Archael I love your idea, I'm going to add it to my post here:
Killers with stealth negate Still Sight, Poised, and other perks that let survivors see the killer. Why should survivors not have the same benefit?
There is an issue with pallets in general. As killer, I'm hit by the pallet when I'm not even in front of it… just off to the side. And as survivor, I'm hit by the killer's weapon even though I stunned the killer with the pallet. So they are just broken in general.
They nerfed Distorition but Buffed the killer's aura reading on some perks. I am so frustrated with it. Gen Jockey's can't use it anymore… and they are the ones that need it most. Maybe they can compromise and make it so that the perk only has 1 token and refills in the terror radius.
I don't mind the mori. What I mind is the slugging. I like the idea of only triggering the ability to mori if the last survivor is not in the dying state.
This is called "taking the game hostage" … he was not progressing the game. You can report that.
I just want all the purple medkits I wasted bloodpoints on to go back to being 32 charges. It's frustrating and had I known about the changes I would never have spent bloodpoints on them.
Good point.
I don't think that Dracula is powerful enough. I hated adepting him.
I love this idea… because it deters killers from slugging the last person and waiting for others to die on hook to mori.
I think we need the ability to try to get off hook. Especially if all four people are being hook, the ones with no previous hookstate need the ability to get off of the hook to possibly save their team.
I could live with that change if we get our medkits back to full capacity.
Most killers don't just quit because 5 gens are done. Most killers who DC do it because of toxic survivors.
I wish they would make a form of unbreakable base kit… maybe make it twice as long to get up off the ground.
"Theater Mode": I think this would be far more complicated when it doesn't need to be. There are tones of recording software products out there, for free! "Instant Leveling": I do like the idea of choosing what is prioritized and for it to auto level. "Buy and Sell": I like this idea and had it already posted in my Quality…
One major issue there is with ping is when the killer is VPNing. That should not be allowed. My playgroup has gone against several killers from the European servers who VPN to appear as if they are on Eastern server. It's annoying. It should be a reportable offense.
I agree, even as a survivor main… because it's a waste of time to wait. The only exception I see is if generators are not done and the killer is close to the hook, the survivor meter could still go up high enough for the survivor to escape (even on 2nd hook).
I think 3-Gen Mommy DEFINITELY needed a nerf. She made games soooooooo long. I know, I played her. And she's excellent if your strategy is to force the 3-Gen. However, it makes for very long and boring games.
I love the idea of a 5th page!
I think the nurse is fine just how she is. She takes a lot of skill to play so anyone who is good with her deserves to dominate the game. I do not feel Chucky is broken. Annoying, yes. Broken, no. I've won more than lost against Chucky. As a survivor, I love the idea of each player being allowed to ban one killer that they…
1. I think the nurse is fine just how she is. She takes a lot of skill to play so anyone who is good with her deserves to dominate the game. 2. I do not feel Chucky is broken. Annoying 3. As a survivor 4. Tunnelling is a major issue that needs to be fixed. I think there needs to be a penalty to the killer if they hook a…
I think we just need a separate challenge system that will refresh a new challenge every time one is complete and just be continuous for those of us who do play a lot and are very goal oriented.
Will No Way Out solve the problem?
I posted this in the DBD Discord Chat, hopefully they upvote it!
Are you on Steam?
I added this to the original post too!
That would be awesome too! Especially if you don't care about what addons you get.
I included your suggestion in the post!
I wanted to add that I only say the Decimated Borgo because it's so clunky, I'm always running into something on it. Both as killer and survivor. Also, it has one window that they haven't fixed yet that you can not jump through, even though it has the yellow sheet over it.
They could add the ability for the last person to get themselves off the ground at a very slow rate. This would discourage slugging for the 4K because once one person is dead the other person could get up.
I could agree with Haddonfield and Hawkins, but I would add Lery's and Decimated Borgo.
I was very mad about Distortion being nerfed. At the very least, they should have allowed you to earn up to 3 tokens while being chased. It's so stupid. I used it to use perks like Weaving Spiders… but now I can't use that perk either for fear that the killer will see my aura. They really ruined a lot of builds by nerfing…
Yeah, there are a couple maps I'd love to see gone. Although, my friends might disagree lol
Interesting thought… I think universal add-ons for survifors (since they all have the same add-ons anyway) would be a great idea, I wish I would have thought of that!
This isn't needed because Still Sight is now a thing.
I know that number 2 is my biggest one here. I really want to see that progress in the game. It goes by way to fast for me to read it in time.
I see your point. I only slug for the 4K if they are toxic. Otherwise, I give them a fair chance to get out hatch.
I've had this same issue. They need to fix it. I have eyesight issues so I need the image to be brighter so I can actually see. It's frustrating that they haven't fixed it.
Maybe make it so that Weave Attunement only works with items that it drops and not things any other perk (such as Franklin's) drops. I think that's a good compromise.
Why not make the game fair so that SWFs and Solo's have the same advantage? It sounds like discrimination against people who don't have friends to play with.
Have you seen the perk named "Distortion"… it works great! It's a Jeff perk! :)
I agree!!!! And I want to know why they made Kate look like an 40 year old woman in her picture but she's obviously younger. They made Kate's face ugly in the character view there :(
Sounds like you are a killer main. Consider snuffing out the totems?
The most discouraging thing is when the random doesn't step in and take a hit or a down for someone on death hook or someone who is being tunneled. When my random's suck and don't play like teammates, I will kill myself on hook to go to the next game where hopefully I play with teammates and not selfish survivors.
As a survivor main, I do not think it needs to be nerfed. It's fine. Just learn to play around it.
I'm a killer too… I get 4Ks all the time… without slugging, camping, or tunneling. It's a skill issue if they can't do the same. lol
But what about people who don't have friends? Why should they be excluded from knowing what the groups know?
Slugging is not enjoyable game play. I win 4Ks all the time, and NEVER slug, camp, or tunnel. It can be done if you are a good enough killer.
I love your ideas!
Don't slug and it won't be a problem :)