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Forcefully kicked from match

Since I started regularly playing DBD again sometime in January, I have been continually forced out of matches and given a DC penalty, the highest being a 6-hour penalty that originally triggered me writing this post. I am now rewriting in hopes that someone at Behavior will take me a little more seriously, without losing all the discussion other people have had in the comments. I play DBD on Xbox Series S and this issue has occurred while in matches as both survivor and killer, you will find in the comments below that players on every platform are also experiencing this issue.
I start by loading into DBD without any other games or apps running, I choose to play as either survivor or killer and load into a match without any issues. My latency is usually around 40-50 ms and I never have issues with my internet, I will play the match as I normally do, usually I am kicked while doing actions such as working on gens or attempting to vault in chase, it doesn't matter what point of the match it is or how long the match lasts. Sometimes when I am kicked there is no warning at all, while other times I will see other players running straight into walls or I will be unable to do any actions until I am kicked. I am always kicked to the endgame screen with a disconnected from host pop up, in the endgame screen it tells me that the killer has also disconnected from the match and I am able to see all of their perks, the killer is not disconnected as when I play with friends they are able to finish the match as usual. I click out of the error message and click back to go back to my lobby, I have never been kicked from my own lobby just the match itself. Whenever this happens I can check my latency and it does not change, if I am in an Xbox party with friends I do not get kicked from that party and they can hear me as it is happening, I will often tell them I am being kicked before it happens which I would not be able to do if this was an internet issue.
I have found this happens more often when I sit in my lobby too long without readying up or when I switch to a different character, which makes it really hard if I am waiting for friends to join or I want to upgrade in my blood web. Even knowing this and avoiding doing those actions, I will still get kicked from matches and receive higher and higher penalties. I genuinely believe this is a server issue and not a personal internet issue.
I ask that someone at least tries to look into this, as I would hate to no longer be able to play on my account I have spent money and worked hard on. I am willing to give more information as needed.
Below is a clip of what happens while I am being kicked, as you can see I checked my latency in game and it seems to be fine. After the video ends the loading screen finishes and I am put in the end game screen with a “Disconnected from host” error. I can also see the killers username, prestige, and all of the perks they are running.
S a m e. There's something going on and it's so annoying! My internet is FINE and nothing else is affected, but DBD will kick me out and I get hefty penalties. It's ridiculous.
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I watched a streamer get disconnected 5 times last night. I've been disconnected 4 times today and I've had two 15 minute penalties in the past 2 hours of playing as a result. A friend of mine has been disconnected 3 times today. Something is definitely up with the servers and people are being punished for it. My next penalty will be 30-60 mins I believe and it will only go up. So, I have a choice of playing and suffering with a penalty because of something out of my control or simply not playing the game at all. To top it off, it's Saturday, so it'll most likely be like this until the weekend is over - at least.
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Surprise surprise, I've just been disconnected from another match and got hit with a 30 minute penalty.
After the first few disconnects I started actively monitoring my connection, it hasn't dropped once. BHVR, it'd be great if you could stop punishing people for issues with your servers. It'd be even better if you could implement a system which can detect when a user is manually disconnecting versus when a user is BEING disconnected due to a server issue.
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Came back here to say it’s happening again most likely due to the new update. Also Looks like this post is still pending and bhvr doesn’t want to do anything about it.
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It's the tools of torments, probably made by Survivors mains trying to force us to leave the game...
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I have the same issue on PS5. Game suddenly bugs in some way and then I get loading screen and ”Disconnection from Host” error message. At the worst I ended up with a 24h penalty less than 5 minutes into my first match of the day. My internet remains fine throughout and I have a wired connection and good ping. This error even happens during custom games with bots. I’ve exchanged several emails with BHVR support about it, they pretty much ignored any sentence I wrote that suggested it was an issue with the game/servers and not something on my end. When none of their troubleshooting suggestions worked, they suggested I contact my ISP or Sony.
Post edited by EasternSpock on4 -
fr I’ve tried to get bvhr’s attention several times and they insist it’s an internet issue. My internet is perfectly fine, I don’t even get kicked from my in game party or xbox party whenever it happens. It has to be a dbd server issue but they refuse to look into it :/
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I've already commented on this thread but came here to say this is STILL an ongoing issue. It is not my internet; it's Dead by Daylight. I'm up to 30 minutes as of today. I don't lose connection to anything else and I play other multiplayer games just fine.
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Same issue here. I'm on a 24 hour ban now. BHVR is no help and is just following the script for simple network issues which are assuredly not the problem. Very dissatisfied. But I guess that's nothing new.
