per second

  • Member Posts: 49

    Did you literally read nothing of what I said about how unfair the game is for the Killers and proceeded to just talk how Killers should be punished? All while ignoring the #1 problem for Killers, Survivors Gen rushing and doing 2-3 Gens after you get 1 hook?

  • Member Posts: 619

    Cry some more. Complaining about getting chased. What's next? All this complaining about basic game features has become absurd.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    They probably want it to function like it does in F13, which would be pretty interesting if each killer had a specific kill condition, but that would go against the design ethos of DBD which is there is no escape from death and you're at the mercy of the entity's minions with just a sliver of hope that you'll survive and escape the trial.

  • Member Posts: 475

    The only problem with your logic is believing that only high mmr killers will tunnel. I honestly got tunneled way more when I was in lower rank because the lower rank killers are not that confident in tracking, so they follow the same survivor and pray there is no borrowed/DS or just don't know they exist. I wouldn't say that MMR is a subtle cure for Tunneling. I would just say Tunneling is part of the game pal. If you don't like it then play a different game cuz its here and not going anywhere anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Please dont take your anger on all killers because of the duds. I only play killer and never camp or tunnel, even if i see a survivor nearby i look straight at them and take off. And once gens are done its game over, i back off. Havnt had a kill for a while but dont care. I have fun. Survivors respect it. Win win

  • Member Posts: 530

    That's why you need to do something with tunneling.

    So that it would not be profitable for the killer to run after an already suffering person

    Do not give experience for this

    Take rank

    Do not add blood points

    And then the killers will have a different and correct motivation.

  • Member Posts: 530

    What if the survivor who was rescued did not leave traces and blood for 60 seconds (without the presence of some kind of perk)

    Just sew this into the hook mechanic

  • Member Posts: 49

    That sounds way too much!

    Not even the Perk Guardian gives the saved Survivor that long of a invisibility.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Playing a different game isn't the answer for the game people want to play but are sick of tunneling that is ruining the game. Tunneling itself is going to push a lot of survivor mains away from the game who are just trying to have fun with friends in a scary game. Like I said, I used to play this game everyday with my friends but now we play it once maybe twice a month together and the MAIN reason for us not playing as often anymore is tunneling killers. The act itself needs to be discouraged and blood point loss isn't enough. Tunneling needs to be recognized as a reportable and punishable offense. This is a PVP game with a rank system. Certain behaviors within the game need to be recognized as unsportsmanlike and action taken to discourage people from doing it.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The same way moris work, except survivors would need to do more as a team to be able to do it since it would end the match in their favor. Perhaps bonus objectives on top of cleansing all totems and doing X amount of gens? I don't know. They can be creative with it. The point is survivors should be able to kill the killer. After all these years I honestly don't know why it isn't a thing. Killers get unique moris they can literally kill us with and all we get is pallets and flashlights for the most part? I mean, I've watched a lot of horror movies and the killer usually dies by the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,047
    edited November 2021

    It would have to be difficult, by all means, would probably take a toll on the killer playerbase, I admit.

    1000th post btw

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Killers can see all of the generators. If they decide to stay in a chase with a survivor for long enough that gens go off instead of going to check them then thats their fault. "Gen rush" is a made up term by killers to justify toxic behavior because of their poor play style choices. The problem here is SURVIVORS can be eliminated from a match. Killers cannot. A bad match for a killer can still give them more points than the survivor who was tunneled down before they could touch a gen or totem. Tunneling is toxic. It ruins the game. It does cause survivor mains to play less often because me and my friends are literal proof of that. It is a problem and it needs to be addressed. I will never recommend this game to anyone until tunneling is addressed in a way that dramatically discourages it from happening.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    Tunneling is something that can’t be stopped. How do you stop killers from chasing a survivor??

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    I don't know how long you've been playing the game. This may come over as harsh, but a lot of what you are saying comes over as 'I want to escape every game and if I can't, there is something wrong balance wise' and is so utterly wrong that this feels like a Sluzzy thread.

    Let's go point by point.

    • Seeing isn't the battle. It's getting there in time. Several maps have a lot of obscenely safe 'freebie' gens that are almost impossible to pressure (Badham basement, houses in Haddonfield, all the far gens on RPD) on some killers. This isn't a matter of playstyle, this is a design issue.
    • Genrush is absolutely a thing. A coordinated group can pop a generator 14 seconds into the game. 2 gens in less than a minute. 3 gens in 2 minutes. I think Otz has a few videos of this. That's sometimes not even enough time for the killer to have their first real chase. The only real counter to this, especially on some maps, is to eliminate 1 survivor ASAP, preferably a high-threat target and try to protect the last few gens.
    • Yes, survivors can be eliminated from the match. It's possible to lose the game. I'm sorry to tell you that you can't win all the time.
    • Killers earn more BP than survivors because it's a significantly more challenging and less popular role, and because killers don't get free addons from chests. Survivor queue times have been so bad in the past that BHVR has had to disable all killer matchmaking protections.

    Look. You got a bad bounce. It'll happen sometimes. Work on improving your loops and chase, and MMR will handle the rest.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I have 1700 hours played in DBD. This must be the first time you've read something I posted here because I have often said the matches I have the most fun in are matches I die but the match itself was overall fun and fair. "Coordinated groups" are SWF that give a crap about winning and go the extra mile to do it. When I do SWF, we hardly do anything coordinated and just want to have fun in a scary game. Even when I do SWF there are plenty of matches where 2-3 of us are dead hook and there are still 3+ gens left to be done. In solo, even more matches in my experience this happens in.

    The game shouldn't always be about "work on improving your loops and chase." If its always about improving then it'll become a job instead of a game and I don't want to frustrate myself even more to play the game in any kind of professional way to escape the toxic behavior of certain killers. I've always seen DBD as a scary game with lots of jump scare opportunities and tense situations that add horror elements. This is a game we get to be chased by freddy krueger, myers, nemesis, pyramid head etc. and try to survive against them. That should make for a scary fun experience every time. I just feel like the game needs to fundamentally change from being so competitive and focus more on the scare factor where people don't care so much to rank up but want to experience that horror survival fun.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Tunneling is precisely as "made up" as gen rushing. Both sides want to complete their objective as fast as possible.

    It is entirely double standards to defend genrushing but vilify tunneling.

    How about when a gen gets to 50% you leave it and go start another one?

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    It's the best killer strategy and counter to gen rush so it's never going to stop. Killers will tunnel survivors just as survivors will tunnel gens. It's a natural part of the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The game has a report category called "Unsportsmanlike." In sports, they penalize players for doing things that are unsportsmanlike and unfair for a reason. Tunneling in DBD should be considered the same thing. If they want to take a less harsh approach then make hitting or downing a newly unhooked survivor so penalizing that killers will want to avoid doing it. They can make killers move slower than survivors if they are chasing someone who just got unhooked and the debuff only goes away when you stop chasing that survivor for a considerable amount of time. Theres a lot of ways tunneling can be addressed if you think about it for awhile.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Not when the killer has more map control than you do. Killers can see all generators and move around the map a lot faster than we can. If you think "gen rushing" happens on a scale anywhere near as often as tunneling does then you are completely wrong. Not only that, survivors HAVE to work in a coordinated way at least to some extent to even have a chance to complete a generator faster. Survivors are often spread out, hiding and running from the killer. Seeing multiple survivors on the same generator doesn't happen as often as you think. But that is the problem when killers try to defend tunneling. It'll happen to them once or twice and in their mind believe its a fundamental problem of the game when in reality its not and had they not chased a single survivor for too long wouldn't have had 2-3 gens pop while you're trying to down super mclooper on the other side of the map.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Oh and before anyone tries to use the "you have anti tunnel perks" argument again keep in mind killers have anti "gen rushing" perks too. Oh whats that? You don't want to have to run tinkerer every single match? Well maybe I don't want to have to run anti tunneling perks every match. More perks aren't the answer for this. Fundamentally changing the game to discourage the behavior is.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2021

    And survivors can be in four places at once.

    This is how an asymmetrical game works. Four survivors are more powerful than one killer, which is why the killer have the opportunity, the goal, to eliminate them one by one.

    Damn right survivors have to coordinate. That's the game.

