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  • This is the direction all perks should be going on both sides. That includes new perks, before they release. cough Aestri/Lara cough
  • I think he is underrated as well. The best way to think about his power is that his stalk is a ranged attack that only hits when you want it to. Don't feel discouraged if you let people go uninjured, since you're still 'attacking' them in an indirect way. It only really gets tough against perceptive and good survivors on…
  • I kind of like her character model (although something seems a bit off with proportions which bugs me - big head? idk, maybe it's just me), and also played the games when I was younger. Despite the sentimentality, I won't be buying her, so no - I won't be maining her at this rate. Lara's perks are genuinely just too bad to…
  • After some lengthy discussions about how bad Bardic inspiration is on here, and some clarification on how repair speed toolbox add-ons work in an erroneous bug report thread of mine, I've managed to eek out enough value from Bardic to justify its use that it's part of one of my favorite builds currently. In that way, these…
  • Change Wire Spool to a 'Rare' add-on. It's currently an uncommon add-on, and, with the sheer number of uncommon add-ons that currently exist, I very rarely see it. In fact, I have twice the number of rare add-ons than I do any of my uncommons. It's just my favorite toolbox add-on and I would like it to be more common… by…
  • Current favorite: Calm Spirit, Built to Last, Streetwise, Bardic Inspiration Items: Commodius Toolbox + Wirespool + Spare Parts — The toolbox lasts 43.3 seconds, generating on average around ~12 skill checks per gen, finishing each generator in roughly 45 seconds (depends on Bardic roll). Built to Last lets me repeat these…
  • As much as I like the ideas being thrown out and wish so hard that at least some of them would be implemented, I'm convinced the devs purposefully make perks weak just to force action-oriented and current meta perks to always be the go-to. It's the only explanation I can think of as to why so many perks, like this one,…
  • Pros: You can kill someone faster People will often waste time trying to body block for the tunneled survivor People will often give free hits trying to body block for the tunneled survivor People will waste resources (med-kits) trying to body block for the tunneled survivor Generally increased chance of winning Cons: Risk…
  • Keep in mind I'm playing largely survivor lately, so my complaints are biased towards that side. But my main complaints are: Killer invitation abilities are vastly superior to survivor abilities Killer Tryks are slightly superior to survivor Tryks There are far. too. many. bugs. in. this. event. Especially related to…
  • Don't get me wrong I'm happy these perks got attention and buffs but… looks at Mirrored Illusion, Still Sight, and to a smaller degree Bardic Couldn't ya'll have started making perks more viable with the most recent patch too? — Also yeah rip healing regression with hemorrhage.
  • Nevermind, being able to charge the perk while an illusion was active was a bug that was just fixed in today's patch. The Mirrored Illusion perk no longer charges when an Illusion is already active. Source: I was reminded of this thread and felt the…
  • Is this against Nurse/Blight/Billy, or everyone in general? I have the same experience in pretty much all of my Nurse/Blight/Billy games that, I agree it's a bit discouraging and frustrating. It basically goes like this: Spawn in They downed and hooked someone in ~30 sec with Lethal Pursuer, high mobility, and high…
  • Are you sure you did not misread "Hand of Vecna"? While I'm not too familiar with DnD character lore, I believe the eye and hand of Vecna, as well as the player's ability to attune to those items, are part of that lore. In contrast, I've never heard anything about the head of Vecna, so I'd be taken aback if that was an…
    in HEAD of Vecna Comment by Beaburd June 17
  • That would make sense in hindsight. I was looking at the dbd wiki for repair speeds and separated the concept of 'repair speed bonus' with 'depletion rate' since they were listed in separate columns. But in reality, like you said, the actual 'repair speed' is likely just charges per second (listed in another column). So…
  • I actually agree with this. I do say gg, but only when I lose and don't feel there was unsportsmanlike conduct on the opponent's side; otherwise, I feel too guilty saying it. It's just too difficult to know how the opponent feels about a match and what their emotional state is, that I don't want to risk aggravating a…
  • Oh, well that sucks because I haven't been selecting it after getting my first two invites. I figured I'd rather run something that actually gives me BP or completes another compendium and assumed this would go up regardless. Something tells me I'm not going to be alone in that line of thought, making this even harder to…
  • Yup, Freddy's power is the most underwhelming and weakest power in the game in my opinion - and it's not even close. Onryo, who I would argue is the closest to Freddy in terms of their powers, at least forces me to run across the map for video tapes or risk an instant mori. Freddy though? 'Oh no, I'm asleep. I guess I'll…
  • Right? Mannerisms and attitude are there, and even the voice is eerily similar to the in-game version imo. Tryks: Jinx: EDIT: She even does the slow deep mocking voice 'Um, that's kind of not fair, don't you think?' in a way similar to when Jinx voices her guns in a slow deep voice or mocks people in said voice. Examples…
  • I know it's a different VA, but I swear whoever voices Tryks reminds me of Jinx. Anyone else? Am I crazy? Not that I mind.
  • Oh man, this is actually a pretty fun topic to discuss. At the same time though, the level of controversy and potential for escalation that exists on political topics like this make it such dangerous ground that I ain't touching it with a 12ft pole. Maybe I'll grab some popcorn later though if this stays up long enough.
    in Country flags Comment by Beaburd June 15
  • Just posting to confirm I have the same bug. Platform: PC Killer: Ghost Face Frequency: Every game so far Mode: Anniversary Event Modifier Perks: Lethal Pursuer, Friends Til The End, Play With Your Food, Grim Embrace Maps: Ormond, Yamoaka Estate, Hawkin's Laboratory Unsure if it happens in main mode, will try a little…
  • I found I get ~60 cobblers per killer prestige, and ~40 cobblers per survivor prestige. However, my survivor also gets ~15-20 med-kits, flashlights, and toolboxes per prestige as well.
