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Dedicated server is not responding; disconnecting...



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  • Member Posts: 48

    Last day of event and bloodrush and my first match of the day ends like this. Getting harder and harder to remain a fan of this game. All I can do is keep expressing how disappointed I am. The game is close to being literally unplayable for anyone that has this issue and we've gotten no actual word on whether they even PLAN on fixing it. Completely ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 255

    Same issue just now.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Same issue, though it's worth mentioning that my game completely freezes, not responding, for a solid 30 seconds or so beforehand (sound continues to loop). Doesn't look like this is happening with everyone, but otherwise the same issue. By now I'm getting 24 hour bans...

    Playing on Steam.

  • Member Posts: 107

    this is still happening

  • Member Posts: 146

    Same issue for Steam PC players.. It's getting frustrating...

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Ongoing issue still over the new BBQ event, had about 5-10 total dcs over the last week, sitting at a 15m timer.

    No other game suffers stability issues, discord steam or any other program.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2023

    Been having this since the anniversary with zero luck in fixing it. Restarting the game doesn't fix it, it's not due to my internet connection either, and I've reinstalled DBD as well.

  • Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2023

    same issue.. just happened to me now ... so far 30min penalty...

    these penalties ..such a smart thing.. i mean ppl are disconecting anyway ... but for those who get penalties for this... so unfair

    im on PC steam

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    This happened to me on PS4 after Sadako started spamming her teleport, I was disconnected with that error message and hit with a DC penalty. I made a bug report when it happened (https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/385213/ps4-dedicated-server-disconnected#latest).

    Alot of times after a match when I try to leave the end game screen I get the loading screen like I'm returning to my lobby but instead it brings me back to the end game screen with that message and shows everyone having DC'd even if the match ended with no one DCing.

  • Member Posts: 109
    edited August 2023

    I just got this. Wrecking tryhards as the hag (because I want her abilities), and then as soon as it looked like it was going south for them, boom, dedicated server not responding.

    I just got the game several days ago, been playing sunup to sundown, this is the first time it's happened to me.

    Though over the last couple of days, I have suddenly been getting "someone disconnected during loading" somewhat often too.

  • Member Posts: 188

    This is a new low for this company, BLAH BLAH BLAH PC PLAYERS GET IT TOO, WE ALL KNOW PS4 PLAYERS GET THIS **** 90% of the time, Screw You BHVR, 2 months of this crap.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I just posted my first match of the day against the singularity on RPD. I was healing a downed survivor with the made for this endurance and the healing completed, but the action continued for about 10 seconds. The tally screen showed the other 3 survivors had a score, all 5 showed the DC icon but only the killer and I had zero points. I received a 15 minute DC penalty with the dedicated server not responding message.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I'm having connection issues on the PS5 again today. The 'Can't connect to party' issue.

  • Member Posts: 7

    This hasn't gone away, 4 times in the past 2 days, support no help from ticket I put in a month ago regarding this. I've had hours of bans at this point, which is absolute bullshit.

    What a ######### way to treat paying customers, to allow this problem to continue for as long if not longer than the life of this thread...

  • Member Posts: 28
    edited October 2023

    This happened to me yesterday and I got a penalty like it happens when someone disconnects :)

    I play on PC on EU servers.

    Not an Internet issue since my live stream keeps online without any loss. My comm on Discord continues as well.

    Post edited by rafaelhb on
  • Member Posts: 3,745
    edited October 2023

    I also have this sometimes.

    Just had it on PS4 - i was already dead on my loading way to the menu - Dedicated server not responding and kicked back to game endscreen.

    On Steam PC and PS4.

    Don´t seem to be a problem on my side as the matches before and after these disconnects play fine.

    Post edited by Marc_123 on
  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I am having the same problem too, started in the last three days. On steam PC.

  • Member Posts: 94
    edited October 2023

    Same is happening to me from time to time. I am lucky it didn't happen so much that I got a 72 hours ban yet, but I heard of people getting these. For me, it is in maybe 1 out of 20 matches.

    Just a few minutes ago, I had a wonderful match where everyone participated in the event, threw offerings and so on. It was a very long match. I would have got LOTS of bloodpoints, but shortly after the fifth gen was done, it just threw me out. That's really a sad waste of time 😐️

    At least I was the Survivor this time, so I hope the other players at least finished the match. It happens when I play killer sometimes as well and I guess if that happens, it's game over for all five players.

    I don't understand why they at least not make it so that the penalty isn't that much. At least for the time until this is getting fixed. Could go back to normal after issue is fixed.

    I would be happy to see a maximum penalty of 15 minutes, as long as this "bug" is still around. But still, wasted time and BP can't be refunded I guess.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Okay so i flushed my "DNS Resolver Cache" and i unplugged my router for a minute or so and it seems to be fixed now. I followed the steps in this official article : Network Troubleshooting – Dead by Daylight

    I will post if the fix stops working for me but it seems like it has already improved at least.

    If you are on consoles, i believe flushing the cache is possible, i know it is on ps5 via accessing the safe mode so i recommend searching up on how to do that.

  • Member Posts: 317

    Happened to me on The Game map when I was about to hook save. Lost all my BPs for the match, lost my progress towards my tome challenge AND i got a DC penalty. Everyone in the lobby showed as DCd but only me and the killer showed up as having 0BP at the end screen

  • Member Posts: 522

    Love to have this happen just as I was about to get my last game done for the "tough stuff" challenge, now I have to play another 10 games against toxic killers and toxic teammates that lead killers to me instantly in hopes that I'll get that challenge done. Fix your game or move to a different cloud provider if they're the issue.

