Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804


    Boon: Burning Hope

    A Boon that inspires a fierce will to live and succeed,

    Any exhaustion perks (except Dead Hard) that are activated within 24 metres of this boon have their Agility effect’s extended by one second, and the exhaustion time caused is decreased by 10/15/20 percent



    Your bloodlust burns everything that tries to impede your hunt to cinders and ash

    If you are stunned by a pallet, this perk activates the next time you enter a chase, you recover from pallet stuns 10% faster, and break pallets 25/30/35% faster, if you break 5 pallets during a chase, you gain a 10% speed increase, this perk deactivates once you leave the chase

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Here it is.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Recharge: Each time the survivor stuns the killer they grant a token Every 6/5/4 stuns, recharge activates. At any point the survivor can activate the active ability button to automatically recover their exhaustion status. Once used, the survivor consumes all totems.

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2022
    • Survivor Perk:
    • Constructed Criticism
    • Your way of escaping the killer makes you think of a better way
    • Successfully Escaping, or Escaping a Chase, from the Killer grants you 1 Token, up to a maximum use of (1,2,3) per trial
    • Unlocks one's potential in Aura Reading
    • Having a token allows you see the aura of Breakable Walls, Possible Breakable Walls Locations, and Destroyed Breakable Walls within a 28 Meter range
    • When next to a Breakable Wall, the Survivor can hold the active ability button for 6 seconds to destroy the Breakable Wall
    • Consumes one Token
    • Generates a Loud Noise Notification for the Killer
    • Inflicts Exhaustion and Blindness for (120,100,80) Seconds
    • When next to a breakable wall location or a destroyed breakable wall the survivor can hold the active ability button for 20 seconds to repair or craft a breakable wall
    • Consumes one token
    • The aura of the breakable wall is revealed to all survivors for 6 seconds
    • Inflicts Exhaustion for (80,70,60) Seconds
    • You cannot use Constructed Criticism while Exhausted 
    • Constructed Criticism has a cooldown of 120 seconds
    • After the maximum amount of Tokens has been used in trial, Constructed Criticism Deactivates

    Post edited by Balsadar22 on
  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87

    survivor perk

    unreliable narrator: changes in healthstages (incl. unhook noice notification) will be delayed by 5 / 10 / 15 sec on the killers hud. this also implies when the carrier of the perk changes the healthstate of other survivors.

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2022

    Killer Perk

    • Petrifying Quake
    • The horrors you inflict illuminate the fear of those nearby
    • After hooking a survivor, any other survivors within a (18,24,32) meter range of that hook will scream revealing their location for 4 seconds
    • Any Survivors within Lockers that are in range will be forced out of the locker and scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds
    • Survivors within range will become Incapacitated for (10,20,30) seconds
    • Petrifying Quake has a cooldown of (60,45,30) seconds

    Post edited by Balsadar22 on
  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60

    Both of these are Killer Perks.

    Quixotic] Your enthusiasm has you acting rash at times, and the Entity loves the interesting things that occur from it.

    Each time you drop a chase with one Survivor to pursue a different chase with another Survivor, Quixotic gains a token up to a maximum of 3/4/5. After successfully hitting a Survivor, all tokens are consumed to block that number of Generators for 30 seconds.

    Voracity] You have an endless lust for the blood within everyone’s bodies.

    At the start of the trial, you have no Obsession until you chase a Survivor, turning them into your Obsession. After hooking your Obsession, the next Survivor you chase becomes your Obsession and their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2022

    Survivor Perk

    • Badland Warrior
    • Knowing your enemies strength makes you push harder
    • While you are under the cursed status effect Badland Warrior activates
    • While this perk is active you repair generators, cleanse totems, recover from the dying state, and vault (8%,10%,12%) faster

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    Survivor Perk: Pack Rat

    "You feel the need to hold on tight to another item, as it gives you hope within your pockets."

    This passive Perk will allow you the ability to pocket a spare Item of any kind; even when you are already holding one item in your hand.

    The following effects happen:

    *You can pick up another item on the ground or chest, and smuggle it in your pocket slot. When pocket, you are unable to used that item; until you activate the action button to swapping it when not running. You can do this many times as you like, as long as you do not run.

    *When pocket a item, your exhaustion Perks (if you have any equipped) is permanent disable and exhausted, until you drop the item in your hand. Having one item in your two inventory, will still allow you to use any exhaustion perks, as long as you do not take a 2nd item with you.

    *You are allowed to bring two items before the match, but also allowed to keep two new items back with you; if you Survive long enough to escape.

    *Item in your hand is effected by Franklin's Demise, but not pocket item. They have to be swap and in your hand to use. (Also, do not expect to pocket a key and immediately used it on Hatch, without swaping it in your hands first)

    *You are not allow to pocket any killer based items, like the Nemesis's Vaccine, Cenobite's Box, etc. You can however keep a item in your pocket, while carrying a Killer item, but no more then 3 items at once.

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141
    edited June 2022

    so I wanted to introduce a witchy game mechanic called grimoire perks. They are an empty slate; original perk icon is a book, but depending on what "spell" is activated the perk icon will change. Only one spell can be activated from the grimoire per trial depending on which action (booning a dull totem, cleansing/booning a hex totem; the second option yields the strongest spell.) the survivor took to activate one of three spells.

    Grimoire: Book of Light) has the following affects v. Grimoire BOL

    If booning a dull totem Grimoire: BOL changes to:

    Long Distance Healing: Survivor can choose a fellow injured survivor within a 28 meter range to heal at 50% the normal healing speed. Must be uninterrupted in order for the heal to count. If for whatever reason LDH is interrupted (survivor stops to perform other actions, or run or hide) then the ability goes on cool down.

    for the animation for this spell survivor puts index and middle fingers on their temples.

    This spell cannot be used to heal self and does not stack with med kits, autodidact, boon: COH, no one left behind, we'll make it

    This spell does stack with Resilience, empathic connection, or botany knowledge

    and synergizes with solidarity.

    OR if booning/cleansing a hex totem, Grimoire BOL changes to:

    Dispel: Gain a token for every time you repair the equivalent of one whole generator or for every hex totem booned/cleansed (cannot stack tokens, 1 must be stored/consumed at a time).

