Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Tunneling has to stop... NOW! Something HAS to be done about this.



  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Because you think anything I say is a bias opinion rather than feedback based on my experience. I want the game to be fair and believe that it currently is not fair for survivors. I do believe a lot of changes need to be made. Most survivors aren't professional killer runners in this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    That just proves my point. You're having bad matches, either due to your own skill or SBMM just decided you're not having fun today and then make posts complaining. My Survivor matches, tho extremely boring, are won in a couple of minutes with 2-6 hooks, which happens like 90% of the time, SoloQ aswell. Most people can agree that Survivor is the power role, unless the Killer is Nurse or Blight, which are the only Killers that can play against a good SWF.

    To your point about running Killers. How hard is it? You're running around a Pallet a few times and then drop it or ShiftW because the Killer mindgame'd themselves. The skill ceiling for Survivor is extremely low, even Killer is pretty easy

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    That simply is not true. The skill ceiling for survivors is a huge difference between people who can loop a killer for 5 gens and those who go down within a few seconds of being found. The majority of survivors can't do that in my experience, not even close. And most of the things I complain about are camping and tunneling, which shouldn't be a thing in this game to begin with and that is not an opinion original with me. A lot of survivors agree those actions are terribly unfair for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Survivors should be as fast as the killer when they are the last one and the hatch has spawned. If you're going to mention things I have said, please be sure not to leave out details that would make others think I meant something else. Yes, NOED is overpowered. I'm not the only person that thinks that or posts about it. Cannibal's chainsaw shouldn't instant down unless it become powered up first by doing other objectives to make it that powerful temporarily. Exit gate perks that do block the lever for so long that the survivor can die before being able to interact with it need to be changed. These are not unfair or bias opinions. These are suggestions that I really do feel would make this game more balanced and fair.

  • Member Posts: 735

    2 posts above +

    NOED is OP, becouse you let it be.

    Hexes get shred in matter of minutes. Boons thunders is heard a lot…but dull totems??? aint nobody got time for that

  • Member Posts: 131

    Well...sry, but it's really dumb.

    I can also say something like:

    "Bodyblocking it's not fun to play against and it must be stopped. This is a problem and I don't know why after all this time it is not a reportable offense" or " Genrush ruins the game for killers. This is a problem and I don't know why after all this time it is not a reportable offense"

    Or I can say this):

    "Boon totems, especially CoH, are behind the fair play. This is a problem and I don't know why after all this time it is not a reportable offense"

    And go on.

    Dude, this is game where one player must kill 4 another players for the mystical dark encient creature please satisfaction. Killer is free to use any of working kill tactics.

  • Member Posts: 5,623
    edited December 2021

    Git gud and use Windows against Bubba and the Chainsaw is meh at best, No Way Out isn't op, nor NOED

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    I won't bother with playing normally anymore, as long as survivors get to abuse bs like Dead Hard and Circle of Healing I won't stop tunneling and proxycamping people as Pyramid Head. The meta has become extremely hostile towards killers and this is just my way of coping with this. I can't even imagine playing any other killer right now, the ability to completely deny DS is too good.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    The survivors constantly running away from me has to stop. How is that supposed to be fun for me?

  • Member Posts: 73

    Let me guess, 600 - 700 hours with around 550 - 675 in survivor? If you have more in either side this is just a low quality bait thread.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    There's a reason its not a reportable offense. I mean this in the most constructive way possible: when you get tunneled, grow a set and move on.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Its not a bait thread. Its my opinion and feedback on something I strongly believe is and has been ruining this game for a long time. I'm a survivor main with 1800 hours played in this game so I know from experience how much it makes the game unfun to play.

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