Why you give more bloodpoints to the survivors?



  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121

    This happens every time there is an event, whether you look at it before or after the matchmaking change.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Then you are not realy a killer main. We killer mains are here for the blood!....you know...actual.... virtual blood. Not bloodpoints :-S

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Riddick yes, the 200% bonus led to 45+ minute queues on survivor side. I remember this, because before the introduction of the Huntress and David King, i was a Killer main. After that, i switched to survivor. More points, less stress.

    Many killer mains did the same. That´s what we want to prevent. We had some good dev decisions and some poorly thought out decisions. All we want, is to prevent the later one.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    But survivors are aredy more desirable than killer.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Actually no, the reason I feel this way is because on average survivors will most likely earn more than killers with these changes which I don't necessarily mind but in turn that will increase the amount of items they can stockpile and will probably see an increase in instaheals and keys you see on average in games.

    While killers on the other hand will have to use up all their add ons in every trial and could have to go trough multiple bloodwebs to get a good built back. It's already hard enough to play a lot of the killers because of their reliance on add ons that are hard to come by.

    If they're increasing the gain for survivors the least they can do is reduce the price of add ons for killers to help balance the scales.

  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121

    As long as grind is lessened, I'm all for it. Add-ons are a must have for killers indeed.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @White_Owl Exactly. Why would some players make this a "survivors vs. killers" thing? I'd assume most of us play both roles (albeit not 50/50%). And currently, a good killer match gives me more bloodpoints than a good match as surv.

    If increasing BP for survivors would influence the queue times badly, the devs could always implement a feature where the at that moment lesser-played role gets bonus points.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I really bothered reading the whole thread. But as i said in my first comment, i agree with @DocOctober since he´s the admin of the DbD Wiki, he has some more perspective.

    People should really play both sides extensively and not only some rank 20 matches to proof their point.

    I would post the end stats of my last survivor matches. But i doubt that would somehow change your mind, since you are adamant on survivors earning lesser points.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
    edited July 2019

    The state of the rush of gens is currently a big problem, I am a very experienced player, rank 1, and I find bad players, those bad players make me goals in 5 minutes of departure, I can not do anything, I do not want to play toxic, My way of playing is legal, I do not want to distribute toxicity by camping or tunneling.

    With this I mean that, if you are going to change the points, encourage other things, and reduce the points that an engine can give, since it is crazy as people repair and give respite to the killers ...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @TAG it was mentioned as a short comment in a dev stream like 2 years ago. I´m not going through 100+ hours of dev streams to find that one...

    Did something similar ages ago to proof that face camping doesn´t exist anymore (dev quote). Never again.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    I'm probably the first to mention those trials "everyone performs kinda well enough" in with all survivors earning about the same or more as the killer. Ive had enough of those myself. But if the killer gets less points than the survivors "its the killers fault if he performs #########", right?

    I cant decide if i want them to implement the survival score the easy or the smart way, wouldnt it be hillarious if survivors got a 10 bp warning every 15 sevconds of survival. Dont get me wrong, survivors needed something like that. But Bloodpoints for just standing around sound as "earned" as the reunited bonus. I hope ther will be some restrition to getting those points .

    Whwt irks me the wrong way is probably the item related new scores. 99'ing an item in will return your investment if you escape. If they boost for example the item heal, you return more than you invested (although slowly,but let me have my paranoid hysteria)

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Well, how am I supposed to just assume it's true? Without something of substance to go on, it seems like "It's true. Trust me."

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @TAG the admin of the DbD Wiki might have some more interest in everything that going around in DbD, than the averange person.

    Just a thought.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @TAG If a killer can end one game in 15 (with Q) that's mean that the killer can play 4 game per hour, if the survivor can end a game in 10 ( with Q) that;s mean they can play 6 6 games per hour. Let's say that the average BP for killer is 20-22K ( without BBQ) and survivors is 13-14Kthat's mean that the survivor only make 1-2 K less than the killer. So tell me is this so gif the diffrent so they devs need to give free points to the survivors ?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Saitamfed I understand that the survivor role has to be more attractive to players than the killer role, in order to keep the 4vs1 balance up. This thinking led to the introduction of WGLF. The devs thought it would be a great idea, to boost survivor points. But they didn´t expect killers to switch to survivor.

    I´m not against more points per se. I´d prefer something like a special item that gives permanent exhaution or slows repair speed, or reduces the distance survivors hear the terror radius, etc. Just something that makes the game a little harder, but in exchange grants a 100% bonus points. Just like Padded Traps for the Trapper do. Something that requires some effort, and gives a bonus.

    If they just increase the amount, to get for example 50% more points than now, then people will play more survivor. Just to farm faster. Which is intended, but might be a little to tempting. It´s a difficult thing and the balance could easily tip towards one side.

    I simply doubt, that the devs can easily adjust the numbers. Why? Because they failed with the last event, where survivors got firecrackers instead of cakes. Something like this happend on various occations in the past and it sure will repeat in the future.

    The grinding should be reduced anyway. Since most perks/addons that give bonus points, give them during the match. Which is just ridiculous.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    @Tsulan yes I understand. I started playing the game after the WGLF problem. And about the firecrackers, you're right ,I mean they gave some cakes of course but the fact is that nobody uses the frecrackers because you don't have a "special reward" for using them. Is hard to balance this game because players want to think that they are winning something in their matches and not losing their times in order to get something that is hardly call a benefit (that's why a lot of people likes RPG's but hate the farming system even if they are being used to it). And about the add-ons is not a bad idea to make the game interesting.