  • I'm just happy the event gives event-style Commodius toolboxes - the best toolbox in the game. I was seriously running low on these, but am stocking up quite well for my gen builds. The med-kit would also be nice if, for whatever reason, they weren't all standardized to heal the same. It feels very odd that a common grey…
  • It's a unique event, for sure. For anyone confused, here's how it works: There's a global event that takes periodically called 'Bag of Tryks' This event gives a status effect to both the survivors and the killer The status effect depends on the image card on the top left of the screen This global event takes place every…
  • Probably not. When I used it, there was only one buff icon even if someone else used it near me. I did not notice an increase in my skill check progress either. That said, I have not test it to confirm so I can't say for sure.
  • Appreciate the positive feedback! I also expect it won't be a popular opinion. That said, I agree with these points on Distortion. I dislike the perk myself because: It's uninteractive It has little planning or personal skill that goes into it It counters everything whether or not you want it to Sometimes I do want the…
  • There's a misconception here that survivors are a group of people that should team up and work cooperatively together to succeed In reality, the developers give a lot of leeway to play however dirty or nice you want. Spread hooks? Sure. Tunnel? Go for it. Unhook someone? Sounds good. Body block for someone? Alright. Let…
  • You know, it's funny, if you check my post history I've been stating how, despite being a stealth player, I dislike this perk because of how uninteractive and unfulfilling it feels to use and that I really wish I did not have to use it. That said, I'm sad to say that I hope they don't touch it at all for the foreseeable…
  • Is this the character information you got when pressing F2? Yes, please do. I have no idea why it was removed, and said removal has caused nothing but inconvenience. Please do give this back to us, thank you.
  • Just give me Shaggy from Scooby-Doo and I'm happy. … Actually, no - never mind. Give me Shaggy from Scooby-Doo who says 'Zoinks - it's the ___!' when they get line of sight of the killer and I'm happy. Examples: 'Zoinks - it's the Knight!' 'Zoinks - it's a killer doll!' 'Zoinks - it's the Huntress!!' I can dream.
  • I like and even use many of the perks mentioned here, but there's one in particular I refuse to accept as being underrated - Friendly Competition. I'm sorry, but that perk is saving you about ~2.5 seconds per person who gets the buff on every second generator they do. That doesn't even factor in the repair penalty you get…
  • I like this suggestion! Let's just skip the modifier bit and permanently make it the main mode though. And no, being a stealth player that avoids exhaustion perks and has an intense disdain for aura reading perks like 'Nowhere to Hide' does not make me biased in this decision. Why do you ask?
  • Yeah, there's a lot of nuance when it comes to both targeting specific generators, such as: Do I know which generators are high-value? Maybe it's middle, maybe it's a 3 gen on a corner of swamp (2 being on dock), maybe it's around basement At this point, you might need another perk slot just to distinguish this since…
  • Can you back this claim up with numbers rather than anecdotal evidence? Let's check out the numbers: Solo: Takes 15 seconds to cast, which is 16.7% worth of gen repair time (15 / 90); therefore You require 17/9/6 skill checks on a 1/2/3 performance roll to break even with casting the perk The average # of skill checks on a…
  • They know what it does, they also know the effect is so small it is actually a detriment to your team to use (especially early game). The cast time just overshadows the potential benefit by so much, it's never worth using. The only exception is if you want to burst a generator (instead of dps it), such as to get rid of a 3…
  • If you play with a party for fun, it's a party game. If you play with the intent to win (especially with rewards), it's a competitive game. This game, like many others (including Mario Party) has the capacity to be both. Whether DBD can be considered one or the other, or even both, is pretty subjective and entirely up to…
  • It's a fun build, especially if you like living on the edge (I did this for a few games, but replaced Stake Out with Fogwise for some safety). If you do want to be really efficient on gens though, I would highly recommend replacing Invocation with Hyperfocus, especially if you want to run Stake Out. Hyperfocus bonus…
  • Great analysis, just wanted to add the chances to get raw value from this perk is worse than you'd think because: Not only does time to complete the generator decrease by 0.9 seconds per 1% the skill check itself gives, but the skill check itself takes 1.1 seconds to complete, and then there's another ~1 second cooldown…
  • Not having been in that game myself, I can only assume what their reasoning is. That said, I do know from experience that there are games even as survivor that I feel pressured, rushed, and forced into uncomfortable scenarios that can skew my decision making and/or prevent me from acting in ways that I would otherwise like…
  • I actually think the current iteration of Weave Attunement deserves that notification, reasons being: Weave Attunement gives permanent aura reading in a 12m radius around the item To put this in perspective, Skull Merchant's drones have a 10m radius and only detect someone who touches a beam That means each dropped item…
  • I actually had the exact same belief and opinion you have here, in that you can only use it again after its 120 second duration wore off or it was destroyed, and you repaired a generator for another 45 seconds afterwards. After trying to make the perk work for multiple games, I realized the UI for it is just awful and that…
  • because you'll get around loop but killer will lift the pallet shortly after you put it down in front of him where he will hit you 2 second after. Mage hand essentially punishing greeding pallets. You play vs him like you play vs clown. you detach loops nearby in some cases but mostly pre-drop. Sorry, to clarify, what do…
  • This is a bit of a weird argument to me, since it sounds akin to saying 'the counter to being hit is to just not be in range to get hit in the first place.' Killers are specifically designed to close the distance and (eventually) catch survivors by nature of their role. Pallets, windows and line of sight blockers are the…
  • Post from the community manager here on the forums, responding to another thread. Here's a link for ya: