no. but also I don't think the game's best anti-tunnel tools should be locked behind perks. tunneling (and to a lesser extent these days camping) is clearly a friction point that pretty much everyone hates but can't come up with a suitable solution to. "higher tier" players know that a killer that hard tunnels will lose if…
I don't really mind it either way. The bounding percussion is the most important bit of the chase theme IMO. This does mean that the max range terror radius part is probably being reverted again though which is a bummer. The live release version was way too quiet ingame and not all that interesting to listen to. The…
Enduring + Hubris, Enduring + Two Can Play. Or just blow up the pallet. Or throw a snare to encourage a pre-drop. Or just respect it. I think some form of joy has been lost in the loss of being able to swing through dream pallets for free. But enabling stuns (and having them explode like party pallets) opens up more things…
maybe they shouldn't make a separate event mode for something that largely plays the same as the normal mode
and yet from what i gather it works in something like fortnite? must be a money thing, or some under the hood nonsense neither party will budge on. yeah that's just how crossplay works in most games. which is why i really hate it when people say that people have the option to turn crossplay on/off if they don't like it…99%…
aside from the AI snowmen being a little meh and possibly causing the event servers to be laggier, I kinda wish the snowmen blocked hits like the original version. would've been more interesting that way and made people care about snowballs more.
wait seriously? they never fixed that? how the hell does sony allow it but not microsoft? jesucristo
number go up make brain go brrrrrr personally these days I don't play enough to level new characters (or old characters for shrine perks) that fast so the extra BPs are welcome.
controller stuff
If anything, forcing animation lock hits with the power can sometimes be a good thing for the survivor considering it can deny M1 perk usage, which is pretty popular on Portia.
Most of those killers care about angles/LoS/distance. Pyramid Head cares about his awkward turning. Houndmaster says nah, my dog has curves and gets the hit from ridiculous range with practically 0 aim or thought required. And she has a whole 'nother power in her kit that's pretty damn useful now (if not finnicky still). I…
nono, i'm just liable to get in trouble if i continue. i gave the benefit of doubt before but then i saw the thread where you suggested reworking a perk into a 0 condition instaheal perk with the effects of a perk that already exist in the game.
If there was some sort of visual indicator for the killer so they can plan accordingly (and perhaps even regress the sabo somehow)…it could maybe be brought back. Hard, hard maybe. And maybe make it a Saboteur perk only thing, so you can't just run around with a toolbox prepping every hook on the map and have to wait for…
If you are left down for over 60 seconds, and nobody hooks you or picks you up, this also activates, but you can only do this once and it deactivates in endgame (there's no reason for Killers to do anything but try to catch people in the endgame, so slugging is valid). You can use it right off Hook, as this has…
Edit: there was a wall of text here but you know what? no. just no.
I really don't know. I think Chucky's design has just always been a little…boring. Having a dash killer that largely ignores traditional dash counterplay due to the flexibility & hitbox of the attack (and it's tied to a stealth killer) is just eh. And on the killer side of things being 4.4 m/s without a map traversal…
Permanent broken will never be worth it, especially if each invocation takes its own 60 seconds with an audio/visual cue that it was completed. Start there.
How much longer are we proposing?
given how you responded to me in the other thread i see no reason to explain anything to you whatsoever. you wear your bias on your face and seem to suffer from balance-brain.
Hound sense is garbage literally awful "Oh cool i can sometimes… Put the survivor into deep wound?" Don't get me started on how it makes them glowing either as if everyone isn't wearing the brightest clothes possible while having the game loaded with NVIDIA filters Oh yea you can't reset it you just have to wait until the…
the questions were poised to determine what the community thinks each term means (and then, presumably, adapt & clarify their own terminology in future public communications), and then also determine which killers the community thinks most need each type of treatment based on their own self-reported understanding of the…
ghostface, trapper, and (specifically) hit and run playstyle wraith are all anti-player interaction. their whole point is to reduce chase time passively with little skill involved (or in ghostface's case, actively with an asterisk that you can just 99 people for later and revealing only delays (or speeds up because the…
fix bugs (especially search mode targeting), nerf vault speed, change cooldown to begin when snug ends his action instead of when he reaches the killer (up the chase cooldown back to 5 seconds or potentially even higher to compensate), get rid of the seemingly redundant switch command mechanic (if possible) she's stupidly…
they just released one of the buggiest killers ever with practically 0 marketing, they've always had random audio problems in their game, baermar & aestri are a very unique character pair on a technical level (notice that the bugged skin in question shows aestri's portrait…hmmmmmm), the event has a lot of bugs too, and…
I dunno about anyone else but I'm starting to feel event mode fatigue. This one in particular has nothing truly special going on (barely anyone uses the snowmen, and the game isn't exactly built for repeated friendly social interaction) but if you want better queues and rewards you're hard pressed not to play it. Which…
It's pretty silly. Makes her feel cheesy to play sometimes. It also just looks incredibly jank, to the point where I continue to worry about the qualitative eye of the people letting these changes go through. I feel the cooldown change was completely unnecessary as well, unless it's another holiday bandaid adjustment like…
Other devs wouldn't have to work around the map collision that DbD has in the first place because their games don't rely on pixel perfect collision to facilitate the meat of their play experience. A lot of "realistic" games have really smooth, slippery walls (even if they don't look smooth) because they don't need anything…
This is why. The Doomed Course opening cutscene/trailer did it first. I like that they wanted to put it in the game. It just needs some polishing. And maybe only keep it for the mori.
