Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Tunneling has to stop... NOW! Something HAS to be done about this.



  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Well maybe you are on a low MMR, but I don't know how you have access to other people's MMR, or are you just assuming that to try on make your point.

    I'm guessing considering how many people are members of this forum and how many people play DBD, I am sure that not everybody on here is a low MMR, also considering that many times I play, I end up against well respected streamers and Youtubers who have thousands of hours in the game, but still meet killers that camp and tunnel for five gens.

    But what ever you tell yourself to make your ego feel better, while you are crying that survivors get a game suited to them.

  • laucters
    laucters Member Posts: 20

    Look pal, this ain't ego. This is simply being very well aware of myself. People like me are the rarest kind of people you can find in this world. So I understand that your go-to ego insult works on many other cases but not this one. I'd end up being a literal god compared to you. I wish all the ranks and MMR was showcased under our profile in this forum so everyone could see how bloody great I am. Just because I am the supposed bad guy here doesn't mean I am less talented than you. I am probably the greatest survivor player in this game. I can loop any killer for an eternity. My mere existence on its own is enough reason to buff most killers. So the point here is git gud, you are not as good as you think. You tell me you face respected streamers and youtubers. Difference between me and them is that they are entertainers, I am a professional.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The devs have said, for years, that they are not going to make tunneling or camping reportable offenses because it doesn't prevent the game from progressing normally. Let's set that aside though, how would you discourage tunneling or camping in a way that fundamentally change the way the game is played and doesn't introduce a punitive mechanic that can be abused by survivors as a way to manipulate the outcome of games to be heavily in their favor?

    That's the biggest hurdle to clear with Asym games. If you want to thoroughly and completely discourage a behavior that is just a result of people choosing to the game in a way that lines up with the rules, but isn't maybe the most fun way for the opposing side to deal with what do you do? Can't just start banning folks because they played you're game efficiently and at the end of the day people who want to play in that manner will do so no matter what you take away from them unless you make the action impossible. Yet, making the action impossible means taking a necessary tool out of that side's arsenal when games are particularly tough.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Ha ha ha. Funniest post I have ever seen on her. You have earned my respect.

    It was a joke wasn't it???

  • laucters
    laucters Member Posts: 20

    Yeah tbh it has a great potential to be a flood and be copy pasted around in arguments lmao

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    It's not about which side has its easiest, the issue I see is killers will play the optimal way to play every match. Currently camping and tunnelling is the best way to secure kills. So even if generator times were doubled to fix gen rushing, killers will actually camp more, not less. They need to either completely change the design of dbd, which of course risks breaking the formula that most of the community wants or put in harsh punishments for playing in such a way that robs all players of an actual match.

    Lets be honest though, DBD will never change as everyone says "I will only stop doing "x" once "Y" is fixed. Nobody wants to be the change and are actively punished or harassed for daring to want the game to improve.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Ds exists. And good survivor want to be tunnel to make their swf genrush.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    I have no problem with tunnelling, it can be a good strategy, if a team is strong and you need to take somebody out. It's not nice but then is neither not letting them leave. I also have no problem with camping, as long as it is proxy camping. That you are willing to make the chase if you get one hit on the rescuer and they run away, unless you can see another one coming in, but again you have to be willing to give chase. I hate it when killers take the easy option of standing next to the hook and just waiting for the unhook, just to swipe.

    I once played against a trickster who hooked in the basement. He then loaded up with knives and stood in basement, anybody came in he stood at the stop of the stairs and threw knives, turns out he had two addons, one was ricochet, the other reduced the amount of knives for a down. This was on 4 gens. Of course we did the usual thing of swapping hooks till the gens was done, two hooks and then sacrificed the last person. No big deal for us, but the killer got more BP, how does that make sense?

    The game is flawed by rewarding this play. There are plusses and minuses on both sides and when people lose, they blame everybody else, instead of looking at themselves and improving.

    Your right in that the game wont change, it can't. Bring out a new killer that stops the killer mains moan, the survivors moan. Bring in a new survivor like they did with Mikaela, and the killers moan. So they bring in a new OP killer that can stop loops, wait for the survivors.

