The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • This is not a great idea. Having Bamboozle as a base ability would present so many problems it would not even be funny. The perk would need a rework for starters. This would kill looping at T and L walls and force some loops to end early that should not when not running this perk. The fact is, this would save the killer…
  • This is a terrible idea outright. The devs should not punish people who wanna play with friends. Period. Also I don't think you understand the inherent problem of why SWF is so strong, and extra perks slot won't fox that.
  • Man.... that's a butt ton of stuff. I really like the bloodpoint changes for survivors. I also like the consistent changes to the chests and I think it will spice games up a bit. Perhaps the totem searchable times are a bit much, but I don't think the document was going to be perfect. The totem idea is extremely nice…
  • The perk is already really niche and does not give much information. Definitely does not need a nerf.
  • I do not think this is necessary. I think against optimal survivors, almost every killer will lose, but not every survivor group has 4 optimal survivors. On top of this, there are numerous ways to slow the game down with perks, add-ons, slugging to stop a gen, juggling, and even some killer abilities like pig trap.
  • I feel like the majority of add-ons, items, etc, need different keywords and clarifications. Just tell us if it stacks or does not, remove stupid words like slightly and just change them to percentages or actual numbers. The lack of information is insane.
  • No they should not. The entire mindgame idea behind her, is the question "Is she standing still or not?". This would remove a big aspect of this idea.
  • Ok, there is a reason SWF is extremely strong in this game. The information, simply passed between two survivors, even just about perks, is huge. When doing this, survivors can play optimally to allow for all survivors to get max value out of their perks, which is not ok. It is an unintended cosequence when it comes to…
  • No. I understand Adrenaline is strong, however, it is not needing a rework. Think about, in all reality, how conditional the perk requires. The perk literally requires for survivors to complete all objectives. This means it is 1 time use, and only in 30-40% of situations. On top of this, it gives exhaustion. (Full…
  • The majority of Freddy's add-ons are already pretty good. The status effects are almost universal on all killers' add-ons. It is fine to leave them. Not everyone needs a form of exhaustion hatchets. Think about what you are saying with these add-ons. The Snares, when played right, are not great, but are alright. This…
  • A) Tombstone does not need a buff. I understand that at high ranks, tombstone is generally pretty bad. However, at low ranks it is much easier to use and get value out of. These players do not deserve to be alienated. B) The achievement will come to you. You just need the right game and the right set of circumstances, but…