Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    Perkname: NOT TODAY

    The perk has a timer of 15 seconds to activate. When you get hooked first time the perktimer starts and fills while the killer is within 24 meters to the hook. When the perk is complete activated during the first hookstage you can selfunhook and get the borrowed time-effect for 10 seconds.


    I think such a perk could be a very good counter against facecampers! And it helps too, if a teammate were chased near the hook. I know devs says: camping is a strategy, but we all know it’s just unfair and frustrating for the guy on the hook!

  • TheRealSkap
    TheRealSkap Member Posts: 11

    Ive been mulling over this idea for a long time, so I hope you enjoy it!

    Relinquished Heart: You're prepared to give yourself up fully to protect the ones you love.

    When healing another Survivor who is closer to death than you are, press the active ability to activate Relinquished Heart. The Survivor will be fully healed and you will be transferred to the broken state for the rest of the trial. The hook states between both Survivors will be swapped.

    "I would've stolen you an entire Orchestra"

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Try hard: You extra effort into whatever you do. Almost too much.

    +Skill check success areas are increased by 80%. Skill checks are less frequent and when failing a skill check, you are stunned for 5 seconds.

    •Wrecker: You make your own escape routes.

    +When holding a toolbox, you can “partially” destroy any breakable wall or pallet for 6/5/4 charges. These objects are repairable by any survivor with a toolbox and costs 9 charges for those without this perk and 7/6/5 charges for those who do. The killer is unable to break these partial walls or pallets, but can go through them like any other survivor. When a partially broken object is fixed it will be returned to its natural state (pallets will be reset when fixed).

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Resetting Gamble: You put stakes on your skill.

    +At the start of a chase, you can press the active ability button to activate this perk. If you can survive longer than 60/50/40 seconds in that chase, you will extend your time on hook for all stages by 75%. If you cannot, you receive the broken status effect for 200 seconds. This perk can only be activated once per trial.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595


    The thought of sweet release absolutely excites you

    Survivors performing actions near you while you're on the hook see a slight increase in speed. Does not work with items.

    ((I'm not good at valuables but I imagine it'll increase by each tier.))

    "The wait before being greeted by the Entity fills me with such me excitement that I can't stand it anymore"

  • BorrowedTimed
    BorrowedTimed Member Posts: 2

    Killer Perks

    No escape:

    "You know where they are. Even in escape they cannot lose you."

    When hitting a survivor their auras will be revealed if you lose sight of them. The duration their auras are revealed are for 1/2/3 seconds then the perk will go into cool down for 40/30/20. When the survivor doesn't leave your sight the perk will go on cool down 100/90/80 if they don't leave your sight.


    "I bore my horrors into you."

    Your deep bond with the entity allows you to further hinder survivors ability to heal and completes generators. When downing a survivor for the first time the perk activates. You and the survivor that got downed gain a link. The survivor gets granted a speed increase to completing generators but a speed decrease in healing 8/7/6 seconds respectively. While the survivor is on a generator their aura is shown and your speed is decrease by 3/2/1 m/s while the survivor is healing your aura is shown and the survivor sees your aura and you gain a speed increase 1/2/3 m/s.

    Dark Grasp

    "I can't get past this. Wait where did Charl-".

    The deep hatred you have for the survivors introduce new method of increasing their stay in the Realm of the Entity. Once per trial you gain the ability to block off one of these chosen options Pallet Location, Vault location, an Exit Gates. On tier one only pallet location then increasing up to tier two is both Pallet and Vault while tier three includes all three. But you powers become weakened once these effects activate you gain a decrease in picking up, hooking, breaking generators, vaulting speed, and hit recovery speed.

    I will give my survivor ideas in a later time. Unfortunately no custom Icons sorry guys.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Pride: Your prey do much less while safe. Their life feeds your corrupted soul.

    +Hex: For each healthy survivor, all survivors suffer from a 8% decrease speed when healing, repairing, sabotaging, searching, and cleansing. While, when there is at least 3/2/1 survivor(s) that are not dying or hooked/dead, gain a 7% haste effect.

    •Cursed Bones: Your spells are protect and avenge themselves.