    The idea that one survivor has to be equal to the killer is everything that is wrong with this game and why it's so survivor sided.

    Why don't you try demonstratong this "map pressure" the killer has when gens pop on the opposite side of that map to you.

    There's a reason why the only viable killers at the highest level are Nurse and Blight. 90% of killers don't have map pressure. Knowing where the gens are doesn't help when you can't get to them in time.

  • Member Posts: 6,825
  • Member Posts: 2,374

    The flaw in your argument is the fact you think any considerable amount of players are at or even care about "the highest level" of gameplay in DBD. They don't. Most survivor mains in my experience just want to have fun and experience the horror thrill of running from and escaping the killer. This is why I have argued before that there should be more than just a ranked mode to que for. The fact there is a rank up incentive in the public matches is going to influence people to play in more extreme ways despite the fact many players just want to play as or against some of their favorite characters.

    If you think this game is survivor sided then I'm not going to take anything else you have to say about this game seriously. I AM SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE when I say tunneling needs to stop. And not just my experience, but the experience of people I know that have played DBD far longer than I have and now only touch the game once every blue moon because of how many tunneling killers play this game. I've been in high level DBD matches. I made it to rank 4 under the old rank system and I found out very fast that it was something I definitely do not want to participate in. Perhaps if there was a mode where rank wasn't an incentive then people would care more about fun than sweating their way to victory.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    It was an example. There's multiple ways to win in sports but if you do it in an unfair or unsportsmanlike way you often get penalized for it. HOW you win matters. If someone grabs the face mask of another player in football they get penalized for it regardless of the fact they prevented that player from making a play. It was how they did it that was the problem.

  • Member Posts: 564

    Just give up man. I've tired making the same post before. Every killer says the same thing "But gen rushing." Killer's don't care about fun, they want to win. They say but getting gen rushed is not fun, but lets be real, killers will still tunnel, even if the game is in their favour. I genuinely do not know how a person can enjoy going back to the same hook every 3 seconds or going after the player that has no way of escaping, but they don't want fun, they want survivors to feel frustrated. They have said this, they don't care if survivors are having fun, well great then lets all have a miserable time together, and then they act surprised when survivors teabag at the exit gate. Remember killers set the meta, survivors then respond, with the new killer having insane anti loop powers (honestly broken) killers are going to say "but she's weak in map pressure therefore not op." Survivors will then respond with the new exhaustion perk overcome and killers will then complain that survivors are just running in a straight line with no way to counter it. As long as you play DBD you just have to learn to run DS/ BT on all of your builds.

  • Member Posts: 530

    Time can be changed, I only gave an idea

    And this perk that you are showing me can be thrown into the trash can, it is the most useless

  • Member Posts: 21

    Just give survs more anti tunneling perks.

    I just drop from gold to ash because of tunneling every goddamn game.

  • Member Posts: 237

    Well said.

    The problem is that there are too many killers that cannot play the game. They pick killer thinking that is the best roll, load up with all the best perks to slow down gens and things, then think it's a way of getting easy kills. Then they meet players who play survivor all the time and have probably played against better killers who can loop, and survive.

    Then the excuses come out because they spent so much time chasing one survivor that the team must have gen rushed, or it's perks because a survivor managed to lose them.

    Lets take a look at just a couple of perks that are really OP against a survivor - "No One Escapes", the ability to one shot a survivor when they finally manage to do all five gens, this alone can be a game changer. Any killer that can't at least get one kill just with this perk is either against a very good team or is having a really bad day. "No Way Out", the ability to stop survivors opening gates for a time, add that with NoEd and it even gives you more time for those one shot kills. Then there is "Blood Warden", The ability to stop survivors even more by blocking the exit even when the gates are open. I have know killers use two of these and get a 4K letting all five gens to be done.

    Maybe if killers stop crying about how one sided the game is for killers, stopped looking for excuses and actually learned how to loop, how to play mind games, they would start winning without these tactics.

    If I can play a low level Pig in RPD, not tunnel, not camp, even allow them to keep picking each other up when they are slugged, and get a 4K, then it's not survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Git gud lol

  • Member Posts: 952

    ok how about you show us how to get good then if you can

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