Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • When playing killer, it usually never bothers me because I figure they're just trying to do a challenge or get some extra bloodpoints. It rarely ever helps them lose me, and actually wastes a bit of their time making distance. That being said, if you approach a dropped pallet as though you're going to break it and then…
  • On PS4 there is no end game chat. I changed my privacy settings to only allow messages from friends, but the toxic players still went through the trouble of sending a friend request since you can attach a message to those. I disabled friend requests as well, and even still I had a player send me a Playstation Community…
  • Something I often see overlooked is the fact that killers typically have to pay attention to what perks a survivor is running (Their exhaustion perk, Quick&Quiet, Unbreakable usage, etc..). There are many cases where survivors could do the same, and if they count 4 perks, then NOED is no longer a possibility and there's…
  • I don't believe that any change would happen to NOED until the issue of fast gen speeds is addressed. (Whether that be by map overhauls or trial warm-up or what have you). The need to provide another objective due to the threat of NOED is important. Which is why in both iterations of the possible changes I included a way…
  • I wholeheartedly agree that the perk should never lose it's "Late game exposed hex" status as I mentioned in the TLDR. I feel that the perk is often run for killers who want the "one last card up their sleeve" and I don't think that should change. I should add, that I am largely ambivalent myself. I rarely run the perk…
  • Apologies if the ideas themselves are bad. I agree with the fact that it can quite easily be countered, but that doesn't stop others from complaining. So I thought to prose alternatives. I'm glad you enjoy playing against the perk! Thanks for feedback
  • I'm inclined to agree with you, but I made this post to consider an "If it was changed" scenario.
  • I feel that there simply needs to be a criteria for the perk to deactivate. Say repairing a generator, or perhaps a different survivor being hooked. The perk is anti-tunneling and I respect that, but the frustration comes from when a killer finds a survivor that's fresh off the hook repairing a nearby generator. Of course…
  • I'm a bit of a trophy hunter, so mad respect! I want to go for the platinum trophy but I'm highly daunted by 'Where Did They Go?!' (It's the last difficult one for me besides Skilled Huntress, I got Evil Incarnate and most of the Adepts) I can't quite figure out if you get it from a killer match or a survivor match or…
  • I get where you are coming from, and if you don't like him then that's fine. Everyone has there own opinion and perspective. But if you want to talk about "pretty much ignoring game mechanics" then look no further than Nurse. Nurse literally does her own thing and as such there is a much different way to play around her.…
  • Kindred because I have only ever played solo (Lonely boi hours) Other than that, I love Ace In The Hole combined with Plunderer's. Even before the new Ace in the Hole change. It's just fun to go into a match and see what goodies you get. You can also share the wealth by letting other survivors pick up the pretty decent…
  • I love the Deathslinger. He's not overly strong and he often relies on the survivor to mess up but he remains fun. I would honestly say that the above all best perk on him is Monitor and Abuse, since the decrease in terror radius helps you get practically right on top of the survivors without them knowing you're there, and…
  • He's fun, through and through. I feel that I do really well with him and the only times I get destroyed is moreso because I'm on a large map or blinded by corn (or both). I always wanted to get better at huntress but could never really time my hatchets correctly. With 'The YeeHaw' the ADS time is more forgiving than…
  • I absolutely LOVE how the map looks. The ambient sounds are a bit much but that could just be from having many maps with little to no ambiance. Also I swear those tumbleweeds can pass for a survivor in the corner of my vision crouching behind a wall.. As for how the map plays, I only dislike the main saloon generator as…
  • That map, above all others, feels like a slap in the face when playing killer. The main building having multiple safe pallets, strong windows, and being so easy to just run to from anywhere on the map makes me have the big sad. Maybe breakable walls will bless that map in a few locations but I don't know if even that will…
  • I'm might be in the small camp of killer mains who thinks that the Deathslinger is okay where he's at, so don't hate too much. At many pallet loops, you can shoot a survivor on the other side of the pallet and work your way around the shortest side of the loop, when the chain is about to break, you can do a full lunge and…
  • That was a bug when Doctor was reworked and they fixed it shortly after. When they updated how madness works it must've just undone the fix. Maybe the game tries to make the skillcheck a madness off-center skillcheck, but something else says that the DS skillcheck can't be off-center, so it just breaks and doesn't go…
  • Clown falls into the unfortunate abyss of "Why play Clown when I could just play X". His power only really helps in loops. Not with map pressure, not with the chase, just loops. They probably could leave him as is with a few tweaks, he just needs something to make him worth playing (other than having objectively the best…
  • Yeah I've had something similar to this happen once as well. My only guess is that there is a small space in-between the hitboxes of two survivors. The healing animation shows one survivor bending over the injured one, but my guess is that the healing animation doesn't actually change the hitbox. The huntress' hatchets…
  • I totally get what you mean and you are far from alone. Personally, I kind of missed the whole Billy hype train and have been afraid of floundering around with a chainsaw sprint trying to get downs. There will be those who say that you should just go right into the deep end with a killer and expect to get destroyed a few…
  • If you're seeking a perspective, there are those who never intentionally slug, camp, or tunnel, but rather it just ends up happening. If I down a survivor, but then immediately see a survivor nearby who I know I could get a free hit on, I'll likely go for that survivor to capitalize on a mistake rather than just hook the…
  • I've found that in a lot a cases you can shoot a survivor on the other side of a dropped pallet and maneuver your way around the loop, lunging before the chain breaks to close the gap. Obviously that doesn't work for super safe pallets, but don't underestimate the full lunge distance after the chain. That being said, it…
  • Maybe pulling a survivor against a dropped pallet breaks the chain and the pallet? So you still suffer a stun but the pallet breaks with the survivor still suffering the effects of the chain. But overall, he looks fun (I've only seen gameplay, as I play on console)
  • At the end of the day, I'm pretty alright. I often play both sides but main killer. If I find a survivor I particularly like (if they make me laugh ever or maybe they're a kind potato) I'll try to make sure they get a hatch escape. If I get upset by a surprise key escape (or 3) then I just bring a mori next game and move…