The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Doesn't this remove the skill of using DS? The point of DS is high risk for high reward. In my opinion, I believe the skill check is somewhat easy but that's because I use it frequently enough to get used to it.
  • True, looking back on the idea I can see how flawed it is. Also, I intended to make it so you can choose when to use it as I thought it'd make for some more interesting plays. And about the old DS, I didn't play back when the old DS was a thing so this was more or less just a similar idea. Of course, I can see this being…
  • My idea of a rework would be: Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape. After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike will be active. Press the Secondary Action to begin a difficult Skill Check to instantly escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 3/4/5 seconds…
  • In short, get Plague. She has 2 very good teachable perks with 1 decent teachable. Her power is interesting, not my favourite but has some interesting gameplay and very unique take on a killer. The Twins feels sloppy, unfinished, with their teachables being bad or mediocre at best.
  • True, I think if Deep Wound could also be good for him. I do understand there's already an add-on for inflicting dying state, but I think it'd also bump his power up to be able to have that as base kit.
  • I don't know how you could remove it. It's literally just press crouch and release crouch. To remove it, you've remove crouching and therefore stealth.
  • Limited within reason, surely they should give you more time to redeem. I missed some of these cosmetics because it's one of the only games I've played where I only have 24 hours to redeem a reward. I usually miss them due to not being able to play that day, which I know isn't games fault, but they should give you more…
  • I agree. Not sure about 8% but there has to be some sort of instant knock-off of progression. I decided to play a killer I haven't levelled in a long time with no Pop Goes The Weasel and the gen kicking was horrible. Because the first killer I played and levelled was Clown, I always used Pop Goes The Weasel since I heard…
  • The problem with this is that there's no point in having it if the killer can hear. Sure, this opens up for more communication options than pointing forward and signalling to follow but this seems more of a benefit to the killer. Anyone who uses it is easily found. Another problem is that this opens a whole new world of…
  • This is why I'm sick of levelling my Legion. I have 1/4 perks I want after getting to level 48 with it about to be 2 since I finally have Blood Echo in my bloodweb. I also counted and out of 10 bloodwebs, I got Tier 3 Bloodhound 7 times. I refuse to waste 6000 bloodpoints on a complete waste of a perk. Surely if I let the…
  • I feel like it should stay the same with one additional thing: Hitting a survivor instantly makes you lose all other hatchets you're holding. This would allow you to still use Infantry Belt but make it more balanced since being able to still hold onto 2 other insta-down hatchets is still pretty good.
  • After playing Legion for a small time, he feels not only boring to play but almost useless. I'll just list my problems: Hitting someone with Feral Frenzy feels like it's only useful for information. The fatigue duration feels way too punishing. The duration of Feral Frenzy feels too short. The Feral Frenzy recovery speed…
  • I'm not sure of a fix myself, but 10 seconds of aura reading is way too overpowered. I've played a lot of Oni so I think I can fairly say that having this add-on would make him insane. Sure, you have to wait for the Blood Fury activation animation to end and then charge up Demon Dash, but pairing that with Scalped Topknot…
  • Hitting them a second time without the add-on has no effect and ends your Feral Frenzy.
  • This couldn't be further from what I think. The idea of going against 4 survivors, all using infuriating perks and items, makes me want to play the game less. The main thing that makes me feel this way is keys. I know these will be getting a nerf of some sort but the idea that I played perfectly and lost because the key…
  • I don't think he needs a rework but he definitely needs a buff. I believe he needs to start with 3 traps and hold 4. Maybe also make it so when survivors make it out of his trap, it puts them in the dying state. I can see the intention of your design, living up to his name, but I don't see this working with bear traps…
  • That's why I don't play survivor. The gens are just holding M1 with the occasional press of space bar on the big box, it feels mind-numbing and completely boring. This doesn't only apply to gens, but exit gates, healing, totems, wiggle (sort of), recovery, unhooking, and even unhooking yourself. They need to add more…
  • I'm not sure if this is the right approach since it adds more to patrol but it sounds like a good idea. I'm sick of going into games and having to juggle several gens at 70-80%. I genuinely feel the need to run Corrupt Intervention and/or Pop Goes The Weasel on most killers I play. I also feel some toolbox add-ons don't…
  • I'm sure it's soon, so there's no need to worry.
  • As a killer main, I like when survivors lead me to their team as it allows me to deny gens. However, I can see how this is horrible for survivors. Not only are you bringing the killer towards teammates but it's doing it with the intention of removing the killer off of you by interrupting the progress of gens. This is why I…
  • I feel like it gives the killer of the knowledge of knowing which hooks to go to a lot more. Being able to see the wiggle progression lets you know how far you can go with hooks, a good example being knowing whether you can reach the basement or not.