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  • When survivors ask for another objective they don't mean one that requires voice coms to be provided with any information about how close to finishing it they are. As someone who doesn't play in 4 stacks, Ruin Undying is horrible to go against. 4 survivors separately checking all the hidden crooks in an entire map with no…
  • This is simply about not rewarding killers for face camping. If the survivor sits through both struggle stages, the others can do 3 gens and it's likely some will escape. Unhooking the survivor for bloodpoints is likely to reward the killer with more hooks (if they have built/selected a killer that excels at camping),…
  • Survivor Perk Easy does it - Your assistance is reassuring and calms others, even those in pain. Unhooking a survivor does not alert the killer until 3/4/5 seconds after the action.
  • I mostly play survivor (killer just for challenges) with a couple friends. I have a lot of fun, but this is because I've recently changed my mentality. Actually trying to win/survive or whatever the win conditions might be (I know people have different opinions) was a black hole of misery for me. I was typically at rank 1,…
  • You're obviously under no obligation to go for unhooks, but 9 times out of 10, leaving someone to die on first hook will heavily shift the game to the killer's advantage. You have more chance of winning 4 against 1 than 3 against 1. This game has a plethora of killer perks and killer powers that show it is designed to…
  • Ah makes sense, the killer was wraith, he didn't slug. Does hitting straight out of stealth count as a killer power that would hide devour? Though I'm also pretty sure they hadn't hooked 5 times at this point.
  • I have no issue with Noed, BUT I do think the number of standing totems should be added as a UI element alongside the gens, even if just added as a buff to Small Game. It's all good saying 'just get the totems', but getting them is often a case of wandering around the map, lost and unaware of how many have already been…
  • I think this is a good idea and I don't really understand why you've received such a strong backlash. The idea that SC is an unbalanced perk is crazy to me since it's horrendously inefficient compared to other healing options in the game, especially in the sloppy butcher meta. I don't even run it anymore but it makes no…
  • It astounds me that nobody at Behaviour thought about this. I feel like all of the design time was put into making glowing models and cosmetics and no thought was put into the mechanics at all. That, or the new events team don't understand this game in the slightest.
  • This isn't the only event in dbd. If people don't complain, they will think 'great job' and give us the same at xmas. The devs need to know this event is awful.
  • Thank you for this honest post :) About as unbiased as they get on here haha
  • I mean, it does suck that there is a cap on how much of the currency you can get during the event. Let people grind if they want to grind. But equally, the dbd team has grown a lot since the store opened, they are always introducing new employees in dev streams these days, so I'm pretty confident they are using that money…
  • I've thought about this a lot, but I think many ideas to make survivors more unique would be too drastic of a change. You would have to 'add' something unique to each survivor, which most of the community would never agree with because survivors are considered the OP side and the game's current outlook is to take things…
  • I told my friend that the Spirit was really cool and creepy while testing the PTB, but when she faced her for the first time on live she just laughed, repeatedly shouting 'HAAAAA' in mockery. The new sounds really kill her eerie vibe. I don't think they need complete reworks, just pitching up a bit with more gargle and…
  • Once all teachables are unlocked, survivors have no gameplay differences, whereas killers have unique abilities and mechanics. What is the reason for this design choice rather than, for example, giving perks greater efficiency when played on their originating character, or having each survivor posses a unique item? E.g.…