    +When a survivor attempts to cleanse any totem without the cursed status effect, they will instantly be placed into the injured health state. If they are already injured, they are given deep wound instead for 20 seconds. Whenever a hex totem is cleansed, all survivors become exposed for 15/20/25 seconds.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Killer: Play time is over:

    • "Play time is over" activates when last two survivors haven't touched a single gen for 80 seconds. When active, the auras of remaining survivors can be seen for 6 seconds every time a gen has not been touched for 80 seconds.

    This is to counter end-game hiding where killers waste time patroling gens when the survivors are too scared to continue the game, knowing they will lose for sure so both just camp the hatch in hopes another one is found and gets killed so they can get the hatch. It's frustrating as a killer, not finding anyone for 5 straight minutes.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Noted: Your photographic memory help you remember where everything is.

    The aura of an object or person is revealed to you. They remain revealed past the original allotted time. When injuried, this perk deactivates. Any aura that revealed while active is reset after the perk deactivates causing the user to have the aura of said object/person revealed again.

    Moral Support: Everyone benefits from each other’s support.

    For each survivor still alive, all survivors receive a 5% action speed increase. If the user has died this perk will persist throughout the trial.

    Left to rot: You may be dying but you’ll still put up a fight. Just as soon as you get your barrings.

    When you are left on the ground in the dying health state longer than 90/80/70 seconds, this perk activates. If the killer were to pick you up after this perk activates, you will be given a tremendously difficult skill check. If you complete the skill check, you stun the killer for 5 seconds. This perk temporary deactivates if you are healed back to injuried or you succeed/fail the skill check and will reactivate when the proper conditions are met.

    Insult to Injury: You make sure to rub it in.

    If you were to stun the killer, the killer be blinded while stunned and persist for an additional 1/2/3 seconds after regaining control.

    Manic Disturbance: You can feel the shifting of energy and emotion in the air.

    The survivor begins the trial with madness one and screams. When the killer uses their ability, their aura is revealed to you until they stop using it. If the killer is within a 25/21/19 meter radius of you, they will be notified of your presence through an audio that gets loud as they get closer.

  • Valiant_Majesty
    Valiant_Majesty Member Posts: 39

    I'm terrible at making perks 😂 But here goes. These will be Survivor perks.



    You're ready to throw yourself into the danger zone, prepared for any battle you face.

    Stunning the Killer with a pallet causes the stun to last 0.5/1/1.5 seconds longer, and your aura is revealed to the Killer for 6 seconds. A successful stun will grant a 7% Haste status effect for yourself for 10/15/20 seconds. If you become Exhausted by ANY means, the perk deactivates and goes into cooldown. Challenger has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

    "Hahahahaha!! That felt good, huh?! Well, come on, then!! You don't have the balls!"

    - some future DLC survivor


    Soothing Aura:

    Your presence and compassion comforts your allies when they need it most.

    When healing another Survivor, the sounds of your own healing actions are 25/50/75% quieter. The Survivor's groans of pain are reduced by 50/75/100%. If your healing action is interrupted by any means, the survivor you attempted to heal has their noises continuously reduced for 8 seconds and you see each other's auras for 8 seconds.

    This perk does not activate while performing Cooperative heals.

    "I know it hurts... I know... but I got you now. Be strong for me..."

    -more future DLC survivor dialogue


    Stand by Me:

    You adore making friends, and will do whatever you can to get them out this alive.

    Standing within 5m of another Survivor for 5 seconds will bond you with one another for the remainder of the trial. This effect will not activate if two or more other Survivors are within 5m of you.

    Your speed for healing and unhooking one another are increased by 30/40/50%, and escaping the trial while both of you are alive grants both of you 50% more Bloodpoints in all categories.

    "You know what? You seem alright. Stick with me; I've got your back."

    -yet another future Survivor dialogue

    (I designed this one because Killers have multiple perks that grant bonus Bloodpoints other than Barbeque, like Distressing and Beast of Prey. So why can't Survivors?)


    Whelp, I tried. Sorry if they suck 😂

  • Doctor_Grizz
    Doctor_Grizz Member Posts: 85

    Art of the Escape

    "You can't rely on others when you're on your own

    When you get hooked, the odds of unhooking yourself are increased by 25% for each survivor further than 30 meters from you".

