Xeno is now C-tier



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    When survivor hit boxes are so large, and often trail behind them when they're running, making hits around corners so easy, why does his hitbox matter?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,881

    The thought I'm having about the "sudden outcry" is alot of console players who can't play PTB are going to be affected by this harsher. They are more likely to miss attacks and this change is specifically about missing attacks. The complaint about survivors not making any distance upon a miss is a valid one, but simply fixing the bug would've addressed that.

    Survivors can make 6 meters of distance in that 3 second window against a 2.0 killer, which then requires 10 seconds to close if the survivor just holds W... assuming normal movement speeds. That's PLENTY. That addresses the concern.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2023

    I personnally wouldn't have minded if BHVR had fixed the bug and tried out 2.0m/s, but I understand that they skipped it considering most people who pulled out the math and comparisons to go on and on about how it was too much didn't take the bug into account. I'm aware most people don't play the PTB but I still think the initial feedback not complaining about 1.2m/s definitely played a part in BHVR deciding it was fine and not risk survivors being angry Xeno being too strong until the next patch by trying out 2.0.

    I don't know if 2.0 would have been fine (although I honestly doubt it), but I'm assuming Xeno was overperforming and if its killrate drops too low they'll change it again.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,881

    I'm just looking at basic math with holding W. Assuming no movement speed buffs for either side, you'd gain 6 meters against a 2.0 speed xeno, which takes 10 seconds to close. That's 13 seconds of extra time for each miss. Your telling me that's not enough?

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Low key I find Singularity borderline unplayable without Soma Family Photo. I feel that 5% haste helps a lot when catching up to survivors after a teleport but that's just how I feel.

  • That filter looks so cool, do you always use it when playing Xeno

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    What are you guys talking about? Xeno has a rather low skill floor? Use tunnels for mobility, play m1 and only use m2 when survivors are animation locked? That's the basics you can do, unlike Nurse you are not required to use the m2 attack? Same with Billy and Blight? You can use the ability for map traversal and just play m1? What do you even consider to be the skill floor if this is not the floor?

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm no good at math but I'm pretty sure that's an oversimplification, in any case as I said I wouldn't have minded trying out 2.0 and i think Xeno might still get tweaks in the next patch.

    I was just saying Xeno feels bad right now because people got used to the bug, but that really he's not bad.

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    Ever since the tail nerfed the killer has been consistently awful and taken out of its power :(

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I have played Xeno like that and almost every time I have lost. I think you can't just use Xeno as a m1 killer and win. Those "free hits" at windows and pallets aren't always super easy. As Coffeecrashing said in another Thread:

    "Many windows, pallets, and other animation locks aren't free hits, because many of those scenarios involves a sharp turn. Xeno's M2 camera lock (for turning on the X-axis) is so bad that it can't handle sharp turns, and the M2 tries so hard to collide with the environment, that many of the sharp angles won't be reliable." They worded this better than I could so I just quote them here.

    Either way, I dont believe you can just use xeno as a m1 killer in most matches, maybe against baby survivors you can but alot of killer mains are not going to be going against baby survivors all the time. As I said I played her like the way you said and lost almost every single time. In fact, I won more matches playing blight like that than xeno. As for what I see as a good skill floor I say Legion or even nemmy. Legion power is simple to use and anyone can perform well out of the gate with legion. With Nemmy I think his whip is so much easier to learn than xeno tail.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Having a low skill floor does not have anything to do with how viable it is, but how accessable it is... You won't get far with m1 only Billy if you only use the chainsaw for map traversal, but there are parts of his kit that are usable without training and such, and this is what skillfloor means...

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Which is why i xbox users had access to the ptb with the insider program that way some console players won't be getting the shaft when it comes to situations like this and could give feedback on stuff like aiming on Console during the ptb

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Now tell me if those xeno players are console players or pc players because at this point console xeno's aren't even going to try those plays until they get godly with their aim lol

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    As a console player who plays xeno I can see a lot of console xeno players dropping him because of how harsh the nerf felt towards us

    But as a alien fan I will just have to not use my tail as often anymore and use lots of stbfl stacks

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Lol tbh, you using Billy as an example in a reply to me funny. I hate billy and wouldn't care if one day they just decide to delete that trash killer. Billy is the only killer in the whole game I will never play bc I think he sucks and I hate how hard his power is. Why play Billy when I have bubba who is easier to use and imo much better? Just like xeno why should I spend hours losing match after match and having the worst time possible playing the game when I just play nemmy who I find easier and get better results on?