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Here to say that, again, this is still an issue. I haven't played DBD in two days because of this problem -- it's making the game virtually unplayable. I will also say again, it is not my internet. Literally scared to play because every time I do, I get booted from the match needlessly and my penalties just rack up exponentially. Occurs most often when a health state validation happens (health state loss, hook state change, or health state gained).
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This is happening to me to its also not just me its also all other players in the match as well. My internet connection is fine and it only seems to happen when all gens are finished and the exit gate is opened. This can be frustrating because i play a whole match and would normally get 30,000 to 50,000 bp but instead i get 0 and am left with a matchmaking penalty. This has been happening to me for a couple weeks and is getting more frequent. Please update us when you have some idea as to whats going on, i feel bad for the guy above since he has seemed to have the problem for over a month and this shows no signs of going away anytime soon. Please fix your servers BHVR
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I’m gonna lose hope if the bug fix patch tomorrow doesn’t address this. Happens every single day. Absolutely sick of having my games being interrupted and getting penalties from this garbage.
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I have been having the same issue. i just bought the game recently and having this issue is making me not want to play it. It usually happens when i hook someone or start a chase. I cant even play a whole match ive tried to uninstall my game but that didnt work hopefully they can fix it. Im at a 2 hour ban currently and it is really annoying.
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Responding to this comment to update everyone real quick… So unfortunately BHVR still has not yet addressed this issue and it looks like there is no mention of server issues in the newest patch notes. I have not tested the problem much on my main account because I’m currently waiting for my bans to reset. I have however been playing a bit on my steam account that I have barely touched prior to this, I’ve been running a different DBD account on my laptop that runs significantly slower than my console. To be expected there is a ridiculous amount of lag and my laptop overheats quickly, but to my surprise I have not been kicked while playing on this account once. I had kind of figured this issue was only affecting select accounts but this just confirms it is not an internet issue we are dealing with. On my console my ping is near perfect and yet I will get kicked and receive penalties over and over, none of my friends who play on console have this issue. I have been playing DBD on my console account for about 3 years now and this has been an issue since at least January, I don’t want to lose this account I have worked hard on. BHVR please consider looking into this obviously we have tried everything we can to fix it for ourselves, but this one is on you.
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i was playing a couple matches didnt get kicked. i thought it was fixed until i got kicked halfway through a match and now i have a 6 hour ban this is so annoying. At least make it to were you cant get banned if you can fix your issues.
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I also have had this issue on PS5. It was a match as the Knight in RPD. All of the generators had been repaired, and I was kicked shortly after, while in chase with a survivor playing Thalita Lyra. I immediately checked my internet connection after the match, and the PS5 reported good numbers for download and upload speed.
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It is indeed still happening after the bug fix patch. This needs to be acknowledged ASAP. It is entirely unacceptable that I have bought characters and cosmetics for this game and it is basically unplayable because of this error and the resulting penalties. I am frankly disgusted with how support continues attempting to pass the buck by telling me to contact Sony or my ISP. The fact that they tell me to contact both tells me they have zero idea what they are talking about and are just throwing ideas at the wall and having me waste my time when it is the developers responsibility to look into issues that are regularly affecting a number of players. I have been forgiving in my conversations with support but it is getting tiresome, and we have not heard at all from the developers concerning this issue. Even if you don’t know what is causing it or how to fix it, let us know you are aware that it’s a problem for a decent chunk of players. Blatantly ignoring the players that are reporting this is starting to seem like a grossly unprofessional form of damage control and that speaks incredibly poorly of BHVR as a company. I hate to speak so harshly and don’t want to come off as rude or unappreciative of all the hard work that is put into the game but I don’t know what else to say. All the reports of this issue need to be addressed.
Post edited by EasternSpock on7 -
im also annoyed i bought the game and all dlcs recently on pc and i cant even play a full match. I started playing it on my xbox and i havent got kicked yet but i have no cosmetics or levels on this account. They need to fix this asap. its not a connection issue or ip because every other game works fine.
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It's extremely frustrating! I really appreciate everyone continuing to interact on this post, it is keeping it towards the top of the bug reporting page so more people are likely to see it. BHVR will have to acknowledge us eventually.
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Just wanted to say that I also appreciate people being vocal about this and pushing this issue. I just got kicked again in my second or third match of the day. I was also hopeful the patch would have fixed it, but sadly that isn't the case. Once again, I was booted from the match after a health state validation (this time it was mine at least; a Trapper on Autohaven hit me down and I was forcefully removed from the match). 15 minute ban.
