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  • I completely agree. It exacerbates existing problems and polarizes the playerbase at best, and at worst it doesn't even work and gives unbalanced matches anyway.
  • I would say yes but also no. It could be a purple. The Sadako one doesn't make sense. Anyway the devs don't know what they're doing.
  • This is interesting. Care to elaborate?
  • agreed
  • I don't think DBD is a good game for competitive players and I see a lot people get frustrated because of that. Maybe it's the dev's or some content creator's fault for pushing the game in that direction but it will never satisfy the competitive drive inside you because it is fundamentally unfair.
  • Perfect gameplay destroys any game. Meta builds, unbeatable strategies etc. The more predictable a game is, the less fun it is. A solved game is a dead game. This is why the devs should do a complete 180 and run away from the MMR and balancing ideology as fast as ######### possible.
  • Most players like the game because they can exploit unfair things, whether it's perks, offerings, addons, game mechanics etc. BOTH killers and survivors like to bully the other side. That is what made the game popular in the first place. Competitive players are a VAST minority. If you don't believe me, then a simple…
  • Now you're getting into subjective territory. You want fair matches as a killer, you don't like exploitation, earn your win etc etc. Go play chess. This game isn't perfectly fair and that's why it's popular. It's closer to poker, where the cards are sometimes against you, sometimes in your favor. But guess what, it's more…
  • I agree, but if you are good, you're going to get a high MMR regardless. It is inevitable, it's not a reward. A few DC matches don't matter either.
  • The problem is that most of survivor DCs (from my experience) is when they are severely outplayed at the start. They get found in a locker or a quick down at a safe loop. To then 'reset' the game as if it never happened isn't fair to the killer. If others don't want a 3v1 they can just let go when hooked and get out of the…
  • It does ruin the game. 90% of the game is hitting someone with a melee attack. This perk makes it frustrating and takes all the satisfaction out of it. Turn it into what other exhaustion perks do, which is giving the survivor distance in chase when some condition is met.
  • First of all you shouldn't care if your MMR goes down. There is absolutely no reward for having a higher MMR, you only get tougher opponents. Also it's a magical value that no one sees. Why do teams suffer because of the actions of a member of the team? That's a fact of life that BHVR can't change. If someone gives up,…
  • You HAVE to use gen slow perks. You can't jjust ignore that part of the game. That's why the gens are flying and your games are 10 mins long. And before you say "ruin gets found in 15 secs" "pop is a waste of time"- Some games they are useless but more often they turn it in your favour like the totem giving you downs from…
  • That's what I mean. 90% of the time it's pointless. The only situation would be a gen in the corner of the map that had 1 survivor on it. But even then it's better to not lose distance on the survivor. Like I said, it would make it more attractive to protect gens rather than just tunnel survivors. Or at least it would be a…
  • There is ZERO punishment. Pips don't matter anymore. Ranks don't matter. MMR doesn't matter. You can play however you want.
  • This game never stops being frustrating. You just hope you get enough satisfaction to balance out the frustration.
  • All that needs to be changed is snuffing out a boon breaks the totem. Then Pentimento would be a fair counter. I say fair because the survivors will still know exactly where it is.
  • Well said. The devs don't understand the gold mine they're sitting on. Fairness and competitiveness aren't what made DBD popular. What people love is messing around and exploiting horribly unfair things. MMR has absolutely no place in this picture, and neither does any kind of ranking system.
  • I'm still dumbfounded by his nerf; 2 chains down from 3. The chain is significantly harder to hit at loops than Clown's bottles. And as you pointed out, the random aspect destroys all the benefits. In a straight line it's better to just walk towards them. And I know this from playing against him. It doesn't matter if I get…
  • Yet another evening of silent bell wraiths, nurses and SWFs. I can't get out of red ranks and I get absolutely no joy out of playing in red ranks. The devs have hit gold but don't seem to realize what draws players in and why they stay. I never gave a damn about ranks and optimal builds. I still don't. There's tons of…
  • This kind of stuff still happens when players come back after a long break and are pushed back down ranks. Or when the matchmaking system fails. Yet the result of the rank system is eventually 80% of your games become sweatfests. I agree that being punished for mistakes IS the price of being at the top. However, I don't…