Very cute, a lot of people are scared of her though
Here's the little guy
That's a little over the top to uninstall because a certain character isn't in the game. Plus there's no chance because the copyright is still in the air.
It would appear he is using a computer from 1990
Why yes it would appear you have... if you don't mind me asking what OS is that?
My extensive studies have shown that in every 15 people who think they know a map only 5 truly do. And that goes for any game, so I would much rather play one match with someone who "knows" the map. Than multiple matches.
Give her your autograph, she's obviously starstruck because she met someone so awesome.
It's not the best perk but it is far from a bad perk, it's quite handy at times actually.
I agree it is quite problematic trying to rank up as a killer.
This map has never annoyed me in any way. Why do you dislike this map?
Simple changes such as this are often the best way to improve something.
sir yes sir!!!
I owned a cat once... haven't owned anything since... I'll try to watch cat vids though.
I'll check it out. But for now I'm gonna go listen to music and contemplate my existence, it was nice to meet you, bye!
ok I'll give you that one
Yeah, I fully agree... actually quick question... you think you can name a horror movie that can't be summed up in 5 minutes?
@ciara1999 lol I always thought that was funny how he "died"
I used to watch old horror movies to see how bad the FX were, this one made me laugh so hard...
I just love that sensation where you know something's gonna happen but not when it's gonna happen, if that makes sense.
I love anything scary and/or gory... is that weird?
Not good at dancing but I can cause a lot of drama lol, I also learned that if You reverse the quantum polarity of steel and rework the atomic composition you can make it into a bunch of other stuff.
I read a college level science textbook in 3rd grade...
Same, I haven't played any of the L4D though. Dbd was the first time I ever played a game... I am a man of science...
I've heard rumors about it, but nothing solid
I saw that game but I haven't played it yet
😂 Lol
I would help if I wasn't a broke ass b****
It's good, I think you would enjoy it
Ok, I'll write that down I like that idea
The concept interested me because they've never done an animal killer
Hmm, I was thinking legion or oni
I like it
I will admit that until dawn was really good
My only issue is the way he looks, like growing up I always knew a wendigo looked like this and not that
Yeah, it was a bit weird but my biggest problem was that we were just talking about a lighthearted conversation that had absolutely nothing wrong with it and they took it down.
No none of it was your fault
Sorry if I came off as rude at any point, I just have a tendency to blow up easily...
Ok you are right but still, I want to have conversations with all you guys without being babysat by mods.
95% of the people who buy the game are adults. They don't give a ######### about swearing or insults. My point here is let us have OUR conversations without making us feel like children being babysat by mods...
Exactly my point! Ok I have to stop because if I don't I'll end up blowing up on someone.
I can understand if someone tried posting something NSFW. But god damn it was just a lighthearted chat. It wasn't getting out of hand at any point.
I think it's bullshit that they made a game rated M but the forum is taken down as if it is rated E. little kids shouldn't be on here anyways so who really gives a #########? If they're that worried about it then they should a child lock on it. Sorry just had a "small" rant.
I only played village because my guy jacksepticeye played it.
Village was fun but I prefer biohazard because in terms of how scary they were biohazard was much more terrifying.
7 is biohazard right?
Oh, one more thing... if you guys have any custom characters feel free to post them here.
We could get some pretty cool custom killers, survivors, or skins for characters.