Why you give more bloodpoints to the survivors?



  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    But bias is a meme. :p Even though anyone can be biased.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    That's exactly what makes it obvious they are survivor-mains though: their inability to see the different significance those words have for killers. Imprecise words, imprecisely used, like 'bias' are survivor-speak too.

    I'm not biased; I'm partisan. Someone who is biased is unaware, in denial or hiding their sympathies and their lens is distorted as a result. I can't be accused of any of these: I'm completey aware that my start-point is always that of a killer-main. Survivors accuse killers of bias all the time because they think killers are like themselves; that they're just survivors with survivor-thinking, who happen to have chosen Team Killer instead of Team Survivor.

    This is why survivors give killers opinions we don't have, words we didn't say and thoughts we don't think, as you have done, repeatedly.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    I mean, to be completely fair and to be completely honest, I believe and everyone else believes probably that is a survivor main, that they think that and believe that, ok ill stop. It's really depressing to be on the survivor side and average around 20-25k BPS with a really good game. BP in generally should be buffed and those pesky add-ons that are 75% for this category should just become worse escape cakes.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Bloodpoints ARE fair! If you are as long in the match as the killer and get 10k points less than him, then you hugged the gen and did nothing to earn those points.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    If you lose your item to Franklin's, then either go back to where you lost it or don't stand at the exit teabagging.

    Just leave the match. The killer won't hit you and you'll keep your item.

    I'm not asking for chests. Since the killer already has to much stress. But there should be a way to let killers gain addons.

    Maybe a perk that gives killers the addon equivalent of what items survivors are carrying. They could add requirements to further reduce camping. So both sides would benefit.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109


    @Tsulan thoughts on this? My idea is that the opposite side of the basement where the survivor's chest didn't spawn this would spawn. This makes it so basement hooks have value. Not only this obtaining the addon/interaction with alter/chest would be quick. Could be similar to a gate channel as killer.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    If someone loses their item teabagging a killer with Frankilins then they totally earned that loss. There's dozens of variables that contribute to survivors not getting to keep their items/addons which is why it's not a fair argument to why killers deserve to earn twice the bp. Like i said though, i don't think anyone would have an issue with killers having a way to earn more/keep their addons. I am all for fairness which is why i'm all for bridging the bp gap.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Being aware of my distorted-view means I can compensate for it. You can't, as is evidenced by your inability to entertain the idea that a person saying 'I play both sides' is not being honest. Most people who play both sides do not ever feel the need to declare it; only people trying to be persuasive but not be questioned need to do so.

    Thank you again though for giving me opinions I do not have. It's all you can do.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    Look survivors gain almost the same BP as the killer ( without BBQ) but not per game but per hour. Think that way what is your average BP as a survivor and as the killer. Then think that a survivor you can play 4-6 games per hour but the killer can only play 3-4 games. But if for some reason you think you need to have more point as a survivor then :

    As a survivor, your main objective is to escape so you need to do 5 gens and open one of 2 doors if we say you only need to escape then you need to just do 5 gens and open 1 door ( 6 things only). As the killer, the main objective you have is to kill the survivors in order to do it you have to protect 7 gens if you fail on the 2 doors and kill 4 survivors so we are looking 6-9 objectives. But let's say you do everything this means 5 gens 2 doors 5 totems and 6 unhook total 18. Comper to the killer that they have to protect 7 gens and 2 doors and hook 12 times the survivors total 21 and i don't count the hex totems.

    P.S. The problem is not the amount of BP the devs will give the survivors but the fact that will be free BP

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Bloodpoints per hour? Where are you even pulling that data from? If its due to the killer queues than the proposed changes to survivor Bloodpoints would lower killer queues (and likely increase survivor queues). Most games I play the survivors last roughly the same length (unless tunneling/camping) and I think that if both killers and survivors are playing the same length and doing work for that time they should be rewarded similarly.

    As survivor, if I max Altruism, Objective, and get a good chunk into boldness and escape I get almost 10k under the killers points for a good game.

    If I'm killer and just mucking about with the survivors and one leaves I can still get a 32k cap (which I honestly dont understand how without a 4k but its been happening for me).

    If as killer I 4k early I get a decent amount of points. If I play survivor and escape without anyone being hooked or injured I get almost nothing.

    I'm not saying (and nobody here is) that survivors need a 100% increase in Bloodpoints. But its clear that a rework to how bloodpoints are gained is necessary (and necessary to both sides - its hard to get deviousness points on some killers and dont get me started on chase points on Spirit/Billy).

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    First of all the killer have to stay all the way at the end of the game and we know that a normal game will last around 13-15 minutes ( as survivor you can die in the first minute and go to the next game ). If you max to categories that's mean you have 16k point and sense in order to have those point that mean the killer do very good job on killing you. I don't know how you can make 32k with one survivor DC but good for you. Yes you obviously you will not get any point if the killer is but and can even hit you. Lastly I never say we don't want survivors to get the same amount of BP as the killer but you need to make so it will not be FREE.