  • Member Posts: 74

    This just happened to me, lost all progress for the selected (and completed) Halloween-Tome Challenge.

    Platform: steam

  • Member Posts: 74

    Same thing for me, even with the penalty.

    Platform: Steam

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Never mind, it just happened to me as killer. Not fixed.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Just happened first game on PS4 today.

    Freddy - near the end of match, daily + 1 challenge done. Really annoying.

    Games after that went normal.

  • Member Posts: 10

    This is the 3rd time tonight this happened and I keep getting a match making ban. I'm up to 15 mins now. This is bs and not fair. I am NOT disconnecting, Shouldn't the system be able to tell when its a legit DC? I play on ps5 with a wired connection. It happened 1 killer match and 2 survivor matches (not in a row, a few matches in between each). I'm afraid to play now because I don't want the ban time to grow any larger. This last match I went in to unhook a jane on Badham and the game froze as i was unhooking then bam black screen. I saw that 15 minute timer and shut off the game. Not taking any chances. I was going to take a break for a few days to make sure my unwarranted ban timer goes away, but seeing the dates on this report going back so far are making me feel uneasy and very disappointed.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Just happened while loading into the match... on Steam PC.

  • Member Posts: 39

    I had this happen as well and also have the error : grade progession error.

    Not sure if the two are related but ...

  • Member Posts: 426

    3 times in a row, not sure if we're back with the Ddos attack or if servers are crap but it's a big issue

  • Member Posts: 28
    edited October 2023

    Just in case a mod or a dev needs it, I'm attaching a log here.

    First match of the day I got a DC already. EU server + Steam version.

    Playing and live streaming, the stream is quite stable, so it's not an Internet issue.


    At least I got no penalty this time though.

    Post edited by rafaelhb on
  • Member Posts: 6

    Encountered this issue right after the final gen was finished. All survivors and the killer start infinitely walking or running in place and everything essentially freezes or loops until you get kicked out of the game with this error message.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    Also happens on pc. This has happened twice in a row now. Annoying as hell and probably getting no compensation.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Can we please at least not get a dc penalty when this message pops up? Thanks to this, I have a 15 minute wait time (happened twice today and I had a legit dc due to electricity going out). It's really annoying and I can't do anything to fix it on my end.

    If the servers can't handle the event player count then remove the dc penalty. We have the bots anyway for survivor dcs.

  • Member Posts: 3

    It's happening constantly to me as well on PS5. I can barely play any matches fully the past few days, it is horrible!

    It happened once as survivor when a Myers did a mori on me and multiple times as killer (Clown, Dredge, Xeno) when using their abilities or downing survivors.

    And why the hell am I punished with a 1m matchmaking block, losing my items/addons and not winning ANY bloodpoints?! I'm not even sure if it all the players in the session get disconnected and get just as ounished as I am.

    I just joined this game less than a month ago and I hate the state of these servers.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Happening to me, 4 times today, only on killer when I have a good game. Idk if it is a bug exploit but it ends the trial with only me getting zero BPs.

  • Member Posts: 28

    BUMP this just happened to me today on Ghostface US Central Had an anonymous Jane that I downed and carried to hook only to get lagged out and penalty boxed. Why?

  • Member Posts: 937

    I see this all the time. If there are no plans to fix the servers, kindly remove the DC penalty for this.

    If neither is possible, then that's depressing.

  • Member Posts: 105

    The way that there are CLEAR waves of this happening (i.e. this thread and the other one being revived all at once with a chorus of people saying "This is happening to me!") and BHVR is having their mods decline new threads on the grounds of "it's a technical issue". It's just appalling, honestly. I cannot stress enough how clear it is that this is an ongoing instability issue with their servers that they will not own up to, despite the previous thread being marked as an acknowledged issue.

  • Member Posts: 3

    It keeps happening and I see no comment, no reaction from BHVR, nothing!

    I keep seeing posts on this forum and on reddit of people having the same issue and nothing!

    More than 50% of the matches I play as killer end up in disconnection near the end, now also happening without using any of the killer's powers.

    My paranoia tells me it's exploits as almost all happen when getting kills/winning so I report them as well. But I'm never sure and we get no explanation.

    I lose HOURS needlessly without getting any rewards, only losing items and getting matchmaking ban.

  • Member Posts: 47

    I'm sick of this. Getting disconnected with a penalty and getting unplayable lag when that doesn't happen. This issue has ruined the event for me. This should be fixed as a matter of urgency.

  • Member Posts: 22

    I want to hear a clear answer of the administration about this problem

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Me too. It feels like they are being so avoidant about the issue. I have tried to get Mandy's attention and she has not responded to me at all but has responded to other posts. It feels really bad especially considering how much time and money i have invested in this game.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    Literally haven't been able to play the event because of this issue. They claimed they fixed it last patch but it straight up got worse for me, now about half of my matches are ending in a server not responding. At this point, I don't think I'll be able to finish the tome.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I also confirm that the issue is STILL PRESENT on PS5.

    Happened twice as killer and twice as survivor. It barely ever happened before when I was a survivor.

    All these 4 times happened in long matches, near the end, which makes it most frustrating! Lost all items/addons, 1 minute matchmaking ban and 0 BP.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Happened to me again as well. I thought changing graphics to medium fixed it but it happened again. Banned for 24hrs... can't even take part in the bloodhunt.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,751

    Hello, anyone experiencing this on PC: can you please upload your log?

  • Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,751
    edited October 2023

    Screenshots of specific disconnection messages would be appreciated from all platforms.

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