    We need to mention that there is a huge gap between friends playing against a killer and solo survivors playing in a team wich makes harder to balance the bloodpoint gains. 

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    I mean if you didn't super-sonic and do gens and tried to you know extend the game you would have more points. Games that are rushed when I play killer I generally get around 15-20k points. In many cases survivors are roughly 5k lower than this because not doing totems <3 we can leave it there. However, an extended match I have had full sets of 20k+ to the max on all of us with only a few thousands difference. Which is really how much you did during that match. The balance of bloodpoints is dependent on how the match went specifically. If you get tunneled out early ofc you don't get that many points. You were not around. If killers deny healing points by tunneling you reduce the other team's points. However, if survivors rush through gens you also ruin the killer's point gain as there is not enough time to get the hooks, and damage points. Having longer matches rather than pot-peddling points seems to be an all around better solution.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    It's pretty telling to claim there's evidence for something and push the burden of proof onto someone else. Why even bother when you're not contributing?

    Also, for the OP, since apparently Peanits' first post wasn't enough: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/538121#Comment_538121

    And Steam data right now:

    How close is that to a 1:4 ratio? You can wind up a survivor queue on your own too. Time how fast it is to get into and start a lobby as survivor vs killer.

  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121

    First of all, thank you for the information. Secondly, how does one get this info from Steam? I've seen people showing similar things but I have no idea how you extract it. @Visionmaker

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Visionmaker I, too, am curious how you got that information, since, to the best of my knowledge, no tracking system differentiates between roles in any multiplayer game.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,316

    Suggestion for changes. Escaping gives 8000 bloodpoints instead of 5000 on survival. Increase bloodpoint gains for completing a generator(2x), such as that complete 2 whole generators grants max bloodpoint. Healing other players gives more bloodpoints(2x as much) so if you safety unhook 2 people and heal 2 people, it grants near max bloodpoints. Boldness points for chasing is ok, however stealth bonus is very low so it should give more for stealth a killer.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Funny how you say that killers should´nt play anymore, if they don´t enjoy the role. Right after pointing out, that the devs need to make survivors more appealing.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    This guy in one reply has got more up votes than I have overall...

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2019

    Are you serious? If anything this is a good change

    Rank up for Survivors is too hard on higher Rank ,as a Rank 1 killer u have to wait a ridiculous amount of queue time. Its just not worth it, hence i Derank back to 15 to fight noobs. There is too little Rank 1 Survivors around, compared to the amount of Rank 1 Killers

    Even the top streamer from the UK had to wait 10 minutes, that tells you something is WRONG

    Survivors always get lower bloodpoints than Killers, this is a fact

    more people play survivors the better, less queue time as Killer

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @TheBean I'll admit, I used to state that I found Survivor boring, but I also came to realize I was going about it wrong. I was simply trying to GenRush (the main objective) and not doing Totems, chests, heals, et cetera.

    Now, that said, I'm still grinding out a hell of a lot of teachable Perks. So, naturally I run Killers with BBQ, which is generally easy to get at least three stacks in, if not all four. If they adjust the BP gain on Survivors, I'd gladly play both sides more. I'm a killer main right now, but even that gets boring after a week or two, so I end-up not playing at all and migrating back to Overwatch.

    Given the grind I still have to do, Survivors definitely need more BP so I can split my time better in DBD.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    No one say that survivors don't need more BP i just say why you give them free.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Considering the original intent behind giving killers (on average) more BP was to help with the constant upkeep of spent BP for add-ons vs survivors who can get free items/add-ons in match, what changes to killer economy will we see?

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Killer is already fairly easy to get decent blood points. In most games I average 20k. Add on bbq and I'm up to 40. I'd have to play extremely well to equal that as a survivor. Also added bp is good for everyone. Lessened grind, quicker lobbies, and more enjoyment overall.

    To the OP's original point, I do feel killers are a bit over taxed to get good addons. My suggestion is to make it so a killer can keep addons based on performance. Either through pips or kills. 1 pip you keep your cheaper of the two addons. Two pips you keep both. With the kill version a 3k you keep the cheaper addon. With a 4k you keep both.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    That wouldn't work since the rarer add-ons make it easier to get more kills in themselves. Against any team that isn't complete potato, your rarest add-ons would be virtually permanent.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    The only problem with this is that killers with top tier addons would consistently get 4ks. Think Prayer Beads or Insta-hatchets. Hard to play around Ultra rare addons when all but medkit addons on survivor are basically trash...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I agree! Survivor isn't stressful at all. That's why I mainly play solo survivor.

    But I really don't understand why people think that survivors get less points than killers.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    i really need that "lol" reaction again.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Because they do...? As a killer I get close to the 32k cap pretty frequently. As survivor an amazing game will only get you to mid 20k if youre very lucky.

    People seem to say that survivors can just jump from game to game but the killer has to wait until the end, etc. What about the games where you play as survivor until the end? Only to get a fraction of the killers BP. No one is asking for survivors to get more BP per game than the killer. All anyone is asking is for survivors to get an equivalent amount of BPs to that of killers.