    And yes, there are many players on both sides that takes the easy option. Killer who face-camp, survivors who hide just to get the exit, or run the killer to somebody on a gen to lose the killer.

    The game is on sale most places and free on Xbox Game Pass, so it is attracting very new players.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    The Kinship perk needs to be reworked so that it works as an aura affecting teammates

    The one who took this perk approaches the hook and it freezes

    This will be balanced because the perk will be useless against normal killers and will only work on camping animals

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I would fundamentally change the entire game which is what I believe this game needs right now. There is just too much camping and tunneling happening in this game. These play styles are recognized by many survivor mains as toxic. Killers can grab survivors off unhook attempts and yet if that happens the rest are still expected to complete all 5 gens to power the door. Having 1 person take one for the team is both unfun and unrewarding to the player that got camped so the others could have a better chance to escape if they focus gens. If its not one thing its another. There is no single thing that will change this. The entire game needs to be rethought out. Survivor and killer interactions need to change. We need to be able to do more than just use flash lights and pallets to stop the killer. All they have to do is look up and they avoid flashlights. The killers get unique moris to literally kill us and remove us from the match but what do survivors get? Nothing unique like a killer mori. The fact we can't even kill the killer is a bit ridiculous. I have just gotten to the point that trying to play this game solo just isn't worth the frustration anymore. I try to play it solo from time to time but end up just closing the game out after the first few matches.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2021

    The flashlight lasts only 8 seconds, you need to make it so that it affects in any case

    In the head 1 second in the body 3 seconds so that the killer would be blinded anyway

    Why do we take a valuable item that can be lost and works only under crooked crutch conditions that the killer should be in the animation and stand straight and look like a moth

    So I agree with you, you need some kind of buff after removing from the hook in the form of haste for 60 seconds until the survivor is healed

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yep. Survivors need much stronger counters to toxic killer plays so much so that it discourages them from even doing it. Another words theres no reward or control gain to be had for playing that way so they won't want to do it. This is a pvp game with a rank up incentive. If you won matches by tunneling down survivors or camping hooks until they die then did you really earn it? And besides all that, I don't think the rank up incentive was a good idea for this game anyway because it encourages people who care about it to play in more aggressive ways. A lot of players just want to have fun in a scary game which is why I think DBD needs more unique game modes.

  • MrMatteo
    MrMatteo Member Posts: 2

    Wanting to punish a killer for tunneling is dumb. As a killer main thats like me saying you should be able to punish survivors for spamming flashlights and t-bagging. If you dont want to get tunneled, (IMO) dont be annoying. I don't like tunneling, but if I come across a survivor who keeps spamming his flashlight on/off by me, t-bags after pallets, does the come here gesture then I try to get that person out of the game simply so I dont have to deal with them anymore. If you already dont do these things then I'm sorry it is what it is; nonetheless, you shouldnt be able to punish or report a killer for tunneling, its how they play. You wouldnt report a FPS person for camping? You just get upset about it like everyone else and figure out a way around it. At the end of the day its a game and both sides are doing whatever they can to win. Not every game is going to be a holly jolly good time.

  • Jaxton2000
    Jaxton2000 Member Posts: 162
    edited November 2021

    I think tunneling is fine, BUT in low mmr or even mid-game mmr tunneling is a REALLY big pain to deal with.

    Most people don't have their perks all set and ready to go to be able to optimally escape tunneling, if you don't have exhaustion perks escaping a tunnel is almost never going to happen.

    Of course you could play as david, or meg or whoever to be able to escape tunneling as much as possible, but people like me wanna play characters they like playing because of the character etc.

