Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • In my experience a lot of killers will try to respect the pallet if they think you are going to drop it, which since we've reached a point where you need to predrop against a lot of killers to avoid a hit that happens a lot. You will especially see this if the killer has a pallet breaking power (Billy, Bubba, Demo, etc.).…
  • I love the Blight's power, but as a Switch player I cannot use it effectively even if my life depended on it. I've reached a point where I just use his power for map traversal and to gain distance. I don't even try to go for lethal rush hits. If I happen to run into a survivor while rushing and get a hit, cool. Never going…
  • Maybe have it so that survivors don't have finite stalk, rather after stalking a single survivor for a while the evil you gain from them is reduced, like an efficiency penalty that discourages following the blind idiot all game but you can still take advantage of said idiot if needed. Perhaps have so that when you accrue a…
  • Main problem is definitely her addons. A large chunk of them just add debuffs when you RBT someone, which is effectively worthless 99% of the time. So that pretty much leaves 2 options. Ambush build: use the addons that buff the ambush dash, or Oppressive Traps: Stacking the addons that make the RBTs more likely to kill.…
  • Idk if its like this for anyone else but to me Leon just kind of stands out compared to other survivors. When I see multiple people and am just looking for someone to focus on he's the one that usually catches my attention. He's just more noticeable in general.
  • Good a time as any to figure out how uploading youtube videos works. Now I know I can leave it unlisted so it can only be found here, which was the the main thing I was worried about.
  • I'd say gen rushing is absolutely a thing, there just needs to be a clear definition of what would be considered gen rushing. Like, I once had a game full of toolbox gens-before-frens survivors, and by the time I got my first hook within like, a minute of the match starting, 3 separate gens all popped simultaneously.…
  • Brutal Strength, Bamboozle, Fire Up, and Enduring on Myers. Watch them cower in fear as you relentlessly tear through their defenses.
  • I'm on Switch, I usually keep killer sensitivity on 50 because any higher feels too fast. I also turn the sensitivity down for ranged killers like huntress, down to 30-40, whatever feels right atm, so I can have finer control over my aim. I leave survivor on 100 because camera control isn't as important on survivor.
  • I'm gonna take a guess at what happened there: One guy was following the chase so they could be in position for that sweet flashlight save. One guy was scouring the map for chests and totems. One guy was hyper immersed and was hoping everyone else would do the gens while they hid. Eventually looter guy decides he found…
  • When you do so poorly the game gets an underflow error and rewards you anyway.
  • A video I saw once talking about this issue pointed out why tunneling is such an appealing option for most killers. At the very start of the match is the most difficult time for the killer because there is no map pressure at all, the killer doesn't know where the survivors are yet, and all 4 survivors are free to do gens…
  • When the killer decides they don't want to be the bad guy anymore.
  • How about this for the laceration: Laceration level is persistent, and the bright, flashy knives actually visibly stick to survivors (in preset spots on their body of course). Survivors must perform a 'Remove Knives' action to reduce their laceration level. Time required to do so is based on the number of knives…
  • I haven't even seen anyone running DS at all since the nerf.
  • I feel like a free basement teleport would be a bit too much. The thing that keeps the basement balanced is the fact that you can't always get to it if the down happens to far away, it's an opportunity based advantage. If a killer that is good at hard camping the basement (Bubba, Trapper, Hag, etc.) could just send you…
  • I don't think the Doctor needs help there. He already has: Free tracking/antistealth with his static blast. Built-in slowdown with madness skill checks and forcing survivors to snap out of it at madness 3 before they can do gens again. Can deny the use of pallets and windows with a carefully timed shock therapy to score…
  • I remember when I first started I played as Kate first because that was the daily the game decided to give me when I first started. First game was against a Doctor. Being the noobiest that a noob could possibly be, I hadn't the faintest idea ######### I was up against and was royally terrified and confused. Didn't know…
  • I haven't been able to properly experiment with this but as far as I can tell from playing Nurse myself, she can't check lockers after blinking, and she can't cancel a blink once she starts charging it. So if you see her charging a blink, jump in a locker if one is nearby. She can't do anything about it and you can burst…
  • FYI, if you are playing as Wraith, you have to uncloak to interact with a glyph. So if you intend to do that challenge as Killer don't pick Wraith for it, it takes longer to uncloak than it takes to interact with the glyph.
  • A hag build I've been running that I'm just going to dub "Omnipresence": Hex: Ruin, Surveillance, BBQ&Chili, Make Your Choice. Never wander aimlessly looking for survivors again, you will always know where to be at any given time. As soon as you chase someone off a gen, ruin will cause it to immediately be highlighted by…
  • Pallets aside, the lighting on the new Game is just atrocious. In the darker areas of the map, a survivor could just straight up stand still in the middle of the room and be invisible. The only reason I could track them at all was the shape of their feet against the scratch marks on the ground. And I'm not talking about…
  • In my experience getting hit right as you finish a fast vault has always been a thing if the killer was close enough for it. Those pallet hits though were just absolutely horrid.
  • Gotta agree with the strategic potential of the Antidote, having an on demand speed boost can be really impactful in a lot of situations. Something I've started messing with is throwing down an Antidote before performing an animation lock action (breaking pallets or gens, picking up a survivor, etc.) so that once you're…
  • My entire survivor experience is solo because I don't have anyone to play with. Half the time I end up being the first one the killer finds within like the first 20 seconds, and I'm bad at looping generally speaking so everything kinda just falls apart from there. Especially since most of the time when this happens I get…
  • It isn't just that challenge, it seems like all basement hook challenges are bugged like this. I currently have the same problem in the Tome 3 Chapter 1 version of the challenge.
  • Keep in mind that the Pig only gets 4 traps for the entire match. Once they are all used up, she only has her stealth and ambush to fall back on. The whole point of the traps is to function as a mild game slowdown that may very rarely actually get a kill if you choose to ignore it, which would be your own fault anyway. And…
  • Sounds simple in theory, but I feel like in practice giving the Killer easier access to the strongest, most abusable hook location wouldn't go over so well. In most cases once someone is hooked in the basement the Killer has essentially already secured a kill, even if it doesn't end up being the original victim. The thing…
  • Well it specifically states that the aura of the killer is revealed, and aura reading is blocked by undetectable. However they did say this is a very early concept for an OoO change and is by no means final.
  • I've been thinking about how a power like that would work and this is what I came up with: "Your mere presence drives your prey to insanity, making it harder for them to escape you." All survivors have an Insanity meter over their portrait that starts at 0% and can increase up to 100%, with various effects being applied…
  • I'm pretty sure I've only overheated Billy's chainsaw once out of all the games I have played as him, and that was just me getting frustrated and not paying attention. The only way you're going to overheat is if you just spam the chainsaw nonstop and hold your revs for an excessive amount of time. And that's without the…
  • I don't even consider the survivor's perspective when choosing a killer and build to play. I just play what I'm in the mood to play. Part of the survivor gameplay is figuring out how to survive against the challenge the killer presents. As the killer YOU define that challenge. The only time I feel bad is if someone DCs and…
  • Thanks for clearing that up, makes sense now because when I see someone running Head On I instinctively hesitate at a locker. Gotta break out of that habit.
  • Personally one change I've wanted on the Trapper is adding a risk to disarming his traps. Currently disarms can be done without any risk and barely wasting any time. Sure the Trapper is notified when it happens but 90% of the time you're going to be so far away you can't punish anyone for it. All I want is simply adding a…