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    I will for sure tell you because I keep a record of every single gamer I go up against and I write down what they play on, how dusty it is, what gaming chair they have, what they had for breakfast and so on. There is ofc no possibility of people on consoles being good as well, my bad 🙄

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2023

    Just pointing out a flaw in your argument you're acting like the tiny hitbox isn't a thing when in fact it's tiny and its funny how you use Nemesis as an example when its known that her hitbox is smaller and shorter than his lol

    heck the big reason why a lot of xeno players hit shots like that now is due to the ability to drag the tail with the camera which is something a lot of console players can't do really well I've seen a lot of clips on Twitter where xeno straight up misses survivors up close and if it was as big as you claim wouldn't happen

    Edit to include links to some clips



  • Cypherius
    Cypherius Member Posts: 150

    Only big nerf Xeno got was to her ridiculously fast recovery when missing. Now survivors have some meaningful counter play. This is not even a big deal to good Xeno players.

    Now lets compare Xeno and Nemy:

    Xeno: A strong and fast M2 that can be predicted but not reliably reacted to. Its useful from the beginning and makes a lot of loops unsafe. You don't even need to ready it up. It takes only a few seconds to ""unlock"" the runner mode. Also due to how the hitbox works you can aim slightly up and angle id downwards to get some really dumb looking hits where the survivor is on the other side of an obstacle.

    Flamethrowers are very easy to outplay and can be made trivial with the right addons. Xeno is smaller and more silent than Nemesis making mind games a lot easier. The tunnels grant map wide mobility and pressure and can track survivors far better than the Zombies can. Xeno actually has good addons.

    Nemesis: Unreliable weak killer with no map pressure and a pitiful early game. His M2 is only good at tier 3 and good survivors wont let you tier up quickly (since his m2 is easy to counter). His tentacle is slow to ready up (and can be reacted to), slow to retract and slow to recover from and it requires 3 hits to actually down someone. The tentacle can be countered by CROUCHING in certain loops due to its clunky hit box.

    Zombies require perks that generate sound notifications (they react to those) or really tight in door maps like RPD in order to be slightly useful against experienced survivors. Zombie's attacks can literally be baited and dodged in the unlikely event they get close to you or they can be used as a free speed boost for the survivors.

    Only C tier killer here is Nemesis.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Ok, so what? Does this change anything about the point I made about what skill floor means and that is has nothing to do with performance or how well you do with him?

    Billy is a great killer as he power fun gameplay on both sides, I also agree that he is terribly weak these days after his rework, and he got nerfed into the ground. But I would say playing against Billy is way more fun than going against bubba. And also yes he is very hard to play, probably the hardest killer in the game.

    The question is do you play a killer because you want good results or because you like the gameplay? If you only care about the first ok go play Nurse and Spirit only. If not there are a lot more fun killers in the game, that might not be that strong but offer fun gameplay so your choice.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    What you say may all be true but I can tell you my exp with both of these killers after their release. For Nemmy it took me maybe a week to get his whip down and after that week I was hitting survivors reliably with it. Even now I can easily hit ppl with my whip as nemmy and tier up just as fine as always. Now I tell you my exp with xeno, its been more than two weeks now since she was put in the game and I still have issues with reliable hitting ppl. I feel like I'm not even getting better at her tail at all and I've been playing her non-stop all this time. I have lost more matches these last few weeks on xeno than I have any other killer in the game and I'm not a beginner(I have over 1k hours purely on killer).

    Also, I like you left out the biggest plus to nemmy's power and that is breaking pallets very quickly when you are in tier two. In a pallet loop even if you miss the survivor on the other side of a pallet at least you going to get rid of that pallet and easily continue chasing without losing that much ground. With xeno tho if you are in that same position you punish heavy for missing bc not only do you have the slowdown for missing you leaving the pallet up to be used again later.

    I'll also add the fact that at least with nemmy hitbox it doesnt just stop when you hit an object while with xeno tail if any part of the hitbox hits an object the attack just gets canceled. I hit more survivors with nemmy over loops than Xeno bc of that and I find learning to drag his hitbox a lot easier. Also, that map travel Xeno means nothing if you not getting downs and hits with your tail. Yeah, I can get one end of the map to the next faster as Xeno but if it takes me a while to just down one person what good is that?

