Why LGBT is so important?

What do you think guys, why LGBT is so important for the devs, because of the equality what it represents or because of the profit? If it would not be a trend right now, the devs would make stand for it?
Because the devs support the LGBT community and some of their employees are LGBT themselves. Just a wild guess.
And yes, profit is also relevant. They're a company, saying they do something for profit is like saying the ocean is salty; it adds nothing to the discussion.
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Okay, but what is the main reason? Profit or supporting?
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I know people will think me naïve for saying this, but I'd say supporting. At best, it's 50/50.
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Well Behaviour is a huge company and a company supporting pride month makes it look like a respectful professional company. So yes I guess it is for support.
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Good point, Orion. Off topic btw, I admire you very much for your integrity in this forums. always quick, on point and respectful responses! I am glad that this community has people like you :)
And regarding the LGBT, I somehow think that the devs know that a part of this community includes LGBT people, and just want to make this game as enjoyable for anyone as it can be. The same thing applies to the characters released after Jeff too, you can see that the devs started making survivors more diverse and not as lifeless as before.
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just saying that there are LGBT characters is fine there are over 40 of them so it's not impossible and as a member of the LGBT community i am glad they did not tell us who is LGBT with a tweet but will make it come up more organically like in the archives though i would have preferred it if they did this before pride month which dose make it look suspect. i don't want a repeat of what blizzard did with overwatch where they built up a character with a lot of lore over a few years and then just tape the fact they are LGBT with a christmas comic out of nowhere with no prior indication. the characters of DBD are vague enough with minimalistic lore that there is an opportunity to write it in well to make compelling characters with relatable stories as long as being LGBT is not just there defining feature.
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more of a marketing strategy, just like saying that spongebob is gay, despite it doesn't make any sense.
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Actually you'd be surprised- BHVR isn't that huge. They have, like, 500 employees. Not 500 people for DBD, 500 employees- that's the marketing, PR, HR, devs, devs for other games (they make quite a few mobile games), according to their website they offer free hot meals to all staff so I'd guess catering staff too. In comparison to a lot of other companies BHVR is pretty small.
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Thank you.
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Oh I didn't know that, thanks for clarifying!
But my point still stands, any company would look respectful and professional if they support any kind of movement regardless of how big or small they are.
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I'd definitely say that it's for the community, seeing as there's crap going down in the recent times. Plus, that kinda thing does bring more profit on its own I'd imagine, so I don't see why they shouldn't.
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I dont think, companies actually care, I mean the first question on the DBD questionaire is/was "are you female or male?" If they were all into this fluid gender stuff they wouldnt ask that question first. Majority of people do not care about all this stuff, it is such a tiny percentage of players and people in society that its negotiable if its even done for money, its more of a good guy badge. They released pride emotes etc,.... it makes people forget that game they lo9ve so much, is actually a corporation paying dividends to shareholders and the owners.
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A company itself can't stand for anything, its the people that matter. Knowing the handful of devs, I believe they honestly support the LGBT Community.
So the question really is, if the majority of the employee's support the community and its a plus for the company to say it does as a whole. Then why wouldn't you. As @Orion Said
They're a company, saying they do something for profit is like saying the ocean is salty; it adds nothing to the discussion.
So the question comes down to, do the employee's support the LGBT community and like I said I can't speak for them all, but I suspect most if not all do.
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If they purely wanted it for the profit, they would have decided to do it earlier I think. They made a statement after community feedback asking for it that they don’t want to do it. They just changed this statement now because they have contradicted themselves and the community made them aware of it.
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Yeah without a doubt.
I do honestly think BHVR care- or care than most other corporations, purely for the fact they're showing their support in more than one way. They've released a statement, have said they'll give support to Hoodstock (a BLM charity in Montreal), have made Pride emotes free for everyone to use (and properly commisioned them so they did spend proper money on them), have said they're also planning to make BLM emotes, and their lore is pretty diverse and inclusive.
All power to BHVR, if this is just for profit you're making a lot of right calls.
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I don't understand any of this (and am happy to be educated about it) - why does the sexual orientation matter? It's not like the game revolves around making these kinds of life choices... it's about survival. Running from a killer! Where exactly is it relevant to wonder whether character X likes boys, girls, or boys and girls, etc? How does that effect gameplay?
And particularly on the subject of identification with the characters, how about this? We have multiple white characters, multiple black characters, and multiple oriental characters (if I can use that term), both in male and female varients. Where are the South-Asian-esque characters? People of a polynesian, or indian/middle-eastern background, where is their representation? When I play the game, there is literally no character that even comes close to resembling me in appearance - if it's about representation, surely this should be addressed first, before addressing factors that aren't even a part of the gameplay?
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Sexual orientation doesn't matter, it's just another piece of lore. If you don't read the lore, it won't affect you.