    This is for those who see all other survivors repairing gens in the distance and refuse to leave until they are done.

    This has happened to some of you, who play solo.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Dark Suppression: Before the trial, you prepared for protect from the entity’s vile presence.

    +The second stage struggle phase of hooking is removed. Instead, the time that was attributed to the second stage is added to the first stage. When you are removed from hook by any means, the timer for hooking is decrease by 15 seconds and paused until hooked again. Increases the length of the hook timer by 15/20/25%.

    •Throw Voice: Through special and extensive vocal lessons and practice, you are able to use your voice to trick your hunter.

    +When you scream, the notification will appear at least 25/30/35 meters away from your location. Your breathing and grunts of pain are also altered to sound quiet when anyone gets close but louder as they get further away. Pressing the activate ability button will automatically make you scream.

    •Unseen is unheard: I can keep calm when I know the beast isn’t staring me down.

    +When the killer is not looking at you (radius of 20 meters), your breathing and grunts of pain are completely muted. When the killer is looking at you (radius of 20 meters), your breathing and grunts are 100/75/50% louder.

    •Night Stalker: You are accustom to the dark and can hide in the shadows become undetectable.

    +When crouching, the killer is unable to detect (sound and aura) you inside a 15/20/25 meter radius. 10 seconds after escaping a chase, your aura, sounds, and scratch marks are completely hidden for 30 seconds.

    •Shameless: No one can hold you down even someone out for your blood.

    +You are unable to be inflicted with the exposed status effect. Instead, you are oblivious and have your aura revealed to the killer for 20/15/10 seconds. The killer receives 20% more blood points for all actions performed on you.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Tricking the system: You get the entity to work for you in some case however they instances don’t last long.

    +After sabotaging a hook, this perk actives. The next time you try to sabotage a hook and is interrupted all hooks in a 25 meter radius are blocked by the entity for 20/30/40 seconds. You are instantly given the bleeding out status effect each time it is used and your aura is revealed to the killer until you mend.

  • bleblablu
    bleblablu Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2020

    Hex: Bloodthirsty

    your lust for blood grows as your prey bleeds

    while this related hex totem is standing:

    upon a survivor being hit by an injuring attack , gain a token up to a maximum of 12 / 16 / 20 tokens.

    for each token, you gain a 1% haste status effect

    if this hex totem is cleansed, lose 75% of your tokens rounded down

    if this hex totem is cleansed while Hex: undying is active, lose all of your tokens

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Thirst Trap: If you are picked up and on your final hook, you make the killer uncomfortable by getting way too into it. Your wiggle sounds are disgusting as well as 15% faster. If you escape their grasp, you become the obsession much to the killer's dismay.

  • gabcheban
    gabcheban Member Posts: 28

    Some perks ideas for some Killers I've thought.

    Perks based on an egyptian killer (Anubis):

    - Mirage: The first time a generator is repaired to 40/50/60% the generator will be reduced to 0%, you are granted the Undectable Status Effect for 45 seconds, during that time Survivors outside your original terror radius hear an illusory terror radius.

    - Hex: Curse of Amulets: 2/3/4 random Survivors suffer the Illusion Status Effect, Survivors see all Totems as Hex Totems, you are unaffected by this effect, a falsely Hex Totem is still treated as a Dull Totem. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

    - Death Trial: You become obsessed with one Survivor. Your obsession sees your aura (even if you are in Undetectable Status Effect). Your Obsession has, randomly, 2/3/4 of the perks disabled. The Killer can only be obsessed with a Survivor.


    Perks based on a geisha killer (Kitsune):

    - Hex: Replacement: You see the aura of all purified Totems. After hooking a Survivor, for the next 40/50/60 seconds you can interact with a purified Totem, returning it to its original state (Hex Totems will activate again). Gain 60/80100% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Sacrifice Category. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

    - Final Sigh: As soon as the Exit Gate is opened Final Sigh is activated. The first Exit Door opened is blocked by the Entity for 60/75/90 seconds.

    - Entity's Gift: When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from a Hook that is at least 15 metres away from you, Entity's Gift triggers and applies a random negative Effect* on the rescuer for 40/50/60 seconds.

    *Negative Effect: Blindness, Broken, Exhausted, Exposed or Oblivious.