    Is Xeno a C tier killer? No, I even dont think that but I dont think she A tier either. I think she more a higher B now if anything. As for Nemmy I also put him in B tier tho I personally think he only slightly easier play and is better than Xeno. Overall I said is my personal issue but I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks these things. As I said I dont think Xeno is a C-tier killer but she isn't A-tier either, not now. I also think she isn't worth the hours of learning either. I honestly wish I could have gotten all those hours back that I have put into Xeno and maybe I could have pipped up past Irl 4 last month if I didnt just play her.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    I used Nemesis as an example because the OP literally talked about him? Maybe learn to read first, and respond second.

    As for console players, they're not the majority, so none of the buffs/nerfs should be based around them. They make the choice to play this game on console knowing fully well that they MIGHT not play it as optimally as other platforms. The hitbox isn't tiny, get your proof first, then come talk nonsense afterwards. Or maybe spare us both the time and get skilled at playing Xeno or just not play it at all if all you're going to do is whine about a bug that got fixed and a minor nerf.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658
    edited September 2023

    I care about both gameplay and results. The killer could be the funniest killer in the game to play but if Im lose every single match with them then Im not going to play them since losing isnt fun is it? Do you have fun losing every single time? For me its about time investment I have to put into a killer to get decent results and have fun also. I take the two poles on the killer tier list in which I dont like playing. Nurse I know I would get the best results out of her time investment but I dont find her fun to play so I dont. Billy I know would require a lot of time to learn him and get good but the results don't outweigh the time it would take to achieve that level of play so I dont play him, even if ppl say his fun. I try to find a balance between these two that why some of my fav killers in the game are Legion, Pinhead, Plague, Nemmy and Wesker. These killers didnt take that long to learn and I get pretty good results with them(winning more than 1/2 of my games). My exp with Xeno has led me to think she isn't worth the time since I have lost pretty much every single match with her and have invested more than two weeks of my daily game time with her. This why I think she has a higher skillfloor than most ppl think(at least to me she does) and isn't worth my time. That said I never said she a bad killer, she good killer(B tier imo).

    At the end of the day tho I know we never going to agree on anything so I just say I agree to disagree with you and move on with my day and life. Have a bless day.

  • Cypherius
    Cypherius Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2023

    Quite a few users have claimed that Xeno's hit box is currently bugged and is hitting objects incorrectly instead of the survivor. Maybe that's why you are having difficulties with her. Maybe give her another try after this is changed.

    "Also, I like you left out the biggest plus to nemmy's power and that is breaking pallets very quickly when you are in tier two"

    Yeah i did forget to mention the pallet break. Fair point. Breaking pallets with the tentacle is a nice bonus but you won't have it at the beginning. That's actually a big deal against good survivors that know how to delay you from tiering up.

    Xeno's ability to use her M2 on demand and not being tied to a infection mechanic for damage makes her a lot more dangerous near pallets. She can hit her tail reliably on most pallets. Tiles/Pallets that would normally be a 50/50 are pretty much a guaranteed down for a good Xeno. You have time to use the tail as reaction to a survivor dropping or vaulting.

    On these same situations Nemesis has to predict and outplay the survivors tough. I don't think they are on the same level.

    'I'll also add the fact that at least with nemmy hitbox it doesn't just stop when you hit an object while with xeno tail if any part of the hitbox hits an object the attack just gets canceled"

    That does happen with Nemesis. Its why crouching on most windows protects you from the tentacle. The hitbox starts above you and goes down. If it hits something on the environment (like the window that the survivor is crouching behind) it won't hurt/infect the survivor.

    "Is Xeno a C tier killer? No, I even dont think that but I dont think she A tier either. I think she more a higher B now if anything. As for Nemmy I also put him in B tier tho I personally think he only slightly easier play and is better than Xeno"

    I would place Xeno at the bottom of A personally but i see why you would place her in B ( Xeno in C tier is absurd though). She has the tools to keep up with coordinated Swfs. Nemesis can't keep up with that kind of efficiency and has part of his power tied to randomness. Top of C is where i would rank him.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    It's way easier to make mistakes playing Nurse or Blight than Xeno. Their difficulty range and skill ceiling are incomparable.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    You still didn't tell us what other killers belong in your C-tier list because you know it's going to sound funny having Xeno next to them.👀

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    Yeah I get your point, you're right. I still think some reactions to the penalty change are exaggerated and extreme though. You would think they reworked his entire power and made him useless or something reading some of these comments. I still play him actively without any issues and prefer him over a bunch of other killers because he has a lot to offer.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I do see Xenomorph as C+ - A- tier, perk and add-on dependable, as well as map dependable.

