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  • Some really nice people on this thread. I'm a killer main and really suck at Survivor, but I spend my time making specific builds for each Survivor and playing them to their strengths, and literally no one but my Meg is any good at Killer Evasion of any sort. But I have fun so that's fine!
  • It no longer makes them scream and blood spatter unfortunately, it's as if smacking normal walls so looks like it. Which is a shame, it was funny.
  • Gosh thank you, someone who feels the same way. If I rise too high as a Survivor OR Killer or I will purposefully just chill in a match to de-rank because I don't want to ascend to sweat-tier. I'm here to have fun.
  • Amen to this. The moment a survivor becomes annoying I make sure they have a bad time, and I'm more than happy to make sure they don't get that escape bonus. I can agree but more often than not, bad unhooker are that way because they're also running evasion-heavy bait builds with stuff like Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, etc.…
  • Oh I can lowkey agree there-because I almost ALWAYS apologize when I knock down the person that just got unhooked post-match. They didn't deserve it and it IS tunneling. But you have to realize that chasing the unhooker doesn't actually punish them-they get not only the bloodpoints for the Safe Unhook, but often ALSO the…
  • As an addition I would like to point out there never seems to be much of a good sportsmanship attitude when it comes to congratulating either side and there should be. Why is it when a killer does poorly they're "Trash killer" "noob killer" and "ez", but when they do good they're still "Trash killer" "noob killer" and…
  • Actually a couple of hours! I was typing while in Killer queues. Funny to note, during that time I got several challenging matches where Survivors did well, and in two of them in particular, there were particularly nasty survivors in the lobby post-game. I had been intending to congratulate these survivors on their skilled…
  • Yeah that's what I'm hearing and Imma be honest You'd think whatever dumbbells made that game would have a look at Friday the 13th and how bad it flopped and cash in with the colossus that is Dead by Daylight and get some real fame. But go off I guess.
  • You're 100% right-as I said in my first post, Camaraderie really only works if I'm playing with friends and yell "AH HE KNOCKED ME DOWN GET OVER HERE" and even then half the time frens are like "Haha nah almost done this gen" What are friends for right
  • You buffoon. You FOOL. You absolutely ignoramus. I'm one as well. We can't have Danny Glover as Michael Kerrigan for Survivor BECAUSE Danny Glover also played Detective Tapp for SAW and he's the SAW DLC survivor. I just rewatched Predators and remembered that, shame on me forgetting. I don't think Behavior would be so lazy…
  • Thank you for asking you are wonderful! The build is fairly specific I will admit-for it to be most effective, I need to NOT be the first person hooked, and to also not only grab an early unhook but also the heal after. However if I DO manage this, I can unhook myself IF no teammates come for me when I'm about to hit…
  • Camaraderie is a wierd beast. It has OP potential, the problem is, it falls into the category of "Impossible to use unless I let my PUG know I'm running it and trust them to listen or I'm using a SWF" Like the magenta syringe, it requires teammates to listen and use their brains which is a rarity among survivors, so really…
  • After giving it some thought and trying to see what I come up, I think it would be incredibly difficult to implement the Predator's unique vision and heat-aura. I think these abilities would have to be relegated to addons that change your HUD which would be interesting. I think an Iridescent addon that allows the intensity…
  • I AM REWATCHING THE PREDATOR SERIES AS A STUDY AND YOU'RE SPOT ON WITH THE ENERGY MECHANIC Allowing the energy pool mechanic and a more obvious/audible cloaking telegraph would be a GREAT idea-his ability to see survivors via aura instead of straight-up vision would allow for entirely different gameplay and present more of…
  • That's what I thought about Demogorgon but they made it happen. I can't disagree that the mesh would be odd but I trust Behavior at this point.
  • Not bad, although that is slightly similar to Spirit Fury PLUS you'd lose the Break category points. Will take into consideration.
  • You are in fact correct with the lack of Killer synergy. But Hag is not one such example. I run Devour Hope, Ruin, Retribution, and Haunted Ground on her and it absolute rolls survivors in the most hilarious of ways. I don't believe it is on behavior to tailor every single personal killer perk "With the intention of them…
  • Token rather than Hex Totem for Lullaby I totally agree with. Ruin on the other hand, leave it as is. Keep in mind that Ruin is a perk that initially belonged to Hag, and her playstyle is unique in that it's very defensive. You trap her totems and take down survivors attempting to remove them, while her three personal…
  • Actually OP is really onto something here and I agree. I have so many browns that I will never use pls let me mill them into bloodpoints.
  • OP is actually going off BUT his heart is in the right place: Freddy needs reworked. here is the two BIGGEST problems: 1) The fact that Freddy can now appear in the real world and drag people in not only contradicts his ability from the movie cause he just can't do that, it's overpowered. Before his rework it was the one…
  • My dear, may I present to you some absolute GARBAGE that it took me a couple years to put together for Hag? Haunted Ground, Retribution, Devour Hope, and Ruin. The one drawback of Haunted Ground is that you have to find survivors within a minute after it being broken. With Retribution, you get a locator for 10 seconds…
  • Honestly pretty fair. It would likely be annoying to code as devs would have to make sure criterion are met exactly, otherwise survivors could exploit it.
  • Alright so update I managed to get the Benes-I chose to play early in the morning instead of at night and there's a definite difference in the brain cell usage between playerbase in these times. And I got Tome III all done! Yay! Funny part was I got some money and bought Kate so I can now do her missions now that I don't…
  • It only helps me as much as I can get lucky to have good teammates. Even my 100% is still only 25% of the team's capacity, and getting a team with proper peel or teammates that don't go zooming off like a scared sheep the moment I unlock them is a rarity. I wouldn't be complaining otherwise.
  • Each path's entry points has challenges blocking it that are undoable by either Kate DLC or ridiculous challenges. As for your calculations for Bene gold, they're entirely off. You start at 35 points. A survivor getting hooked removes 10. Unhooking them refunds that 10. 20 is awarded to you for a successful unhook. 10 is…
  • But for the paid ones, I said in my survey feedback that they should make those challenges on a side track, and allow you to at least reach the epilogue and for the charm and rift frags, and then have those side missions be entirely optional. And I almost started crying when you said "Only go for safe unhooks" You're right…
  • I agree that NOED serves as a crutch/second chance perk for unskilled killers. I prefer Killer over Survivor and I NEVER use Blood Warden and NOED because all they do is allow me to swoop in and get the kills I already should have managed earlier in the match. If you let the survivors get all the gens done to even ACTIVATE…
  • Actually I agree with OP as a Killer main. I refuse to use NOED and consider any killer that uses it to be a bad killer. It's a crutch that allows you to instadown when the survivors get gens done, when if you're GOOD you should have already been taking them out all match. And the argument that survivors should be taking…
  • Also, let me remind you that if the gates are open and one survivor is hooked and the other three are healthy you CAN still pull them off and escape. Both people body block the third survivor that is unhooking, then all four run for the gate. It's tricky to pull off but it's the ultimate dunk. Works even better if you have…
  • Aye and you said that some Perks are worse at Tier 3, so with my rework you wouldn't even NEED to grind a character up to level 40 to get those perks. Once you hit 30 you'd get all your decent level 30 perks by your logic.
  • If their perks are...bad at tier 3...then you won't have to level them that far? And the grind is not that bad. It really isn't. With all the bloodpoint events and the presence of the Tome missions bloodpoints aren't terribly hard to get-what's hard is getting them, then never getting the perks you're after. 100% on the…
  • A fair point is being made here that Killers do very much get LESS bloodpoints overall camping as opposed to rotating properly. Really, the only person that gets cucked by campers is whichever poor survivor gets grabbed first-that poor soul is going to get no bloodpoints. And the Survivors are going to miss out on the…