    - Insatiable Thirst: Your blood thirst is insatiable, your bloodlust is activated 15/20/25% faster.

    - The Longest Hit: Your lunge speed is increased by 3/6/9%

    - Third Eye: The duration of your perks and add-ons' auras reveal is increased by 1/2/3 seconds

  • gabcheban
    gabcheban Member Posts: 28

    Some perks ideas for some Killers I've thought.

    Perks based on an egyptian killer (Anubis):

    - Mirage: The first time a generator is repaired to 40/50/60% the generator will be reduced to 0%, you are granted the Undectable Status Effect for 45 seconds, during that time Survivors outside your terror radius hear an illusory terror radius.

    - Hex: Curse of Amulets: 2/3/4 random Survivors suffer the Illusion Status Effect, Survivors see all Totems as Hex Totems, you are unaffected by this effect, a falsely Hex Totem is still treated as a Dull Totem. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

    - Death Trial: You become obsessed with one Survivor. Your obsession sees your aura, even if you are in Undetectable Status Effect. Your Obsession has, randomly, 2/3/4 of the perks disabled. The Killer can only be obsessed with a survivor.


    Perks based on a geisha killer (Kitsune):

    - Hex: Replacement: You see the aura of all purified Totems. After hooking a Survivor, for the next 40/50/60 seconds you can interact with a purified Totem, returning it to its original state (Hex Totems will activate again). Gain 100 % more Bloodpoints for actions in the Sacrifice Category. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

    - Final Sigh: As soon as the Exit Gate is opened Final Sigh is activated. The first Exit Door opened is blocked by the Entity for 60/75/90 seconds.

    - Entity's Gift: When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from a Hook that is at least 15 metres away from you, Entity's Gift triggers and applies a random negative Effect* on the rescuer for 40/50/60 seconds.

    *Negative Effect: Blindness, Broken, Exhausted, Exposed or Oblivious.



    - Insatiable Thirst: Your blood thirst is insatiable, your bloodlust is activated 15/20/25% faster.

    - The Longest Hit: Your lunge speed is increased by 3/6/9%.

    - Third Eye: The duration of your perks and add-ons' auras reveal is increased by 1/2/3 seconds.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Fatal Flaw: Their mistakes add up. One by one...

    +Hex: For each stun you receive, this perk gains a token, with a maximum of 6 tokens.

    -1 token: Reduce the size of all skill checks by 25%.

    -2 tokens: Reduce the size of all skill checks by 50% and increase the duration of time, in which, survivors are unable to work on a generator (after failing a skill check).

    -3 tokens: After failing a skill check, they lose an additional 5% progression.

    -4 tokens: After failing a skill check, the survivor and any assisting survivor(s) are revealed to the killer for 5 seconds.

    -5 tokens: Upon entering a chase, the survivor is inflicted with the oblivious status effect for the duration of the chase.

    -6 tokens: Upon leaving a chase, you receive a 9% haste effect for 25 seconds. Pallets are instantly broken after they stun you.

    When cleansed, all generators, pallets, and gate levers are blocked by the entity for 20/40/60 seconds.

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    I'm Offended! -

    While being chased by the killer, what would be the first successful attack putting you into the injured state is negated. This causes you to turn around and shake your finger at the killer stopping them in their tracks for 2/3/4 seconds.

    "This twitter post of yours from 2005 is very problematic...You're cancelled!" - SJW

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Impenetrable: Nothing is weak. It only take the smallest encouragement to make a glass window to stone.

    +You are able to interact with generators, breakable walls, and pallets in a new way. When holding the active ability button and standing near a valid target, you perform a 15 second action with the occasional skill check; failing said skill check will cause a 5% regression and notifying the killer of your location. After finishing the action, the breakable object is reinforced. Of which will take moderately (20%) /considerably (30%) /tremendously (40%) longer to break or damage.

    •Applicable Circumstances: Anything can be used for things other than intended. Just need an open mind.

    +Your luck now affects the rarity of items and addons found in chests. Increases your personal luck by 40/60/80%.

    •Jeweler: Chests have more than tools, these can help too.

    +For each chest you search, this perk gains a token. At the cost of a token, you can press the active ability button while holding an item to add 10 charges back to the item. If the charges added exceed the maximum held by the item, it will still be added and extend past the limit.

