Slugging is now a dead strat!



  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Now that seems seriously concerning, I hope developers DO fix it based on PTB shenanigans unlike ridiculous things like boilover.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    This is going to make playing against aggressive SWFs a nightmare. Slugging was the only counter for groups of survivors gathering for a pallet/flashlight save, sabotage, oak and mass bodyblocking, stuff like Boil Over... hell, even DS baiting was countered by slugging. That's all dead now and I don't know what killers can reasonably be expected to do against aggressive strats now.

    Especially when every survivor's going to be picking themselves up in 22 seconds now.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    All this is telling me is that this entire new system was a terrible idea and vastly more exploitable than the existing lay of things.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    I never said it was easy. I said there would be nothing to stop a killer from doing this if they wanted to. It is also not impossible for Blight and Nurse, and I see a lot of Blight.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    We're going in circles here. It doesn't matter that it's only marginally better than the yellow Mori, I'd rather not have the system to begin with, but I just don't see BHVR scrapping it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I've always been of the opinion that base kit yellow Mori was all that was needed as far as the Mori system.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    I'm verbose as hell and struggle with a need to quantify everything as best I can, so I got a special place in my heart for criticism that cuts like this: elegant, deep, damn near beautiful.

    It's poetry.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Which is where they said they WANTED the game to be at.

    But now that Slugging's gone, that escape rate is gonna jump right back up.

    Everybody loves rubberbands for goal posts, right?

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    I on the whole don't like the sound of these changes and I expect them to break the game in multiple places. As some people already mentioned poor twins is getting particularly shafted. Anti Slugging is something the game probably needs but this is not how I think it should be addressed and it is not as big of an "issue" as face-camping is at the moment.

    Slugging is a valid strat it just needs to not have this toxic air around it with people being forced to wait and bleed out for several minutes. I think leaving No Mither, Soul Guard and Unbreakable as hard counters is good. The way I'd address this is buff all 3 of those perks (especially No Mither) and then make it so if all remaining survivors are on the ground or hooked for more than 20 seconds only THEN does this base kit Unbreakable kick in. Also the luck system needs a complete rework but that's another topic.

    But anyway I still think face-camping needs to be addressed FIRST. Face camping should basically mean 9/10 times you only get a 1k. It should be debuffed and destroyed such that getting more than a 1k with a survivor who isn't DCing on hook (doing the right thing and buying time for their team. Those who DC against face-campers are why they can get 3 or 4ks pretty often) is basically impossible against 3 survivors who are smart. And proxy camping should be effected by whatever changes these would be as well, maybe not as harshly (somehow).

    The Mori changes also seem kinda lame? If a killer wants to do a funni Devour Hope build and try and Mori everyone they should be allowed. I like the Mori cutscene idea but I don't think it should REPLACE the Mori system. I think that you should just always be allowed OPTIONALLY to Mori the last survivor (maybe last standing instead of last in the match? And that would end the match in the vain of what this change is suggesting? No probably not I really just don't like it) basekit (with it moving to a preset part of a map and all) and they just have every 2 Cypress Memento Moris turn into 1 Ivory Memento Mori and if you have an odd number you get 2000 blood points refunded off the top.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    If I have to explain to you why leaving a survivor on the ground for an entire bleed out is toxic then I don't think it'll even matter because clearly you see no issue with it. Killers without this change could basically ignore the hook objective entirely and just get 2 hits per survivor and win the game. It quickly shifts the advantage to the killer by simply ignoring the hook. The only thing this change does is encourage killers to hook survivors. For people that have a problem with that, you probably were part of the problem that brought about this change to begin with.

    I'm glad they're taking steps to address toxic playstyles in this game. My friends who quit awhile back over things like this may actually be interested in playing the game again now.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    Slugging is the lesser of evils in my solo queue nightmare. I'd rather more effective tunneling punishments and face camping restrictions and such, but I don't have many problems with a basekit Unbreakable. Maybe a couple changes?

    Make it so Unbreakable doesn't recover you 100% quicker. Maybe 75% or 50%. Maybe play around with diminishing returns.

    Pause Oni/Myers/Plague powers while they pick up a survivor and carry them to a hook and allow the timer to continue when the hook animation completes.

    Twins can burn in the Entity's hell for all I care.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,412
    edited September 2022

    The issue isn't slugging. The issue is the problems the Finishing Mori will create in game that only basekit Unbreakable can counter. The two go hand in hand. Basekit Unbreakable is the bandaid solution to a new endgame mechanic that nobody asked for, and that has the potential to make hooking a secondary goal when it's supposed to be the primary goal. Basekit Unbreakable is about forcing killers to hook. The whole thing is just a mess of an idea

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Maybe not but that's now how everyone wants to think of these changes. I don't like this new Mori as is, and I do see how basekit unbreakable is supposed to extend matches that could otherwise go really quickly with this new mechanic with slugging. What I really think they should do is remove the basekit unbreakable and make Cypress Memento Mori basekit along with this "moves the mori to a set part of the map" idea specifically for when you kill the LAST survivor.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    When I get home today, I want to start practicing running face camps in Buba as soon as possible.

    This is because it requires more technique than pressing and holding the repair button on the generator or pressing and holding unbreakable to get up for free. I've rarely run face camp in Buba at all before, so I'm excited to see how it goes.

    Instead of 2 kills and 2 escapes, it will be 1 kill and 3 escapes and I will be a bad killer player and will get a lot of abuse. But I will persevere. From now on I will admit more that I am a bad player and enjoy this game.

    ...... Yeah, I'm just kidding. I keep coming up with ideas to calm me down.

    I like DbD. But I hate BHVR.

  • Deoblo
    Deoblo Member Posts: 27

    Guys, this is simply them testing the waters. The same waters they have been giving their consumers for quite some time now. Their spokesmen defend the decisions being made, regardless of what the player base thinks. Their attitude is "if you don't like it, play another game". Saddens me because this game had the potential to be GREAT! Oh well. Life goes on.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Slugging is equivalent to hooking. Your just not gaining a hook state.

    So in many situations slugging is better for the survivor than being hooked.

    Even if we add in the loss of the ability of ds or bt the statement above is correct.

    Its a bad change. No doubt about it.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Did they forget about how some killers powers revolve around slugging ie myers and oni

    Ffs just nerf the nurse already instead of giving roundabout solutions that won't work on her but said solutions nerfs other killers

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited September 2022

    She got buffed tho. If she gets everyone in any combination of downed/hooked/dead within 45 seconds she wins the match on the spot. Its a buff to her since she's going to have the easiest time doing it in pretty much every configuration, and it'll completely skip any and all comeback factors that would be able to counter it unless they get used to prevent it within that window. Cheers!

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    That's the funny thing they failed to nerf her by actually buffing her with this change

    It's like bhvr wants every killer to be nurse

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited September 2022

    Its par for the course. Thana nerf was done because of two killers, and it made them the only two killers who even get any value out of the perk after the nerf. They don't know how to handle extreme outliers and just raze things to the ground without noticing (or caring) the problem was the only thing that survived.