I have over 5,000 hours in this game and this issue has been going on for months. BHVR, I hope you realize how passionately I love this game and this community and how hurtful it is to be punished for something beyond my control, that I have done so much to try and fix when no other game gives me this problem.
I've filed support tickets, I've harassed my ISP just in case for tests and resets and inspections, I've opened ports on my router, I've changed my ethernet cables, I've uninstalled drivers, I've repaired game files and eventually did a clean install on the game, I've switched DNS servers... It's NOT ME.
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i dont have as many hours as you but i also love the game. I have been playing it for a couple of days now and it is just depressing this issue isnt resolved. i have got all the killers and survivors and now i cant even play the game for more then 15 min without getting kicked. im up to a 6 hour ban and i dont want to take my chances. I contacted support and they said the same thing they say to everyone else that its a issue with my internet but i know thats not true. I have tried restarting my internet just like they said and it hasnt helped at all. I just wish the support team for this game would actually do something. At some point they need to realize its not us that is causing this issue it is something with the game. I play on pc and its kicks me on there but i swapped to my xbox and havent had any problems at all.
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Are y'all talking about the "Disconected from the host" issue?
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yes we are been happening for a couple of days now and im at a 6 hour ban
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This happens all the time to me on Switch. It doesnt seem as often as some people have reported, but it happens at least once a day to me.
I've honestly just started to assume it has something to do with the DDoS thing but I have nothing to base that on other than how it usually coincides with something going horribly wrong for one of the players and then the disconnected from host message pops up.
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I don’t think it has anything at all to do with the DDoSing that streamers were experiencing. Primarily because I discovered the same error also occurs in custom games while playing against bots. I am leaning towards it being a server issue. As others have said, it happens sometimes when a health state changes, but I’ve also had it happen at other times, such as while using the killers power. I’ve had it happen while revving Billy’s chainsaw, after crouching as pig, dashing as Wesker, etc. But it’s pretty difficult to attribute it to any one thing because other times it’s markedly less clear if there was something specific that happened to trigger it, I’ll just suddenly realize something is off or not working correctly and then I get sudden loading screen and am booted to the endgame screen with “Disconnection from Host” error message. As OP has said, if I am playing survivor it sometimes shows the killer as having disconnected as well - but apparently the match continues and the killer is not actually disconnected. I was unaware of whether the match continued in these cases where it showed the killer as disconnected as well because I play solo, but OP confirmed that his friends played out the rest of the match even when it showed the killer as having disconnected on their end.
I also have a wired connection with 40-50ms ping and have tried all the troubleshooting options that support suggested, and the fact that it happens even against bots tells me it’s not an issue of connection to other players.
Post edited by EasternSpock on5 -
This has been happening to my SWF teammate on ps4 since November. He randomly gets kicked, can see killers load out even though match is still going and it says killer DC'd too. His internet is fine, he isn't having any issues with internet connection when he gets kicked. He sent a ticket to support and they closed it telling him to fix his internet instead of looking into it any further.
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the support team said the same thing to me. I did what they said it ran fine for 4 games and i just got disconnected. Now i have a 24 penalty this is ridiculous. Its so annoying how they say it is our internet is the problem even though so many of us are having this issue. It is 100% something wrong with their servers and they need to fix this asap. I dont know why they cant realize we arent the ones causing this issue. I have contacted support to try to appeal my 24 hour penalize hopefully they dont tell me to restart my internet and close the ticket. I will keep contacting support until they fix this i am very unhappy with this bug. I love the game a lot and the fact that you get penalized and ban for this issue is heartbreaking.
Post edited by Fuzion on3 -
Yeah, I’ve gotten to 24h before because of the error as well and just had to take a break to reset it. Support has a highly scripted response when you ask them about penalties in any way, even if it’s related to this server issue that is forcing disconnection from host. Mine is back up to 30 minutes and I just stop playing for the day when it happens. It’s frustrating because it seems like BHVR’s strategy is to ignore the issue because they realize how unacceptable it is but don’t know how to fix it and don’t want to compensate anyone who spent money on a game they cannot play. I wish the devs would just address this thread and acknowledge that they see it is frequent problem for many players and are looking into it. I’m sure everyone on this thread would be happy to provide any information that could help them.
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Ignore this comment I accidentally posted a duplicate bc my previous comment didn’t show up initially.