    •Hushed: Some flint and oil will make it impossible to tell which is broken.

    +Any generator you work on produces no sound while you remain working on it. When a generator is damaged by the killer or a hex, its aura is revealed to you. When working on that generator, it will remain sparking but won’t regress.

    •Engineer: Machines and technology are things you’ve studied for years.

    +Normal skill checks are replaced with difficult skill checks when repairing generators. When completing a skill check, you gain an additional 5% progression.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited October 2020

    •To the rescue: When your friends are in danger you do almost anything to help.

    +When a survivor, other than yourself, is put into the dying health state, you gain a 8/9/10% increase to your movement speed until the down survivor is picked up and hooked. If there is more than one survivor in the dying health state, the effect will remain until all are picked up and hooked.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Broken Word: In times of distress, you find a way to make the best of your resources.

    +While broken or exposed, decrease your grunts and breathing by 50/100/150% and gain a 5% haste effect for the the duration of the effect.

    •Incentive: In danger, you are smarter and faster.

    +While injured, you move 10% faster and vault 15% faster. You decrease the sound from actions by 50%.

    •In the open: You are always the center of attention and make sure everyone knows that.

    +Until the exit gates are powered, you are inflicted with the exposed status effect and revealed to all survivors. Upon getting into a chase, this perk will begin generating tokens at 1 token every 20 seconds, to a maximum of 10 tokens. For each token, increase the speed of healing, repairing, cleansing, sabotaging, searching chests, interacting with killer belongings, and opening exit gates by 5%. When you lose the exposed status effect for any reason, this perk will no longer gain tokens but will remain active.

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332


    After a generator is completed, your terror radius is transferred to an area near a generator that is not being worked on The terror radius is 24/32/40m big

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Coagulated: Your blood and flesh is thicker and more durable than others.

    +When a killer successfully harms you, they recover 15/20/25% slower from the stun period. You are immune to the hemorrhage status effect and will no longer leave blood trails.

    •Sneak out: Experiences with sneaking out have left you more stealthy when vaulting.

    +You vault 10% faster. When fast vaulting, your aura is hidden and you leave no scratch marks for 15/30/45 seconds.

  • Weeezy
    Weeezy Member Posts: 25

    one that reverts billy to how he was 7 months ago

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Everlasting: The world gives you what you need and you used it to its fullest extent.

    +Increases item efficiency by 50%. When an item is depleted, gain a token that increases the speed of repairing, healing, sabotaging, cleansing, unlocking, searching, mending, and opening exit gates by 15% for each token.

    •Survivalist: Your knowledge may prove to be useful.

    +Every blood point event will provide and additional 50/100/150% blood point bonus from the blood points gain from the blood point event towards the category with the least blood points. [i.e. Boldness +400-> +200/400/600 Boldness, Altruism, Survival, or Objective]

    •Abandoned: Left behind and alone, you can only strive to help yourself.

    +For each hooked, dying, dead, or disconnected survivor, this perk gains a token, to a maximum of 3 tokens. For each token, gain a 33.3% (it will actually add up to 100%, not 99.9%) increase repair, healing (both yourself and others), recovery, mending, sabotage, cleansing, unlocking, and opening exit gate action speeds. At 3 tokens, gain the ability to heal yourself from dying to injured or injured to healthy.

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    I didn’t do the best at this, I know. But here is my perk!

    Calm Jutsu: You are best when you are calm, and when you are calm, you watch anime.

    When vaulting the window, scratch marks will face the opposite direction from you to throw your enemy away. See, anime helps in DBD.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    Killer Perk: Pyroclastic

    Once a chase reaches bloodlust tier 1, Pyroclastic activates. Whenever a survivor crouches, it will take an additional 2/3/4 seconds to stand up when within an 8m/12m/12m radius of the Killer.

    This is mainly to punish cocky teabaggers, but also can stick survivors who are hiding out of the way from a chase that the Killer may notice. It's a niche perk, but can be unexpected. Good synergy with add-ons that see through walls.