    Upon activation survivor can cleanse themself of a killer specific status effect such as plague-sickness, Freddy-sleep, nemesis-virus, PH-torment, Sadako-1 stack of condemned, Dr-maddness, deep wound, pin head-chain hunt.

    -This is not witchcraft... Just old school medicine.

    Grimoire: Book of Spirit) has the following affects v. grimoire:

    If booning a dull totem Grimoire BOS changes to:

    Portals: After booning any totem gain a token for using this spell. walk up to any boon and place portals on it (placing portals looks like the booning animation but at the cleansing speed). 20 seconds after a killer extinguishes a boon with portals activated on it, the extinguished boon transfers to a random dull totem in the trial. the token is consumed. this spell goes into cool down until the new booned totem is extinguished.

    OR if booning/cleansing a hex totem, grimoire BOS changes to:

    Residual energy: This perk becomes the active grimoire spell upon cleansing/booning a hex totem. Gain a token for every time you repair the equivalent of one whole generator or for every hex totem booned/cleansed for a maximum of 3 tokens.

    1 token see auras of all totems within a 24 meter range

    2 tokens see aura of killers belongings or items affected by killer power (traps=trapper, hag, freddy, PH; clowns smoke clouds; items affected by plague).

    3 tokens see aura of killer.

    ^ all of which for 4 seconds and then perk goes on a cool down.

    These seem a little OP but there is balance- these perks rely on having to boon totems in order to activate. totems can be difficult to find, take long to boon, and if other survivor already have booned totems up, survivor running these perks have no choice but to go out of their way to find one.

    as for the high reward spell-not every killer runs hexes. the ones that do usually don't run more then 2. in desperation to remove hexed totems-fellow survivors might not care to wait for survivor running this perk to get their high reward. Hex totems in general take longer to cleanse and boon and are usually guarded by the killer. so I think that there is a lot of balance with these. ad they're kind of cool. it gives the survivor flexibility.

    Post edited by HEXSLAYER999 on
  • DerpPotatoes
    DerpPotatoes Member Posts: 18

    Spark Bomb (Survivor Perk)

    You've grown accustomed to danger, and are willing to retaliate.

    After repairing Generators for a total of 70/65/60 seconds, Spark bomb activates:

    • Enter a locker while empty-handed for 12 seconds to craft a remote bomb. The perk deactivates.
    • While in the locker, Press the active ability button to trap the locker.
    • Trapped lockers will be highlighted yellow to all survivors.
    • When the killer interacts the locker, the trap explodes, stunning and blinding them.
    • Survivors, while in the locker, will emerge in the injured state.

    There's many ways to stun the killer (trapping a generator, pallet stuns, locker stuns, DS, etc.) But I would also like the option to stun the killer by trapping a locker. While it provides a safety net for Head-On players, it comes at a cost of taking a health state. Also, I think this game could do with more "feel good perks". While they don't offer much in guaranteeing an escape, they provide gameplay that feels good.


    Tools of the Trade (Survivor Perk)

    You only need simple scraps to pick apart complicated mechanisms.

    When the Hatch is closed, this perk activates:

    • You can unlock the hatch without a key in 30 seconds.
    • For each generator completed, reduce the time it takes to unlock the hatch by 3/4/5 seconds.

    Since Hatch was reworked to be for the last survivor, it'd be good if the survivor could open the hatch themselves. (I guess it's a way to counter No Way Out when the hatch is closed?) The generator completion timer creates incentive for survivors to work on generators for a shorter hatch unlock. (Like, you're collect generator scraps for make a lockpick).


    Counterbalance (Survivor Perk)

    Activate-able Perk

    While in a healthy state, press the active ability button to:

    • Apply on-hit sprint speed.
    • Break into a sprint at 150 % your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
    • Causes Exhaustion and Broken Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
    • When the Broken status effect wears off, heal back 1 heath state.

    "When your back is against the wall, don't hesitate to pull the trigger".

    It's a perk for countering the exposed status and one-shot killers. It allows for survivors to give up a health state "now" and gain it back "later". It's for players with the mindset, "If I'm going to be downed in 1 hit, I might as well be injured." It applies the damage speed from losing a health state AND sprinting speed, but applies both broken and exhaustion. Since it can only be used while in a healthy state, being caught off-guard automatically prevents this perk from being used.

  • CommonAmmo
    CommonAmmo Member Posts: 9

    Boon: Feel the Rush (Survivor)

    A boon that follows your soul, protecting you by restraining those hostile to you.

    Soft chimes ring out to all survivors within 24 meters, and will ring out to you at all times.

    The following effects will apply when a blessed survivor is being chased:

    15 seconds: 6% vault speed bonus

    30 seconds: 5% haste status effect

    60 seconds: 15% missed attack penalty

    90 seconds: Recover from the exhausted status effect while running at 50% of the rate.

    120 seconds: Bloodlust disabled

    Boon: Feel the Rush resets if you are injured, and will deactivate once you are put into the dying state. Boon: Feel the Rush will reactivate if enter the struggle phase on a hook.

    Hex: Dying Breath (Killer)

    A hex that instills fear of being found into the survivors. They breathe sparingly, knowing they may be

    Survivors recover from the exhausted status effect 50% slower. While running, any exhaustion timers go up at 50% of the rate, and will be extended if it reaches the maximum.

    when this totem is cleansed, all survivors instantly recover from exhaustion.

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2022
    • Survivor Perk:
    • Boon: Collective Wisdom
    • An attracting boon that gains more power as more survivors are within range
    • Press and Hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex totem to bless it and create a boon totem. Soft chimes ring out in a 28 Meter range
    • All survivors within range gain a 3% increase to generator repair and cleansing speeds 
    • Boon: Collective Wisdom grows in power for every survivor within its range, gaining 1 token for each
    • An additional 2% increase to repair and cleansing speeds is stacked for each survivor within range, per token
    • 1 - 5%
    • 2 - 7% 
    • 3 - 9% 
    • 4 - 12% (for each survivor)

    Was thinking of a Huntress Lullaby type boon, growing in power when meeting a certain criteria, but seeing as it can be snuffed, it should waver on strength based on placement and survivor coordination

    Post edited by Balsadar22 on
  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60

    Third Eye - Survivor Perk

    Whenever an aura is revealed to you then no longer is, Third Eye activates for 2/3/4 seconds. Any aura revealed before Third Eye activates will remain revealed until Third Eye deactivates. Third Eye has a cooldown of 45 seconds.