    Missing tail attacks is an option that punishes the player heavily, which shall be a thing and I'm convinced that BHVR has done the right thing here, but that shall not really matter, right? Can't you just.. Learn how to fake it? There might be a difficulty doing so, but the tiny window that the survivors give you while you're on your fours shall give you the time to catch up to them if necessary.

    Xenomorph's power is hidden beneath curving the tail attacks. The moment you master that, you can hit behind the obstacles that are safe against most killers, making Xenomorph one of the deadliest killers in the entire game, assuming you can hit them.

    If you dislike the turrets so much, do use add-ons against them, like the helmet and soda to reveal their auras. If the survivors set way too many turrets near the generators, do give them up. Let them repair those generators, and focus on areas where there are no turrets placed yet. You see, there's a limit of how many turrets can be deployed in the map, so destroying the turrets can actually very easily backfire at you, just like it can backfire at survivors for setting them up instead of sticking to the generators.

    Feel free to complain, I will gladly keep playing Xenomorph.. If I find the time, of course. And you and other players being discouraged from playing it frees me one more perk slot, making me dropping Self-Awareness to mitigate the hindered value while moving with the turret, which is neat.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Any killer that can injure and down a survivor from distance is not C tier. They already have a chase advantage and chases against them usually are much shorter than against killers without a ranged attack. Xenomorph is unfun to play against

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I do agree with what you're saying, but I'd like you to elaborate onto why do you see Xenomorph unfun; Would that be possible?

    Claiming XYZ isn't fun doesn't lead to productive discussion, and more or less always states for venting, making the opinion not worth considering because there's no explanation for that.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Any killer that can down a survivor from range is unfun to play against. It puts more pressure on the survivor to not only run from the killer, but also dodge attacks that you cannot see or always predict when they will be coming.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    No. Facing a ranged killer is unfun. If survivors are pressured and isolated too much, the game becomes pointless to play. It isn't fun at that point. Running from the killer should be a chase encounter, not a dodge ball competition on top of the chase.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Yeah, well.. Then we simply don't see eye to eye, and that's it.

    I do hate the usual strategy of running circles around buildings until the killer gets closer, then drop the pallet.. After having the killer destroying the pallet, moving to the next loop and repeating it. That's not fun in my book.

    Ranged killers do force me to play differently, that's where I see the fun. A different playstyle.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169

    That's not even how the whip attack works. The Nemesis whip is multiple hitboxes, stacked in a vertical line, that all move perfectly horizontal. Crouching at a window can block the whip, because the whip doesn't move downward like a whip, and instead the horizontally traveling hitboxes hit the window because they are moving horizontally.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    "That does happen with Nemesis. Its why crouching on most windows protects you from the tentacle. The hitbox starts above you and goes down. If it hits something on the environment (like the window that the survivor is crouching behind) it won't hurt/infect the survivor."

    As @Coffeecrashing said that is not how Nemmy Whip hitbox works. The whip hitbox is like a bunch of lines stacked on each other vertically and moving horizontally. If any of these lines hit an object that object only stops those hitboxes while the other lines continue to move horizontally. Meanwhile with Xeno's tail if any part of the tail hitbox hits an object it competely stops all the hitboxes and the game considers that a missed attack. For example, I have tried the up and down drag of xeno hitbox a couple of times and a lot of times the tail hitbox hits an object as I drag it down before it's the survivor and it cancels the attack altogether. The best place I have seen this was the truck outside GoJ where the survivor always crouched behind the bed of the truck and I threw my tail over the bed and dragged it down. Every single time I did that it game said I hit the bed first and canceled my attack leaving the survivor unharmed.

    On top of that, I find dragging nemmy hitbox left or right a lot more forgiving and easier to do than xeno, making it more consistent around the counter of loops. Last night I played nemmy on RPD and was chasing a Dwight in the Libarty around the desks. As we were around the long wall of desk I used my whip as I was rounding the desk and was able to drag and hit the dwight at the pallet before he even got to drop it. Now if I did that with xeno I would most likely hit the desk and competely miss giving Dwight the chance to drop the pallet and get away unharmed.

    I'll will also quote Coffeecrashing again with something they said in another thread about xeno getting "free hits" at pallets which I agree with and saw when I was playing her all these weeks:

    "Many windows, pallets, and other animation locks aren't free hits, because many of those scenarios involve a sharp turn. Xeno's M2 camera lock (for turning on the X-axis) is so bad that it can't handle sharp turns, and the M2 tries so hard to collide with the environment, that many of the sharp angles won't be reliable."