There are only so many survivors in the game and over 200 independent territories. It might take a while before they cover every region on the globe. Be patient.
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Yeah, I don't buy the territory thing. Diversity is easy enough if you stop duplicating models/regions.
We got multiple white males, white females, black males, oriental females. It'd be really easy to add more diversity if you stop duplicating what you already have. One model can look like nearly enough a massive range if you choose something generic enough.
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We've got survivors from Lebanon, China, Japan, Sweden, and (presumably) Korea, among other regions. In fact, other than licensed characters, the devs have made survivors from multiple countries.
Each model is different, it's not as easy as you think.
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They didn’t they they would add a char for every possible sexual orientation or gender or what.
they merely stated they might add the themes in the lore and will not restrict themselves anymore in this regard.
its not about representing every possible individual. But they have said they won’t add anything LGBT (or straight) but they never restricted themselves with ethnicities or anything else.
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It is a company, of course everything is about profit. If they did support it despite of profit they would be supporting it from day one. People who think otherwise are naive. Period.
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I'm pretty sure they let you choose non-binary or other, though.
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I'm openly gay, I was thinking the same, until they said on Twitter to their homophobe players to leave the game.
We will have no answer to this question, but I can say that in the video game universe, it's rare to speak about LGBT community, so it's great, but we can't deny the profit they make, the new players who comes because of that, etc...
But I'm sure of one think, despite the profit, dbd seems real supportive to us, and not fake supportive for only profit.
I would say... It's both!
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not the last time I took one they may have changed it since, but it was male or female at one time. ;)
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The thing about asking if it's profit or real concern is that it's a false dichotomy. All companies care about profit, that's how capitalism works. That's not mutually exclusive with caring about certain causes.
If people had to work full-time without pay to support a cause, almost nobody would do it, just the ones that could afford to work without pay and cared about the cause. That doesn't mean that the people working full-time with pay just care about the money, it means that they need the money as well as support the cause.
Money and principle aren't mutually exclusive. My boyfriend and I hope to be full-time researchers in our fields because we like research, but we also expect to be paid for it because we still need money to live.
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Eh, they just made a statement and that's it. We haven't really seen how it's gonna be implemented, so I don't know why it became such a big deal here in the forum.
Although to answer the OP, I try not to put too much emphasis on intention. Say, if a company donates to a charity, does it really matter why they're doing it? Better to help unwillingly than to willingly not help.
But again, BHVR really hasn't done anything yet.
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It's why I think it's both!
Thanks for your arguments, I'm not English I can't explain like that 👀
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I'm not English either, just FYI.
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I Googled "FYI" I find "For your information" and "Fu** you idiot" I'm laughing so hard
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I think you're missing the point I'm trying to make. Let's take Feng and Yui as examples. Do you not think that a person who identifies closely to one could also identify with the other? They're ethnically similar and not that far apart to the extent where other regions are completely non-existent.
You've got Tapp and Adam, again, same question? Is it too much to imagine that anyone who identifies with one couldn't identify with another?
And now consider this at the same time as asking, what possible survivor could someone from a Mid-Eastern background identify with? There's well over 20 characters, and not a single one that comes close here. And yes, I get that some come from licences so are fixed in their nature to a degree, but that doesn't mean that non-licenced characters need to duplicate them.
If we're talking about representation of players, I would argue that making a more ethnically diverse cast would cover a lot more representation and do much more in this regard, rather than forcing in some LGBT backstory which has absolutely zero effect on any aspect of the gameplay itself and appears to only exist as a token gesture.
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It's the first one. I didn't even know the second one was a thing.
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I know it's the first one, I just was thinking for a second "maybe he said Fu** u idiot because I'm French" lol
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Given the history between China and Japan, no, I don't believe one could identify with the other.
Where exactly do you think Lebanon is? It borders Syria and Israel, for crying out loud.
Ethnicity also has zero impact on gameplay and is more difficult to implement than a simple pronoun in a character's backstory saying they had a same-sex partner.
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Just for money.
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You are missing the point. They might very well add more ethnicities, and they actually do (see Zarina). But the characters are so much more than only their ethnicity. Min is a pro-gamer, lone wolf, while Yui is the leader of a female-only biker gang that cares deeply for others. Why should there only be one of them? (Plus you were basically saying Chinese and Japanese don’t have differences, which is totally incorrect)
Adding LGBT does not stop adding a more diverse ethnicity cast. And they will not force in those themes (why would you think that??). They actually said there is at least 1 LGBT char already in the cast and with the tomes they would need to restrict themselves from mentioning past relationships etc. It is also only affecting the lore.
so while representation is nice to have, this has (almost) nothing to do with it.
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I'm sorry...
"Makes no sense"... Not even alittle???
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Yeah, I get the feeling we all knew Spongebob was gay. This is like that guy in high school who's always trying to prove how much of a man he is and constantly calling everyone else gay coming out after graduation.