    Forsaken - Killer Perk

    Whenever an aura is revealed to you then no longer is, Forsaken activates for 2/3/4 seconds. Any aura revealed before Forsaken activates will remain revealed until Forsaken deactivates. Forsaken has a cooldown of 45 seconds.

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141
    edited June 2022


    Blessings: Spirits bless you every time you put their soul to rest.

    after cleansing/booning a totem; your scratch marks, grunts of pain, and pools of blood are hidden for 5/15/25 seconds and gives you one token. if hit by the killer within this time, grants enduring. only one token can be held at a time.

    Resurrection: For every soul taken, the spirit of hope grows, and she blesses us.

    For every 4/3/2 hooks stages the killer gains, survivor gains a token to rekindle a broken totem. Only one token can be held at a time.

    trunk of curiosities: You are adapt in finding magical artifacts.

    grants the ability to rummage through a max of 1/2/3 chests to find one of the following magical items.

    1) gleaming gem-works like a flash bang

    2) protection amulet-grants endurance

    3) force field incantation-entity blocks the door way survivor uses the incantation on for 4/6/8 seconds.

    These items are consumed upon use.

  • RDQ_TheRedFox
    RDQ_TheRedFox Member Posts: 60

    Boon : The Beacon is Lit! - Survivor Perk

    When the beacon is lit, all may know the situation!

    [Press and hold the Active Ability button to convert a nearby Hex or Dull Totem into a Boon Totem]

    [Chimes ring out in a radius of 24 metres]

    [All Hooks, Generators, Windows, and Pallets within the radius of this Boon are revealed at all times to all Survivors]

    [After this totem is snuffed, the effect remains for 0/1/2 seconds]

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141
    edited July 2022

    piggy backing off of my grimoire perks for survivors mentioned in comments earlier.

    Grimoire: Book of Occult Studies) has the following affects v. grimoire: BOOS goes on cool down between each use for 60/50/40 seconds

    If cleansing/booning a dull totem perk Grimoire: BOOS changes to

    Divination: Grants booning speed by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds but perk Icon gets a counter-counter goes up for every stack on specific hex totems (huntress lullaby, Devour hope, pentimento). In essence this will let the survivors know the killer is possibly using one of the previously mentioned perks)

    or if cleansing/booning a hex totem Grimoire BOOS changes to

    Channeling: Grants access to boon perks within 24 meter range of all dull totems (does not work when in range of hex totem). This affects only the survivor with channeling active. for 2/3/4 seconds

    -channeling and divination use to be very valuable skills in Asian cultures.

    Post edited by HEXSLAYER999 on
  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906
    edited June 2022

    Since the devs haven't addressed the issue of camping I propose:

    Perk Benevolent: 1.) survivors being camped within 10 meters with no other survivor within that range get a boost in bloodpoints for every 15 seconds they are camped. (Points can go into the altruism or boldness category 2.) If the survivor on hook is being camped, all survivors on gens work at 6/7/8% buff in repair speed. The survivor on hook also glows orange/gold to let the team know that benevolent is active a long with the icon on screen of course. The survivor on hook will also gain 20 extra seconds of hook time.

    This will encourage the survivor being camped not to give up because they aren't getting shafted in bp, it will alert solo survivors that camping is taking place especially against killers like Bubba where rescue is impossible. It will encourage the killer to go after someone else when they realize they are about to lose all gens and the hook stages are taking longer.

    Benevolent comes into play because the survivor on hook is self-sacrificing for the rest of the team.

    Perk description: Your sacrifice will not go without reward. While you face danger your teammates will be encouraged to work harder repairing gens at a rate of 6/7/8% faster until the killer is beyond 10 meters of the hook.

    Perk is not affected by undetectable status. First activation occurs after 20 secs of killer staying within 10 meters which is why the extra 20 seconds of hook time.

  • ReSEALence
    ReSEALence Member Posts: 1

    Well to prelude I'll say my idea wouldn't necessarily help anything, it'd probably just end up being unbalanced, I think it's still cool tho.

    I'm an aspiring author, one of the characters I'm designing is named Terri Lexeos, a teenage survivor in a walking dead-type universe. Sometimes I like to imagine him as if he were a survivor in dbd, and imagining his three unique perks.

    One of them would be:


    (Icon: Hand fettered to a chain, breaking it)

    Gain a 10/20/30% speed bonus to all actions for each other dead survivor in the trial

    Probably lower (Ik that's a lot).

    Fits with the theme I'm aiming for with his story: perseverance and resolution.

    Btw in digression I'm new to the forum but have been viewing posts for a while, and been playing dbd for six months mainly as surv.

    I have ideas for what the other two would be if anyones interested

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    • Survivor Perk:
    • Counter-Aggression
    • Get Hit, Recover, Fight Back
    • Gains 2 stacks after recovering a health state by any means: recovering from dying state (not wiggling free), or being healed from injured to healthy
    • Can hold a maximum of 5 stacks
    • Successfully stunning the killer will consume 1 token and increase the duration of the stun by 2 seconds
    • Flat increase to all stuns
    • Ex. Head On, Decisive Strike, Pallet Stun/Save, Flashlight Stun/Save

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    These perks are considering the massive SOLO QUEUE survivor nerf in the next update (take my comment with a grain of salt-I have not played the ptb myself-and i am relying on videos from the most skilled content creators and it looks rough).

    These perks are a one time use and are extremely situational considering each perks prerequisite. if you try running more then one of these third chance perks the game will not let you. These perks are also an idea to work the obsession game mechanic. I feel like the obsession game mechanic has been hollow for a while and with the upcoming buff to killer with the perk rework i feel like maybemthey should make the obsession more meaningful. Like currently you can be the obsession one two criterions:

    1) carrying any of laurie strodes perks.

    2) playing against a killer who has obsession perks.

    and depending on how many laurie strode perks a survivor is/is not running: a survivor is determined.

