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Forcefully kicked from match

Member Posts: 30
edited August 2024 in Bug Reporting

Since I started regularly playing DBD again sometime in January, I have been continually forced out of matches and given a DC penalty, the highest being a 6-hour penalty that originally triggered me writing this post. I am now rewriting in hopes that someone at Behavior will take me a little more seriously, without losing all the discussion other people have had in the comments. I play DBD on Xbox Series S and this issue has occurred while in matches as both survivor and killer, you will find in the comments below that players on every platform are also experiencing this issue.

I start by loading into DBD without any other games or apps running, I choose to play as either survivor or killer and load into a match without any issues. My latency is usually around 40-50 ms and I never have issues with my internet, I will play the match as I normally do, usually I am kicked while doing actions such as working on gens or attempting to vault in chase, it doesn't matter what point of the match it is or how long the match lasts. Sometimes when I am kicked there is no warning at all, while other times I will see other players running straight into walls or I will be unable to do any actions until I am kicked. I am always kicked to the endgame screen with a disconnected from host pop up, in the endgame screen it tells me that the killer has also disconnected from the match and I am able to see all of their perks, the killer is not disconnected as when I play with friends they are able to finish the match as usual. I click out of the error message and click back to go back to my lobby, I have never been kicked from my own lobby just the match itself. Whenever this happens I can check my latency and it does not change, if I am in an Xbox party with friends I do not get kicked from that party and they can hear me as it is happening, I will often tell them I am being kicked before it happens which I would not be able to do if this was an internet issue.

I have found this happens more often when I sit in my lobby too long without readying up or when I switch to a different character, which makes it really hard if I am waiting for friends to join or I want to upgrade in my blood web. Even knowing this and avoiding doing those actions, I will still get kicked from matches and receive higher and higher penalties. I genuinely believe this is a server issue and not a personal internet issue.

I ask that someone at least tries to look into this, as I would hate to no longer be able to play on my account I have spent money and worked hard on. I am willing to give more information as needed.

Below is a clip of what happens while I am being kicked, as you can see I checked my latency in game and it seems to be fine. After the video ends the loading screen finishes and I am put in the end game screen with a “Disconnected from host” error. I can also see the killers username, prestige, and all of the perks they are running.

Post edited by JocelynAwakens on
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  • Member Posts: 30

    Came back here to say it’s happening again most likely due to the new update. Also Looks like this post is still pending and bhvr doesn’t want to do anything about it.

  • Member Posts: 205

    It's the tools of torments, probably made by Survivors mains trying to force us to leave the game...

  • Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2023

    I have the same issue on PS5. Game suddenly bugs in some way and then I get loading screen and ”Disconnection from Host” error message. At the worst I ended up with a 24h penalty less than 5 minutes into my first match of the day. My internet remains fine throughout and I have a wired connection and good ping. This error even happens during custom games with bots. I’ve exchanged several emails with BHVR support about it, they pretty much ignored any sentence I wrote that suggested it was an issue with the game/servers and not something on my end. When none of their troubleshooting suggestions worked, they suggested I contact my ISP or Sony.

    Post edited by EasternSpock on
  • Member Posts: 30

    fr I’ve tried to get bvhr’s attention several times and they insist it’s an internet issue. My internet is perfectly fine, I don’t even get kicked from my in game party or xbox party whenever it happens. It has to be a dbd server issue but they refuse to look into it :/

  • Member Posts: 105

    Here to say that, again, this is still an issue. I haven't played DBD in two days because of this problem -- it's making the game virtually unplayable. I will also say again, it is not my internet. Literally scared to play because every time I do, I get booted from the match needlessly and my penalties just rack up exponentially. Occurs most often when a health state validation happens (health state loss, hook state change, or health state gained).

  • Member Posts: 9

    I have been having the same issue. i just bought the game recently and having this issue is making me not want to play it. It usually happens when i hook someone or start a chase. I cant even play a whole match ive tried to uninstall my game but that didnt work hopefully they can fix it. Im at a 2 hour ban currently and it is really annoying.

  • Member Posts: 9

    i dont have as many hours as you but i also love the game. I have been playing it for a couple of days now and it is just depressing this issue isnt resolved. i have got all the killers and survivors and now i cant even play the game for more then 15 min without getting kicked. im up to a 6 hour ban and i dont want to take my chances. I contacted support and they said the same thing they say to everyone else that its a issue with my internet but i know thats not true. I have tried restarting my internet just like they said and it hasnt helped at all. I just wish the support team for this game would actually do something. At some point they need to realize its not us that is causing this issue it is something with the game. I play on pc and its kicks me on there but i swapped to my xbox and havent had any problems at all.

  • Member Posts: 228

    Are y'all talking about the "Disconected from the host" issue?

  • Member Posts: 9

    yes we are been happening for a couple of days now and im at a 6 hour ban

  • Member Posts: 84

    This happens all the time to me on Switch. It doesnt seem as often as some people have reported, but it happens at least once a day to me.

    I've honestly just started to assume it has something to do with the DDoS thing but I have nothing to base that on other than how it usually coincides with something going horribly wrong for one of the players and then the disconnected from host message pops up.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    This has been happening to my SWF teammate on ps4 since November. He randomly gets kicked, can see killers load out even though match is still going and it says killer DC'd too. His internet is fine, he isn't having any issues with internet connection when he gets kicked. He sent a ticket to support and they closed it telling him to fix his internet instead of looking into it any further.


  • Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2023

    the support team said the same thing to me. I did what they said it ran fine for 4 games and i just got disconnected. Now i have a 24 penalty this is ridiculous. Its so annoying how they say it is our internet is the problem even though so many of us are having this issue. It is 100% something wrong with their servers and they need to fix this asap. I dont know why they cant realize we arent the ones causing this issue. I have contacted support to try to appeal my 24 hour penalize hopefully they dont tell me to restart my internet and close the ticket. I will keep contacting support until they fix this i am very unhappy with this bug. I love the game a lot and the fact that you get penalized and ban for this issue is heartbreaking.

    Post edited by Fuzion on
  • Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2023

    Ignore this comment I accidentally posted a duplicate bc my previous comment didn’t show up initially.

    Post edited by EasternSpock on
  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    This just happened to me also. I was playing for about an hour when suddenly I was disconnected from the match. When I get back to the main screen, I find out that I now have a 24 hour penalty! This is the only game I've ever played that wants to actively discourage you from playing it after you've spent money on it. It's amazing. After years of bugs, mechanics that don't work and now this, I'm uninstalling and moving on because they won't do anything about it. It's like being in an abusive relationship. I keep hoping it will get better but it never does. Time to start playing games that I actually enjoy and leave behind the one that makes me frustrated. I hope it gets better for you all but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Yeah it is really said i love this game and wish i could put more time into it but i feel like they will never own up to this issue and just blow it off. I also dont understand why there even is a penalty in the first place. If their was a competitive mode i would understand why there is a penalty. The normal matches just feel like casual matches have the time so there is no reason to even have a penalty ban. Even if they want to keep the penalty ban they should find a way to make to where it can tell if you got disconnected or if you just quit the game. They might as well just take the penalty ban out of the game rn if so many people have had this issue. I also think dead by daylights support team are the worst i have ever talked to. No help at all wont accept the fact that its their problem and just blame it on the players makes no sense to me.

  • Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2023

    Well, I went through Sony’s support just to exhaust everything that BHVR support has told me to try. They suggested port forwarding, which I had already tried. Sony said to contact the publisher of the game that is giving me issues (big surprise) because some multiplayer games may require additional reports to be opened. I told BHVR support this and they did give me a list of ports to open. I haven’t tried yet but if anyone else also wants to give it a shot, I copypasted from the support email below.


    I understand that Sony recommended port forwarding as a potential solution for your connection issues with Dead by Daylight. To answer your question, we do indeed have a set of ports that the game uses to function, here is the list:


    • 49003 – UDP Inbound AUDIO
    • 49004 – UDP Outbound AUDIO
    • 49005 – UDP Inbound VIDEO
    • 49006 – TCP/UDP Outbound/Inbound Remote Input

  • Member Posts: 30

    This is awesome I’ll have to try this! currently getting kicked every other match again. I have a clip of it happening, but it doesn’t seem to want to attach to the report.

  • Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2023

    Here's to hoping it works, I'm trying now - I'll post another comment if I get disconnected.


    Edit: It did not fix the issue. I just got kicked mid match once again with "Disconnected from Host" error while playing killer.

    Post edited by EasternSpock on
  • Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2023

    This is getting annoying.. Me and my friends are getting this same "Disconnected from Host" error. And for everybody's information, we are on a different platforms and on different Internet Service Providers. 2 of us on PC (Steam), 1 of us on PS4 and 1 of us on switch, and we are getting the same random disconnections now and then.. Don't blame it on poor connection, as I have said, we are on different ISPs (2 PLDT, 1 Converge and 1 Sky Fiber) and I am sure, our connection is fine. Is it a problem on a particular platform? I guess not, cause we are on different platforms. And we only started experiencing this DC after the 6.7.1 update last May 3. So we are beginning to think, there might be something in the last update that messes up the connection or something on the server side went booboo after the last update. AGAIN THIS IS VERY FRUSTATING, Losing PIPs and all because of this DC

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2023

    Same. Since May 5th I haven't been able to play a single match.

  • Member Posts: 915

    i had (or have) the same issue, first i thought it was DDoS attacks by dead survivor (it always happened when playing against obvious swf's and trying to hook someone) but i never had any general internet problems, only Dbd crashed for a second ("Disconnected from the server") and put me into lobby again but i could immediately log into another match again, no penalty. It happens like once every 15 killer games, so it's not super common, but it happened a few times already in the past weeks. I play this game since 3 years, this kinda stuff never happened before.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Getting real tired of "Disconnected from host" while in a party and I never lose party chat.

  • Member Posts: 30

    This sounds a liiittle more hopeful than the usual email responses from BHVR... I honestly can't thank you enough for putting so much work into this. This thread has been at the top of bug reporting since April and I'm still crossing my fingers we get some kind of acknowledgement soon.

  • Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2023

    ^^ This is a really good idea! My original comment disappeared so I apologize if two of them suddenly show up, but anyway...

    Platform: Xbox Series S

    Lobby Host: East Coast US Server (not sure if it has happened on any others)

    Location: New England (Boston area)

    To recreate: Play a match as killer or survivor. Receive a sudden loading screen and then a "Disconnected from host" error after vaulting, repairing generators, healing, hooking or hitting survivors, etc.

    Post edited by chesnoodle on
  • Member Posts: 4

    Me and my friends are playing in the Southeast Asia Server (Singapore)

    Platform: PC/PS4/Switch

    Location: Philippines

    To recreate: After a survivor has been injured, hooked or unhooked, after a generator pop, suddenly we will get a "disconnected from host" error

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