    It takes a long time to be able to build your perks up, thus making it difficult to prevent tunneling basically UNTIL late game. (Late game with ranking, you get it) That's a big issue.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    play killer at high mmr and than come back to me🤷🏻‍♂️👍. I play both roles and I don’t complain when I get tunnelled by playing survivor because I know why they do it is because how much killers have to do in a match compared to survivor 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    I used to play killer every night before SBMM. I didn't care that I got obliterated once every 10 matches because I knew it was a casual game and I would most likely win the next one anyway, but due to SBMM every survivor I've come across is so efficient at doing gens that not even slowdown perks can really save you unless you're playing a high mobile/strong killer like Nurse/Billy/Spirit/Blight. Survivors may not be very good at running, but they know how to slam gens and leave ASAP. I barely touch killer nowadays regardless of the time of day because I get non-stop sweaty survivors or efficient survivors as a Pig who doesn't run slowdown/meta perks. It is incredibly boring to play killer nowadays and while I still get bored/frustrated playing survivor, nowadays it is not nearly as unfun as killer is.

    Only way to have fun as killer is to play the unfun/boring killers to go against. The best part of SBMM though is that it doesn't help solo survivors one bit because it still pairs you with survivor who are bad, brand new, or tons of trolls. Game is incredibly unfun for both sides and the only way to actually have any fun nowadays is to play in a SWF.

    The game is not competitive so I still do not understand why SBMM exists and why DC penalties exist. Its supposed to be a fun, horror theme'd party game. I miss the days when I could play Pig and not want to just AFK in a corner or play in an unfun way. So until the devs change matchmaking to not have it be insanely stressful every single match, expect camping/tunneling to be seen a lot more often as it should.

  • Terramortius
    Terramortius Member Posts: 115

    Not replying to this specific message but just trying to ping you.

    Bruh, don't bother posting things like "tunneling or camping needs to stop". Not here at least.

    I just want to put it out there that I 500% agree with you on the fact that it needs to stop but posting it here only riles up the angry mob who loves to follow the crowd and say things like "this game is already so surv sided it's unfair for killers boo hoo" "maybe you just need to get good so killers cannot catch you boo hoo"

    80% of the community in this forum are self entitled people who only tell you that you're wrong without providing reasons or trying to iron the logic out. They provide zero constructive criticism with zero solutions telling you why you are wrong and then add a "git gud" like that's a solution. If git gud was a solution then the whole world would be millionares and the only problem would be finding people to do the farming on the fields.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Therefore, the next step of the developers is to make the survivor unattractive who has just been taken off the hook.

    1) Give him a rush for 60 seconds until he heals

    2) Cure him with a machine gun if the killer decided to chase him

    3) Give him additional immunity to 1 hit

    4) For every second of the chase after this survivor, auto repair of generators in 1%

    Fight against camping

    After hanging the survivor on the hook, give the killer a buff where he can come up and kick the generator with 10% regression with a time of 20 seconds, but if the timer expires, then these 10% will turn into progress on all generators without further regression

    This will be okay as a normal survivor and will be a big disadvantage for camping animals.

  • Gamna
    Gamna Member Posts: 39

    At this current stats, you can't change it, it's a part of the game, sometime it help killers because this is the only play avable, sometimes it sucks (sad for thoses survivors but again that's not against rules) Like BloodLust, BHV said they want to delete it but Killers needs it atm.

    So just wait my friends. Try to avoid it in game, spend much time as possible that's all you can do.

    Don't forget you are not in Killers mind, you try to win like you do. Sometime, you will see someone tunnel for nothing sometime because they want to secure a kill asap.

    Give a buff is not a solution, you will meet only Nurse in this case.

    Nothing more, it's on you and you have items/perks to help you.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    But it's the part of the game I guess. In my 10 matches today I got in 6 matches a tunnel killer. And in 2 a face camper. Billy's are sometimes a little bit mad if you run them for like 5 gens 🙃😂.

    Maybe if you have a good team and they are blocking for you, you can maybe come out. But in my solo experience happens this not really often.

    Sometimes it's a little bit annoying but also a little bit "satisfying".

    It's the game I think. Escaping or not. I really don't care about this. I play for fun and that's it.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    In a sense I do understand what you're talking about. Because I've been on both sides of this "issue". But I think you've missed a key part of the game by making this argument. The killer is a killer; you know this when you hit the "ready button" but you expect them to say "I've hooked you once, and your less than helpful team mate unhooked you injured in front of me so I'll let you go."