    I feel like the game should add some sort of buff base game to whoever ends up STARTING the match as the obsession (one survivor who is slightly stronger then the rest in the match due to this buff), it adds a level of story telling-becomes this adds to the concept of a final girl/boy. How many obsession perks the survivor is carrying will determine the chances of becoming the obsession. starting the trial this also gives the killer information

    1) this survivor will be the most problematic because of they have the obsession buff

    2) this survivor might be problematic because of the number of obsession perks they are carrying compared to the other 3 survivors, which could be any of the following:

    -laurie perks: Like DS

    -any of my third chance perks listed below

    -behavior can make BT, and DH, lucky break, off the record add on the obsession factor to these perks

    These perks can be put on some sort of value tier where some of them count as 1/2/3 (3 being the strongest) points and depending on which survivor (based off of perk selection) has the highest score will be the obsession of the match on the rare occasion that there is a tie (if there is a 3 way tie 2 of the 3 will be chosen at random) one of the two will start the match with the obsession buff but both survivors will now gain a blood pact buff without having to carry blood pact.

    the buff stays with the original survivor so that if they are killed in the match the buff no longer continues in the match. Due to this buff and how strong the survivor's build is (because of the prerequisite for becoming the obsession), the killer can focus on killing off the obsession first.

    Calculated Feint :

    flavor text: You are one step ahead and every move is calculated. you can sense what pitfalls will not cost you.

    After repairing 4/3/2 generators this perk activates and removes 1 hook phase from your survivor. This perk increases your chances of being the obsession.

    Survivor's luck:

    flavor text: You are a survivalist, and every step forward is second nature. Whatever is to come-you'll handle it.

    After a survivor has successfully remained hidden from the killer by means of countering a killer's aura reading perk AND ADD ON 5/4/3 times, this perk activates-removes one hook phase. This perk increases your chances of being the obsession.

    Good Karma:

    flavor text: As a healer: you live a blessed life, for no good deed goes unpunished.

    After you have healed the equivalent of 5/4/3 survivors, this perk becomes active-removing one hook phase from your survivor. This perk increases your chances of being the obsession.

    You should see the other guy:

    Flavor text: As a stunt double you've done a lot of dangerous stunts-but have you faced off a killer yet?

    After taking 5/4/3 protection hits or rescuing a survivor via pallet/flashlight/flashbang stun this perk activates removing one hook phase. This perk increases your chances of being the obsession.

    first perk rewards focusing on gen repair.

    second perk is the same result but different prerequisite. Perk can go to another survivlaist or a ninja/spy survivor (yes please) THIS PERK IS TO PROMOTE/TEACH NEW SURVIVORS HOW TO PLAY STEALTH. I am sick and tired of new entitled survivors doing two things.

    1) Survivors not hiding while playing against (specifically) BBQ & chili, Dr, and using old spine chill or any other situation in which this shoe fits.

    HIDE IN A LOCKER!!!! If this was not a mechanic that is supposed to be used in order to counter certain situations.

    (and this one is not so bad because I understand new survivors are well, NEW and don't understand the game mechanics)

    2) PUNISHING ME for playing stealth on extremely short matches because all the other (presumably new) survivors keep feeding the killer value on these situations. like damn if all survivors just hid in a locker 1) before dr does his shock blast, 2) before killer playing BBQ-hooks someone matches would be a whole hell of a lot longer because you are denying killer value of w.e they are using.

    Before the last two most recent waves of new survivors DBD SOLO QUEUE survivor was not impossible. i would see survivors stop repairing generators (in case of scourge pain res) or hide in lockers for 9 sec (in case of BBQ) and matches with good killer would be kind of long because gen rushing would be diff with good killers but survivors were not dying super fast because solo survivors were not as impulsive.

    but moving on...

    Third perk promotes a healing play style. MORE BALNCE TO ALL 3 perks is it obviously takes up one perk slot if survivor gets value from this perk in the match or not.

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    • Survivor Perk:
    • Counter-Aggression
    • Get Hit, Recover, Fight Back
    • Gains 1 token after recovering a health state by any means
    • Ex. Recovering from dying state, or going from injured to healthy
    • Can hold a maximum of 3 tokens
    • Successfully stunning the killer will consume 1 token and increase the duration of the stun by (1,2,3) seconds
    • Flat increase to certain stuns
    • Ex. Head On, Decisive Strike, Pallet Stun, Flashlight Stun/Save, Wiggle stun
    • (Does not activate/consume a token from burning a killer)

  • KawaiiAsa
    KawaiiAsa Member Posts: 2

    Probably very unbalanced in one way or another but here's a couple ideas I've had for a bit

    Boon: God's Blessing

    your zealotry has been rewarded, but does not go unpunished by the Entity.

    Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.

    Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres.

    Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:

    Increases the action speed of Repairing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Opening, and Unlocking by 5/7/9%.

    Every 3/5/7 seconds, the aura's of any survivor within Boon: God's Blessings radius are revealed to the killer for 1 second.

    You can only bless one Totem at a time.

    All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.

    "God will help us here, we just need a focus. Whether any other creature here will notice, that I don't care about." - Sister Rose

    Death Watch

    Being watched only increases your desire to inflict pain.

    When a survivor is looking at you with direct line-of-sight, Death Watch activates.

    While active, increase the speed of damaging, breaking, snuffing and vaulting by 15/20/25%, and decrease basic attack cooldowns by 10/15/20%

    "Giving them attention only fuels their desire for bloodshed"

  • simon9072015
    simon9072015 Member Posts: 80

    boon: fools trick.

    bless a totem to make a fake boon, when the killer break the boon, get stun and blind per 5 seconds. all survivor inside of a radius of 24 meters of the boon when this its break, get a 7% speed boost for 10/15/20 seconds 

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    • Killer Perk:
    • Scourge Hook: Petrified
    • ??? (couldn’t think of a description or quote)
    • At the start of the trial 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge hooks
    • The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white
    • After hooking a survivor on a Scourge Hook, any other survivors within a (16,20,24) meter range of that hook will scream revealing their location for 4 seconds
    • Survivors in Lockers that are in range will be forced out of the locker and forcing to scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds
    • All affected Survivors will become Incapacitated for (8,10,12) seconds

  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2022
    • Killer Perk:
    • Thirst Quencher
    • The satisfying feel of blood fuels you
    • When you lose Bloodlust from a successful basic attack, this perk activates
    • You maintain the speed bonus from the tier of Bloodlust you lost for (6,8,10) seconds
    • You do not gain bloodlust while this perk is on cooldown
    • Cooldown of 20 seconds

    Post edited by Balsadar22 on
  • Balsadar22
    Balsadar22 Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2022
    • Survivor Perl:
    • Bureaucrat
    • Witnessing so much blood being spilt drive you to lead
    • When another survivor loses a health within a 32 meter radius of you (5,4,3) times Bureaucrat activates
    • While Bureaucrat is active, any other survivor within a 8 meter radius of your location gain a (6%,8%,10%) increase to generator repair and vaulting speeds
    • This effect lingers for 15 seconds after leaving Bureaucrat’s range
    • Bureaucrat does not stack with other instances of itself

    I like the thought of a perk with the same type of activation as Rookie Spirit, with a strong Leader Effect afterward.