Post edited by EasternSpock on1 -
This just happened to me also. I was playing for about an hour when suddenly I was disconnected from the match. When I get back to the main screen, I find out that I now have a 24 hour penalty! This is the only game I've ever played that wants to actively discourage you from playing it after you've spent money on it. It's amazing. After years of bugs, mechanics that don't work and now this, I'm uninstalling and moving on because they won't do anything about it. It's like being in an abusive relationship. I keep hoping it will get better but it never does. Time to start playing games that I actually enjoy and leave behind the one that makes me frustrated. I hope it gets better for you all but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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Yeah it is really said i love this game and wish i could put more time into it but i feel like they will never own up to this issue and just blow it off. I also dont understand why there even is a penalty in the first place. If their was a competitive mode i would understand why there is a penalty. The normal matches just feel like casual matches have the time so there is no reason to even have a penalty ban. Even if they want to keep the penalty ban they should find a way to make to where it can tell if you got disconnected or if you just quit the game. They might as well just take the penalty ban out of the game rn if so many people have had this issue. I also think dead by daylights support team are the worst i have ever talked to. No help at all wont accept the fact that its their problem and just blame it on the players makes no sense to me.
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Hi. I'm having the same issue on ps5 were I get drop during match and getting a time penalty for something out of my control. I have tried everything on my end with my internet and it still happens I have gotten two 6 hour penalty and I'm now not going to not play dbd, I can not take the risk of being permitted ban.
This issue needs to be fix and points reward to people involved cause this has been a issue for many months and I grow frustrated by the lack of work to not fix this.
I understand dbd is very busy but, this is a massive issue for any game and needs to be fix.
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Well, I went through Sony’s support just to exhaust everything that BHVR support has told me to try. They suggested port forwarding, which I had already tried. Sony said to contact the publisher of the game that is giving me issues (big surprise) because some multiplayer games may require additional reports to be opened. I told BHVR support this and they did give me a list of ports to open. I haven’t tried yet but if anyone else also wants to give it a shot, I copypasted from the support email below.
I understand that Sony recommended port forwarding as a potential solution for your connection issues with Dead by Daylight. To answer your question, we do indeed have a set of ports that the game uses to function, here is the list:
- 49003 – UDP Inbound AUDIO
- 49004 – UDP Outbound AUDIO
- 49005 – UDP Inbound VIDEO
- 49006 – TCP/UDP Outbound/Inbound Remote Input
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This is awesome I’ll have to try this! currently getting kicked every other match again. I have a clip of it happening, but it doesn’t seem to want to attach to the report.
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Here's to hoping it works, I'm trying now - I'll post another comment if I get disconnected.
Edit: It did not fix the issue. I just got kicked mid match once again with "Disconnected from Host" error while playing killer.
Post edited by EasternSpock on1 -
This is getting annoying.. Me and my friends are getting this same "Disconnected from Host" error. And for everybody's information, we are on a different platforms and on different Internet Service Providers. 2 of us on PC (Steam), 1 of us on PS4 and 1 of us on switch, and we are getting the same random disconnections now and then.. Don't blame it on poor connection, as I have said, we are on different ISPs (2 PLDT, 1 Converge and 1 Sky Fiber) and I am sure, our connection is fine. Is it a problem on a particular platform? I guess not, cause we are on different platforms. And we only started experiencing this DC after the 6.7.1 update last May 3. So we are beginning to think, there might be something in the last update that messes up the connection or something on the server side went booboo after the last update. AGAIN THIS IS VERY FRUSTATING, Losing PIPs and all because of this DC
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It is indeed very frustrating. What’s even more frustrating is that a thread claiming Off the Record is broken with no explanation or details (probably just a person who performed a conspicuous action) gets a Dev response and this thread has gotten zero acknowledgement. At least tell us that BHVR is aware of the issue please. Then we would at least know to stop wasting time with troubleshooting on our ends and wait for a fix. It feels very bad to have no information at all. I’d love to progress through the rift but I can’t because I keep getting “Disconnected from Host” error and losing progress on my challenges.
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Same. Since May 5th I haven't been able to play a single match.
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I am sharing the conclusion of my emails with support below. Not entirely sure what to make of it but I’m sharing just so everyone can see what they had to say after repeatedly having me try troubleshooting that didn’t work, and suggesting I reach out to my ISP and Sony. Hard to say for sure but I hope they really are looking into it, and I hope it’s a priority and will be fixed soon. Hard to be anything but doubtful at this point though.
Hi again,
I was able to understand that you seem to be having some connection problems within the game itself according to what you just described and you need help in order to fix this and get back to enjoying the game and we want that as well.