    This is what I was getting at about nemmy around those desks, I was able to hit Dwight around a sharp turn since his hitbox is easier to drag and his camera lock isn't as punishing as Xenos. It's fine you think Nemmy is weaker than Xeno but I personally think they are fair close to each other. I prefer Nemmy over Xeno and find Nemmy just slightly better since his whip is more reliable to me. This is why I say Nemmy is B-tier and is above Xeno only slightly.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    People still buy chapters on release?

    You have to treat new chapters like they're Early Access and wait for the official nerfed product.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327
  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605
    edited September 2023

    You mean Knight and SM?

    Well... you know how they came to live? As D-Tiers...

    Singularity? 46% Killrate on Nightlight 1 week ago, currently 48% (3rd last place). Strong killer v. good survivors 🤪

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Wesker, Knight, Skull Merchant, Singularity were all buffed within a short to moderate timeframe of their release. Sadako took longer, but did eventually get buffed.

    The only one that's been nerfed is Xenomorph, because Xenomorph is the only one that needed to be nerfed.

    Not sure what tier placement or killrate have to do with this point.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    I cant see this nerf was needed at all. But different opinions are fine :-).

  • Cypherius
    Cypherius Member Posts: 150

    Fair enough. I checked the Otz demonstration and you are right. What a mess of a hit box. The hit boxes in the top move faster which gave me my wrong impression about the attack moving downwards.

    With the right timing you can hit people through the gap bellow a dropped pallet lol. Not a very useful tech tough.

    As i said above i got the hit box wrong. Fair enough. That makes the tentacle more forgiving to use as you argued.

    RPD is one one of the few maps i would say is good for Nemesis. The collisions in the mape are good for his whip and the tight corridors help his zombies. In this Map i would say he performs at a B tier level. But he is pretty lackluster in most maps, especially the larger ones.

    Not going to say the Xeno is better in every regard. But a few scenarios where the tentacle is better than the tail don't really close the gap between them all that much. My other comparisons between the two killers still stand.

    The tail is still more reliable and time efficient in most scenarios and Xeno still has better map pressure, tracking, unpredictability and a much better early game. Needing to hit your M2 3 times is a big weakness for Nemmy as well.

    Sounds like you are pretty good with Nemy and more skilled with him than with Xeno. That's fine but i am discussing their overall strength, rather than difficulty. If difficulty mattered for tier lists Nurse would not be S tier.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503
    edited September 2023

    The lock down on the tail and how easily its now juked makes me nearly lose all fun on playing as the alien, which is really sad. Really, the tail is now so unreliable that I often don't even try, because all it needs is a slight juke and I will miss and lose massive ground. Better to just don't use my power and just M1 ... which never is the most exciting concept in DBD.

    EDIT: on the plus side: I am one of those players who are slowly raising Singularities kill rate, because I am playing Hux more and more; the pods are a surprisingly fun anti-loop tool and can bait survivors into making all kinda dumb panic mode moves.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Honestly we not disagreeing on much here other than where nemmy is on a tier list. We both agree that Xeno isn't C tier. Personality difficulty is a huge part when ranking a killer since that debates how much time someone has to spend to get good at the killer and the results they will get. Nurse is hard to play but I still say she an S tier killer bc when you do get good at her its well worth the time you put in, meanwhile, I feel Xeno isn't worth the time bc the result is close to a high b to a. As I said in a lot of my posts Xeno is the first killer I have ever played that has given me the hardest time. Ever since she came out I have lost most of my matches, I think my win rate on her is around 20% at best. In the hours I put in also I feel I haven't gotten any better at her and I'm starting even regret buying her and even putting so many hours into her. Xeno is the first killer also that I had to firm myself and ask for advice on this forum and ask Otzs(who still hasn't replied but he is a busy man). When I compared Nemmy and Xeno I learned Nemmy so much faster and got good at him in little of a week while Xeno has taken a much longer time.

    I know you said she is stronger bc of her map pressure thanks to her map travel but here's my thing, what good is the pressure I get from traveling the map fast when I can't get hits and downs with her? All the fast traveling equals nothing if her tail is so hard to land. I honestly would trade some of her map travel for an easier tail attack to use. At the end of the day, it's just my personality exp. I'm just really upset bc I WANTED to main her so bad bc I'm a huge Alien fan but right now I dont think I even can since I'm losing so much that I can't even pip up and rank up in grades for my BP every month....

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    comments like these is reason why xeno received that negative change. killer really enjoys playing pre-changed xeno. your comment shows dislike.towards the killer.