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Slugging is now a dead strat!



  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Was not expecting this at all. Tbh I never even knew slugging was on their radar, but looking at the new Mori system I can see why they addressed it. Interesting games ahead!

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2022

    You can no longer choose when to Mori.

    You can no longer slug, unless you're a Nurse with double range and wall hacks.

    Decisive Strike is now guaranteed. I guess now it deserves the 3s stun.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    So is Knock Out going to stay as it is then?


  • Member Posts: 207

    You do pick yourself up faster still. It increases recovery speed and it does affect the time to pick yourself up.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I see potential for abuse, but I also see potential for this to be a very healthy change. It's pretty gigantic as far as game changes go, it's premature to react fully right now.

    I am concerned about a few more perks than the ones being changed- most notably Deerstalker, which near as I can tell is basically never going to be useful?

    Infinite Unbreakable is pretty scary. Maybe some killer stuff should interact with it? Like, say you can't pick yourself up if you're Broken and need someone else to do it, or say Haemorrhage now applies to the dying state, or something. I'll have to play on this PTB before I can give solid feedback, but it definitely looks pretty scary.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Ohhh I didn't even think about the slug races. Those are always good fun.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited September 2022

    Well now the killer gets a reward to because if everyone else is dying on the floor or hooked and he gets the last one. The match instantly ends. Everyone dies. So it goes to both sides. No last second kobes. No adrenaline on hatch closure as last survivor plays. No clutch unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I'm so happy about the anti-slugging basekit.

    Last man standing while people in the match I think will make survivors less likely to go for hook saves/trades. It's also an indirect nerf to Adrenaline because killers that closed hatch would pop up the survivor they left slugged. Also makes the hatch challenges even more difficult so they really need to stop putting hatch challenges in the tomes. I'm fine with them adding it in though since survivors get anti-slugging.

  • Does this mean Flip Flop can be 99'd because the timer goes above the wiggle cap? 45 seconds vs however long it takes to wiggle out

  • Member Posts: 645

    45 seconds seems too low from a first read/reaction but I'm eager to see how it plays in the PTB. I am really glad BHVR are trying this out in PTB first and giving themselves more time to react and fine tune it rather than push it out with this upcoming update. I think that's a really good idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    So what i understand from the recovery is :

    • slugged over 45 secs = you can pick yourself up
    • unbreakable speed the recovery but you cannot recover fully until 45 sec on the ground

    So the recovery from ground will always be after 45 sec. I was worried about Twins as they suffer a lot from using their power. setting it to a 45 secs timer is good and but i think Charlotte should still be able to have a speed boost when running in the direction of Victor to balance it ?

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Free unbreakable base kit for everyone. Okay, listen, I got it. I agree and understand that playings againts some Killers who just want to slug you to death no metter what and refuse to pick you up or just let you lie on the ground for minutes is horrible to play againts. However, after just 45 seconds you can pick yourself up?! That is mad. Also it scales with perks too? So if unbreakeble now is 100% recovery speed, does this mean Survivors can ALWAYS pick themselfs up after just less than 30 seconds? #########. That's not okay at all. What about Twins for example? They HAVE to let people on the ground for at least several seconds because swaping between Charlotte and Victor, waiting cooldowns and going there takes quite some time too. I very not like this. It should be like after 90 seconds or something or 80 seconds and not scaling with pick up perks.

    Perk changes. Why do we have to change every single mori / unbreakeble effect in the game just because of some fancy finisher that would only happend at the very end of the game? Why changing so many perks, aka nerfing killer perks that were fine or even meh??? Rancor hello? Trash, worse NOED. Devour Hope? Nerfed. Why??

    I am sorry but I am super disapointed and I hope most changes will not come to live version and that unbreakeble base kit effect should get nerfed by a mile.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Interesting changes. Having every game end with a slug for the 4k is obnoxious, so if this change reduces that then it is a good change.

    It is very rare that a good killer should ever need to slug for more than 45 seconds. Only thing I can think of is if you are facing a sweat squad and one survivor goes down under a pallet. Now, if you pick that survivor up you get hit with the pallet, if you don't because of survivors circling, you don't get the hook.

  • Member Posts: 217

    Hello, can someone explain to me why everyone is talking about the new mori system? Did BHVR showed us some content (I didn't see something new in news)? Anyway, thanks for helping me out 🙂

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Recovery on the floor speed affects the timer. So unbreakable makes it 22 seconds. Have unbreakable and exponential? 11?

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    It's pretty clearly written, that the new Unbreakable will speed up the recovery, and instead of the default 45 seconds you can pick yourself up after 22.5 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2022

    So killers are now losing the pressure they get by forcing another teammate off the gen to pick up the downed survivor and they are now placed in a no win situation at pallets when others are around.

    You either pick up and they get the pallet stun save or the downed survivor gets up.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    This sounds so broken, SWFs will abuse it. Basekit UB is understandable but this perk needs to go after that.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    In some sense devour is also getting a buff... You can hook them instead of moriing them and therefore get some hook value if you have some other perk that gives you hook value.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    It was clear to me that survivors are not allowed to be frustrated as a result of killer winning tactics.

    This concludes the discussion on slugging, as slugging will be permanently removed.

    Perhaps if we keep hoping, camping, tunneling, hooking, chasing, and attaching will be removed as well LOL

  • Member Posts: 696

    So, with Unbreakable and Boon: Exponential, they can get up in 11 seconds? Wouldn't that be meta? Imagine a bully squad.... Oh god this is terrible.

  • Member Posts: 784

    Is it still possible to bleed out with this new mechanic if you get slugged often enough?

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Basekit slugging changes were necessary. The PTB is here to test and balance it accordingly

    These changes were needed because “Certain killers” were far too strong at slugging

  • Member Posts: 524
    edited September 2022


    According to them the way I read it, Unbreakable will be changed only to give you recovery speed for others to pick you up faster. But getting up on your own will remain 45 seconds

    "Unbreakable: Now increases dying self-recovery speed by 80/90/100%" That's all it does as I read it.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Well it is definitely a buff for survivors. If survivor goes down at a pallet with another survivor running around then it can become quite tricky for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Will no mither change with the update, it was already bad with infinite picking yourself off the ground, with this update the perk seems even more redundant, could the perk get a complete rework and do anything else?

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    I remember someone saying some dumb stuff about how you had to HOOK survivors to get the last survivor finisher which would take too long if you slugged. If you can get everyone down in 45 seconds, you earned that win.

  • Member Posts: 3,910

    No they weren’t??? Pick the slug up. It’s literally trading off a hook state for saving time applying pressure. This is beyond insanely overpowered. If the killer managed to slug everyone, the survivors messed up horribly. (Or it’s solo queue against Blindness, which that status needs a rework anyways)

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    When will Deliverance be basekit?

    Around the same time as NOED maybe?

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Isn't that kind of the situation already though? If a survivor is downed under a pallet while others are around, then after they recover to 99% all they need is a tap from one of the surrounding survivors to get them up anyway. On the plus side, if you manage to down them all within 45s the game concludes in your favour.

    Wonder if we'll see alot more Bubba if these changes make it to live...

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