You don't get tunnelled frequently. You are just biased.



  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 294

    My point is that cheating feels bad and regardless of how much it happens it shouldn't be ignored.

    Because the devs are ok with it doesn't mean it is automatically fair and balanced. There is a disconnect with fairness, it's a killer favored game hence why survivor has been an unplayable way to play for a long time. Tunneling is one of the reasons.

  • CosmicScarab
    CosmicScarab Member Posts: 153

    As long as you are being disingenuous and calling everything gaslighting there is no point in having a discussion.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,438
    edited July 4

    Do you feel that this:

    Person A: This happens to me a lot

    Person B: No, it doesn't. Even though I'm not you and have no understanding of what happens to you I'm going to say that doesn't happen to you even though I have no proof that it doesn't.

    represents gaslighting.

    If you don't think that's gaslighting I'm more than happy to use another term. This is pretty ironic, though, considering we would be arguing about a definition of a word in a thread where the OP's argument rests on saying there's only one interpretation of a word (well, that and incomplete, faulty data) and multiple people have stated different definitions that meet the overall criteria of 'Killer attempts to remove one survivor from a game before any other survivor'.

    If anything, it should help illustrate how flawed the OP's argument is .

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,438
  • CosmicScarab
    CosmicScarab Member Posts: 153
    edited July 4

    In that situation saying I don't believe you, or believe you might be exaggerating or have a negativity bias because you have no presented proof is not gaslighting, no, and neither is saying someone is wrong about the definition of tunnelling. It is absolutely absurd to claim that anyone is trying to psychologically abuse you by saying that. It is kind of funny though that you keep trying to rewrite definitions or at very least misunderstand what words mean, intentional or not.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • CosmicScarab
    CosmicScarab Member Posts: 153

    Saying I don't believe you or I think you are exaggerating, or there is a negativity bias at play because no proof has been provided is not gaslighting, and it also is not gaslighting to say that someones definition of tunnelling is incorrect and differs from the agreed upon definition. It is absolutely absurd to say that someone is psychologically abusing you and manipulating you by disagreeing with you or correcting you.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 398

    just got tunneled 3 games in a row, as in the killers bolted back to hook and chased me down and took me out the game first. So yes, yes I was tunneled!

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    cope, killers with very high winrates are using same strat 9/10 times, hard tunneling 1 player as quickly as humanly possible, lot of them even stream on twitch or post their xxx winstreak on youtube, it's not a debate it's fact

    yes you can choose to play suboptimally, no tunnel, 12 hooks, be nice and so on.. it doesn't change anything, 1 player hard tunneling every game will win more games by default that's what matters

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,438
    edited July 4

    Okay, if you disagree with the definition we can use a different definition. Here are our two positions from how I understand it.

    Me: A video by a content creator with a Twitter poll that only reaches his followers does not meet the basic standard necessary to claim that tunneling is not common at any MMRs except high MMRs for a playerbase in the tens of millions spread out over multiple continents. It is not possible to say tunnelling is uncommon (or common) based off of such limited data. Tunneling being common at high MMRs as it's the most optimized tactic means people at other MMRs may tunnel if they want to improve their MMR and this would suggest it's used more as MMR increases but there is not enough data to say that as a certainty.

    You: A Twitter poll by a content creator that only touches the creator's followers and was done only in English is sufficient to draw a widespread generalization to tens of millions spread out over multiple continents. A survey done in one language that only reaches the audience of one content creator is sufficient to make such a broad generalization. Although high MMR as seen in competitive games is a tunnel fest as it's an optimal tactic it's not used frequently in low and mid MMR. People attempting to improve their win rates or their MMR won't use optimal tactics enough that tunnelling is common at any MMR but the highest MMR.

    Would that be an accurate summary? Because the people attempting to say tunnelling isn't common or defend it sound a lot (not exactly of course but a lot) like the people who defended pre 6.1 Dead Hard. In fact, one of the main reasons given for nerfing pre 6.1 Dead Hard was that it was used more frequently as MMR increases and this suggests it's overtuned.

    If you're trying to say that, with the data available, that you can't draw a conclusion on whether tunnelling is common or not and that people can't speak to more than what happens to them then we're in agreement and this thread (which is titled: You don't get tunnelled frequently: it's your own bias) is complete bs and denies what other people are saying happens to them without any actual proof to the contrary.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited July 5

    Tunneling is not what grants you winstreak though, it's good as long as it works, but it will fall off quickly the better survivors get thanks to sheer amount of counter perks which coincidentally also helps against camping, and also extreme gen efficiency that will finish a match within 4 minutes if killer is mediocre

  • SleepyWater
    SleepyWater Member Posts: 26

    I mean… lets be honest, you cant do -4 if you wont "tunnel", but complaining about it is crazy. Imagine killers would cry about gen rush xd

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,079

    Kinda have to disagree, I really can't think of any situation where forcing the 3v1 ASAP isn't the most efficient play the killer can make. It's the dominant strat to counter genrush and it's also the dominant strat to win… basically anything else? When tunneling fails, it's usually because you pursued the wrong survivor (and if all of them would have been bad choices, then that team would have won anyway, you're just outmatched.)

    Like, tunneling can be made harder with DS and OTR, but DS and OTR aren't helping them that much unless they've got good loops to run to, and if you weren't tunneling then you'd be chasing a healthy (or freshly injured) survivor through those instead.

    Unless what you're saying is that doing nothing but tunneling will catapult you to high MMR and eventually give you survivors that are too good for you to deal with, in which case yeah. But high skill killer tunneling against high skill survivors is still lethal and it's only when both players are at the very top level of the game where this nears parity.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    forcing the 3v1 asap is efficient play, but hard tunneling will not grants you quickest kill against competent survivors, since it basically forces you to play a game with proxy camping, which will be hard countered by "just doing gens" or reassurance

    But then, if you leave hooks and allow survivors to get saved without staying close to them, it's not really an "efficient" tunneling, at least you should be able to hit them off hooks, that's impossible while patrolling anywhere

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    There are people who can have hundreds of win streak as Clown, so can they. But for some reason they dont agree on that.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,127

    What tunnelers are just waiting at hook like that, and don't get body blocked by the unhooker or anything? And you understand that hitting them off hook gives them a sprint burst which they wouldn't get if the killer was just waiting out normal base BT? So how does it do nothing?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It may surprise you to learn that many Killers have powers that give them a massive advantage in chase, this is by design. However, these chase powers can also be used to deal with bodyblockers and make it harder for the freshly unhooked person to escape, Sprint Burst from hook or not.

    Killers are also faster than Survivors, making bodyblocking difficult depending on location.

    Likewise, getting rid of BT and OTR, as well as any perks like Second Wind is certainly worth a minor speed boost.

    Sometimes even the threat of tunneling is enough to force people to adopt a passive playstyle.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960
  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,343

    This goes both ways, both survivors and killers do it all the time, because of single streamers that said or did something.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,658
    edited July 8

    Given that most people don't even know what "tunneling" means, yeah, I'd say they are not to be trusted.

    Tunneling = killer having a tunnel-vision for one survivor to chase and hook him even if it's at the killer's disadvantage. (e.g. full health and speeding away when another survivor is bleeding right next to the killer)

    It seems for a lot of people tunneling means "the killer chased me too often", without any regard for other chases others went through.

  • legiondoctor
    legiondoctor Member Posts: 171

    sorry using scott jund as evidence is just automatic bad take

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Luckily we have yet another example of how rare tunneling is in this thread, I'd say it can be trusted