Rip it happened again, now a 24 hour ban thanks to bad ping my end..
Looks more realistic, I like it!
Its either a baby nurse or a pro nurse.. theres no inbetween
This post doesn't make much sense.. If you have an active trap on your head and she is chasing/tunneling you, it pauses the trap timer. Also.. pig chasing you off jigsaw boxes is her tactic so.. cheer up buttercup.
No.. takes up too much time.
I find it hard to believe that all rank 1 wraith mains can beat a sweat squad with over 2k hours between them.. thats quite the generalisation, and also extremely rare, so rare its not really worth mentioning. But let me spin your argument back to you.. if wraith is now top tier, up there with the nurse, then how is it…
I'm going to have to replace the strings on my violin with the forums this week!
But rank 1 killers are supposed to be good, thats why they are rank 1. They master and main a killer.. its the same with top tier survivors too. I've gone against survivors that know exactly how to loop, they know all the tricks in the book! Put that together with a SWF then its easy for a killer to feel cheated too..…
It matters to the poster so...
Personally, I've won a number of games against wraith. So.. are you talking about the top 1% of Wraith players vs Survivors.. or killers and survivors within the normal distribution?
I think your maths are a little off Sluzzy. Its a 1V4 remember.. so multiple sprint bursts is an invalid argument. You can do better than that!
You will always get T-bagged I'm afraid. But keep playing! You will only improve more and more.. the best games are when they try to bully you and then realise they can't!
Any game with a survivor rage quitting is an automatic win
This video sums it up quite well
Love the reference in the title lol
Comms isn't cheating.
For what reason?
Depends on the mood I'm in. Both are legit strategies anyway, not the best methods for efficiency but still.. both are strategies.
Tunneling is chasing only one survivor, ignoring all other players and gens... the word 'tunneling' in this game takes on a new meaning every month I swear :')
I play huntress a lot, and recently although rare, still a game changer, I hit an injured survivor with a hatchet.. it makes the sound but it doesn't down them.. very odd.
3 out of 4 games? Seriously? If your luck is as bad as you claim then why aren't you using franklins?
I kept getting paired with very low ranks as Killer. As survivor me and my friend would die to a rank 1 then be matched with a rank 15 next game. We would obviously win that game and then it would put us back with a rank 1 killer.. repeating cycle.
Its no different to any other day. Its always bad.. mmr is a myth when it comes to BHVR.
Its frustrating how survivors have a way of leaving the game without a penalty i.e. killing themselves on hook but a Killer can't dc without a penality. Double standards
Classic first world problems...
Kill them with kindness
There more survivors than killers.. for obvious reasons. So sometimes you will get paired with higher ranks than you to reduce que times.
That fact that survivors can kill themselves on hook as a means of dc'ing the game and killers can't because they will get a penalty infuriates me. Double standards as usual.
BBQ and chilli is amazing on Hag. Not so much for survivor auras but for the points. Keep at it with her though, shes a beast!
Could you imagine the bugs??
I came across this problem too when I was learning Miss Haggy. To be honest, hag is so slow you probably wouldn't get there in time anyway. Surveillance is a much better perk on hag. You could always use bitter murmur or bbq as well.
Its a great perk, especially if theres 2/3 gens left and theres just two of you left to do gens. It can be a life saver.
I got bored after the first sentence
That ''noed should be nerfed'' even though there are so many perks to help counter this, along with play style and experience.
Can we burn this thread along with the survivor handbook that all killers must follow? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Yeah maybe so. Each to their own though I guess.. theres over 20 killers to pick from anyway so I think calling hag boring along with the other killers is more so on the survivor side. Its hard to bully a strong killer.. maybe thats why.
Not really.. I'm a hag main and been against only a fair amount of hags. As I said, they are very rare. A baby hag is not a good hag.. same with all killers. If she required such low skill with such a high reward then why are hags so unpopular compared to Nurse and Spirit mains, right there at the top? Especially if hag is…
Killer are not slower. Your brain cells have probably died from over exposure to DBD... it deos taht to some poeple...
It is funny how survivors call any killer thats hard to go against. boring e.g. Nurse, spirit, deathslinger and now hag. Hags are rare, and a good hag is as rare as they come, just enjoy the game and learn.
When I play killer, I play more competitive.. sometimes I do take pity though. IMO killer is more difficult to learn, as there are so many to choose from! So i play the best I can to get better. As for survivor its chill for me. I die? I just move onto the next game and have fun with it.
Best advice? Play another game until you feel healthy and well enough to ignore survivor tactics. Alternatively, this is a great game. Perhaps play custom matches with some friends? At least that way you can still have fun :)
Its a shame some people are so rude over a game. Don't give these 12 year old kids who have never been loved by their parents the satisfaction of taking a break. Get back out there with your mori's and NOED and ######### on them all instead.
Yeah.. I've noticed this too! Not fair :(
Maybe when someone's killer rank is below 5 they aren't allowed to use it? The problem then is they are having to miss out on their choice of build to satisfy their opponents. NOED is 1 perk out of 4. Killers have to counter 16 perks.. and whats the big deal anyway? Its mostly used by new players and middle skill.. perhaps…
Yawn I'm sure these types of whining posts will subside as soon as people can go outside and enjoy life again.. Jeeez.
Yeah its really annoying. At times I will think i'm doing great in-game turns out its a low rank killer, or low rank survivors. Other times I get wiped out. Which is fine, but it does happen abit too often. Perhaps player base is continuing to decrease so it pairs us all up with whoever is available in the que?
This has been happening to me for ages.. even before patch 4.5.2