    Hence this creation!

    Post edited by Balsadar22 on
  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    Scourge Hook: Something

    When a survivor is hooked on a scourge hook, all other survivors suffer from a 4/6/8% hinder

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233
    edited January 2023

    Survivor perks themed after an illusionist/stage performer.

    Exit Stage Left

    "Take another look inside, and they're gone! But to where..."

    When you enter a locker empty-handed, use the active ability button to create a Sigil of Warping. When performing the action in another locker you link the two together. When a Survivor enters one of these lockers, they can choose to teleport and leave from the other locker instead. Warping will sound an audio cue when used. The Entity will block both lockers for 110/100/90 seconds when this function is used.

    • Both lockers are highlighted in yellow for Survivors.
    • You may only do this to a max of two lockers at a time.
    • Survivors cannot warp if both highlighted lockers are occupied.
    • Sigils on both lockers will break when Killer interacts with one of the lockers.
    • The Killer will have an audio indicator for when they are near a locker effected by a Sigil of Warping.

    "And when I open the box again... ta-da! I have made my assistant disappear!"


    "It's all smoke and mirrors, but to an undiscerning eye they could be the real deal."

    After cleansing a totem, gain a token. While working on a generator, opening a chest, or healing yourself use the active ability button to create an illusion of yourself, pretending to perform these actions in your place. The illusion holds for 12/16/20 seconds or until the killer interacts with it. If the killer destroys the illusion, their aura is revealed to you for 4 seconds.

    "Impossible! How could he be in two places at once?! There is just no way!"

    Lovely Assistant

    "As the saying goes, two heads are better than one."

    When performing a cooperative action (repairing generators or healing) with the Obsession, the both of you get an increased action speed of 4/5/6%. If you are the Obsession, this perk deactivates. Lovely Assistant does not stack with other instances of itself. Lowers the odds of becoming the Killer's obsession.

    "To add legitimacy to the act, we call someone from the audience. That's where you come into play..."

    Post edited by Hex_iButt on
  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233
    edited October 2022

    More Survivor Perks I thought of randomly that can be themed after a con-artist or criminal archetype.


    "Sometimes an imitation can really convince others it is the real deal."

    You begin the Trial with 3 tokens. When you pick up an item from a chest, press the ability button to expend a token, rummaging for an exact duplicate inside the chest. The duplicate item will be of the same rarity, but will have 20%/35%/50% of its charges. You may only use this perk on items that were originally found inside of a chest.

    "Take it or leave it, I've got plenty of other offers for this baby." -Trevor Braden

    End of the Bargain

    "Be wary of whom or what you choose to make a deal with."

    The Entity has given you incentive to delay things for a little more playtime. Anytime you purposely fail a skill check while repairing a generator or healing, gain a token up to a max of 5. When you are hit by the Killer, expend all tokens in your possession to gain the following effects:

    • At least 1 Token: Hide your Scratch Marks for 3/4/5 more seconds.
    • At least 3 Tokens: Hide your Pools of Blood for 3/4/5 seconds.
    • At least 5 Tokens: Gain the Endurance Status for 12/16/20 seconds.

    This perk goes on cooldown for 80 seconds after being used.

    "Maybe we can help each other out here. How's about you and I make a deal?" -Trevor Braden


    "Sometimes you just have to look out for Number One."

    When you are being rescued from the hook, being healed, or healing another Survivor press the active ability button to transfer your status as the Obsession to the Survivor who helped you. If more than one Survivor is healing you, the Obsession is chosen at random. Your scratch marks and pools of blood are hidden for 16/20/24 seconds. The Aura of the Obsession will be revealed to the killer for the next 3 seconds. This perk deactivates when you are not the Obsession. Increases the odds of becoming the Killer's initial Obsession.

    "No hard feelings, kid..." -Trevor Braden

    Post edited by Hex_iButt on
  • NikoHarper
    NikoHarper Member Posts: 34

    2 survivor perks

    GET UP

    Want to stay with me? Fine but you will need to follow MY rules.

    When there a downed survivor within 16 meters of you he recover 5%/10%/15% more faster.

    When a survivor recover progress for more than 90%/85%/80% press the ability button and one survivor will be back to injured status.

    This effect have a cooldown of 60 second.


    Are you stupid on suppose? Stay with me and dont you dare to leave.

    You see the obsession aura, whenever you and the obsession is within 16 meters of each other both gain a 25%/30%/40% bônus speed in: healing, cleansing totem, opening gates and opening chest

  • Volcie
    Volcie Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 4

    Enigmatic Anxiety

    At the beginning of the match, this perk starts inactive and you are Undetectable for 80/100/120 seconds. This effect is deactivated once a survivor loses a health state.

    For the rest of the match, this perk activates for 15/20/25 seconds when you become Undetectable and deactivates when you are no longer Undetectable. While this perk is active, all survivors will hear and be within your terror radius. When this perk deactivates, it remains inactive for 60/50/40 seconds.

    The idea was to make an interesting perk that could synergize in a unique way with both perks and killer powers, while having some benefit outside of those synergies and still not being abusable. [i.e. the cooldown is necessary so a wraith/ghostie can't cloak and uncloak to apply coulrophobia to all survivors for half the match]

  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66

    Here's my perk.

    Against All Odds.

    You've lived most of your life with people saying you can't get anywhere. But you've risen up despite the odds against you.

    You start the trial with 2/3/4 Tokens. Whenever you are put into the Dying State, picked up by the Killer, or hooked, consume a Token to fully recover from the Dying State. Consume 2 Tokens to break out of the Killer's grasp. Consume all remaining Tokens to unhook yourself.

    You can regain spent Tokens by healing or unhooking other Survivors, and you gain then Endurance status effect for 5/10/15 seconds whenever a Token is consumed.