We always knew, Steve. We always knew.
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All I gotta say is the lack of awareness of the history between China and Japan... and the use of the "O" term... YIKES.
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It became a "big deal" because BHVR stated over and over again that the characters are whatever you want them to be and they didn't write them with any sexuality or identity in mind. Then they went against this, and have made a statement acknowledging that they have being writing the characters as straight the whole time. Which is kind of a big deal to some of us, because we were basically lied to just so they wouldn't have to "deal" with it or take a stance on anything. But if anyone was surprised by "they are whatever you want them to be" as "they are written heterosexual" then I dunno what to say.
It makes sense, because the basic/norm is heterosexual(and cis) that's why so many people ask if any characters are gay or trans or what have you. No one asks if any of them are straight because we all assume if it is not stated otherwise, even when being stated as "a blank slate", that they are straight. Its just how our society is and BHVR tried to take the easy way out but have finally admitted that they just weren't trying, so for some people that's a big deal and looks like damage control. lol
I'm not even upset about any of this, I saw it coming. So it'll be good if they try to change it up but I dunno. If I don't get my "David is gay" and "Kate + Jeff is totally real guyz" I'm going to riot. I NEED my ships and headcanon to be real. ngl
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As much as this is something to celebrate and support in real life. If treated incorrectly this could kill the game. All I've been hearing of lately is "Who is the most LGBT character?", "Should we get LGBT cosmetics?", "Should we be able to switch genders of certain characters?"
Just think for a moment, say they do make a LGBT character. Next argument will be, 'Not enough representation of it in game'. That will only encourage them to start making the next few survivors LGBT. So no. Dont introduce LGBT characters as YOU are the survivor. I play Nea and I'm straight, so Nea is straight. If you play Nea and you're gay. Then Nea is gay. The character can be what you want them to be as it's you playing them. And just cause they dont have a 'LGBT backstory' doesnt make them any less. Make a few cosmetics in game FOR FREE like a shirt, a hoodie so people (if they want to) can show their support. That is all that should be done with this.
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Sorry but did you just saw that Feng and Yui are basically the same character because they are both ASIAN?! Are you kidding me?! They are completely different characters. Adam and Tapp are also completely different. The fact that you think race "blanket terms" (not really sure what to call it) is more important, and defining, of a person/character than their actual story/experiences/personality says a lot about you. Race is important to people, yes, but it doesn't mean they can only identify with someone of their own race.
We have a character from Lebanon. But I won't tell anyone so you can continue acting like you have a point. 🤫
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That’s not true. They always were defined characters and not blank husks. They have defined backstories and families and relations. BHVR stated they don’t want to confirm their sexuality but they contradicted themselves and reveals some relationships - only heterosexuals. They have already stated that at least one char is in fact LGBT, but they never said who and didn’t want to reveal it - now they could do that with the tomes.
that said, if you play Nea and she is stated to be lesbian, that shouldn’t affect your gameplay at all. Nothing stops you from having your head canon.
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I already said we had a character from Lebanon, just FYI. Their reply was in response to me pointing that out.
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If they made an LGBT character, why not state who? It's a game. I'd like to know when this was said as if it was said when the character was created rather than when this discussion came up would be interesting.
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This was said a long time ago, I think last year.
They didn't state who because they originally said they didn't want to state characters' sexual orientations. However, it was then brought to their attention that they had been doing that since the Nurse was released, years ago. That's why, now, they won't restrict themselves to just straight relationships.
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sponges are hermaphrodites (some of them even true hermaphrodites), they have both male and female gonads, there isn't a gender distinction between sponges, sexuality as we know in humans has never been observed in any animal, hence biologically speaking it doesn't make sense for a sponge to be homosexual (yes, even in a show where there's fire underwater it doesn't make sense).
the show never actually hints his orientation, every image you brought doesn't prove anything (the last one is even out of context, probably from the average "represented by spongebob" meme). The average spongebob fan doesn't even know what that means, so it can't be used as an identification (especially since its sexuality has been revealed through other media, not the show itself).
adding the historical period when it was revealed, it's not hard to understand that it was just a marketing and politically correct strategy, which I'm fine with, we are in 2020 after all.
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I just cracked up from that. It works perfectly either way 😅
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Ask the devs. I actually can’t find the statement now, it was a while ago, I don’t even know exactly in which form (possibly a Q&A?)
even if it was not stated, we have chars with confirmed hetero relationships and we have many more chars without any mentions at all. With the tomes and actually news backstories they expand the lore even more and ever deeper. Not mentioning any non-heterosexual relationship at all would be creatively very restricting and also feel very unnatural.
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Yeah, being told that from now on will lean VERY heavily on the tone of voice and context. Haha
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It's not unnatural at all. The games until now have pretty much had most or every character in a heterosexual relationships and that's not weird.