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PC - Locked in place after picking up Survivor from trap

Killer: Trapper
Perks: No One Escapes Death, Gearhead, Corrupt Intervention, and Pop Goes The Weasel
Map: Midwich Elementary School
A survivor vaulted a window into a trap, I also vaulted the window, picked up the survivor, and was locked in place with severely restricted and jerky camera movement, and was unable to drop the survivor or attack. The survivor also seemed to be unable to wiggle free. Unsure if this is a bug or some outside influence?
Hi Spy! Do you happen to have a video of this interaction?
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I have had the exact same bug on Haddonfield, only with hitting the survivor instead of picking them up, and with Iri Stone so I could get unstuck, and I provided a log and detailed explanation in my bug post from last week. Could you add a reply on that one so it's clear that this is a duplicate issue, or at least a very related bug? I think it has to do with connection (like when your client fails to notice a survivor dropped a pallet).
Jocelyn, I do not have video but I have the log and steps to reproduce.This is my post:
These other posts also have the same issue, but one was closed as a duplicate:0 -
Unfortunately I do not. I swear Shadowplay enjoys turning itself off at random.
I'll try and replicate it when next I get Midwich as Trapper and record it0 -
It does seem like we encountered the same bug! Except I didn't have the Iri Stone so my trap wouldn't open on it's own. I was running Bloody Coil and Honing Stone
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This issue has been duplicated quite a few times, once with video in Hawkins, but AFAICT only mine has a log file. I posted a comment with all the links, and you'll see it after it has been approved
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Thank you for the additional information! It is greatly appreciated.
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I see them now! The Hawkin's video is exactly what happened to me. Thank you for the video evidence!
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Always a pleasure. Hopefully this gets fixed well.