    Unfortunately while being tunneled does suck, it's a risk you take when you play the game (especially in Solo which is all I play). The killers job is to reduce survivor numbers as fast as possible by any means necessary. If that means capitalizing on a survivor who went for a bad save by going for the injured one first than so be it. That's what a smart killer does. A smart survivor doesn't unhook their teammate in a bad situation in the first place.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    Nah, get rid of the sweaty perks like Dead Hard/Ruin, make matchmaking a more casual experience for both sides, and fix maps so I don't have to play on ormond, the game, or cowshed with 50 non-mindgameable pallets/windows as a Pig with no slowdown. Game was fun when it wasn't trying to take itself so seriously.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Tunneling and camping in solo q is exactly why I don't believe this game is survivor sided. I literally had a game today where a pinhead facecamped everyone, and considering people don't know how to loop that well on low mmr, the game was over with people making 5k points while the killer makes 20 without effort.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    So you need to nerf the nurse so that there is variety

    And the buff is a way out for the survivor otherwise how to save him

    Your story is so vital that it describes my today's games as a survivor (only camping and tunneling) it is very upsetting

    So it is necessary to give the survivor a hurry so that the killer would spend much more time chasing him than looking for another survivor

    Unfortunately the camping and tunneling is no less with a great mmr

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227
    edited November 2021

    Yes I know. Getting tunneld out or get camped it's sometimes really annoying. Try this out, so your not the first on hook.

    Spine Chill + Windows + Lithe + Iron Will

    I'm playing with this now allot and it's really good.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    Just make BT base kit... it would deal with most of the camping/ tunneling issues; except bubba.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    This topic just screams survivor entitlement. *We used a map offering where we knew we would be unbeatable and oh my god the killer tunneled us*

    I bet you these survivors were group of friends that were T bagging and flashlight clicking and probably got gens done in 5 minutes and now they are here blaming the killer. Also we cant kill the killer even though we should be able to?

    Don't worry killer queues are getting faster and faster while survivor queues are getting longer... keep this up and you'll be hooking your fellow survivors since there will be no one else left to do it.

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    "Efficiency" is a bullshit copout for playing to win in a manner that is ultimately not very fun for most people involved. If SBMM has taught us one thing it's that a majority of players don't enjoy the game at its most efficient levels.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    There is a lot of tunneling and camping and they don't know the word at all - have fun

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I don't care to play survivor or killer at high mmr. I don't care about rank. I don't care about being a master at the game. I want the rank incentive in this game to go away. I want a non ranked mode where the only incentive is to have fun and get some jump scares from the killers. I don't care why they do it. The reason is irrelevant to the frustration and unfairness it causes to the survivor.

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281
    edited November 2021

    if tunelling gens are fine for survivors then it's ok to tunnel and hang them

    Post edited by sadakiyo on
  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2021

    Yes, the more mmr, the more offended and evil killers

    Only camping and tunneling so these animals deserve a flashlight click and squat

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    Your name is literally Kate main… but if you want to be quite scared of the killers stop nerfing them to the ground go to VHS or propnight if you wanna play a game that you want to have no rank of challenge just for fun 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Gamna
    Gamna Member Posts: 39


    You don't understand my friend, it's a vicious cycle atm, play Killer and try to not tunnel or camp most of ur trials you will not be rewarded (Im not tell you this is good)

    A killer need to do a mess in less than 5mins or its over, most killers cant do it, so yeah some people do thoses strat because it's easier. More simple to deals against 3 survivors than 4. Like I said, this is a part of the game, try ur best to avoid it, sometime u can't and thats sucks but nothing u cant do, at least if ur team can get out.

    This is like a child game, more people do quick trial so less time to killers to enjoy chases, so I guess they respond like this. Killers needs around 8/9mins to barely pip or win a trial and gens flies in less than 5mins. (But 3survivors is hard to win against a good killers so thats why I things balance is tricky)

    Takling about balance, people talk about queue time, few people know about 2016 dbd who survivors need to wait +30mins to find a trial because Killers was so poor and weak (less than current state) so nerfing Nurse is not a great idea (and they don't want to change her because they like how she is) And you can't ask everything you want (save and escape as 4 everytime), like a pvp game. Your ennemi want/share the same goal.

