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  • looks like this guy
  • I play above 3,1k hours I know the spawn rate and what I got from the chests is like to play with plunderer and I play without the perk and guarantee that the drops out of the chests to high I found oly in the last 7 rounds and standart 3 chests without plunderer 2 rainbow maps 2 purple Flashlights, 3 purple toolboxes, 4…
  • it´s impossible without Plunderer opening by myself and my premate every round 2-3 chests and in ~30 rounds find arround 90% only purple and red items
  • And as long as I lose Pips when getting black pip or pip or play custom games and lose pips for it I don´t want to play.
  • ok wait a moment I forgot something I got 0 points for emblem in chase and have 5 minutes chasetime with a killer The Hit and exhousting animation from a nurse is in the same time .. becouse delay from 1 sek? You lose Pips in CUSTOM games when you leave the lobby.
  • I agree with your opinion. However, i see it as a strategic option for some people who do not have the experience and skill to decide the game before the last generator is completed. A change for NOED is, in my opinion, appropriate. You could remove the additional speed or make it a no Hex totem but limit the exposed…
  • here is the clip try hit with huntress. No hit sounds on anything but blood and no damage. The new hit calculation is nice but break the shooting mechanic and I think it does break it on deadslinger to
  • Ruin isn´t strong 80% in Red Rank with Ruin and the survivers can do perfect skillchecks and new players come only together with Killer that have ruin becouse SWF and the new broken Matchmaking they never asked the question, why all players on red rank use ruin (becouse prevent gen rush when only 1 survivor on start can…
  • The question is to play as Killer, not against.