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233
    edited September 2022

    This is a Survivor archetype of perks called "Blood Rites", where a player creates a consumable limited item (being a potion) that can be used in the trial. Rather than tying them to totems, I figured the key ingredient they need to make this work would be to use the survivor's own blood, so they can only use it while healthy. They can be dropped on the ground to be given to another Survivor. While strong, there may be drawbacks to these potions as well (see individual perks), but added a general cooldown until you're able to craft again, so it wouldn't be abused by people healing themselves to make infinite potions.

    Blood Rite: Concealment

    You offer up your blood to gain a favor to hide from threats.

    This perk is only active while at full health. When hiding instead of a locker empty-handed for 15 seconds, press the Ability button to lose a health state and craft a "Potion of Concealment". Press and hold the Ability button to drink the potion. When fully consumed, the following effects will occur:

    • Suppresses your Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood.
    • Suppresses your grunts of pain.
    • Your Aura is hidden from the Killer.

    The potion's effect lasts for 30/35/40 seconds or until you perform a Conspicuous action. You may only be under the effects of one potion at a time. This perk goes on cooldown for 80 seconds after crafting a potion.

    Blood Rite: Third Eye

    You offer up your blood to gain the ability to see beyond.

    This perk is only active while at full health. When hiding instead of a locker empty-handed for 15 seconds, press the Ability button to lose a health state and craft a "Potion of Clarity". Press and hold the Ability button to drink the potion. When fully consumed, the following effects will occur:

    • You see the Killer's Aura within 16/20/24 meters.
    • You see the Aura of other Survivors within 48 meters.

    After 30 seconds, the effects of the potion dissipate, and you are inflicted with the Blindness status for 30 seconds. You may only be under the effects of one potion at a time. This perk goes on cooldown for 80 seconds after crafting a potion.

    Blood Rite: Stone Skin

    You offer up your blood, strengthening your defenses.

    This perk is only active while at full health. When hiding instead of a locker empty-handed for 15 seconds, press the Ability button to lose a health state and craft a "Potion of Stone Skin". Press and hold the Ability button to drink the potion. When fully consumed, the following effects will occur:

    • You ignore the effects of the Exposed status effect for 30/35/40 seconds.
    • Any damage taken that would send you into the Dying status will instead put you in the Deep Wounds status.

    After the timer expires or when taking damage that would send you into the Dying state, the effects of the potion dissipate and you are inflicted with the Broken status for 30 seconds. You may only be under the effects of one potion at a time. This perk goes on cooldown for 80 seconds after crafting a potion.

    Post edited by Hex_iButt on
  • Numberedglint51
    Numberedglint51 Member Posts: 1

    Killer perk:

    For each unique survivor hooked gain a token. Each token grants 1.5% haste status effect. Lose 3/2/1 tokens when a survivor dies.

  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66

    Boon: Something From Nothing

    What others see as waste, you see the true value.

    You cannot Bless Dull or Hex Totems with this Perk, instead, press Ability Button 1 to perform a ritual on a destroyed Totem to rekindle it as a Boon Totem for Boon: Something From Nothing. For each Boon Totem active at the same time, Boon: Something From Nothing gains an additional effect.

    1 Boon Totem: Increases Survivors' repair speed by 10%/20%/30%

    2 Boon Totems: Increases Survivors' healing speed by 10%/20%/30%

    3 Boon Totems: Increases Survivors' recovery speed from being downed by 10%/20%/30%. Survivors recovered from the dying state are granted the Endurance status effect for 15 seconds.

    4 Boon Totems: Increases Survivors' exit gate opening speed by 10%/20%/30%.

    5 Boon Totems: Survivors can fully recover from the dying state.

    You see the aura of destroyed Totems.

    When a previously rekindled Boon Totem is snuffed by the Killer, its remains are consumed by The Entity and it cannot be rekindled again.

  • Haven414
    Haven414 Member Posts: 97

    These are actually the three I came up with in my Ink Demon killer concept (link at the bottom):

    Rush of Blood:

    Whatever it is, something within your body is keeping you going.

    Whenever you hook a survivor, Rush of Blood activates. While activated, your lunge distance is increased by 15%/17%/20%. When you injure a survivor or put them in the dying state, Rush of Blood deactivates.

    “I will not let the demon touch me again.” -Alice Angel

    Punching In:

    Invite them once and they’ll never come again.

    The first survivor to complete the sabotage action gets injured (if already injured or exposed, they are put into the dying state) and inflicted with oblivious for 30/35/40 seconds. After this happens, each survivor’s sabotage speed is decreased by 15%.

    “Always on time.” -Henry Stein

    Hex: Dark Revival:

    The worst is yet to come.

    Each time a dull totem or hex totem is cleansed, gain a token. When 4 generators have been repaired, all generators become blocked by the entity for 10/12/15 seconds times the amount of tokens you have. If the hex totem this perk is applied to becomes cleansed, you cannot gain more tokens, but the ones you have still apply. Cleansing this totem also counts towards gaining a token.

    “Tell me another one, Uncle Joey.”

    Here's the link to the doc where I made the entire killer concept if you wanna check it out:

  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66

    I came up with a group of Killer themed perks called Omen perks. You can find the first of them in my Werewolf Halloween Killer Concept. Here's the second.

    Omen: Bell Toll

    The bell of death rings out to all in time.

    The sound of tolling bells permeates the map for the duration of the trial.

    When a Survivor is hooked for the first time, Omen Bell Toll gains a Token up to a maximum of 4.

    When a Survivor is rescued from a hook, or unhooks themselves, they suffer from the Broken status effect for 20/30/40 seconds.

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233
    edited January 2023

    Gonna list the killer perks I made for my chapter concepts here with their associated killer.

    The Bulldozer's


    You discourage their attempts to tamper with what is already broken.

    After damaging a Generator, summon The Entity to block it for 20/25/30 seconds. The Aura of the Generator will be revealed to you in white. This perk goes on cool-down for 60 seconds after damaging the Generator.

    "This machine is out of order. We apologize for the inconvenience caused."


    Disabling your enemies is a guaranteed way to keep their hopes down.

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. The Aura of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white. Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

    • The Survivor suffers from the Incapacitated status for 30 seconds when unhooked.
    • The Item the Survivor was holding is dropped to the ground. If not recovered in 60/50/40 seconds, the Item will have its Charges depleted by The Entity.

    "We are not liable for any personal items that get damaged near the construction site." -Company Handbook


    When one of your supports is in bad shape, you should find a suitable replacement.

    You call upon The Entity to destroy any Dull, Boon, or Hex totem of your choosing. If a Hex totem was destroyed, transfer its effects to a new totem after 60/45/30 seconds. An audio queue will sound when a totem is destroyed in this way. This perk deactivates after you destroy any totem.

    "If this piece was in worse shape, the whole building would've collapsed during the opening ceremony!" -Inspector Davis

    The Virus


    Even one's tools are just as prone to being affected by disease, just as it can affect our own well-being.

    If a Survivor uses an Item they are carrying while inside your Terror Radius, increase the amount of charges consumed by 6%/8%/10%. Any Items looted from Chests will have their Charges depleted by 33%.

    "Warning, suspicious software detected!"


    Constantly pestering your enemy is an efficient method of causing them to let their guard down.

    After damaging a generator the following applies:

    • The Generator's Aura is highlighted in yellow.
    • Any Survivor working on the generator will receive an 80%/90%/100% chance of receiving difficult Skill Checks on that generator for 15 seconds. Failing the skill check will result in an immediate Progression loss of 5%.
    • Increase the Trigger odds of Skill Checks by 15%.

    Pop-up Advertisement goes on cooldown for 40 seconds.

    "Hot and single toaster pastries in your area! Join now for a 50% off coupon code!"


    A Hex allowing you to take matters into your own hands.

    Whenever you hook a Survivor, Hex: Takeover activates. If there are any Boon Totems in the Trial grounds, the Entity snuffs them out instantaneously, and blocks them for 20/25/30 seconds. Any Survivors within the range of the Boon Totem have their Auras revealed for 4 seconds.

    The Hex persists until its Hex totem is cleansed.

    "You'd be surprised at how many people actually use some variation of 'Password' as their actual password." -Anonymous Hacker

    The Matron

    To Forgive is Divine

    An accident is to be forgiven, however, you will take measures to correct the behavior.

    When Survivors fail a total of 4/3/2 Skill Checks on the same object, reveal their aura(s) for 2 seconds. Any Survivor who is within your Terror Radius the following applies:

    • Increase trigger odds of Skill Checks by 11%/22%/33% while repairing a Generator.
    • Survivors are faced with a difficult Skill Check when they stop interacting with a Generator.

    "It is okay my child, soon you will come to see the light." -Moiré Gomer

    Hex: Rectify

    A Hex rooting on its power on hope.

    • When you hook a Survivor, this perk activates. All Survivors in the trial suffer from the Oblivious status for 40 seconds. Any Survivor within a 20 meter radius of the hook is also afflicted with the Exposed Status for 20/30/40 seconds.

    "I shall cleanse the Earth if its impurities!" -Moiré Gomer

    Pass Judgement

    Your passion to punish the wicked knows no bounds.

    • You become obsessed with one Survivor. When the Obsession is rescued from a hook, they receive the Broken status for 25/30/35 seconds. As long as they are injured, the Obsession suffers from a penalty of 8% when repairing, healing, sabotaging, and cleansing/blessing totems.

    "This is the time for prayer... your final chance at salvation." -Moiré Gomer

    The Lycan


    You have marked your prey, and will make sure to keep track of their whereabouts.

    • You become Obsessed with one Survivor. After injuring them, their pools of blood are brighter, and can be tracked for 4 seconds longer. When injured the Obsession suffers from the Broken status for 30 seconds and a reduced healing proficiency of 4%/6%/8%.


    These bones have more uses than satisfying one's chewing needs.

    • All of your totem's Auras are revealed to you in white. The next time you hook a Survivor gain a token. After you accumulate 5/4/3 tokens you may interact with a Dull Totem to re-activate one of your equipped Hex Totem Perks. This perk deactivates after being used. Hex: Ossein Offering will not apply to the perk Hex: Undying.


    The light of the full moon, grants you a gift.

    • The next time you are blinded by a Survivor their Aura is revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds. The Survivor also suffers from the Blindness and Hinderance status effects for 20 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

    The Maiden (Fatal Frame Concept)


    A ritual that binds the souls of two beings together so that they could be together in the afterlife.

    Hex: Ghost Marriage will activate on a random Dull Totem remaining on the Trial Grounds after you hook a Survivor for the first time:

    • The hooked Survivor suffers from the Cursed and Broken Status Effects until Hex: Ghost Marriage is cleansed.
    • For the first 60 seconds, only the Cursed Survivor is able to cleanse the Hex Totem.
    • The Aura of Hex: Ghost Marriage's Hex Totem is revealed to the Cursed Survivor within 24/20/16 meters.

    The Hex effects persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed.

    "I wanted to live with him. . . However, the person I want to die with is you..." -Ose Kurosawa


    You gain the ability to read the memories of an object's spirit, learning their secrets.

    Whenever you damage a Generator, Survivors within a 16 meter radius of you will scream, and suffer from the Exposed status effect for 15 seconds.

    Fatal Glance has a cooldown of 70/60/50 seconds.

    Images of death flashed in front of me. I could smell the choking stench of death. -Ose Kurosawa


    You are armed with the tools to keep your enemies closer to death.

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks.

    • The Aura of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

    Each time a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, the following effect applies:

    • The Rescuer is afflicted with the Hindered status, decreasing their movement speed by 2% for 15 seconds.
    • The Survivor that was unhooked suffers from the Exhausted status for 35/40/45 seconds.

    "The maidens were shut in boxes filled with Black Water. The water brought them close to death and gradually eroded their bodies. But if their resolve was strong they would retain their physical form."

    Post edited by Hex_iButt on

    Chests have a 50/75/100% chance of containing gruesome human remains. When a survivor opens a chest, they discover it contains human remains, causing them to scream and revel their location for 4/6/8 seconds to the killer.

  • DarkbeastPaarl
    DarkbeastPaarl Member Posts: 66

    Survivor Perk: Locksmith

    You can build locks as well as pick them.

    If the Killer closes the Hatch, you can attempt to unlock it without a key. Doing this will trigger numerous Skillchecks. Failing one of these Skillchecks will stop your attempt and you cannot attempt to unlock the Hatch in this manner again.

    Searching a chest guarantees a key of at least Rare/Very Rare/Ultra Rare quality.

