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  • But here's the issue: Good killers don't need bloodlust to catch survivors. If said survivors don't have those perks mentioned, killers can get away with a tunneling and camping play style, developing bad habits for the killer player.
  • S: Nurse, Spirit, Freddy A: Billy, Myers, PH, Oni B: Hag, Bubba, Legion, Ghostface, Deathslinger C: Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Demogorgon D: Huntress F: Clown This is from my personal experience
  • As a player who plays killer and survivor equally, I understand both sides of the argument. Survivor: Yes, tunnelling and camping killers suck. But I for one hardly encounter them. In all honesty, using DS on a killer is just going to make them tunnel you harder. Killer: Please, only tunnel or camp if you have to. Enduring…
  • Wow. I have never seen a more entitled survivor main in my life. You know what else prevents you from being downed immediately off hook? Borrowed Time. As for DS, are you telling me that the killer is supposed to just let you go? A ten second stun is just going to make them more focused on you than before. Honestly, if I…
  • Helping another survivor that probably didn't even earn it is OP. Also, Kindred is an anti-camping perk, as all other survivors will see their aura if they're in close proximity of the survivor. Tunnelers don't deserve a ten second stun. If I had to face that every game (Ghostface main BTW), I would honestly quit the game.…
  • That DS buff is absurd. A 10 second stun/blind is way too much. If you've played killer, then you would know that sometimes you have to tunnel, camp, or slug. When multiple gens are done, for instance, I consider tunneling someone just because I have to get them out of the game. Punishing them further would worsen the gen…
  • My favorite complaint I've received as a Killer: I was playing my first game of Pyramid Head, and got The Game. Time went by, and I eventually found two survivors in the bathroom: a Lucy and a Meg. I chased the Lucy, and eventually sent her to a cage. She was quickly saved, and I was nearby patrolling gens. I checked it…
  • And which page of the Survivors Rulebook For Killers can I find the rule that states I have to let survivors go during events? Because the DBD rulebook says: Killers are supposed to kill. Survivors are supposed to try to survive. The cosmetic isn't even that good anyway.
  • It's come to my attention from playing the game for years that some Killers benefit greatly from perks like NOED. Killers like Trapper, Wraith, Pig, and some others have poor map control and gen pressure and can easily get gen rushed. A perk like NOED can allow these Killers to get kills in situations like this. But on the…
  • TydeTyme released a great video explaining how emblems work a long time ago. I recommend you check it out
  • I think Trapper, Wraith, Demogorgon, Legion, Bubba, and Pig desperately need buffs. Trapper should just start with more traps. Wraith needs some kind of buff to his invisibility. Demogorgon either needs more portals or a shorter cool down between teleportations. Legion needs his recent nerf where his FF is no longer…
  • Yes, Bubba has literally only been viable with one build. I am, of course, talking about the Bubba's Basement build. Killers shouldn't have to rely on one perk build to be effective.
  • Favorite killer (atm): Trapper because of how forgiving he can be with getting kills. Build: Ruin (early game pressure) Whispers (tracking survivors) Surge (pressure combined with Ruin and even after it's gone) Brutal Strength (because pallets suck, and for just a little extra pressure) I use this build because Trapper…
  • @NekoGamerX not to my knowledge. However, L4D did also have an Xbox 360 release, so it may have been easier for MS to get the content from Valve.