The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I use crows pretty often to tell if a dweeb has passed through recently, but the audio queue is lackluster, so they only matter if you can see them leave or return. I would personally appreciate it if they could FOLLOW and make noise for a short duration if disturbed, and the perk for crows made that effect last…
  • When can we expect to see the hex totem rework we were promised during the hag "buff"? I have pinned several steam discussions from someone claiming to be a dev working on it saying it was coming, but I have yet to see any word on it since the last year
  • no, it's not based on terror radius so non of those perks would affect it
  • I don't know why people claim the clown is weak. Yeah, he's a M1 killer, but his tool precludes half the longer loops in the game, and turns the rest into only one loop.
  • Too be honest, I would prefer what you said, I want a perk that rewards killers that don't camp and can build momentum. The only problem is that if there are two people on a team that suck, it can completely wreck the other two. I know that past rank 10 killers have it super rough, and yeah it wouldn't be overpowered…
  • I wish That LF had unlimited channel time. Like you start moving slowly, and gradually return to normal killer speed (plus add on).
  • It takes a little too long to activate her power, making it rough to use it during a mid length chase. I wish that aura and tracking perks were universally effective for her. I see no reason why NC shouldn't work while invis especially when she already has a proximity sound cue while invis.
  • Blade, the blackula hunter
  • I agree, SC is way to strong. If it had at least SOME meaning full downside, it would be fine. The extended healing time is, for the team as a whole, a net wash as far as actual time wasted is concerned. Instead of two people spending X time to heal, it's one person spending 2X time to heal. It is LITERALLY not costing the…
  • I don't think sloppy butcher does what you think it does......
  • I bet it's just a hollow promise to mollify killers. Like any number of promised fixes that never really seem to come.
  • Yeah, I agree, the whole hex system needs a revamp, a fix that was promised with the "hag cube" months ago. Even if the only change is you get to place the hex yourself, I think that's a perfectly adequate stop gap for now.
  • The OP's concern is that if the first person you find is any good at looping, they can waste several pallets and a whole minute or two in the process. Since it takes only a minute and twenty seconds to fix a gen, that leaves a possible three gens done on first hook, and it is BRUTAL trying to catch up to that kind of…
  • What about Freddy gets stronger for each person in the dream? I know Freddy is supposed to be a dream demon who will literally die if no one remembers him. What if Freddy starts the match invis as he is, and for each person in the dream he gains a small bonus like faster movement, or faster action speed, etc. After one…
  • I don't know, from a fluff perspective rubbing a broken part for long enough won't make it suddenly work. From a game play view I can understand why it would be pretty rough to have some noob with the part you need running around refusing to install it on the gen that's ten seconds from being done. Maybe only some parts…
  • I think everyone knows that nurse is by far the best at straight domination, being able to ignore half the mechanics in the game. Billy is second with a consistent one hit down, and lots of map presence. Detestably, the only map presence in the game. And in third is huntress, being a quasi nurse, just slightly easier and…
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