    Survivor Perk: Bolster

    When a survivor approaches a pallet that is still upright, press the Activate button where the survivor will spend 6 seconds strengthening it. When a killer is hit by it, the stun duration lasts for 2 seconds longer. Pallets also take 50% longer to break. Bolster has a cooldown of 150/135/120 seconds.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698
    edited October 2020

    Survivor perk: Tactician

    Performing a medium vault in a chase will block the window for both you and the killer.

    Cannot be used while exhausted.

    Gain the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Killer Perk: Hex: Reversal

    Anytime your obsession repairs a generator to 90%, the entity will block the generator preventing them from continuing repairs while they are within 8 meters.

    Additionally, your obsessions missed skill check penalty is increased by 3%/4%/5%.

    Affected generators have a white aura.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    That's a good one, but it won't affect high skill players.

  • Lord_Xylum
    Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 106

    Killer perk: [Jaws of Death]

    "As your prey begins to evade your grasp, The Entity hears your call for insurance."

    Unless there is 1 Survivor in the trial, once the hatch has spawned, call upon The Entity to block the hatch for 60/120/180 seconds, or until an exit gate is opened.

    This is to prevent groups of Survivors from using keys to escape the match early, or at least before completing all the gens.

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Hello fellow survivors and Killers of the Fog! Here are some more perk concepts I came up with! I made the survivor perks have a theme around an imaginary survivor's personality and skills like the others in the game! Comment down below what you think of them and which ones are your favorite!

    PS: Im not the best at numbers and balances so don't be surprised if some might sound too strong! :3

    A Nerd

    An Engineer

    A Junkie

    A Jock

    A Thief

    Some Killer Perk Ideas :P

  • Rank1Mindset
    Rank1Mindset Member Posts: 28

    Disarrayed Fear: After breaking a pallet, you gain a token. Up to a max of 6 tokens, a pallet can be broken while it's standing up. Each standing pallet break consumes a token. Once the 4th gen is completed, Disarrayed Fear may no longer be used.

  • Jinns112
    Jinns112 Member Posts: 3

    “Mirror Image”

    Your resourcefulness has allowed you to fool even the entity at times. Once, every 200/180/160 seconds while in chase and injured, you can create a mirror image of yourself for 4/6/8 seconds. If the Mirror image is hit the illusion automatically fails. You will leave no scratch marks or make grunts of pain for the duration of the illusion.

    The mirror image of your survivor would only be able to run in a straight line. They could not vault, and they could not move in a different direction from the way you were facing when you activated the ability. This would make it so it is a more skillful perk to use effectively, like for the people, borrowed time, or head-on. Your own character would stop making grunts of pain, and instead the mirror image would make them (even if you had iron will), and leave their own scratch marks instead of you. It can only be activated if actively in a chase, and during the injured/deep wound health states to avoid it being used while healthy, for a sense of balance. If the killer hits the mirror, or if the timer runs out (even if the image is running into a wall) then the image will automatically disappear with the same effect of the pallets disappearing (the black smoky and orange particles). It can only be used once per chase, and the timer does not decrease until you are out of the chase.

  • stufoot99
    stufoot99 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2020


    After downing a survivor with a basic attack, all dropped pallets in your terror radius (up to 1/2/3) are immediately broken. Has a cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    Hex: Wicked Whims for shirtless david and felix. If you know you know.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I know this was posted weeks ago, but I think that's a really brilliant and simple change :).

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    I want a totem specific survivor perk. It could be a classic design or something special. I would go ahead with a special one:

    Desperate times call for (get rdy for it) desperate measures. Once per trial when there's a hex totem you are immune to its effects on you for 80 seconds. During this time you are able to cleanse totems 15% faster.

    When this Perk activates you can see the location of all totems for 10 seconds.

    or the classic:

    After cleansing a totem you can see the location of any other remaining totem for 10 seconds.

    During the cleansing action you recieve 4 difficult skill checks. Each of them grants you a 5% additional bonus to the progression up to 20%.

    Why totems? Because survivor only have 2 perks that effects totems. Lead..forget about it. And Resilience and that's not very helpful. So I would love to see something that makes it easier to cleanse them or something that buys you some time. I could also imagine something like Repressed Alliance for totems.

