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  • As someone who is new to the game and faced him a lot- this gives me hope. I currently hate him since I have no clue what to do and I'm not sure how to utilize strengths against him since I'm strong in no field lol. This gives me hope. thank you
  • As someone who plays clown since I am one and choose to be one in every game possible- he hurts me as a killer. I've found some aide in tutorials and various tips from practicing with friends, I hate that he's literally impossible against most other teams. I'm lucky with one hook. I really think that they could do so much…
  • I have struggled against nemesis and I do agree he needs to be nerfed, but not in his ability. I think that personally the zombies that proximity camp are dumb af and that his speed plus ranged attack are very bs, but his actual attack giving an extra health state plus speed is actually a bit of a downfall. The only…
  • I've watched my best friend play her many times and played against hag too. She really is effective when the survivors have no means of communication or are unfamiliar with her. I've seen my friend corner people with traps to end loops and even use the teleportation trick to force them down near the basement when he…
  • As someone who primarily plays killer, they really don't baby killers or survivors. You have to practice and hone your skills in both fields. The game rewards you for benefitting your side. If you're a survivor and you repair a gen, you aided in the escape you should be rewarded, even if you don't actually escape. Killers…
  • I usually get a small group of friends to do customs and practice. It's not ranked and it just depends on the level of your friends
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