    + quick game =/= get a pip (you can do 4k and dont pip like survivor btw you can escape and keep ur grade xD) to me a win is a pip. I don't care if I died as survivor and as Killer I prefer to have more time and prioritize hooks before kills. BHV said 2k is a balance game, I'm not think this is right (or maybe, I dont know xD) but if someone facecamp and get 2K this isnt a balance game, DbD dont reward those kind of play (grade will not up or down just 0pip every trial)

    Killers and Survivors are humans man, people responds the same way, people play dirty or meta so they will do the same. You have been bully or facecamp, you will do like a vengence next trial (most people)

    Maybe change some goals or maps I don't know, to me I prefer to have little maps because move to a point A to B to looking for survivors when ur play killer is just a wait of time, trials are quick so lets be it.

    Just wait and see.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
    edited November 2021

    Oh no...l don't like that some players have other idea of playing the game than my made up rules...

    Hmmm should I equip perks to counter the thing I dislike, for example Kindred or DS and just watch and laugh at them getting genrushed when trying to tunnel me?

    No, better to cry on the forum and not use the tools I am given.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Well, let the killers have a choice in the perks

    Survivors only have 4 perks

    You guys are great (no)

    Don't forget your red noses clowns

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've decided to quit the game if something isn't done about camping and tunneling soon. Its not worth the frustration and having to go through the unfair advantage killers have of getting kills and points they don't deserve because they decided to play in a toxic way. These playstyles have to be recognized as things that have no place in this game or its just going to make more survivor players frustrated with the game. I've tried to be patient and hope that something would be done to greatly discourage killer players from doing this but they still do it all too often and I am done with it. I'm not going to go into 2022 and keep playing this game if killer players continue to do this. I've had my fun (and lack thereof) but its not worth continuing something that causes me this much frustration every single time I play the game. I want to see change that greatly discourages killers from camping and tunneling. If it doesn't happen soon, I'm moving on.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Well they did change the old ebony moris which were so incredibly unfair. I was very close to quitting back then too until they were changed. I'm not sure how long they were like that in the game but I know they were there when I started playing around 2 years ago. If they are willing to make changes like that then I think they can do something about this too. Time will tell. All I know is I don't want to be a part of this anymore if this is going to continue to be the norm. I've been tunneled to death I think 4 times tonight already and have only been playing for a couple hours. Its out of control.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,851

    Goodbye. I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for in another game.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yea I'm actually willing to wait more than 5 minutes for hopeful change regarding this. Do I think it will happen? Probably not. But like I said, I don't see myself playing this game much longer if something isn't done about camping and tunneling. And don't take my word so lightly. I've quit games before that haven't even crossed my mind for years. If you don't think I won't quit this one too then you're wrong. Camping and tunneling is a problem. I am not the only person that feels this way. It is causing some survivor players to not want to play the game as much because I personally know people like this.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    If I quit it won't be because I found something better in another game. It will be because this game is no longer fun for me to play due to the toxic play styles of many killer mains. I won't need to replace it to make this decision. That isn't the point. I'd rather this game get better and something be done to greatly discourage killers from doing these things.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    There's nothing wrong with camping and tunneling. Fun is subjective. Subjectivity shouldn't impact the objective balance of a game, which is what most people want from this game. Feel free to leave, noone is stopping you, I'd say it would be better if you left

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Just a friendly reminder that tunneling is in fact toxic and is ruining this game for many survivors. I can't imagine any who are ok with this are in the majority. Saying there is nothing wrong with it proves ignorance on the subject and a severe biasness. I have seen so many people mention tunneling as a reason they either hate this game or simply don't want to play it anymore. It has to stop. It needs to stop. Something has to be done about this.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Aren't all your posts biased in the Survivors favor? Kind of a weird thing for you to say

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    You're mistaking fair opinions and suggestions as biasness. That is you being bias by the way.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I've never seen an objective, non biased opinion from you. Either crying for unnecessary Killer Perk nerfs or unnecessary Survivor buffs