    Blocking its function would be helpful in situations where the perk becomes very dangerous while the kilelr is also patrolling it like Ruin or Devour Soup, Noed or Third Seal. You can temporaly deactivate the perk

    or what would also be awesome: Change the location of the ehx perk by tabbing it and hide that information for the killer for 3.5 seconds. (after 3.5 seconds it's marked white for 5 seconds for the killer or sth. like that) Could be funny. I mean the new meta is going to be hex perks. So why not make them more interactive and fun for the survivor.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I am a survivor main but I have a few ideas for a survivor perks.

    How are these survivor perks?

    Level Headed

    You are able to keep a calm mind even in dire situations

    When you are in the dying state, your aura will not be show to the killer under any circumstances and grunts of pain while in the dying state is reduced by 100%.

    You bleed out 50% less blood

    Back on track

    After being side tracked your able to effectively get back to the task at hand

    Generators that are regressing will be show to you in a red aura, until it has stopped regressing

    Stopping the regression and repairing the generator you have a 10% increase in repair speed for 5 seconds

    Back on track has a cooldown of 30 seconds

    For Others

    Your able to sacrifice yourself for the survival of your friends

    Once the exit gates are powered you become the obsession and your aura is show to the killer indefinitely.

    All other survivors that are still in the trial will leave no blood trail or scratch marks, and aura will not be show to the killer

    If you are killed, hooked or sacrificed the perks effects are disabled.

    Decreases your odds of becoming the obsession

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have also thought of some killer perks.


    You become obsessed with one survivor

    Anytime the obsesion performs a cooperative action the obsession suffer from the exposed status effect for 50 seconds

    Alone has a cooldown of 45 seconds after downing the obsession

    You can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time

    In The Dark

    A successful kill hides your dreadful presence for the next hunt.

    When a survivor is killed or sacrificed you gain the undetectable status effect until you start a chase with another survivor.


    After kicking a generator, any survivor within 15 meters of the kicked generator will revel their aura for as long as they are in the range generator.

    Onlooker has a cooldown of 25 seconds

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    For a survivor who is a pyromaniac:

    Lost Rites: When a survivor dies, you are able to set a 5/6/7 meter radius on fire in the area in which they died. You and all other survivors are immune to the flames, but if a killer walks through it, they are blinded and hindered (5%). The effect will persist an additional 3 seconds after leaving its range. The fire lasts until the killer hooks another survivor or you are put into the dying health state.

    Burned Bridges: You are able spend 10 seconds to set breakable walls and thrown pallets on fire. This action, when completed, will continually alert the killer. If the killer gets within a 5 meter radius of the burning object and stares at it, they are blinded. The object will burn for 30/45/60 seconds before breaking and can still be broken by the killer (it will however blind them).

    Pyrotechnics: You are guaranteed to obtain a flashlight or a fire cracker during your first search through a chest. Increases flashlight and fire cracker efficiency and blindness duration by 30/35/40%.

  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    Informed Hunter

    Information gathering can help you in the long run.

    when survivors escape a chase, a random single perk that has been used during a chase, will appear on the survivor when looking at them. they will also appear during a chase.

    when you looking directly at a totem in 16 meters range, that totem will show the perk that is associated with totem to you. that perk label will be shown to you as long as the totem or the perk is active.

    any gates shown to you, their auras will be shown to you during the match.

    slightly increases the chance that a totem will spawn further from the gates.

  • The perk is called cockroach: 

    You become obsessed with one survivor, every time that your obsession blinds or stuns you, you earn a token that reduces that effect. (the things that grant you a token are pallets dropped on you, head on,flashlights and fireworks)( if you're using nemesis and you get stun or blind, it will still count as a token for cockroaches but decisive will not count)  the max tokens are four. 1 token 20% 2 tokens 40% 3 tokens 60% 4 tokens 80%. If your obsession is scrafirsed or killed the perk deactivates. (At Cockroach, perk level one you can get up to two tokens) 

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: European Plague Doctor

    •Blood Letting: When healing a survivor, you are able to press the active ability button to activate the effect of this perk. When pressed, the survivor being healed by you will scream (revealing their location for 5 seconds). They will no longer be able to be healed and receive the hemorrhage status effect for 45/35/25 seconds. When the duration is over, the survivor under the effect of Blood Letting will be healed by one health state. Any attack that would put the survivor into the dying health state will instead inflicted the deep wound status effect for 60 seconds and they will not be healed after the duration of hemorrhage has expired. This perk has a 45 second cool down.