  • Hex_ZaddyGhostface
    Hex_ZaddyGhostface Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2022


    You can spam-kick solo Q teammates in the butt for the entire match. Gives one BP in the objective catagory.

    Post edited by Hex_ZaddyGhostface on
  • NonniNinjaNoo
    NonniNinjaNoo Member Posts: 5

    Totem sniffer:

    (I'd choose a better name, but I like this one)

    Upon cleansing or blessing a totem, all other totems auras are revealed to you for period of 3/4/5 seconds. During which, highlighting a specific totem and clicking the active ability button cleanse or bless that totem instead.

    Cleansing and blessing times are increased by 20/15/10%.

  • NonniNinjaNoo
    NonniNinjaNoo Member Posts: 5

    Altruism pays dividends:

    Saving others fuels you with adrenaline.

    Upon completing 3 safe unhook rescues, the next time you lose a health state, automatically recover a health state after a period of 45/30/20 seconds.

  • TFS
    TFS Member Posts: 6


    Things need to be done, and nobody else wants to do them but you.

    For every time the killer is stunned by another player, gain 1 token up to a maximum of 4. For every token you get, you get a 3/4/5% boost to generator repair speed.

    If a survivour loses a health state or dies, lose 2 tokens.

    "Keep them busy, I've got something in the works."

  • wwhhcc
    wwhhcc Member Posts: 1

    Survivor perks:


    The more blockage you use, the more blockage you can create.

    After dropping 4/3/2 Pallets during Chase, this perk activates.

    Press and hold the Active Ability button for 4 seconds while standing beside a destroyed Pallet to reset it to its upright position.

    "Road closed."

    (Game time at the Game.)

    Thorn In Flesh

    Action always comes with karma.

    After repairing Generators for a total of 50%, Thorn In Flesh activates:

    • After repairing a Generator for at least 3 seconds, press the Active Ability button to install a Thorn trap, which stays active for 40/45/50 seconds.
    • The Aura of Trapped Generators is revealed in yellow to all Survivors.
    • When the Killer damages a Trapped Generator, the Trap activates, causing the Killer to suffer from a 10% Hindered Status Effect for 6/7/8 seconds.

    Thorn In Flesh deactivates after triggering successfully or if the timer runs out.

    "Mind your feet!"

    (This gen-kicking meta!)


    Killer perks:

    Hex: Ban-Boon-zle

    A Hex that grants blessing, from the Entity.

    You start the trial with 1/2/3 Tokens.

    Whenever a Totem would be blessed, the perk activates and a Token is consumed.

    Instead of a blessed Totem, the Totem becomes Hex: Ban-Boon-zle. Upon activation:

    • Hex: Ban-Boon-zle will be blocked by the Entity for 30 seconds.
    • The Survivor who completed the blessing action suffers from the Cursed Status Effects until Hex: Ban-Boon-zle is cleansed.
    • The Cursed Survivor can not perform blessing action.
    • The Aura of its Hex Totem is revealed to all Survivors within 24/20/16 meters.

    "A blessing that pulls them toward the inevitable."

    (I can name it something else but I really want this pun lol)


    Each Pallet you break means you know more about it.

    After breaking 4/3/2 Pallets, the next time you break a Pallet, The Entity will place a Mirage Pallet at the same location.

    A Mirage Pallet dropped by a Survivor will be destroyed immediately and not stun the Killer.

    "I have learned more than enough."

    (Yea this looks like the Freddy pallet, but who plays Freddy?)

  • Scythe629
    Scythe629 Member Posts: 17

    I got three for ya. These are for a killer i came up with who was an opera singer, so they're show themed.

    • Reverb: If a survivor's aura is revealed, any other survivors within 10/15/20 meters of them have their auras revealed as well.
    • Hex - On with the Show: Gain a Haste effect of 2%/3%/4% for 5 seconds after breaking a pallet.
    • Lights Up: When blinded by a survivor, gain a token. Each token allows the killer's next Lunge Attack to have a 20%/40%/60% decrease in cooldown time

  • Zaika7182
    Zaika7182 Member Posts: 76

    Baseball bat takes an item slot, while holding RMB you go into a stance that lets you swing, if the killer is in the radius during the swing they are stunned for 3 seconds, after hitting the killer upper part of your bat is broken and it can be fixed with build to last one time before breaking completely.


    First we need to look at possible balance notes:

    You can't use it near hooks when someone is being carried.

    There should be a delay between entering a stance and swinging so the killer will have room for counterplay.

    You can't stay in stance for too long to avoid camping chokepoints.

    A sound cue plays when you start going into stance(a character inhales or smth like that).

    If there will be more than one baseball bat, the killer recieves stun resistance after first hit.

    This one may be a bit extreme but if bats will be too opressive we can give immunity to killers that carry survivors.

    Perks like enduring should also work on baseball bats.

    Baseball bats break or may as well exhaust you.

    Radius of the swing is around the radius of killers M1.

    After missing a swing you get out of stance


    Now the way we can implement it in the game:

    As a perk

    You can rummage a chest to get one baseball bat per trial, they disappear after trial.(Unless you implement them as a whole item)

    The perk should also give a small buff to the bat like removing scratch marks after stun for 2 seconds.

    And in order to save killers from swfs with 4 bats just add stun resistance after first hit as mentioned before.

    As an item with addons that can be chosen in lobby(Purple is a normal baseball bat, pink is covered in nails :D) Same way of countering swfs as mentioned before, they would also rarely spawn in chests and in that case perk can exist as well.

    Last one is to spawn 1 baseball bat in a random chest in every trial, they disapear as the trial ends but can be repaired with built to last.


    Item visuals:

    Just a normal wooden baseball bat, after repairing it will be covered in duct tape and nails.

    And maybe add some sort of skins for them like wooden plank or even crowbar :D


    Sorry for making it a bit messy as english is not my main language but I hope you got the idea, I think it will be fun and quite easy to balance if implemented.

  • Selimpool
    Selimpool Member Posts: 3

    Once the Exit Gates have been powered, Drowning Hope activates:

    When a Survivor interacts with an Exit Gate Switch, you receive a Loud Noise Notification. The Exit Gate Switch will lose any partial Opening progress at a rate of -4%/-5%/-6% per second if not opened up fully. You get Loud Noise Notification only once per Exit Gate.