You see.. Internet service providers use things called internet exchange points to efficiently carry data from your device to any destination. These points are along a path where data from your device is sent to the Dead by Daylight servers and back to your device. If an internet exchange point is having trouble or goes down, this can impact your connection which seems to be your case.
I understand you already tried the troubleshooting steps that have been provided so far and I know how important this is for not only you but all the players that may be experiencing this connection issue, which is why it is something we will have to look into and find a way of fixing this like we have the recent bugs and issues that have been reported to us.
With that in mind, thank you for reporting this as it truly helps our investigation.
Post edited by EasternSpock on5 -
i had (or have) the same issue, first i thought it was DDoS attacks by dead survivor (it always happened when playing against obvious swf's and trying to hook someone) but i never had any general internet problems, only Dbd crashed for a second ("Disconnected from the server") and put me into lobby again but i could immediately log into another match again, no penalty. It happens like once every 15 killer games, so it's not super common, but it happened a few times already in the past weeks. I play this game since 3 years, this kinda stuff never happened before.
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This keeps happening to my duo over and over again. There is nothing wrong with their internet connection as this problem is exclusive only to Dead by Daylight.
For some reason whenever someone is injured a health state, going healthy to injured or injured to fallen there's a chance it will cause my friend to DC. Or if someone is hooked / unhooked that has a high probability of the game forcing them out.
It's gotten to the point where we don't even play DBD as much lately because even though we take 2-3 day breaks my duo is hit with a 30-minute long ban and we get too scared that the penalty will increase.
Again this only happens with Dead by Daylight, any other game we play is totally fine and even with DBD they never lose internet or disconnect from our voice call.
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Getting real tired of "Disconnected from host" while in a party and I never lose party chat.
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Yeah this is bogus, I was streaming and the same thing just happen to me, when I saw my stream was still moving fine, I knew it was not my internet then, as if it was the stream itself would have crashed too like seriously frustrating and make it seem I rage quit u.u
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Same here for me on PS5 since the midchapter update. I get the "disconnected from host” error too.
It happens on killer and survivor side. I can't relate it to something special during the game and it does not depend on the daytime. It can happen close after at the start of the trial or when all gens are finished.
I can play 20+ matches without error only to have two disconnects in a row.
While playing survivor I sometimes think the killer has the same error, because of killer DC while clearly winning.
My internet connection is stable and I'm not facing something similar with other services.
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This sounds a liiittle more hopeful than the usual email responses from BHVR... I honestly can't thank you enough for putting so much work into this. This thread has been at the top of bug reporting since April and I'm still crossing my fingers we get some kind of acknowledgement soon.
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Thank you so much for sharing this! It IS encouraging that they've taken a little bit of ownership for the issue.
If they're saying it's an Internet Exchange Point issue, I wonder if we can find any commonality in our locations that might help them pinpoint which players might be being affected (if there is a commonality, of course).
So, for posterity, and because I tried playing a match yesterday (just one!) that also ended in my disconnection when someone got unhooked:
Platform: PC (Steam)
Lobby Host: East Coast US Server (I am most frequently the lobby host, but I have been disconnected while playing on West Coast hosted lobbies)
Location: Massachusetts/Boston area
To recreate: Play any match, survivor or killer. Get "Disconnected from Host" error when a server has to validate a health state change, hook state change, or potentially when killer is using power (Wesker charging power, Huntress charging hatchet toss, etc).
Thanks to everyone keeping this thread at the top of the bug reporting forum! This issue is one they could easily brush under the rug and we don't have to accept that. <3
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Thanks for expressing your appreciation!
It feels like we could potentially be getting somewhere, because I am also on East Coast US servers and am in the tri-state area. If internet exchange points are indeed the issue then our locations being relatively close probably isn't a coincidence. Also wouldn't be surprised if it is an issue in several regions though.
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^^ This is a really good idea! My original comment disappeared so I apologize if two of them suddenly show up, but anyway...
Platform: Xbox Series S
Lobby Host: East Coast US Server (not sure if it has happened on any others)
Location: New England (Boston area)
To recreate: Play a match as killer or survivor. Receive a sudden loading screen and then a "Disconnected from host" error after vaulting, repairing generators, healing, hooking or hitting survivors, etc.
Post edited by chesnoodle on3 -
Me and my friends are playing in the Southeast Asia Server (Singapore)
Platform: PC/PS4/Switch
Location: Philippines
To recreate: After a survivor has been injured, hooked or unhooked, after a generator pop, suddenly we will get a "disconnected from host" error