    •Fragrant Herb Recipes: Your aura will now be slightly/moderately/considerably (1/3/5 meters) detached from your body. When you are injured, your aura is hidden from all players.

    •Impending Doom: After being put into the dying health state, this perk activates. The next time you are in a chase and the killer attacks you; instead the damage from the attack is ignored, your running movement speed is increased to 150% for 7 seconds, and the aura of all survivors are revealed to you for the rest of the trial. This perk permanently deactivates after use.

  • SheriffJake777
    SheriffJake777 Member Posts: 2

    Perk: CHARGE

    When hope is lost there is only will, THE WILL TO FIGHT!

    While using this perk if you sprint from 15m away or more toward the killer, then you are able to stun for just as long as a pallet drop or head on. The exaustion status can last from 30 sec to 180 sec depending on what level the perk is.

    This perk is great at countering the killers speed and fixation on either an individual hurt survivor or obsession. This perk is also able to be countered by most killers with ease.

    Rhino for perk icon

  • orangegoblin
    orangegoblin Member Posts: 120
    edited October 2020

    HEX: BEWARE THE DOOT!: A Hex rooting its power in spook! Anytime a generator is completed, all survivors hear an *UNHOLY DOOT* shortly before 3 little skeletons rise from the ground at the completed generator to attack them for 1 health state, survivors must try to run run for their lives during this time. The skeletons last for 10 seconds before being called back to the fog by the entities own DOOT. When a survivor vaults a window, the skeletons collide with the window, exploding! Skeletons will try to crawl over and under pallets, to continue chase! Survivors unlucky enough to be hit by the bones, suffer from hemorrhage and mangled status effects. Hex effect remain active until the related totem is destroyed.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    This of a jump scare killer:

    •Silent Shroud: Hex= All survivors are deafened and are considerably harder to hear anything. When you are out of a chase, you terror radius is hidden and your red stain is slightly/moderately/considerably harder to see. This effect persists as long as the associated hex totem remains.

    •Foggy Fields: Any survivor in your terror radius is surrounded by a white fog that makes it harder for them to see at further distances. This effect persists for an additional 10/15/20 seconds after they leave your terror radius.

    •Heart Attack: When injuring a healthy survivor with your melee attack, they are given the deep wound status effect. In which, they have 60 seconds to mend. If they receive damage while in the deep wound status effect or the timer runs out, they are immediately put into the dying health state. This perk has a 60/50/40 second cool down.

  • DeadAtlas
    DeadAtlas Member Posts: 30

    More Scratch Mark Perks



    Unlocks potential in one's Aura reading abilities. Scratch Marks persist for one second longer.

    Additionally, After Recovering from being blinded or stunned by a survivor, (Including killer grasp escape), The aura of their Scratch Marks will be revealed in white within 8/16/24 meters for 6 seconds.



    Discerning Eye:

    Unlocks potential in one's Aura reading abilities. You can see the Auras of Scratch Marks left behind by Survivors (Including yourself) within 8/16/24 Meters. Reveal the Aura of the Scratch Marks made by survivors other than yourself in Blue. If the Killer has an Obsession, reveal the Aura of their Scratch Marks in Yellow.

    Reduces your Chances of being the Obsession. Does not count as an Obsession Perk.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Theme: Escape Artist

    •Daring Escape: While you or another survivor is hooked, all survivors no longer leave scratch marks. If you are in a chase, your scratch marks disappear 1/2/3 seconds faster.

    •Shocking Exit: When the active ability button is pressed, you will drop a smoke bomb. The bomb will deafen the killer for 10 seconds if they are at most 5 meters away. In a 5/7/9 meter radius, the vision of the killer is considerably obscured and survivor vision is only slightly obscured. This perk has a 50 second cool down.

    •Chained: Your max movement speed is decreased to 95% or 3.8 m/s. You can now take three hits without any additional effects or perks before you are put into the dying health state. When you unhook a survivor while injured, the survivor rescued is given a 5/6/7% speed increase for the remainder of the trial; this effect does not stack.