Indeed they did. The combo as I said took the cooldown to about 4.8s, and factoring in the part that it starts early in the recovery animation after casting Hellfire, it led to people literally going around loops like moving Hellfire turrets. Also, the various leaderboards that track player stats like Hellfire hits made it…
Fully agreed that the nerf to Hellfire's base cooldown should be reverted. There was absolutely nothing spammable - aka too frequently usable, about an ability that needs 7 seconds to recharge. What did make it spammable, as I and others have pointed out before, was the addon combo of Sylph Feather at max stacks + Ruby…
This is one of the so called "Terminator Bots". Around 2020 when the hacker group(s) started getting serious money from this game we encountered the first ones. They are scripted to: teleport to a survivors location > insta-down them > pick up > teleport to a hook > hook > go back to 1. As for the server-sided validation…
I prefer Chaos Shuffle as well. But I'd rather see it as an option for the regular mode rather than a separate mode. As an option to fully randomize your loadout, in exchange say for +100% BP in the match you are gonna play.
Seconded. There are abusable tactics on both sides for map offerings as they are. At this point, the game has a total of 58 maps (variations included), with more to come. And then 37 Killers with unique powers on top. It is not a realistic demand to perfectly balance all of them, and I am not even gonna mention the track…
Yeah, since the Unknown chapter dropped we have another spike. Not that the problem ever did go away, since last summer the issue has been getting worse. MVP this time around is a form of "sliding" speedhack (looks like straight up no-clipping, one of the very first things supposedly tracked when the hacker waves of 2020…
Been playing Xeno by majority since its release in August (now 50/50 with Billy since my "old main" is back). For the most part, I feel that the turrets and his overall power is pretty good. Any form of improvements would better come off as adjustments to tail collision and interactions. 2 things that stand out in my…
Confirming the bug, it has been noticed by many Xenomorph players. It seems that the map generation algorithm might be prioritizing Event Snowmen and Snowpile spawns, and forcing tunnel exits to spawn locations far from at least 2 gens per match. Often they clump together and leave areas of the map without tunnel exits.…
Instant fall recovery, instant pallet drop / vault recovery (to avoid ranged hits into locked animations) are also some other recent common forms of cheating going "under the radar" - except not really. I am seriously wondering how many different scripts are going around at this point, and what has caused this spike ...
All in all, very good changes. I recently have been dabbling a bit in Knight gameplay, and there are indeed some clunky parts in his design. Things in particular to comment on: 1) Map of the Realm basekit is indeed practically a necessity, since without it a running Survivor can outrun the detection zone of a Guard dropped…
On the (somewhat) more positive side of this topic: I feel that the people that are helping bring this issue to light, and taking the time to share these cases from their matches, deserve some appreciation. Not only because this can potentially help identify the cheats being used currently and deal with them on the side of…
Yeah, most commonly they are the "farming squads", at least 2 people doing what you posted mid chase "subtly", and all bring BP offerings (the -actual- reason why people dodge certain lobbies these days). The most notable ones are those that bring full chase builds, no gen perks or toolboxes. When you play against a good…
Indeed, 1 out of 3 matches is now a "good enough" rate in my book. Tonight I played about 6 matches at around 7PM CET (EU), and another 3 around midnight. Yet again, had 4 notable cases: 1) A match where an entire team was phasing through hits and was doing the usual speedbursts behind objects/corners. 2) A match where…
Yep, same for me yet again today. Log in for some matches and I get: First group: barely second chase of the match and a player straight up disappears in front of me right in the open, in full view with no obstructions and running at them with a mobility Killer. Within the next 20s all gens pop and they fly out of the…
Definitely not just you. Started around April initially, and then right after the end of the BBQ event in the summer it became really bad. Several threads over the past months, just to show a few:…
On further testing, the part where the perk starts always active might be that the ranges of the different Tiers of the perk are not assigned properly (e.g. T3 having the range of T1 and tracking people from further than it should).