Their AI stuff would work better in a game with less accurate map collision to worry about. Unfortunately, in DbD, every little twig has full, pixel perfect model collision for some reason (even stuff players can't normally reach), so having AI try to path around things in a consistent, user friendly way is a monumental…
Yeah so after a lot of games and build tweaking today, being able to search mode speed spam has completely changed how she works. Because of the cooldown differences and BHVR's insistence on having to have the dog manually path back to you to initiate the cooldown in the first place, using chase (especially committing to a…
I think I just saw it with the mori too. Guessing they're trying to replicate the smile she does in the trailer. Definitely a little janky right now though.
Well, you know that main building drop down on Toba? Snug managed to fly off of that and get stuck on a rock for a good 30 seconds. And he managed to get stuck midway through a search path on Lery's. So there's that. Snuggy's still pretty buggy.
All in all it's less about how well it works against good players and more about "is this the way the designer(s) wanted the power to be used", and my guess is no. It did feel weird coming to a dead stop when initiating a chase though.
It'd be a straight pointless nerf without some compensatory buffs, yeah. I dunno what those buffs would look like of course, but they'd be there. Anything that makes the intended back and forth of the reveal mechanic worth engaging with, because as it stands now it's just not. It's too hard (because it's buggy, and…
I'm unsure on the trail boost, do they mean like, you can now start chases on the trail and keep the movement speed? If so this is actually pretty solid, but i'm assuming it meant that that trail was just bugged forever and wouldn't give the movement speed bonus after the chase ended. The speed boost just works 100% of the…
Fixed an issue that caused the trail boost to have no effect when starting a chase on the search path. This one's kinda crazy. I thought the speed boost ending when in/initiating a chase was an intentional mechanic. Apparently not.
Since the reveal mechanic is probably never going to be fixed, they ought to just remove a % chunk of stalk progress from any survivor that manages to reveal him. Buff him in some other way or whatever, but the 99, run up and wait for power to come back if revealed to 1 shot playstyle is just lame as hell. Especially since…
Yeah it's on console too.
Actually on the topic of flashbang, can we killswitch it? It's always had audio issues but I don't think I've had seen a single flashbang since the patch that wasn't completely silent.
tbh I think the burn outs are just taking over again. People were giving up left and right on first hook (or before) yesterday against my Houndmaster. No hex build or anything. Probably a lot of people mourning 2v8's absence and remembering they don't like the normal game.
The stun hitbox could stand to linger for ~0.1 seconds less. But it's fine as-is otherwise. Could even use that locker aura buff people are always clamoring on about so you can set up plays without voice comms.
They need to change it to a "within X meters of the killer" requirement too. There's no reason for it to be terror radius dependent, especially since it's a teachable from a killer that loses their terror radius all the time.
Dude just read my other replies in the thread to understand my stance, I don't have time for this.
It's not about either, it's about a bug that hasn't been officially noticed in years. And as JP pointed out, we have been asking.
Redirect needs to auto-look at the closest survivor upon taking control. The fact that you can't even rely on a chase command into an instant fire, same straight line redirect because for whatever insane reason your camera position is based on where the dog is looking, and the dog can get misaligned 5 degrees to the side…
The whole thing about Twins is that they can be in two places at once, and Victor's pounce is pretty much a guaranteed health state if the player is competent. Houndmaster can't be in two places since she has to confirm hits herself, and in terms of anti-loop powers hers is among the least time efficient (and she has no…
It has nothing to do with balance, the killer simply does not function properly a lot of the time. The dog AI pathing is a total mess. Has nothing to do with being "entitled". Yeah you're right. At least Twins excels at something these days. I can't see a future where Houndmaster is ever worth putting up with.
Tell me you haven't played the killer or even watched someone else play the killer without telling me. This is probably the buggiest killer they have ever released.
The number of bugs & design quirks we're working with here is astronomical. Given BHVR's schedule I think it's going to take years for most of them to be addressed. Gaming should be about doing advanced trigonometry where even if you pull off the correct calculation consistently you still don't get the desired result when…
I dunno but at least Freddy & SM are relaxing to play.