Thanks for your input folks. I see some valid feedback here but I still think there needs to be some sort of limitation in using "Selfheal" Either give it charges like mentioned above, maybe even 1/2/3 or make it so you need to fully heal in one try (normal healing speed) otherwise the progess resets. People say "Selfheal"…
Maybe one day, if we get another Yamaoka-chapter, you can play with Rin's dad as survivor. It probably will not get worse than that. 😅
The nurse isn't overpowered and a good survivor can counter her. Obviously you are not able to adapt your playstyle to a killer who can't be looped for days. So the problem is not the nurse, you are the problem. There is no need to adjust the nurse in any way.
If I remember right the devs said that they are looking in ways to add objectives. I guess a first step are the additional objectives we got on the "hallowed blight" and will get the the new "moonrise" event. Also most people forget that survivors kinda have a second obejctive allready ... the totems. So many people…
The nurse isn't easy to play or learn BUT she is certainly the strongest killer in the game since her release, if you manage to master her power. If a player really know how to play with her, no team, not even SWF, can do anything against her. And since "The Game" is a kinda small map, you can blink fast as hell to nearly…
So sehr ich den Battle Pass in Fortnite als Musterbeispiel für gutes Belohnungsdesign ansehe, aber in Dead by Daylight möchte ich etwas dergleichen nicht sehen. Grund dafür: Am Ende ist Fortnite ein Free2Play Game, Dead by Daylight aber nicht. Es genügt völlig, dass einige Cosmetics bereits nur durch Auric Cells erworben…
Hi Nalvaron, man möge mich korrigieren, wenn ich falsch liege, aber soweit ich weiß haben alle Killer die exakt selbe Hitbox wenn es darum geht einen Survivor zu schlagen. Der entscheidende Unterschied ist, dass manche bspw. Legion nur mit einem Taschenmesser zuschlagen, Billy aber mit einem langen Hammer. Aufgrund der…
Sorry but I highly doubt that this is true. Either way you had a VERY BAD day or the numbers are simply not correct. In a german facebook group one of the members had monitored her games for multiple weeks, so she monitored multiple hundred games over the time with the killer choosen, if the killer would camp, tunnel,…
There is simply no PTB and probably will never be one.
If a killer really want you to die on a hook, there is no way of escape, no matter if Leatherface or any other killer. The danger on Leatherface is only slighly higher because of his aoe-chainsaw. You can be sure I have played enough survivor (1650 hours total - 90% survivor) and I know that a lot of people have problems…
Honestly I don't get your complaint here. There is simply no bigger compliment from a killer as facecamping you after you got him distracted the whole game. If that happens to me as a survivor (and sometimes it does) then I'm absolutly fine with that and even satisfied. My team can leave the area and I've done my job in…
Lootboxes? Just NO! Seriously, why are people asking for that scum in a game? It is enough the way it is at the moment. Surely some adjustments on the prices, earnings and saisonal rewards would be nice but for gods sake NO LOOLBOXES!!
I like that! :)
Nah don't worry, that's fine. I could also have made it more clear. :chuffed:
It seems you don't got the point of this post. I don't want to rework the Nurse, for gods sake NO, I want her to be same as she is ... my point was only about giving the Nurse some fun addons she can actually use to change her playstyle a little bit if she wants to. Every killer has such addons. As I allready said, Myers…
I also want to see some new variations for some of the "newer" map-realms like "red forest" or "ormond resort" or even the "swamp" maps. I really hope that they will release some in the near future alongside the new maps for new chapters. I didn't liked it that they had choosen to make a new "asylum" map for the clown…
Nope, you are the very first person ever in the whole DbD community who experienced something like that. No seriously, what kind of answer do you expect now? Of course there are multiple people out there, who use things like that for who knows what reason. I think we only can look forward to the dedicated servers. The…
None ... not on survivors nor killers. Why? Well, because it probably would lead to imbalance of the game. And when you add "build in perks" to both sides, what is even the point then? Just leave it to "normal perks" you can choose and everybody can use whatever he/she want to play with.
I don't get the point with the teachable perks to be honest. You can inform yourself about the survivors and their teachable perks. So if you think you NEED a certain perk to play the game successfully you can choose that survivor, since they have their unique perks right at the start. Other than that I agree that the…
The killer here really should have not been so toxic towards the threadcreator BUT why do you shame and blame the killer for being bad in the first place? I mean, nobody is perfect, everybody has bad rounds. To tell somebody how bad he/she was is a bad behaviour and causes further toxicity in the first place. So you should…
Why would anybody say that the game doesn't feel fresh? I mean, the devs are releasing a new killer, survivor, perks and map every three month and an additional balance patch in the middle of each "expansion". On top of that there are different ingame events like chinese new year, summer and winter events, halloween, etc.…
Nea was always an attractive woman ... only because she isn't the usual "girly-hihi-boobs-ass"-type doesn't mean she isn't attractive. ;)
Laurie ... because she looks like a granny and not like a young girl. :p
* sry, somehow my answer was posted twice -
I guess you are right on this but nonetheless this is something that needs to be adjusted or at least try to find solutions for this. Wow, that looks creepy as hell. :dizzy: